Lilian Schmid posted a blog post
Apr 28
Lilian Schmid posted a blog post
Dear friends During the month of March we are praying for the Sphere of Government and the Military Click here below to see the prayer strategy for this month. Lilian SchmidBjorn and…
Mar 5
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
We are starting from today 24/7 praying for the Spheres of Influence Praying for the sphere of FamilySatan rejoices in the destruction of humanity and especially the Mountain of Family. Souls who come to Christ remind him of his loss and eventual…
Aug 14, 2023
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Dear friends, After 4 amazing and successful years of running The Kjell Sjoberg spiritual warfare program, we will be running this program again in 2024. Starting on Friday the 2nd of February2024 It is all free of charge. Freely received freely…
Aug 2, 2023
Lilian Schmid posted a blog post
Dear friends,During the month of July we are praying and discussing the sphere of ARTSRead Ruth Webb's article here bless Bjorn and Lilian SchmidPrayer Strategists and…
Jun 23, 2022
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Dear friends, Find here the latest article on Law and Justice for May 2022 blessLilian SchmidPrayer Strategist and…
May 1, 2022
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Dear friends in Christ During the month of April we are discussing and praying for the sphere of Business and Finance. Check an article Written by Greg and Lizzie Levett, amazing Christian leaders from Sydney…
Apr 1, 2022
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Greetings in the name of Jesus
We are doing informal research to find out the challenges encountered within the Spheres of Influence in your regions, cities, and nations across the world. Will you take the time to fill in the challenges in the…
Mar 25, 2022
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Dear friends in Christ Prayers for Politics blessLilian SchmidPrayer Strategist and Coordinatorlilianschmid@prayerstrategy.org – Australia
Feb 26, 2022
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Dear friends,Praying and Fasting for the Church, the Body of Christ in February 2022, SchmidPrayer Strategist and Coordinator…
Jan 31, 2022
Lilian Schmid posted a blog post
Dear friends, Last year, the Lord put in my heart to run the course of Kjell Sjoberg on spiritual warfare. Kjell and his team were on a mission to Australia. These videos and teachings below are very much relevant to this day’s battle.We were…
Jan 27, 2022
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Pray for Family 2022 During the month of January, we are fasting and praying for the sphere of Family.We recommend this video on “How To Fast?” by – Jentezen Franklin Prayer EventAlso…
Dec 31, 2021
Lilian Schmid posted a discussion
Dear friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.May this Christmas bring you joy, peace and happiness with your loved ones. We are starting the Kjell Sjoberg program on the 4th of Feb 2022. We shall keep you posted, we hope that you all can join…
Dec 11, 2021
Lilian Schmid posted discussions
Dec 3, 2021
Lilian Schmid posted discussions
Nov 26, 2021
Dear friends, Last year, the Lord put in my heart to run the course of Kjell Sjoberg on spiritual warfare. Kjell and his team were on a mission to Australia. These videos and teachings below are very much relevant to this day’s battle.We were blessed to receive these videos from Noel and Barbara Bell in 2010 but we waited on God to use them now. Kjell’s wife gave us her permission to use these videos to teach others as part of our mission. Let us know if anyone from your groups is interested to…
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Praying for Afghanistan



Dear all,

We are meeting on zoom on Thursday night 9pm Sydney time, only for 45 min to 1 hr. Let me know if you wish to join us to email you the zoom link


Prayer focus

Taliban is only a symptom but we are going to pray over all the tribes in Afghanistan and bind the strongman in every tribe (Muslim or not)…

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24/7 to pray for the Spheres of Influence from 15th of August until 3rd of September 2023

We are starting from today 24/7 praying for the Spheres of Influence Praying for the sphere of FamilySatan rejoices in the destruction of humanity and especially the Mountain of Family. Souls who come to Christ remind him of his loss and eventual judgment. Therefore, Satan’s goal is taking away our victory and authority, to stop the advance of God’s kingdom. We are the advance team; through us, God advances His kingdom in enemy territory. God could by very word advance His kingdom, but he…

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Spiritual Warfare with Kjell Sjoberg

Dear friends, After 4 amazing and successful years of running The Kjell Sjoberg spiritual warfare program, we will be running this program again in 2024. Starting on Friday the 2nd of February2024 It is all free of charge. Freely received freely given. If you wish to send this information to your network so they can register free with us to do the program, please let me know their names and emails to include them about the program for next year.  If you wish to unsubscribe from these emails let…

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This is for global research ~ Challenges encountered within the Spheres of Influence in your regions, cities and nations

  Greetings in the name of Jesus   We are doing informal research to find out the challenges encountered within the Spheres of Influence in your regions, cities, and nations across the world. Will you take the time to fill in the challenges in the below spheres:    Family   Church (Ecclesia)   Government and the Military   Trade and Finance (Business)   Law and Justice   Religion and Philosophy   Arts   Education   Charity and Not for Profit Welfare   Health and Science   Media and…

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Praying and Fasting for the Sphere of Family 2022

Pray for Family 2022 During the month of January, we are fasting and praying for the sphere of Family.We recommend this video on “How To Fast?” by – Jentezen Franklin Prayer EventAlso in January, The Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influencewith Family Voice Australia is inviting you to a Zoom meeting –“Prayer and Forum for the Sphere of Family”.When: Monday January 24, 2022 7PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time.Register in…

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Kjell Sjoberg’s sessions is starting on Friday the 4th of February 2022

Dear friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.May this Christmas bring you joy, peace and happiness with your loved ones. We are starting the Kjell Sjoberg program on the 4th of Feb 2022. We shall keep you posted, we hope that you all can join us. 2021 program was a great success.In ChristLilian and BjornThe Next Kjell Sjoberg’s sessions is starting on Friday the 4th of February 2022 at 8:30pm Sydney time and be replayed on Saturday the 5th of Feb at 9am Sydney time.(taking break during…

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The Joy of Evangelization by Costandi Bastoli

The Joy of Evangelisation(by Costandi Bastoli)“When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you’,” (Luke 10:8-9) During my last mission to PNG (before lockdowns), on the last day of the Catholic Charismatic Conference at Pogla, Mount Hagen, Elizabeth came to me full of joy and said that she was on her way with others to the river that morning. She saw a road leading to a house where she met Peter, a…

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  • Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( ) for the full details.

    Have a nice day

    Thanks God bless.


  • Welcome, Lilian! God bless!

  • Looking forward to what the Lord reveals to you in this new chapter...

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