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PTAP: City Focus: Dhaid, UAE

Dhaid is an oasis town in the UAE.  It is what a typical city might look like in the United Arab Emirates if oil wealth had not radically changed the country.  This city does not boast any massive skyscrapers like its neighbors Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but is a desert city with some agriculture and many date palms.
Throughout history, the nomadic Bedouin tribes would pass through Dhaid because there was fresh drinking water and beautiful oases. Desert cities like this need life-giving water. Because of city growth and the expansion of agriculture, much of the ground water is drying up.
In the past, this was a political center for certain Bedouin tribes.  The Kitbi tribe is prominent in Dhaid.  This is the tribe of Fatima Mubarak al-Kitbi, the "Mother of the Emirates," the third wife of the founder of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed. 
The city is expanding and more industry is being developed here.  However, some of the locals are still Bedouin in their thinking and like to be in the desert with their camels.  

Prayer Points:
  1. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest, Jesus Christ, will send workers into Dhaid and the surrounding area to be witnesses for Him.
  2. Jesus Christ is the living water and the bread of life.  Pray that Emiratis in Dhaid will come to Him as the giver of living water and eternal life and be satisfied in Him alone. 
  3. Pray that the Kitbi tribe would come to know the Lord Jesus and use its influence to lead others into His Kingdom.  Pray that they would be known as an Emirati tribe that follows Jesus Christ! 
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PTAP: Night of Power; Qatar

Today (June 22, 2017) is the 27th day of Ramadan and is known as the Night of Power or Destiny.  It is one of the holiest days in the Islamic calendar.  Muslims believe that the Qu'ran was first revealed to Mohammad during this last week of Ramadan which established Mohammad as the Messenger of Allah.  Nobody knows the exact day but the 27th day is generally accepted.
The Night of Power is found both in the Qu'ran and the Hadith.  It is reported in the Hadith that Mohammad said: "Whoever stays up (in prayer and remembrance of Allah) on the Night of Power, fully believing (in Allah's promise of reward) and hoping to seek reward, he shall be forgiven for his past sins." (from hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim)
Therefore, on this night, millions of Muslims around the world will be praying in mosques all night long for Allah's special favor. They pray extra prayers. They recite more of the Qu'ran. They make special requests. They believe that the heavens are open and Allah's blessings are abundant.  
Prayer: O Lord of all power and might, on this night of power, would you reveal yourself in dreams and visions to the millions who will be praying and seeking Allah. They want to experience your power, but are looking in the wrong places.  As you have for so many Muslims, give them dreams and visions of Jesus.  Rend the heavens and come down with power by your Holy Spirit and your Word!  And then lead them to the Bible and Christian people who can explain the gospel message.  We ask for many conversions on this night!  May they find true forgiveness of sins in Christ alone.  May they find true peace and blessings by being born again.  Show yourself as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and the resurrection power who raised Jesus from the dead (Ephesians 1:20).  Amen. 
Continuing to Pray for Qatar 
The diplomatic rift between Qatar and other Arab countries, led by Saudi Arabia and UAE, has continued. Countries have boycotted Qatar and closed their borders. Despite continuing tensions in the region, Qatar has remained calm and is continuing with business as usual. Food supply is largely unaffected, as Qatar is now importing its products from other countries such as Turkey and Iran. Daily life appears to be unaffected for many, other than for those who had to make alternative travel plans or are unable to see extended family in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Egypt, etc over the upcoming Eid holidays. 

Nonetheless, the biggest change that is apparent in Qatar since the blockade has been a deep sense of betrayal Qataris feel toward the other GCC countries whom they have considered as 'brothers' and a rise in patriotism. Many are also offended that the blockade was imposed over the month of Ramadan, a holy month where Muslims are to be drawing close to Allah and practicing kindness and generosity. It appears that for Qatar, there is no going back. The offense is too great, and they have lost trust in their brothers. The Gulf countries have presented a list of demands to Qatar, but Qatar is taking a strong stance and not backing down. Therefore, it seems that tensions will continue on. 

Please continue to pray for Qatar and its neighbors--for wisdom and humility for the leaders, for the Church to rise up to intercede for these countries, and for God to reign and make Himself known over the Arabian Peninsula  during this time.
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The Strength and Power of Prayer

“God’s purpose may be thwarted or it may be accomplished depending, to one degree or another, on the obedience of His people and their willingness to use the weapons of spiritual warfare that He has provided. God is powerful enough to win any battle, but He has designed things so that the release of His power at a given moment of time often is contingent upon the decisions and the actions of His people. A principle weapon of spiritual warfare is prayer. Not just routine or mediocre prayer, but prayer powerful enough to move God’s hand in order to determine the destiny of a whole nation.” C. Peter Wagner

Do we realize the power we have available to us when we take our authority in prayer? Most of us don’t realize our authority because if we did, we would be praying far more. We would be sacrificing everything else in order to pray. Instead of worrying about the increase in evil in our land, we would be on our faces before God crying out for His intervention. Unfortunately in many churches prayer is the weakest link. It should be the strongest one because it is the key to God’s blessing in the spirit realm.

America is a nation in crisis. Division, strife, and violence are increasing at an alarming rate. We must encourage the body of Christ everywhere to pray for the future of this nation and for this upcoming election. Several Christian leaders have indicated that this is a one-issue election" - the supreme court judges. The most serious threat over America is the 55 million abortions (since Roe vs. Wade in 1973). More abortions will lead to a greater judgment. There is more at stake in this election than most of us realize. We are battling for the soul of this nation.

How should a nation in crisis respond at a time like this? We need to gather in prayer with fasting to cry out for mercy, deliverance, and revival. God wants our hearts. We must take action and fervently pray for this election and vote for Godly values. It is our God-given responsibility to vote. See the values of each candidate here. Join us at the International House of Prayer for a Solemn Assembly for America from October 31 - Nov. 2, 2016. See Joel 2:12-17. I ask those in other nations to join us in prayer for America at this critical hour.

We work together with God when we exercise our authority in prayer. Authoritative intercession and heartfelt repentance is key to breakthrough in America. By exercising our authority in prayer and standing strong in God’s truth, we are working together with Him to determine the future of our nation. We have authority in prayer to actually see our personal lives and the lives of others change. We can pray authoritative prayers for our neighborhoods and cities. Certain things in history will happen through our intercession if we pray the way God wants us to pray. We can change nations through prayer if we choose to use this mighty weapon.

Prayer is like being at a tasty buffet banquet. Imagine being at a dinner buffet where there are many tables loaded with different foods. The foods are the best. They are mouth-watering and absolutely delicious. Guests help themselves to the different kinds of food, as they desire. The host walks around among his friends to see if everyone has enough to eat, while the servers keep loading the table with fresh food. You can take as many trips as you like to the tables as long as you have enough to eat. The host doesn’t care as long as you are full.

In a similar way, God has provided everything for us if we pray. We can have all we need. Most of us have not realized the power there is in prayer. We are not asking. All we have to do is reach out by faith and ask Him to touch our lives, our cities, and our nations. When we tap into his resources by faith and pray, miracles happen. When we exercise our authority in prayer, God answers in a powerful way. There is a strength and power in prayer that the Church has not yet known or realized.

My husband is a very practical man. He can fix almost anything. In our garage he has all kinds of tools. Once he decided to remodel our bathroom and tile the floor. To do an excellent job, he needed a good tile cutter. Whenever he fixes something in our home, he needs the right tools. Lately he has been working on our car. He needed a jack to lift the car up in order to work underneath. He couldn’t fix a problem underneath the car without that tool. It would be impossible.

The body of Christ also has a task. We want to change the world for Christ. It’s a huge task for all of us, but we do it one life at a time. Some are reaching people in their workplace or in another country. Some are reaching people in the hospitals or in the schools. We are all in this together. We want to see people’s lives changed all over the world before Jesus’ return to earth but the task is huge, and we need the right tools to do it. The most essential tool is prayer. Only through prayer can we get the job done. There is strength and power in prayer that can change the world.

When we pray with authority, things happen in the spirit realm. God remembers every prayer we pray, and every one of them prayed through the power of the Holy Spirit has effect on earth. Not one prayer is forgotten. When I was in a particular city in the country of Turkey, I remembered a prayer I had prayed in that very same city several years before. It was as if at that moment God showed me that He had remembered my prayers from several years before, and that it was extremely important and would have a powerful effect in that city one day. My prayer influenced God. When we realize the authority we have in prayer, mighty things will happen all over the earth that brings victory to the powerful name of Jesus. Well-known prayer author and intercessor, E. M. Bounds, wrote about the power of prayer:

“Prayer is power and strength, a power and strength that influences God, and is most salutary, widespread, and marvelous in its gracious benefits to man. Prayer influences God. The ability of God to do for man is the measure of the possibility of prayer.”

The prayers you pray influence God. He remembers every single one of them. You may be thinking, “You don’t know me - My prayers seem so feeble and weak - God doesn’t seem to answer me.” Do not ever think that God hasn’t heard you or that your prayers do not matter. The enemy is trying very hard to discourage people in prayer in these days because he is afraid of prayer. He knows it’s strength and potential, and he is trying to keep this hidden from the Church.

Prayer takes time. We have to learn to wait and believe. One day you will see that your prayers have had a mighty effect in the spiritual realm. Do not give up or ever think it is not important to pray today. If ever there was a need for intercession for America, it is now.  We are in a key (kairos) time in all of history. The Greek word “kairos” in the New Testament means the appointed or opportune time that God has set for something to occur. During a kairos time, we must respond in prayer and press through in intercession in order to see God’s plan fulfilled. We are in a time of urgency, and we must seize it in prayer. This is the appointed season for change and for intercession to increase.

We must not fear the future or believe the lies of the enemy, but we must stand strong in authoritative prayer. 

Fear weakens us and gives us an unsound mind. Instead, we must know our authority in prayer to see mighty changes on earth, in our own personal lives, and in our nation. We can pray God’s future plan into being through our intercession. If we pray strategic, authoritative, and prophetic prayers then we will be praying the future into being. Authority is the key to strength and power. We have awesome responsibility.

We need God’s revelation of our spiritual authority. We rarely grasp the full potential of the strength and power of prayer that is available to us. We often go about our daily activities and forget that we are united with Christ. We are connected with Him as our head, and we are His Church designed to express the fullness of His power on earth. Carefully meditate on the Apostle Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:18-23 to get the full picture. God has incomparably great power, Christ is seated at God’s right hand, Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, and we are called to enforce Jesus authority on earth through prayer.

I remember when I was on my way to a prayer meeting in a nearby church on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I was not very familiar with that church even though it was not far from my house. Therefore I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. Having thought I passed it, I turned around and drove into the parking lot of a building. Going up to the door and finding it was locked, I knocked and asked a gentleman if this was the church. The man turned to me and said with a tiny laugh, “No, this is the fire department.” I realized suddenly what an incredible mistake I had made. I was at the fire department!

God spoke to my heart through that experience. We are in an emergency situation. The house is on fire! Cities are on fire! There is an emergency in the nations. Right now we are in a  battle for America. The harvest is ripe, and Satan knows that his time is short. He is doing everything he can to steal, kill and destroy. We must pray - We must encourage everyone around us to pray - We must shake awake those who are asleep - We must become radical and passionate in prayer. The cities and nation are on fire! Prayer is the answer. When we pray, we are empowered to reach the lost. Then we take action with the power of God. God rules through His body, the praying Church!

The hope for the nations is an anointed prayer movement. It is God’s people knowing the strength and the power of prayer and enforcing God’s will on earth through it. God has given us breakthrough authority to change nations. Authority is delegated power similar to a police officer when he enforces the law. Through our prayers we can change the atmosphere over cities. Through our prayers we can bring into subjection demonic powers and principalities, and disciple the nations. Through our prayers God releases deliverance and transforms society. God is calling us to use our authority in prayer to bind the enemy’s work and to loose His Kingdom on earth. Let’s learn to take hold of the strength and power of prayer and pray down God’s blessings on our nation.

“Of what infinite importance is the place the intercessor holds in the Kingdom of God! Is it not indeed a matter of wonder that God should give men such power? Yet there are so few who know what it is to take hold of His strength and pray down His blessing on the world.”  E. M. Bounds

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer (IHOPKC)

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PTAP: Lord, Open their Eyes.

A very sweet and intelligent mother of three young children has received a copy of the Word with eagerness to explore what it says. Pray that she will read with hunger and understanding and her eyes will be opened to the truth. 

Pray that the veil over the eyes of locals would be removed and that they would see the truth for what it is. Many miraculous healings are happening among the locals, but it goes nowhere because they are blinded to the truth behind the miracle! Pray that these miracles will lead to salvation in Jesus!

Pray for Sammy, a woman who received pray for her back and was healed. Pray for an open door of friendship with the one who prayed for her and that she will hear and receive the truth.

Amy heard the Good News but was rather uncomfortable with it, even after she received healing from the Lord. Ask that the barriers in her heart will come down, that she will be given great understanding and will surrender to the Lord with joy.

When Sarah shared her deep loneliness with her believing neighbors, they prayed for her. She told them she felt much lighter and peaceful, acknowledging that it was a result of their prayers. Ask for an open door to share the good news with her, that her heart will continue to soften and that she will accept it.

There are many foreign, believing workers in the AP (Pakistanis, Filipinos, Indians, etc.) Pray that their love and testimony of Jesus will impact the hearts of the locals. Many of them are servants in the homes of locals and could have a major impact on entire families. Ask that they will be strengthened to stand firm in their own commitment and be given open doors to share.

Pray that more people will have dreams and visions of Jesus. Many turn to him after experiencing such an encounter with Him, so ask for more of it! And pray that those people who have had dreams/visions will seek out people of faith in Jesus to give them more information.
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PTAP: City Focus - Rustaq, Oman

Rustaq is an important regional center in Oman that is located in the South Al Batinah region of the country.  It has a population of 120,000.  It became one of Oman's capitals when Imam Nasser bin Murshid Al Ya'rubi started his efforts to unify the country by repelling the Portuguese in the 17th century.  The city later developed into a major center for local commerce, craftsmanship and other trades.  It was home to some of the country's finest metalworkers and silversmiths.  Today, Rustaq still produces metalwork along with textiles and food, notably Omani Halwa (a famous Omani sweet) and honey. Bee-keeping remains a popular, local occupation to this day.
Rustaq is beautifully surrounded by the central Al Hajir mountain range and an abundance of date palm groves and wadis (valleys).  Some of Oman's most beautiful wadis such as Wadi Sahtan are here.  Rustaq also has natural, hot springs, the most notable being Ain al Kasafa. Its waters runs at 45 °C and are regarded as a cure for rheumatism and skin diseases.
The majority of the population is Omani who still maintain traditional lifestyles in spite of Oman's rapid development as a country.  They are proud of their heritage and hope to keep it alive for generations to come. 
Prayer Points:
1.  Rustaq is one of the least engaged cities in Oman.  Please pray that the Lord would send laborers into the harvest fields of Rustaq, to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified with all of God's power (1 Corinthians 2:2-4).  And pray for the few Indian and Filipino believers who already live there.  Pray that they would be powerful witnesses as well. 
2.  Rustaq is known for its natural beauty.  Pray that the Omani people in Rustaq would see the beauty of our Lord, that they would gaze upon His beauty in the radiant face of Jesus Christ, and to seek Him all of the days of their lives (Psalm 27:4, 2 Corinthians 4:6).
3.  Rustaq is also known for their hot springs.  Pray that the Omanis would drink of the living water that only Jesus can provide.  Pray that they would be led to eternal life and thus never thirst again (John 4:14).  Pray that they would find complete satisfaction in Christ alone, and that the springs of water that well up in them would spill over to other Omanis who are also thirsty for new life.
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Laylat al Qadr (Night of Power or the Night of Destiny)
"The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity.  The prophecies they gave you were false and misleading."  - Lamentations 2:14 (NIV)
"For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."  - Colossians 1:13-14 (NIV)
Christians serving among Muslims suggest we keep these verses in mind as we pray regarding this topic:  Lamentations 2:14 and Colossians 1:13-14
Laylat al-Qadr [Night of Power]
"The Night of Power is better than a thousand months" (Surat al-qadr, 3).
Muslims believe that God revealed the first verses of the Qur'an during this night and that it is the holiest night of the year. Many will spend the whole night in prayer and devotion in mosques or at home, reading the Qur'an and hoping that their requests will be granted, specifically asking for forgiveness. A hadith promises, "Whosoever offers voluntary prayers during the Night of Power out of belief and expecting from Allah its reward will have his past sins forgiven" (Bukhari and Muslim).
Pray that Muslims will see their own sinfulness and spiritual disillusionment with the promises of Islam.
Pray Muslims will open themselves to true revelations from God.
Pray for opportunities for Christians to share about the forgiveness through Jesus and for Muslims to hear His voice.
Laylat al-Qadr is also translated as Night of Destiny. Muslims expect that their prayers during this night will change their destiny for the year. Many devotions are aimed at reaching a higher spiritual state, promising an eternal destiny closer to God. Many are experiencing dreams, visions, and other supernatural incidents.
Pray many Muslims will have dreams and visions of Jesus during this night.
Pray that Jesus will reveal His power through signs and miracles.
Pray that Muslims will experience the fullness of God in Jesus.
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Please pray for a woman who is interested in meeting with a Christian worker to learn more about Jesus following a conversation over the Eid holidays about the meaning of sacrifice and Jesus. Please pray that His Spirit will open her eyes to the One True Sacrifice.  Pray, too, for her husband and children. Her husband travels frequently to the West, even though Leila always stays at home. Pray that he will meet other believers as he travels who can share with him as well.
An ADHD student has heard some aspects of the gospel, but has trouble staying focused on a topic. Pray for Christian workers to be able to share the Gospel in effective and easily accessible ways. 
A couple has been sharing the Gospel with an Arab expatriate couple. The husband has come to accept Jesus and is praying that his wife comes to know Christ as well. Please pray for continued witness of the couple and the husband. 
A local Muslim girl was married at age 11. After some years, her husband moved the family to a new neighborhood where she met a another Muslim lady who became her best friend. Since she moved, the young lady has been searching spiritually and have been wanting to meet a Christian but did not know how she would be able to meet one in her semi-rural town. She found out that her best friend in her neighborhood had become friends with a Christian and asked her friend for an introduction. The Christian woman had no knowledge of her intent, but felt led to bring Christian resources and materials with her. The young lady became a believer after talking with the Christian woman and requested more Bibles, audio Bibles, and Arabic worship music to supply to others who are seeking. Please pray for this young lady as she grows in her faith and becomes light to others in her community.  
A Muslim man who decided to trust in Jesus as the Messiah has been struggling both in the flesh and the spirit. Please pray for God to lead him and a others like him to greater freedom and spiritual maturity. May He provide each one with the knowledge and understanding they need so that His people do not "perish for lack of knowledge".
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"Abia" has been reading the Word and now believes that Jesus is indeed the Son of God who died on the cross and rose from the dead. But she is experiencing an inner battle as she tries to reconcile these truths with her lifelong beliefs. Pray that she will be given understanding and clarity so that she will uncompromisingly embrace the One who loves her and can give her eternal life.
A man who is very active in his local mosque is curious about the teachings of Jesus. Pray that as he meets with a believer to ask questions, he will come to know Jesus.
Many in the Arabian Peninsula have a desire to learn or improve their English skills. Pray that this desire will result in relationships with English speaking believers who will point them to Jesus Christ.
God created his people to live in community. There are many believers who have no one to worship with. They have either been rejected by their family and friends or they are too fearful to tell others about the faith they have embraced. Pray that they will find encouragement in reading the Word. Pray that their family and friends will accept the Savior and for a faith community to develop around these lone believers.
Praise God that despite the war in Yemen, the good news continues to spread, as people who have left the country stay in contact with friends they have left behind. Pray for Islamic extremists to be exposed to and changed by the truth of the gospel.
Pray that the few Qataris who call Jesus Lord would share the good news with those to whom God has shown the emptiness of wealth.
Praise God that His Church in Saudi Arabia is growing. Pray that they will be able to meet freely and safely.
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The energetic binding force of prayer

Super Glue

When you think of super glue holding things together, what do you picture?  Possibly you first want to know what we are binding together.  Animal, mineral, vegetable…?  A physicist might tend to think of forces like electromagnetic or even atomic.  Scientific observation and study yielded new progressing thoughts in areas like conservation of energy (including measuring all forms of energy before and after a reaction), electromagnetic interaction studies, the vacuum-inertial speed of light (c) is a constant, kinetic energy is proportional to velocity SQUARED, and finally E=mc2, leading to powerful release of atomic energy.  But today we are diving into spiritual power that is “out of this world.”

Are humans actually capable of taking actions that can result in the release of tremendous spiritual power?  The answer is YES when we become aligned with God’s desires and purposes; this brings glory and recognition to Him, and it humbles and satisfies us.  “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Man’s ability to release God’s power is NOT at all like rubbing a lamp and commanding a genie.  Nor is it like chanting “magical words” or expecting consistently dependable and repeatable results from the application of a formula. 

There is no substitute for humbly submitting our will to the will of God in prayer in dependence and trust in His written promises.  Typically the process of conforming our will to God’s will takes time, commitment to Him, and devotion to prayer.  Psalm 37:4 promises, “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  In the middle of that promise is a spiritual reaction (transformation), a yielding of our spirit to His Spirit, including prayers of praise and thanksgiving where we learn to appreciate Him and His ways more.  Philippians 2:13 states for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”  When prayer aligns our spirit with His Spirit He can safely grant us the desire of our heart, since our heart has become conformed to His heart.

But this kind of prayer priority places it above the attention of men, with no fanfare or recognition, but with tremendous godly benefits, like the secret prayers of George Mueller which tapped into God’s grace of daily provisioning of the needs of 10,000 orphans in Bristol during his lifetime.

Here are a couple of passages on being devoted to the priority of prayer FIRST and foremost.  Romans 12:10-12 (AMP) 10 Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor;11 never lagging behind in diligence; aglow in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord;12 constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ], steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength],  Colossians 4:2  Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.

The early church in Acts practiced such corporate devotion to unifying prayer.  120 were united (powerfully held together) in prayer as they awaited Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit- “with one mind, continually devoting themselves to prayer.”  Acts 1:14  After seeing the fruit of over 3,000 believers added to their numbers in one day, they also continued devoting themselves to prayer.  Acts 2:42  This is the key to doing things God’s way, producing patience to see Him gloriously work as the Head of His body to coordinate our attitudes and actions in accordance with His will at His timing. 

What would our churches and our city be like if we repented and put prayer as the top priority in our personal and corporate lives, transforming each church into “a house of prayer for all nations?” – using the super glue of attitudes and actions of love, and first priority of prayer, depending on, and trusting in, God and His promises and provisions. Jesus prayed in John 17 for us to be known in this world by His badge of love, and united (One in Him- powerfully and corporately) as His effective body. “In Him, all things consist” (hold together). Col 1:17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.] We know that He reveals and manifests Himself through His Word and through praying together.  Better times are ahead!

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PTAP: Fasting

Yesterday, I did a water only fast most of the day, as planned. The Lord opened up numerous opportunities to serve others and share the good news of Jesus and that Jesus is the way. At the end of the day, I had the opportunity to share a teaching with a friend via phone about what fasting is all about. (2 Chronicles 7:14).


This morning as I left the house, I observed that it had rained after a season of drought. Lesson: God still answers prayer and is still a miracle working God, like He always has been. He is waiting for us to pray.


Please consider praying for the reign of God and agricultural abundance for the sake of the poor in the Arabian Peninsula as people turn to the Lord Jesus.

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In Battle with Black Magic

Black magic is a reality on the Arabian Peninsula.  Although orthodox Islam forbids magic of any kind, local women still resort to it in order to gain power and influence in societies where they have little power.  Those who practice magic seek different things such as getting pregnant, harming a woman whom she is jealous of, and seeking favor for their children.  Currently, in one city which is in the heartland of black magic in this Arabian Peninsula country, there is a local woman who has been casting curses on believers.  She goes to witchdoctors and has used amulets to cast these curses most likely due to the witchdoctor's advice.  In short, she has caused work-related and relational chaos for these believers.  Most recently, she has been inviting these believers to several different parties to "celebrate" them.  However, they suspect that she is doing something evil to the food and wanting them to eat it.  Some of them got sick from her food before and it seems like she is using food as an "innocent" weapon against them.

Pray that these believers would stand firm, taking up the shield of faith with which they can extinguish the flaming darts of the evil one (Eph 6:16).  Pray that the Son of God would come and destroy the works of the devil in this woman as He promised (1 John 3:8).  Pray for the believers, that no harm would come to them and that they would be a strong witness for Jesus Christ.  Pray that God would have mercy on her soul, deliver her from all evil, and give her true faith in Jesus Christ alone.  May the truth of Christ set her free! (John 8:32)

This week one of our friends was approached with a request for a Bible. As this book is forbidden in the country but readily available for download, the person was guided on how to get a Bible App. She read large portions of the NT that very night and had all kinds of questions! She was able to discuss in her heart language with a second friend who spoke better Arabic.  "Whatsapp" turns out to be a great resource for guiding her through her questions in the context of relationship.  Please stand with us in prayer that this woman will recognize the authority of the Bible and respond to His call of love to follow Him even if this would mean being persecuted.
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"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor..."  - Isaiah 61:1-2 (NIV)
Pray with the Christians in Saudi Arabia as they strive to be the presence of Jesus in this land. In the midst of war to the north and south of Saudi Arabia, with growing economic pressure and rumors of political instability in the royal family, the Saudi people are facing an uncertain future.   Pray God directs the royal family and governing officials to make wise decisions in line with God's will for the country. 
As the region experiences instability, may this be a time for the people of Saudi to start questioning their foundation and beliefs. Pray the Lord puts new questions into their hearts, to seek Jesus. 
Pray for emerging Saudi believers, that they may be encouraged and strengthened in the Lord. Pray against the fear and distrust that keeps many of them isolated. Pray for believers to have the courage to meet together.  Pray for whole households, families and friendship groups to come to the Lord, so that local fellowships will be formed. Praise the Lord; He will build His church. 
Pray for revival amongst the many expat Christians working here, and a heart of love towards the Saudi people that moves them to pray and reach out as the Lord directs.  The severity of the economic situation resulting from low oil prices is beginning to effect companies causing them to slash budgets, reduce manpower and slow or stop new hiring. Pray for God to protect the jobs of intentional Christian workers.
Source: Christians in Saudi Arabia
Bless King Salman of Saudi Arabia, who is called the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques (in Mecca and Medina), with wisdom to rule his nation and to know how to move forward in international relations. Turn the blessing of oil into a blessing to the whole world and for Your glory. 
Bless Saudis who connect through social media with Christian programs and websites; teach them about You.
Father, bless them with the ability to commit all their ways to You and establish Your plans among them. (Prayer based on Proverbs 16:3, the Holy Bible)
Source: WIN International Network
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Your passionate, powerful, privilege

Your passionate, powerful, privilege

You are not letting your passionate, powerful, privilege go to waste are you? Please stay tuned for a minute and I will explain this question. In this brief space we will review Jesus’ passion and power in prayer. It should whet your appetite for private and public prayer participation which will in turn have a similar effect on your friends.

Jesus’ private prayer practices and his answers caused his disciples to ask their great teacher for a lesson in prayer. His pattern covered the basics so thoroughly that many millions have memorized his prayer pattern. Fewer have studied and benefited from his personal prayer in John 17, asking the Father to unite us by his Spirit as an insider, and for us to publicly wear his badge of love which identifies us as his disciples. His prayer prepared obedient disciples for Pentecost and subsequent revival and evangelism.

Jesus’ unmistakable passion for his Father’s house of prayer for all nations fuels my own passion for prayer. He did not hesitate to cleanse the house of prayer from abuses, so that it could be redeemed for kingdom uses.  How many churches do you know in McKinney that open their doors daily to host regular corporate prayer, demonstrating prayer is their foundational, first priority? I am aware of one. There is a lot of room in McKinney for regular, creative, praise and thanksgiving-based prayer venues.

Personal, public, and persistent prayers of God’s people are desperately needed in our community and world today. Your prayers will be much more enjoyable and effective when they are praise- based, Bible- fed, and Spirit- led.  Since the Word of God IS the Sword of the Spirit, lets’ read, meditate, and pray some of God’s prayers, patterns, and principles recorded in His Word!  These, including giving Him thanks, are sure fire ways of praying in His will. 

All types of prayer are beneficial as illustrated in the famous ACTS acronym: Adoration; Confession; Thanksgiving; Supplication.  We have the privilege to join the 2 greatest intercessors of the Godhead; Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  “Who will say they are not right? Jesus Christ died. Yes, he was raised from death. He is at the right side of God. And he talks (intercedes) to God for us.”  Romans 8:34 “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Heb. 7:25  “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”  Rom. 8:26

As we close our thoughts together, let’s review some attitudes of prayer that attract the Holy Spirit.  These include: humility, servanthood, brokenness, honesty, holiness, desperation, hunger and thirst for God, and vulnerability.  As you allow God to work such qualities in and through your life, perhaps you will rise to seek or start a prayer venue as a leader or follower to serve, inspire, and equip other body members in experiencing the vulnerability James instructs:   “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.”   James 5:16

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PTAP: The Lord is my Inheritance

There is a whole category of people who are called to Christ and have a passion for the nations & for the weak & marginal and have sought to go with a variety of service groups and who are repeatedly told no, don't go, be quiet, just settle down young man.

The reality is that if I were to go to my field of focus, I would probably die in short order because I would of my zeal or I would be disregarded as a lunatic because I would lose all my sleep because the medicines that help me relax & sleep sometimes would be unavailable.

Instead I pray.

I dare say that often my prayer lacks impact that I am aware of. I tend to pick certain countries & prayer goals and remember them as reminded, so I make lists.

Is this unfocussed? No, usually the only times I have observed the impact are when I stop praying and problems happen.

In retrospect, I have however seen the Lord start movements in various peoples that I prayed for and the timing was impossibly too neat to correlate due to chance. God uses our prayers for movements. Over and over, I find that God works far more in my absence than in my presence. He is a big God, and he wants us to pray big, foundation-laying prayers.

If the leaves of the tree in the Revelation of Jesus given to John are for the healing of the nations, then we must plead for that salve to be applied for the salvation of the souls of societies.

Praying requires a whole different category of action, it elevates us to the heavenlies, for we read the divine counsel in the Word and render judgements according to Psalm 2:8: the Son will have the inheritance that is His! HE shall possess the earth. HE is waiting for us to ask. He knows exactly what He plans to do and He is always on the right side of history.

Politicians will fail us.
Disasters are unpredictable.
The devil is dangerous.
The nations are too large for us to reach them in our own power.

But every time we kneel in prayer and cry out for help, God hears and acts. Every time we stand on His promises, the Lord proves His faithfulness. Every time we sit in His presence and ask for the nations, the Lord God sends forth His angel armies to intervene. Every time we fall flat on our faces and humble ourselves before the King of the Universe, the Lord God Almighty rejoices over us with singing and stands in the gaps that we cannot fill.

We cannot fill the gaps for we are sinners,
I am the worst
But He is perfect
We fail. He is faultless.
The Lord will succeed in every intervention He begins.

Our actions, our giving, our prayers, our sacrifices all must flow from our lives guided by the Word of God for them to be effective.
This is why years in prayer are often needed to accomplish what may take a season of actual service.
Then, when the doors close behind us after our work is finished, then the Lord Spirit goes to work most earnestly, with greater freedom than we could ever have.
This is the story of China.
This is the story of Iran.
This is the story of all who are bathed in prayer,
This is the story of all who are bathed in the Spirit.

This is why statistics lie about the future.
Statistics are based on what man sees.
Faith is about what God has promised.
Hope is the certainty that God will keep His promises to the end.
Love is behaving according to this confidence that God is love.

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if our entire nation joined together in prayer for America, just like the Israelites convened at the sound of the trumpet to pray? Now, more than ever, our government needs prayer. Our families need us to pray. And we need God to heal our land. Thankfully, thousands of Americans are planning to pray together this week, and you can be a part of this historic event.

Thursday, May 5, 2016, is the National Day of Prayer, a day set aside for prayer by Presidential order since 1988. Here's a list of 10 things you can do to strengthen your prayer life on this national day of prayer:​

Click to keep reading

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PTAP: Fragrance of Christ

Sadly, two local believers from a Muslim back ground went to court against one another in our country over a money issue.  It should not have been. Now that the issue is decided, please pray that their hearts will be softened, and humility and forgiveness will be born again between them.
A second cyclone hit the Island of Socotra a few weeks ago, causing even more destruction and death. Pray for the people as they rebuild their homes and their lives. Pray that food and supplies will be flown into the island to help them. Pray that tragedy will stop.
"Even in the midst of fear, God gave me peace," said a Believer from a war torn country. Praise God that He continues to help those who love Him, even when the world around them is crumbling. Pray that many more will come to know Him
Why do some non-believers wish to keep hanging around believers?  Is there something of the Spirit of God that woos them?  Please pray for Abdulmohsen, who has heard much of the gospel, and expressed fear of being identified with  believers, yet still calls on those who would speak of Christ to him.
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As we continue our focus this month on the Persecuted Church, this week's spotlight falls on one of the leading advocacy and outreach agencies for the Persecuted, Voice of the Martyrs.  VOM was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ. His story is told in "Tortured for Christ", a featured book on the VOM website.


VOM's five purposes, taken from their website, are:

  1. To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. To provide practical relief and spiritual support to the families of Christian martyrs.
  3. To equip persecuted Christians to love and win to Christ those who are opposed to the gospel in their part of the world.
  4. To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries where they have formerly suffered oppression.
  5. To promote the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of the faith and courage of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring believers to a deeper level of commitment to Christ and involvement in His Great Commission.


On the VOM website, you'll find prayer resources, lists of conferences and events, and many ways to support the Persecuted, including through letter writing and "action packs" to ship overseas.  The prayer page includes both specific requests and a Prayer App available in iOS or Android.  Besides the daily prayer requests in the Prayer App, they also provide an opportunity to sign up for a weekly e-mail of prayer requests.


The site is rounded out by a store with many different resources to both show support for the Persecuted Church and further our knowledge of the "veterans of the faith".


PrayNetwork.org Spotlight by Andrew Wheeler.

See Andrew's website at www.togetherinprayer.net

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House of Prayer.

A House of Prayer - DWELL has been set up to service the St George and Sutherland Shire areas in NSW, Australia. Check out the website www.dwell.org.au. It is early days but if you live in either of these areas and want prayer support contact Dwell or myself ron@bakb.com.au. I have two other websites www.livingeternal.net which largely defends the authority of scripture and the other for business people www.buildakingdombusiness.com.

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For some of us, formalized or ritual prayer seems forced - from the lips but not from the heart.  But that doesn't have to be the case.  Through the centuries, and even in the Old Testament, believers have found a special connection with God through predetermined prayers and times of prayer. This tradition goes back at least as far as the morning and evening sacrifices in the OT.


While connecting with God through extemporaneous prayer is a foundation of our relationship with God, ritual prayer can also deepen and enrich our walks with him.  Having set prayer times throughout the day can refresh us in God's presence when so much around us drags us away from him. And having written prayers to pray - if they're well-written - can offer us a way to commune with God without having to focus on our own words.  Ritual prayer can lift our eyes beyond ourselves and our needs to focus us more on God's presence.


Enter the Common Book of Prayer.  Used for centuries as a way to connect with God throughout the day, this resource both comforts and guides Christians in their communication with God.  Also known as the Daily Office or Praying the Hours, the Common Book of Prayer offers both Scriptures and pre-written prayers for various times during the day.


The Mission of St. Clare (www.missionstclare.com) is a website that makes the Common Book of Prayer available online in both print and audio versions, as well as a Spanish print version.  Also available on the website are iPhone and Android apps, as well as downloads in various e-book formats.


When you visit the website, you'll have the option to view the Morning or Evening prayer for the day or to listen to the audio versions of the Morning, Noon, or Compline prayers.  These audio versions include the scriptures as well as the prayers.  The written versions include hymns in both printed and audio formats.  Other devotionals and lectionaries are also available on the site.


If you enjoy meditation, you may especially benefit from the audio versions of the prayers.  The morning prayer is the longest, covering about 15 minutes; the noon prayer is just a couple of minutes long and the compline prayer averages around 7 minutes.  The scripture readings and prayers lend themselves well to meditation, as you can simply "receive" them and allow them to minister to you as you pray.


Not everyone will relate to this more formalized style of prayer, but if you have never tried it, it's a great way to exercise your "prayer muscle" in a way that you don't normally pray.  You may find your prayer life enriched in ways you wouldn't have guessed.

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Grandparents who believe in the power of prayer can make a great impact on their children, grandchildren

9651021461?profile=original and future generations not only on National Grandparents’ Day but everyday.  

Cavin Harper, Executive Director of Christian Grandparenting Network  (CGN) says. In his book, “Courageous Grandparenting, “Builders and Boomer generations represent the majority of todays grandparents. There are nearly eighty million of us. Yet on our watch we have stood by in silence and allowed the Father of lies to inject his venom 

into our culture, hardening men’s hearts to the truth.”[1]

However, during the last five years, thousands of grand

parents have united on National Grandparents Day to make it a Day of Prayer for their grandchildren and their parents.  On September 13th we have yet another opportunity to link arms in prayer across this nation and around the world. Will you help us in this cause? 

 We need your help

We need grandparents to help us promote this event and who will take the lead to arrange an event-calling grandparents to join in prayer on September 13. This event could be in your church, in your home, in a retirement complex, or any meeting location you choose. 

Its not a complicated process; Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) will provide you with step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools to help you create a successful event that will engage grandparents in prayer in your

church or community. Just invite some grandparents in your home for prayer and a snack on Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.

To learn more about becoming involved, please follow the steps below.

Check out the website for blogs, endorsements, testimonials and promotional materials and free downloads.


Then complete the form to indicate your participation.

Free Resources Available for distribution at your event.

(Download and print)

1. 31 Scriptures to Pray for your Grandchildren. Spanish a

nd English   Downloadable FREE


2. Suggestions to Pray for School children. (Preschool-College)

            Downloadable FREE

3. Suggestions to Pray for College students. 

          Downloadable FREE

4. Suggestions to Pray for the Different Life Stages (Infants through married grandchildren)

          Downloadable FREE

5. Placemat with “31 Scriptures to Pray for Grandchildren.”        

           Downloadable FREE

6.  E-book - “Reflecting on my Grandparenting Jou

rney” by Lillian Penner     Downloable FREE


For additional information, contact Lillian Penner

National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network  lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net.

Join Us in Making National Grandparents Day on September 13, 2014  A Grandparents Day

of Prayer

We need your help to promote  Grandparents Day of Prayer.

Will you forward this post to your friends?

By Lillian Penner


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