City Impact Roundtable: Insights & Ideas form Thought-Leaders & Practitioners
City Impact Roundtable: Insights & Ideas from Thought-Leaders & Practitioners
City Impact Roundtable: Insights & Ideas from Thought-Leaders & Practitioners
Consumeranity: A Subtle but Serious Dis-Ease that Infects the Church
Phil Miglioratti @ Reimagine.Network
A “What? SoWhat? NowWhat?” Overview
{Warning Label: Consumeranity is a Dangerous Infiltration of Consumerism With Christianity}
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The O Antiphons and the Observance of Advent
As I write this article, once again we Christians who follow the Western liturgical calendar are almost at the end of a liturgical year—and, therefore, almost at the beginning of a new one. Our calendar b
Evangelical Perturbation:
The Emergence of a Socio-Politicized Theology
Phil Miglioratti
“a deviation of a system from its regular or normal state or path,
caused by an outside influence.”
WHAT is my problem?
How can we evangelic
Read more…5 Church-Killing Blindspots
…and 5 Steps to Pursue Transformation
Phil Miglioratti @ The Reimagine.Network
Christianity is a word we use to identify believers-in and followers-of Jesus of Nazareth.
But it can easily become a substitute for a tru
Read more…My Plea to Rethink How Your Worldview Impacts Your Christianity
by Phil Miglioratti @ The Reimagine.Network
*WHAT - is “worldview”?
*SO WHAT - does that have to do with my faith? Or how I disciple Christ -followers? Or how I lead my mini
Read more…Revisit 2 Corinthians 5:17 and you just might Revitalize Your Church
Phil Miglioratti @ The Reimagine.Network
“Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, s/he has become an entirely new person.
All that is related to the old order has vanished. Beho
Read more…Thought Leaders on How To #ReimagineCITIES –
Fueling the Great Commandment & Great Commission with Great Collaborations
Phil Miglioratti: Seminar Slides for Casting Vsion
Tom White: The Practitioner’s Guide to City Gospel Movements
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"Can A Car Company CEO Save The Church?"
#ReimagineMINISTRY... as a Multiuse Innovation Hub
1. Can you visualize our church as you read the quote?
2. How does it apply to you/our ministry?
3. What are you hearing from the Holy Spirit?
Read more…Coaching Session:
" Leading Congregational Change: A Practical Guide for the Transformational Journey”
with Jim Herrington Mike Bonem James H. Furr
PHIL>>> What "defining moment(s)" led each of you to personally commi
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Adopt-An-Apartment Initiative ~ #ReimagineCITIES...and you will #ReimagineEVANGELISM...
What is the “Adopt-An-Apartment Initiative?”
Each of the 18 apartments we serve have all kinds of needs and challenges so we desire to have individuals or grou
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Read more…Rethink Revival
Phil Miglioratt
#ItSeemsToMe …
Each of us, but also the Church, needs revival.
A revival marked by a return.
A return to our first love.
”“But I have this against you: You have left the love you had in the beginning.“
Read more…My CHAT WITH THE AUTHOR: Mike Higgs, author of "The Praying Youth Ministry: Leading & Ministering from Upper Rooms”
Phil Miglioratti • Reimagine.Network {Archival Home of Pray.Network}
National Youth Ministry Author, Collaborator, Thought-Leader
Read more…Epaphras' Example, Phil Miglioratti, 01-22-12 - Community Church - Fond du Lac, WI from Community Church of Fond du Lac on Vimeo.
Guest speaker Phil Miglioratti concludes the series on prayer entitled 'Speak' with the sermon 'Epaphras' Example Thro
#ReimagineFutureChurch: Reformat? Reboot? Reset?
Phil Miglioratti @ Reimagine.Network
[ Reformat ]: “to rearrange the shape, size, and general makeup or plan of an organization”
[ Reboot ] : “the process of restarting a computer or electroni
7 Deadly Sins of The Contemporary Church
Phil Miglioratti, Curator of The Reimagine.Network
1. Edification of our preferences over Lordship
Confess allegiance to the Builder of the Church
"I will build my church." Matthew 16:18
*Pray...for a revela
Read more…You Were Born Generous! Written by Guest Contributor, Phil Miglioratti
Every Christian is a generous person. The most magnanimous giver, of course, but also the stingiest.
Our English word generosity is rooted i |