Thanks to Pastor Dave Wasemann for his review of Patched Together: A Story of My Story. Enjoy his review below and join the discussion. Another review by Natalie Johnson will be available next week!––Margie Williamson, Community Manager
This is the first of many book reviews to come, designed to give you a brief overview of the book, some highlights, and suggestions for usage. Thanks to Natalie Johnson who has been working with the network as an intern for working on this project. S
I've been working on a Christmas lesson and the words that continue to resonate with me are that Jesus became "The living expression" of God. What a great way to approach this Christmas season!
What words or phrase will you take into this season as
I've read the book Every Man's BattleBy Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, Mike Yorkey. I've found a lot of really helpful tips and advice in it, but yet I feel like the book focuses a little too much on my effort and "purity techniques" and not enoug