
How I Discovered Discipleship.Network

Phil M

Do you believe in the power of prayer?

If you believe in the power of prayer, join grandparents throughout the world to make National Grandparents Day on September 12, 2021, a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents.9651043856?profile=original

Today our nations are being attacked like never before educationally, socially, financially, and spiritually.…

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In these insecure, unstable times we live in today. Young families are busy with their jobs, church activities, children’s activities, etc. There are many distractions for them in their marriage, employment, and 9651043686?profile=original parenting. 

In today’s broken world, Satan’s purpose is to destroy the family. It is important that we pray God will give our…

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I have two granddaughters attending college at this time. I will have four granddaughters in college in the fall. I have found these Suggestions and Scriptures helpful in praying for them. I feel it's important that my husband and I stay in contact with them, so I have been sending them a short text to let them know I am praying for them and love them. Often, I ask them how we can pray for them. If you have grandchildren in college/or young adults, I hope you will find these suggestions and…

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When we see the daffodils and tulips blooming during springtime, we often think of preparing our gardens. I grew up on a farm in the 9651043486?profile=original Midwest, and we always had a garden to grow our potatoes and vegetables. As I was thinking about sowing seeds in the garden, I was reminded of the fruit of the Spirit in (Galatians 5:22, 23 TLB) “But when the Holy Spirit controls our…

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A Spiritual Meaning of a Chrisitmas Tree

The Christmas tree, the most significant symbol of Christmas, is an 9651018652?profile=original evergreen tree, representing life. The custom of erecting a Christmas tree is historically traced to the 15th century. “The tree was traditionally decorated with edibles such as apples, nuts, or other foods. In the 18th century, it began to be illuminated by candles, which were ultimately…

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 As I was looking at the forlorn misshapen tree standing in the snow on the cover of a book, I was reading last week, I was reminded of the Christmas tree we had at my house when I was a child.   9651013853?profile=original

When I was six years old, my parents had very little money to spend at Christmas. In order for my parents to have enough…

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How Big is your God?

As our countries face many difficult issues, amidst the riots, the uncertainly with the COVID 19 pandemic. It's easy to get discouraged, especially when thinking of the world our grandchildren are living in today. However, we have a big God bigger than the challenges and struggles we experience at this time and our grandchildren's 9651041870?profile=original future. In the…

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Are you Sowing Seeds of Prayer?

During this autumn season, I am reminded of my childhood, growing up on a wheat farm in Oklahoma. In the summer after the wheat harvest, my father would prepare the soil for the next year’s crop, and in the autumn, he would sow the wheat seed. We would wait for the rains to water the seed, fertilizer, and wait for it to come up and watch it grow throughout the winter months. We would see the wheat heads form and ripen to a golden color for the harvest in early June in the spring.…

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A Great Valentine's Idea

I recently heard of an excellent idea for grandparents to use for Valentines for their grandchildren that I would like to share with you.   For example, send them a Valentine with two five-dollar bills (or whatever amount you desire.) One five-dollar bill is your love gifts to them, the other five-dollar bill is for them to show love forward to someone in need. This will give you an opportunity to discuss different options of how they can show love to others. Then ask them to report to you how…

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  • Hi Lillian!

    Just wanted you to know that your Million Praying Grands is receiving some extra publicity today for National Day of Prayer, via my latest blog post (see blog on Pray.Network or at HisInscriptions.com for more). Hope your community is growing!


    Deborah Perkins

  • Praying for all Grandparents.... for those who are active and engaged with their grands and those who WISH they were... for whatever reason they have not connected, we pray for bonds that can't be broken.... we pray for wisdom and discernment with regard to choices that can be made to open those doors.... Lord, help us!!!

  • sister in Christ, Jesus , when u get time plz see my event and pray for the cyclone phailin affected church members in ,odisha,india.

    your prayer is important.

  • Lillian, I guess I don't fully understand how this works, but I thought joining Pray! Network was linked to the Grandparents @ Prayer network.  Either way, I do want to be a part of the Grandparents @ Prayer group.  I am not sure you received my message regarding September 11th emphasis.  After discussing it with a staff member and realizing the church had made arrangements for another observance of 9/ll and  since our group is meeting on the 8th, I will make a special emphasis on each of us setting aside a time for specific prayer for our grandchildren.  It probably will be an individual thing, instead of a church-wide observance.  Thanks, Lillian 
  • God Bless You My Mother In Christ.My late grandfather died at the full age, he was born1887 and died may 2008, He is one of the first man to bring missionaries to both west Kenya and West Kenya in 1920,he was taken at the age of like 30 or 40 to fight in the first world war in 1914 and he even fought in the second world war, most of his agemates died so early But my Grand parent Karoli Okou Esiro lived bonus years because he had encountered the missionaries hand helped them establish the Catholic mission that is today sub diocese Called Nangina catholic mission and Amukura Catholic Mission, though my Grand father was catholic, You can imagine been Christian in 1920, That was real faith and Belief in God, One Miracle still evident My Grandmother is still alive with over 100 years check my face book just type Emoit hedwig Omukaga and at the pictures there you will see old wretched mother she is my Grandmther, Pray for Her Also, I love her
  • God has given me a passion to encourage grandparents to intentionally pray for their grandchildren.. I try provide encouragement and suggestions to help grandparents in their praying on the prayer link www,christiangrandparenting.net. I would appreciate your comments and suggestions.
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