

July 8

How I Discovered Discipleship.Network

Pray Network

2 Conditions to answered PRAYERS

1. Come with Reverent Submission. Hebrews 5:7, Matt 26:39 & 42-Humble yourself before a Mighty Powerful God. Renouce your will. Completely embrace the will of God.   2 Have Faith-Heb. 11;1, Heb 11:6-We are required to believe-Rom. 10:17-We must believe God exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We must have confidence in His character and His reliability

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  • Valerie,

    We do not at this time have a video lecture set up for the course--possibly sometime in the future--what we do have are lessons that you can study at your pace.  They are in the discussion section. I do encourage working the reflection questions--they help in learning.  I do follow up on many reflection notes posted.  Sometime others do to, and I am glad for that.

    You should be able to find a posting not too far back where we gave the link to lesson 1, then another for lesson 2 and so forth up to lesson 5.  I will be posting lesson 6 soon.  I do encourage you to not skip a lesson, but take them in sequence.  If you have any trouble, let me know and I will send you the link.

    Don't hesitate to ask questions. 

    Glad to have you in the class.


    Lewis Turner

  • Verleria,
    Being from Oklahoma City... Could you tell me who first comes to mind regarding 1 Tim 2:1-6 praying for all those in authority. We are seeking a Volunteer State Prayer Leader for Oklahoma who is likely located near or around Oklahoma City for the National Governors' Prayer Team. A position description can be found at our website is www.ngpt.org/needed . We are presently in 27 states. I would be happy to talk with you or someone you know and explain more about it.

    May God bless you and all those you love,
    Tom Walker
  • Hi Verleria we never see each other anymore what service do you attend sure do miss you...
  • Hi, V!!! Wow, now we can stay in touch even better! So glad to see you here!
  • Thank you for your quick response. It's a privelege and an honor to pray. His mercy and goodness endures forever. I am glad to be a part of God's army.
  • Valerie,

    Thank you for joining the Intercessor group. The more we share, the more we learn and can be encouraged. We will look forward to your sharing.


    Lewis Turner
    Intercessor Group Administrator
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