Of the 132 instances recorded in the Gospels, 122 of Jesus’ interactions with people took place in homes or places of business, not in places of worship. He prayed and healed and ministered in the m
10 Days Sept. 22 - Oct. 2, 2025
https://mcusercontent.com/80e5465b62cdc8a793fe488ce/images/eb45abc6-19b2-b3be-df88-97e30d468582.png" alt="" width="600" />
For the past several months, our leadership team has been in discernment regarding
Prayer at the Heart (PATH) is a movement of hope to ignite a great awakening through a national movement of humble, unified and desperate prayer and action.
This is a weekly call for Christians across America to pray for a great awakening, includ
Read more…#ReimaginePRAYER...as Focusing and Fueling Your Politics. {Not the other way around}
Christian Union: Revival On/From The Campus
http://www.christianunion.org/images/newsletter/header.jpg" alt="Christian Union" height="163" />
How this Church doctrine in 1492 continues to define and defile 21st century Christianity.
The Reimagine.Network
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24/7 prayers and repenting on behalf of the spheres of influence in Australia ... and Globally
Our Mission is to pray and connect people who are passionate about participating in growing the governance of Christ in every sphere/mountain/domain of inf
Read more…#ReimaginePRAYER...as God's response coming alive in my response
Chuck Lawless
#ReimagineCHRISTIANITY... in America
#ItSeemsToMe... Evangelicals need to return to a worldview that is biblical rather than partisan.
Yes, we must vote and participate but not at the expense of the unity and calling and mission of the Church. The
Read more…Rethink Cultural Influence
Why Do Evangelicals Love Celebrity Christians?
by Scot McKnight
What empowers this craze for the celebrity conversion story is evangelicalism’s widespread conviction of embattlement (read Christian Smith’s fine book Ameri
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#ReimaginePRAYER...to penetrate our culture.
#ItSeemsToMe…people are red-only or blue-only partly because it is less challenging.
IMHO, freedom is like a two-sided coin.
It is not easy to look at both sides of a coin at the same time
Read more…Thomas County NDP Program Agenda Script for 2022 (00320287xA09AC).PDF
{ SKIM this format to get thought-provoked for your citywide, culture-impacting prayer }
The Mission:
To promote prayer and partnering to make disciples of Jesus Christ, and cha
Read more…#ReimaginePRAYER...as a Prayer for God's Habitation, Not a Mere Visitation
With child-like wonder and innocence leave all pre-conceived notions behind & join me as I unpack how "A Habitation Focus Sustains Revival."
"A Habitation Focus Sustains Re
#ReimaginePRAYER...as the way to influence culture, for good