We have ignored the influence our worldview has on our preferences, decisions, actions, alliances.
Believing biblical truths is vital but we cannot avoid the influence of our personality, geography, h…
Mini-Course: Discipleship Flowing From a Christian Worldview
Training to help believers become more knowledgeable of and confident in their Christian faith requires an underlying foundation of discip…
A Plea to Rethink How Your Worldview Impacts Your Christianity
by Phil Miglioratti @ The Reimagine.Network
*WHAT - is “worldview”?
*SO WHAT - does that have to do with my faith? Or how I …
A Worldview Perspective on Bible Study
By Freddy Davis
Bible study is a very common practice among Christians and there are a lot of different ways to go about it. Some of the more popular approac…
To #reimagineSCRIPTURE...
we must realize our pretext shapes our interpretation of the text and context.
Pretext = our worldview, which is a perspective on life based on our personality, our conclusio…
#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...as developing a biblical worldview
Sent to me by a colleague ..
"A recent article in The Christian Post discussed findings by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona …