Small groups are no longer making disciples at the rate they once were. For many churches, the purpose of groups is to assimilate new people and keep them connected so they won’t leave. E
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#Reimagine Prayer Beyond the Holy Huddle . . .
Disciple-Making DNA
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#ReimagineCHURCH ~ Neighborhoods Make Us Sick? {Excerpt}
This excerpt is from How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick: Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities by Atlanta-based authors, Breanna Lathrop and Veronica Squires.
They write:
“Being poor literally shortens your life span. When considering race,
Read more…A Discipleship Calendar
This Discipleship Calendar focuses on 1 Peter, handling pressures and the displeasures of others by seeing the way God sees. It can be a personal adventure w
7 Disciple-Making Rhythms of a "With-Jesus" Life
Many discipling-making efforts today are focused on information transfer and they are often delivered through church programs. We are grateful for the way these efforts help people, but they often carry with them certain limitations.
When we look at
Read more…7 Strategic Shifts
You may not know this, but’s roots are associated with our partner and sister ministry Exponential.
Most people know Exponential as the world’s largest gathering of church multiplication leaders and church planters. The truth is,
Read more…#ReimagineEVANGELISM ~"Kindness is the Future of Evangelism" Billy Graham
Toward the end of Billy Graham’s stadium events, Billy came to Cincinnati where Steve Sjogren was pastoring! As part of the steering committee, he was tagged to lead an outreach into the commu
A Godly Framework for Leadership
From Marc Ottestad •
Let's Build A Disciple-Making Culture Together
Our churches are often suffering from a lack of fully-formed disciples because, in part, there is a large divide in our thinking --- a divide between evangelism (the announcing that God has made a way back to him) and discipleship (the intentional g
Read more…Why Small Groups Aren't Discipleship article by Jim Morgan
In advance - sorry this is long ...
Here's the back ground:
article link:
Not too long ago I received this article from Discipleship.Network and It struck me as timely ...
Read more…Putting Evangelism Into Your Lifestyle
Putting Evangelism Into Your Lifestyle
He sees you not as just another neighbor or co-worker. He has heard you acknowledge a strong belief in Jesus Christ as someone real and special to
Interview with Patrick Johnstone: #Reimagine: Cities. Discipleship. Mission.
#Reimagine: Cities. Discipleship. Mission.
Phil Miglioratti had a conversation with Patrick Johnstone,
author of Serving God in Today's Cities ...
Serving God in Today's Cities: Facing the Challenges of Urbanization
by Pa
Read more…EXCLUSIVE Excerpt: "Evangelistic Suffering"
Evangelistic Suffering
Excerpt from "The Fellowship of The Suffering"
Have you ever seen a book on evangelistic suffering? We know plenty of why books on suffering and
some theological treatises on “how God could let this happen,” but nothing on “
EXCLUSIVE Excerpt: How Hardship Shapes Our Witness
Excerpt from "The Fellowship of The Suffering
Another tension we commonly hear people express concerns the challenge of trying to obey both Jesus’ Second Great Commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39), and Jesus’ Great Commissi
Read more…Christian Standard - Restoring Early-Church Disciple-Making
Ryan Rasmussen raises an interesting question in his article on discipleship: “What is the most effective way to disciple? Is there a best