"And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Ro.8:27).It is clear from the above verse that Christ is always interceding for us individually, and simultaneously for the entire Church as well (Heb.7:25). Without that dependant intimacy, we will not be restored into the image of the Son (Ro.8:26-29). So apart from relating to the Father as Christ does, we cannot possibly participate in His heart. Since Christ's Headship now functions through His own intercession, those called to serve by leading must participate in this strategic release of His expressed desire (Col.1:18). All of Christ's Church must flow with Him in intercession to the Father.Intercession is for Everyone in the Body of Christ: No Exceptions!This is why all who lead with any responsibility must first establish a relationship with God in Spirit which features not only active prayer but also includes intercession. If not, they will neither be in the continuity of Christ's life, nor the flow of His direction. The church is only going to be truly led (1) by Christ, and (2) through the Spirit (Mt.16:18; Ro.8:14). But this applies to more than just those gifted governmentally (Eph.4:11). Intercession is the right, privilege and responsibility of all God's children (Heb.4:14-16). All must purpose themselves to enter into the intercessory flow by the Spirit of God (Ro.8:26).Apostles and Prophets, however, have the greatest responsibility to avail themselves to intercede with the Lord Jesus. It is in that realm these will enter into "the mystery of Christ" (Eph.3:4-5). Accessed by foundational ministers through the Spirit, the Lord then builds by revelation according to His priority (Mt.16:18-19). Without these disclosures, there will neither be adequate foundation for the church, nor proper priority for functioning as the Body (Eph.2:20; 1Cor.12:28).Intercession with Christ by leaders will be what actually releases God's will into the Earth (Ac.1:12-14; 13:1-4). But instead, many leaders have personal intercessors who carry the bulk of this activity for them. Having persons pray for church leaders is definitely a good idea, but those who lead which desire prayer covering should first realize they are already receiving prayer covering from Christ (Ro.8:27,34; Heb.7:25). They should then realize that without an active, current and personal prayer life which participates in Christ's true intercession, they will not be empowered to flow into the fullest dimension of witness and authority in their ministries. Even with substantial reinforcement from the ranks, there must be authentic intercession made by those who carry the authority which (released) is required to inaugurate the advances and establish the changes for which Christ is calling to the Father.In the same way that Christ intercedes for the saints, every individual has the capacity to be chosen by the Lord's Spirit to intercede on behalf of others. True intercession for others provides a powerful release when those with the Gift of Christ participate, especially Apostles and Prophets. These will issue forth the prayer of Christ with an unusual dimension of authority, releasing the governmental anointing of their respective ministry gifting and call. God will then connect, empower and deploy the Body together through this expression of Christ’s Voice marshalled into demonstration of action. Then, "the mystery of Christ" will not be only revealed, but have a legitimate opportunity to be established (Eph.3:4-5; 4:11-16).Such intercession, however, does not originate from formal, mutual covenants or personal commitments to organizations (although it may very well lead to such). Instead, this intercession is both inspired and spontaneous through the Spirit of God. It is the prayer of Christ entered into by the Church which authenticates intercession. It is the prayer of Christ entered into by the Church which moves the Body from desiring His presence for themselves into fully releasing it to others and establishing it reproductively (Ac.1:12-14; 2:1-4; 13:1-4).Intercessory PartnershipsIt is by these prayers of Christ though the church that intercessory relationships should always be first identified and then recognized. In fact, intercessory partnerships must not only always be formed by these types of leadings, promptings and spontaneity. Intercessory relationships must also be rooted, centered and verified as authentic by them as well. In this way, one can remain assured that the source and ongoing energy of the co-laboring relationship is the Spirit of God.By remaining within this boundary of Spiritual affinity we insure that the relationship remains authentic, event as it results in growth, development, and even organizational establishment and expansion. The component which legitimizes our ongoing relationships in the body of Christ is the Holy Spirit. Without this ongoing "kindredness," "likemindedness," "connection," "Spiritual fingerprint," or "DNA" we are relegated to becoming "parts" of the "machinery."Like a forged metal part which needs much lubrication for the engine it is part of to run smoothly after being started, we tend to get cold, impersonal, and feel lost functioning as an organizationally-driven enterprise. That is, until we are fully warmed-up and sometimes even revved (as necessary). This is because that 'lubricant' which brought us together has been forfeited for the sake of our own self-image, preservation, expansion, and security. At that point, the Spirit exists for the sake of the organization, rather than the organization existing to carry out the direction of the Holy Spirit. When attempting to drive the horse with the cart relationships can no longer be functionally authentic. When attempting to pull the engine by the caboose the train can no longer be what Christ designed and God called for (Mt.16:18; 1Cor.12:13-14).But as we are faithful to follow the Holy Spirit in offering prayer support for others, we will continually be establishing, insuring and even furthering the "divine connections" initiated by God to bring about His results. And if intended by God to be shared with others, these revelations will bring us into relationships that must continue as they have begun: by the Spirit of God.After the Spirit births relationship, commitment which leads to a co-laboring function is essential. But we need to remember: "commitment to a purpose" is not the glue of God's function, the Holy Spirit is. This is why so many attempts made for co-functioning, unifying for events, or cooperating for mutual support fall flat and bring disappointment to all. Such efforts often consist of much determination and hard work, but are noticeably devoid of God's presence.The key is the Holy Spirit. The relationships He forms and energizes will accomplish His purposes. This does not devalue commitment, it places it in proper order– as the result of His leading (Ro.8:14). But once led into commitment, our integrity must be impeccable (Psa.15:1,4b).Intercession – Transforming PowerAs we allow Christ to transform us while experiencing His Presence in prayer, we will be elevated to the Father's Right Hand. We will never be more like Jesus than when we stand with Him before the Father to issue forth complete agreement with His intercession. In that same vein, no activity undertaken to bring about personal change in our hearts will bear as much fruit as true intercession (Ro.8:29).Intercession is the primary way we access the resurrection power of Christ and mature in our relationship with God. As we truly intercede, what flows over our lips will be the very words and prayer of Jesus to the Father. The fruit of such prayer will establish God's will in circumstance. The fruit of such prayer will also result in the impartation of Christ's heart through conforming to His image (Ro.8:29).God has chosen authentic, Spirit-birthed, powered and directed intercession with Him to unify the Bride with the Bridegroom (Ro.8:29-34). By continually flowing with Him in this way, the conduit between Heaven and Earth is connected. Through our agreement with Christ's desire, a flow is released as a living reality within and the pipeline between Heaven and Earth begins to be operational. Continuing in this flow, we increasingly yearn for that which Christ yearns, because His heart and life begin to overtake our own.The immeasurable impact of our experience with Christ increasingly turns us toward Him and His desires until we operate as One (Ro.8:29). This type of relationship with Christ will enable us to not only experience, but actually carry the anointing. Those who carry the anointing will produce the miracles and signs so desperately needed to convince the unbelieving in this hour (1Cor.14:24-25). Then, Jesus Christ will be fully represented in the Earth as one's go forth from Heaven's Throne with God's presence, power and purposes “in spirit and in truth” (Jn.4:24;14:6).Intercession -- Sensitivity to the Holy SpiritWhen the Spirit desires to make intercession through us with Christ for others, we may be prompted in various ways.§ Suddenly, we may feel a spiritual leading to pray. (This is much different than being struck by fear, worry, or anxiety).§ We could have a dream from the Lord that contains revelation on how to pray for others.§ Similarly, we may have a vision.§ While praying, specific individuals are "brought before us."The Lord has a multitude of ways of getting our attention, and He knows how. We need to allow that to take place. We need to be directed by God. Although it is essential in every season to yield to the Spirit in prayer, in this hour we must protect this priority with all our resolve. Even if it seems less urgent than the work before us. And it may (now) seem less 'urgent,' but we will (later) find that if we fail to enter in, we will have completely missed what was clearly most important.In the same way we are to be attentively perceptive in conversation with others, our role is to be sensitive to the Spirit of God as we proceed with Him. The more personal and relational our prayer life becomes, the more we will be used of God in agreement with Christ: both for self-intercession, and for interceding with Him for His Body.Once a prompting or direction for intercession has been received, it is crucial not to use this revelation to fashion others 'in our image' while praying. It is very possible to be right about what we see and wrong about how we respond to it in prayer. Even though we receive correct understanding of a need, if uttered apart from the Spirit or beyond the grace of God we will miss the purpose for being apprehended on their behalf.Many times we lack the Father's heart for understanding the specifics of the journey He has called others to. At times we also fail to embrace the uniqueness of Christ within each, failing to encourage others to explore their destiny apart from our understanding of their journey and desire for them. When understanding what God reveals through the lens of our investment in the lives of others, we can very easily become part of the problem instead of joining with the Spirit's release of the solution.As we grow with the Spirit through continual intercession, what is revealed causes our wineskin to expand and be transformed into the “mind of Christ” (1Cor.2:16). As God moves in ways we would never have imagined or even desired, we then must begin to spiritually discern right and wrong ways to react and relate to what is revealed. This requires that sometimes we should just wait, rightly sensing that we have been shown something by God, but that His heart is calling us deeper into His before we will be given what is needed to make a true faith response in prayer (Ro.10:17; Heb.11:6). With that in mind, in those times we must content ourselves to pray, to trust, and to wait.____________________________________________
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