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Prayer Walk






Praying Hands Albrecht Durer


Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

Son of the Father, in truth and love.  I rejoiced that I found thy children walking in truth,     

as we received a commandment from the Father.
                                                         2 John 3-4 KJV





True Love is the Greatest Reality.
     I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—         
          I have always loved you, and I always will .
     Truth personified walked the earth to show you the face of God.     
     Compassion was never clearer than on a cross at Skull Hill.     
     Unquestioningly obey My orders, and I will make Myself real to you.     
     Think of Me—and find significance.
          Grace is My glory—unmerited favor sustains you.
               Sincerely rely on My power—walk with Me in every difficulty.

Trustworthy Love is the deepest rest.
     Restlessness gives way to rest when you spend time near My heart.
     Your small craft sails smoothly on high seas if you rely on the Captain.
     Keep your mind on Me, and you will discover incomprehensible peace.
     Seek the Victor’s help with moral battles, and despair will be defeated.
     Hopefully lean on Me, and I will grant you the pleasure of My company.
     Triumph in Me—and celebrate serenity.
          Peace is My gift—unparalleled freedom satisfies you.
               Sing My praises—walk with Me every hour to your last breath.

Tender Love is the highest rejoicing.
     I infinitely separate your sins from My throne—I forgive and forget.
     I am not out to hurt you—I do not deal with you as you deserve.
     I know you are dust—I also know your destiny.
     Prayerfully trust Me, and you can walk with Me through the judgment.
     Trust Me—and experience salvation.
          Mercy is My goodness—undeserved forgiveness saves you.
               Humbly follow Me—walk with Me through Heaven’s gate.



© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond         

Day 360, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Authentic Christianity




Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ
       so that when he returns, you will be full of courage
             and not shrink back from him in shame.
                      1 John 2:28 NLT






Be captivated in your heart.
     Lovingly obey Me, and I will get personal with you—
          dear, not distant;  close, not cerebral;  Friend, not cold fact;
          Companion, not just a creed;  passion, not head-trip idea.
     Stay near My heart—and I will make Myself real to you.

Be Christlike in your actions.
     Back up adjectives with verbs—I do not want applause; I want surrender.
     Christlikeness is a moral imperative, not an ideal—a must, not an ought to.
     Walk in My steps—and I will reward you with My smile.

Be compassionate in your relationships.
     I am the God with a heart—be sure you have one too.
     Christian love is not based on feelings—it begins with a choice of your will.
     Follow My example—and I will bless you with My love.

Be celebrative in My Presence.
     Draw near Me, and joy will cascade through your inner being.
          My music teaches you to sing, My promises give you confidence,
          My grace strengthens your soul, My peace calms you in the hurricane.
     Learn My melody—and I will give you a full, rich life.

Be consecrated in My will.
     Sin thrills, then kills—obedience paves the road to heaven.
     Material things are transitory—invisible realities endure eternally.
     Treasure My friendship—and I will give you eternal life.

Be consistent in your devotion.
     Stay in step with the Way, keep faith in the Truth, enjoy liberty of the Life.
     Trust and obey Me, whatever happens—prove you are a real disciple.
     Keep traveling My road—and I will get you home.





© By Johnny R. Almond                         

Day 359, Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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Children and Prayer Class update

Children and Prayer Class update

The Children and Prayer class blog presented by Wheatland Ministries has been updated.  This was necessary because some of the links no longer worked, and other technical “updates” to the blog were made in the past by Google. 


The Blog should work well now.  If you have visited it in the past, please do so again.  IT is designed to offer instruction on teaching children about the Spiritual Heart and gives instruction on helping them pray.  It is adaptable for VBS, or Camps.  It could be used for a class o helping parents learning how to teach their children about their Spiritual Heart, and in addition help their children to learn to pray.


The blog site is


My prayer is that this site will be helpful in helping teach children about their spiritual heart, and understand what it means to accept Jesus into their heart.



Lewis Turner

Wheatland Ministries


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Formula for Excellence



Add diligence to divine promises, employ effort exercising faith
  to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy),
   and in exercising virtue develop knowledge (intelligence),
    and in exercising your knowledge develop self-control,
      exercising self-control develop endurance (patience),
        exercising steadfastness develop godliness (piety),
          exercising godliness develop brotherly affection,
            exercising affection develop Christian love.
                  2 Peter 1:5-7 AMPLIFIED BIBLE


Initiated by faith, your journey was established by a gifted beginning.
Right in My sight by trusting My Son, you have taken a good first step.

Inspired by virtue, Christ is your Example—your paragon is God’s Best.
Struggling for Christlikeness, respond to My moral imperative.

Informed by knowledge, your education is based on a guiding Book.
Treasuring My Word in your heart, learn to live by timeless wisdom.

Intensified by self-control, you are enriched by governed betterment.
Practicing alert discipline, experience the ecstasy of My holy liberty.

Instructed by steadfastness, you endure trouble with graceful bravery.
Enrolled in Adversity University, learn well and graduate with honor.

Illuminated by godliness, you see the Eternal One’s glorious beauty.
Gazing at heaven’s Radiant Light, worship with reverent wonder.

Included by Christian affection, you embrace all in faith’s glad bond.
Not preoccupied by narcissism, be sincerely interested in other people.

Impacted by Love, you express Christ’s heart by gently blessing others.
Not content with merely going in circles, do good while you go around.




© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond    

Day 358, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Experience intimacy, healing and restored peace with God today! Join Deborah Perkins of His Inscriptions and special guest Gary Beaton from Transformation Glory as we talk about how to Become a Friend of God! This webinar was first broadcast live on April 20, 2024. Bonus: LIsten to the audio on Spotify or Apple Podcasts here:
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Mission in the Mayhem




 To this were you called—it is inseparable from your vocation.

  Christ suffered for you, leaving you His personal example,

          so that you should follow on in His footsteps.

               1 Peter 2:21 THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE




In a chaotic world, cultivate a calm mind.

     Even in life’s storms, you can truly relax when you rest in Me.

     Step off your hectivity treadmill—be still and sense My Holy Presence.   

     Crave spiritual nourishment in a confused world.

     Keep faith in Me—wait in My shadow.


In a crazy world, develop a committed soul.

     You are a child of the Light—do not run with cockroaches in dark alleys.

     Make Me your purpose—serve Me enthusiastically and seek My smile.

     Conduct yourself carefully in a careless world.

     Focus on My will—work in My service.


In a crying world, maintain a cheerful attitude.

     Even at midnight, sing hymns—others are listening, so sing well.

     Celebrate the joy of humility, not just the happiness of happenings.

     Stay near the Cornerstone in a conceited world.

     Make Me your Festival—worship in My song.


In a complacent world, have a caring heart.

     It is a cold, cruel world—love like your heart-warming God.

     I am your Mission in the mayhem—work for your Divine Supervisor.

     Get in a word for Christ in a counterfeit world.

     Reach out with feeling—witness in My Spirit.


In a commonplace world, live a Christlike life.

     Even when splinters from the cross hurt you, do not quit the noble quest.

     The Via Dolorosa was not easy—Christian living is no cake walk.

     Make a conscious effort in a carnal world.

     Follow Me—walk in My steps.




         © Pastor Johnny R. Almond

Day 357, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Articles and News from My 18 Years as Prayer Coordinator


  2. CALL TO PRAYER: Developing a yearly rhythm for church prayer

    CALL TO PRAYER: Developing a yearly rhythm for church prayer

    PALATINE, Ill. (BP) -- Nine years into my pastorate of a small, suburban congregation all heaven broke loose. On a Sunday in December 1989, like the Berlin Wall that had recently crumbled half-way across the globe, a wall came crashing down in our church. Our creative but comfortable evangelical congregation suddenly went from singing three …


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Faith under Fire

9570806262?profile=RESIZE_584x  Whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy.
   When your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
       So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed,
           you will be strong in character and ready for anything.
                                        James 1:2-4 NLT

Persevere in trouble—and you will be able to rejoice whatever happens.
     I am the Song of your heart.
     When you feel like quitting, gaze again at the cross and keep on going.
     Do not try to pray your way out of trouble—pray your way through it.
     In your trial by fire, I am the Fourth Man.
     Hard times do not last forever—after a long dark night there is a dawn.
     Stoics take it on the chin and grit their teeth, somberly trudging ahead.
     Epicureans party and try to forget difficulties, joking until the hangover.
     Christians trust Me and experience joy beyond description.
     The human situation is dark chaos—but My Spirit is your Night Light.
     Wait on Me—last and you will laugh.

Purify your thoughts—and you will be refined from the inside out.
     I am the Sanctifier of your mind.
     I allow trials to test your faith and produce unalloyed devotion.
     In 1787, John Keith composed “How Firm a Foundation,”
          a hymn that beautifully describes My intention for your life:
          “The flame shall not hurt you; I only design your dross to consume,
               and your gold to refine.”
     To win over sin, daily internalize and treasure My Holy Word.
     Worship Me—learn My lessons and walk in My light.

Prepare for tomorrow—and you will be ready to meet Me face to face.
     I am the Strength of your soul.
     Whatever I ask of you, I enable you to accomplish.
     Faith under fire is a character-building experience.
     Flames leap high in the crucible—impurity burned away, I see My face.
     Let Me work in you—yield to Me as your Lord and truly live.


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond         

Day 356, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The Unequaled Christ


                           Sallman  Head of Christ 

Even though Jesus was God’s Son,
    he learned obedience from the things he suffered.
In this way, God qualified him as a perfect High Priest,   
    he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.
                  Hebrews 5:8-9 NLT


Christ is perfectly sinless—unstained among human beings.
     He felt the full spectrum of temptation, yet never once gave in to evil.
     Pilate could not find a flaw in him—no honest person ever has.
     He is the Gracious Redeemer and the Sweetest Friend.

Christ is powerfully sovereign—uncontestable by earth’s rulers.
     He alone has the authority to order our unquestioning obedience.
     He alone deserves our undivided allegiance.
     He is the Gentle Ruler and the Strongest Force.

Christ is permanently stable—unchanging in life’s twists and turns.
     He will never let you down—He is your Solid Rock in trouble’s quicksand.
     He will never lead you astray—He is your Compass in the world’s confusion.
     Abraham’s Provider is your Confidence for tomorrow.
     Moses’ Banner is your Victory over spiritual enemies.
     Jacob’s Dream is your Vision of a bright future.
     Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors is your Greatest Blessing.
     Isaiah’s Commander is the Hand on your shoulder.
     Daniel’s Decisiveness is your Noblest Purpose.
     Job’s Optimism is your Ultimate Hope.
     David’s Joy is your Morning Song.
     Paul’s Hallelujah is your Secret of perseverance.
     Peter’s Faith is your Motivation to make a conscious effort.
     John’s Revelation is your Bright Morning Star.
     He is the Great Reality and the Surest Foundation.



 © By Pastor Johnny R. Almond               

Day 355, Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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Reopening the Case of Onesimus

by Neil Cox, 07/2023

In the letter to the Colossians, Paul specially mandates that they exchange letters with the Laodiceans.  Where is that letter to the Laodiceans?

The letter to Philemon & friends is often retold as the story of a fugitive slave, now needing the forgiveness of his master.  But is that what scripture actually says?

In the attached paper, I will make 3 key assertions and back them up with compelling evidence:

  • The epistle we know as 'Philemon' is in fact the Letter to the Laodiceans mentioned in Colossians 4.
  • There is no credible evidence supporting the meme that Onesimus was a thief or runaway slave.  More likely, just the opposite. 
  • Paul's message to Philemon & friends is not at all about 'forgiveness'. Absent our biases, we realize Paul's twin letters to Colossae and Laodicea teach us much about biblical justice. 

I know these points run contrary to the standard commentaries -- typically written from a majority viewpoint.  But what happens if we take a fresh look at the scriptural evidence, holding it to the level of evidence we would apply in any courtroom.  Will those old memes stand up under scrutiny?  You decide.  Read on...

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Wars and Rumors of Wars





     When you hear about wars and rumors of wars, be not alarmed; for it must be so, but the end is not yet. For nation shall revolt against nation . . .

                                                                                         Mark 13:7-8a MLB






     Sadly, the world seems to thrive on war. Estimates for the total number of people killed in wars throughout all of human history range from 150 million to 1 billion. One war leads to another, then another. Retaliation kills and destroys, but does nothing to stop the deadly vicious cycle of greed and hatred. Combat’s bloody holocaust goes on and on, generation after generation, disturbing the peace of the world.


     The pages of history are stained by the blood of millions slaughtered by killing machines, and civilians caught in the crossfire. Beautiful landscapes have been spoiled by rampaging armies trying to annihilate each other. Rolling hills and grassy slopes of Civil War battlefield sites today look nothing like they did when they were pockmarked by exploding artillery shells and covered in thousands of mangled bodies. World War I and World War II battles are romanticized in movies, but there was nothing pretty about any of them. Martin Luther said “cannons and fire-arms are cruel and damnable machines; I believe them to have been the direct suggestion of the Devil. If Adam had seen in a vision the horrible instruments his children were to invent, he would have died of grief.” I wonder what Luther would say today about cruise missiles and nuclear weapons of mass destruction?

      Benjamin Franklin wisely said, “There never was a good war or a bad peace.” Diplomacy only temporarily halts fighting. Sanctions do little to halt combat. Pacifism rarely softens militant hearts. Israel’s David’s Sling and Iron Dome stopped most of Iran’s drones and missiles. But what will happen next—a wider war in the Middle East, American involvement, World War III, Armageddon?   


     Will the next war be “the war to end all wars”? We’ve heard that before, so have reason to be skeptical. It looks like it will take the Lord of Hosts, the Captain of Heaven’s Armies, to finally put an end to the insane cycle of war. “He shall arbitrate between nations and decide disputes for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war anymore.”  (Isaiah 2:4 MLB). God speed the day!




By Pastor Johnny R. Almond 
















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Eclipse Thoughts





From twelve until three o’clock darkness settled over the whole country; and at three o’clock Jesus cried with a great voice,

“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which means “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”

Mark 15:33-34 MLB




      When Jesus was crucified, a midnight shroud of darkness hung around the shuddering shoulders of the world.  Jesus felt He was in a God-forsaken place. The word “eclipse” is from the Greek ekleipsis, meaning to forsake or abandon.


     Seeing darkness in Egypt, historian Diogenes said, “One of two things is happening. Either the world is coming to an end, or God himself is dying.” Obviously, the world didn’t end, though some today see an eclipse as a sign of end times, based on Matthew 24:29-30 (“After the tribulation the sun will be darkened. Then will the sign of the Son of Man be shown in the sky. They will see the Son of Man coming on clouds of heaven with great power and glory.”)


     In the darkness obscuring that cross, the Son of God was dying for the sins of the world. “Well might the sun in darkness hide and shut his glories in when Christ, the mighty Maker, died for man, the creature’s, sin.” (Isaac Watts)


     Those who trust and follow the Savior “show others the goodness of God, who called us out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9 NLT)  Jesus Christ is the Light of the world—our hope in the shadowlands of a despairing world, our confidence in the chaos of a disturbing world, our joy in the sadness of a dying world.  


     The Creator of the sun, the moon and hundreds of billions of galaxies whispered the universe into being. The Redeemer forgives everyone who accepts His grace. The Spirit within our hearts befriends us through all our years. One day we’ll live in a city where there is “no night—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them.” (Revelation 22:5 NLT) Until we see his face, may we never allow anything to eclipse our humble gratitude for His eternal love.




© 2024 By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                   


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The Incomparable Christ



In these final days, God has spoken to us through his Son.
Through the Son he made the universe and everything in it.
The Son reflects God’s glory; everything about him represents God exactly.                             
                                   Hebrews 1:2-3a NLT



Christ is Heaven’s Vicar—God’s One and Only Son, totally like the Father.
     No one else exactly reflects God’s kind nature and His holy purpose.
     Worshiping him with all our heart is the recipe for effervescent joy.
     He is the Way, Truth, and Life—the Sculptor of the universe.

Christ is Heaven’s Vitality—God’s Resurrection, triumphing over death.
     No one else can create life from nothing.
     Marveling at his awesome creativity is the secret of appreciating beauty.
     He is the Good Shepherd—the Sustainer of all creation.

Christ is Heaven’s Virtue—God’s Goodness, guiding us mercifully in the maze.
     No one else can be our Center of Gravity when everything falls apart.
     Depending on him when perplexities crowd our heart is the recipe for calm.
     He is the Lamb of God—the Savior of sinners.

Christ is Heaven’s Vindication—God’s pardon, dismissing hell’s case against us.   
     No one else can forgive transgressions and make our soul white as snow.
     Trusting his love when guilt burdens is the only way we can learn to sing.     
     He is the King of kings—the Sovereign of eternity.

Christ is Heaven’s Victory—God’s authority, presiding over the final judgment.
     No one else is worthy of reigning over every nation and every heart.
     Submitting to his plan is the road to discovering a purposeful life.
     He is the Light of the world—the Star of bright morning.

Christ is Heaven’s Vision—God’s promise, painting a bright future for believers.
     No one else can solve the world’s intractable problems.
     Hoping in the Prince of Peace is the ultimate antidote to despair.
     He is the Alpha and Omega—the Song in the night.

Christ is Heaven’s Vocabulary—God’s Holy Alphabet, all He has to say to earth.
     No one else perfectly understands the heart of God.
     Paying careful attention to his voice is the path to timeless, infinite wisdom.
     He is the Word of grace and truth—the Spokesperson for God.



© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                   

Day 354, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
Book available on



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Romans 12:2 Inspires the 4 Rs







Phil Miglioratti curates The Re-imagine Network


Lead Pastor, Jeff Jones, of Chase Oaks Church in Plano Texas is working on Rebranding Christianity.


The Israel Bible Center states, “The Bible does not need to be rewritten, but it needs to be reread."  This may not be enough.  Perhaps the Bible needs to be relearned… and retaught. (See John 12:47)

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Re-imagining a quote


Thanks for sending me this quote from the Israel Bible Center.

"The Bible does not need to be rewritten, but it needs to be reread."

My re-imagination sees this differently.

The Bible does not need to be rewritten, but it needs to be relearned… and taught better.

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