

October 17

"And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Ro.8:27).It is clear from the above verse that Christ is always interceding for us individually, and simultaneously for the entire Church as well (Heb.7:25). Without that dependant intimacy, we will not be restored into the image of the Son (Ro.8:26-29). So apart from relating to the Father as Christ does, we cannot possibly participate in His…
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pray for Nairobi Kenya

Dear Beloved Leaders and Prayer Influencers, This small Blog comes are result of the burden I have had concerning how the city of Nairobi Is drifting a way from God through the Church Leaders,

The Church leaders make up right into Government system In Kenya therefore they making it hard for the for the genuine transformation, Ie the Vice president of Kenya is strong Church Leader, half of the Kenya parliament have been…

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1. THE ENEMY HAS A STRATEGY TO DESTROY GOD'S GIFT IN YOU (Mt.2:16; Jn.10:10).But God has already provided for your protection and process into fulfillment (Ro.8:29-37; Jer.1:12; Php.1:6).2. THE FIRST BATTLE IS FOR BELIEF IN WHAT GOD HAS SAID (Lk.1:34-35).But what you find hard to believe God will confirm (Lk.1:36; Jdg.6:37-40; 2Cor.13:1).3. ONCE YOU BELIEVE, THE BATTLE IS TO ACCEPT THE UNCONVENTIONAL WAY GOD WILL LEAD YOU (Mt.1:20)But if you will struggle and win the battle to accept it, God…
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Only Jesus Can Save

LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE {Venturing into entities with Creation power} you can go to places where there is great need and by the virtue of the call you bear you can be a solution, The teaching and preaching of God’s word transforms lives through the wonder working Power of God, these is what has molded and made me influential with the supernatural ability to direct, Empower, Equip, mentor and eventual exercise the Apostolic Fatherhood and Adoption. Romans 8:18 states that the earnest…

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Lets table this so God helps us serve him better

21 Strategies Conference: Derives its theme from the Experience of Daniel in Dan 10: 13-14 when the Prince of Persia withheld the Prayers of Daniel for 21 days which is a forthcoming revelation with application to the Cities we represent Now and God spoke to me about 21 Cities subject to the Prince domination, But the Prayers of Saints made for Long has made the Prince Power broken in all major cities and the Church is not a aware of These, therefore God led me to begin Nairobi then to other…

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