10 Days Sept. 22 - Oct. 2, 2025

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For the past several months, our leadership team has been in discernment regarding a new vision for 2025. To be honest, I've been the one most hesitant to say "yes." I've jokingly referred to myself as "the brakes." However, after a patient process of prayer and seeking counsel from other ministry leaders, I'm convinced this is what God is asking us to do.


We believe in 2025 there is an invitation from the Lord for believers to host 10 Days of prayer, worship, and repentance in all 50 state capitals (Sept. 22-Oct. 2).


Ideally, this would be in a tent with 24/7 prayer happening near the state capitol building. However, there is freedom -- 10 Days could also be hosted in a nearby building or in the capitol itself. The important thing would be raising up a united cry of worship, prayer, and repentance as the body of Christ from all fifty states.


We are also partnering with Awaken the Dawn for Communion America, a 3 day gathering on the National Mall (Oct 9-12). So, the vision is 10 Days of repentance in our state-houses, separated out in our states (Sept 22-Oct 2) and then a gathering of celebration together as a national church in D.C.

We want to invite friends and partners in the United States to seek the Lord for what this could look like in your state. 


Now, this doesn't mean we don't want 10 Days to happen "anywhere and everywhere". If you have an established gathering in your city, this will not "take over" your normal 10 Days gathering. Rather, we see this as a specific assignment that God is asking for in 2025.  Would you join us in seeking the Lord about what this could look like in your state! There's no rush--Holy Spirit is an incredible leader. Let's let Him guide each of us and bring the team together to make the dream a reality. Ultimately, it is all about repenting as a nation and making His presence the center of our national life.


In terms of our many friends around the world (by far, the majority of 10 Day gatherings are not in the United States), this focus on the USA is not in any way intended to exclude or hinder your efforts in your nations. In fact, God may even spark new creative ideas for your nations as you dream with the Lord about this year.


If God has stirred you and you'd like to register your city (or your capital) for 10 Days, our registration for 2025 is now open!

Register Your City

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Once again, we are encouraging our network to host 10 Day Summits around the world. Summits are taste and see experiences that prepare people to host their own 10 Days of Prayer gathering. Registration is currently open for our US Summit in Dallas, TX May 21-24th.  We hope there will be more such gatherings hosted by our friends and partners around the world, as the Lord leads and stirs us!



Jonathan Friz

Register for the US Summit May 21-24

Copyright (C) 2025 10 Days. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

10 Days
P.O. Box 9659
North Amherst, Ma 01059


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