"Quote/Unquote" ~
Phil Miglioratti @ Reimagine.Network Interviewed Jonathan Friz, Author of "10 Days: The Unlikely Story of a Global Movement Longing for the Return of Jesus."
"10 Days: The Unlikely Story of a Global Movement Longing for the Return of Jesus
is the story of almost twenty years of attempting to follow Jesus
in pursuit of a radical vision to see cities stop, repent, and worship King Jesus."
PHIL>>> Your book has several critical components. You present a specific strategy but this is much more than a guide for those leading a "10 Days" initiative. Tell us how reading it will:
- Inspire us in our personal story by hearing about your "unlikely story."
Jonathan>>>Much more than a story about a specific prayer strategy, this book is about what it looks like to follow Jesus. This includes incredible miracles and answers to prayer alongside massive failures and unexplained set-backs. I think this story will inspire believers to keep following Jesus and take larger risks in following Him, knowing that He really is faithful in the long-term and that incredibly painful losses and setbacks, even if they are never explained, can be part of the larger story God is writing with our lives.
I think it's also a candid look at the danger in the journey. Some people don't end well, and i certainly came close a number of time. So, part of the inspiration may be disabusing us of our naive views of what it means to follow Jesus. As C.S. Lewis famously said, "He is not a tame lion." We can expect lives that are in step with Him to also not be tame.
- Challenge us to rededicate ourselves to discipleship by learning from your "almost twenty years of attempting to follow Jesus."
Jonathan>>> To be a disciple at its most basic level means to be "with Jesus" and to "follow Jesus". Following means going where He goes. As we go where He goes, we learn all kinds of things. My biggest encouragement from the book, or discipleship "tool" if you will, is to set-apart long periods of time to spend with the Lord, either on your own or in community with other people. These catalytic, extended seasons of prayer, worship, scripture, and silence are often life-transforming and leave us with a better sense of how to hear the Holy Spirit for ourselves.
- Prompt us to reimagine God's vision for our lives as we read about your "pursuit of a radical vision."
Jonathan>>> In the book, I talk about my heart's desire to live a life "like people you read about in the Bible." At the time, that desire seemed like a massive reach. As I reflected on the journey through writing the book, it was clear that God had responded to my prayer as a young person--we have seen God do so many incredible things. If there was one desire or prayer I could pass on for people to reimagine God's vision for their lives, maybe that would be it: Lord, let my life be like someone from the pages of the Bible. If some of us are older or younger, let's remember that many of the journeys we hear about in Scripture, whether Joseph and Josiah or Abraham and Moses, begin when people are "too young" and "too old". It's never too late to start walking more closely with God.
- Cause us to "see" our "city" (neighborhood, community); one Church praying with one voice.
Jonathan>>> As I pursued my God-given desire to see an answer to Jesus prayer in John 17, "let them be one as we are one," I began noticing the ways that Church in cities and neighborhoods was already expressing unity, and the key leaders that we already bringing the people of God together. As I listened to other believers, I started to hear "assignments" and "callings" coming from them. I realized these people were hearing from God just as I was, and responding in faith. If we can start hearing what God is doing in and through others in our city or neighborhood, this will give us new eyes to understand God's plans and purposes for our communities.
- Lead us to live out Romans 12:2 (transformed, not conformed); to "repent" change the way we think).
Jonathan>>> Often times we are afraid to repent because we are afraid to be wrong. However, repentance is a glorious exchange where we bring God our bad ideas and ways of thinking and receive His thoughts and ideas, which are always better and life-giving. Repentance is exchanging our bondage for the glorious liberty that is ours in Christ. Some of the repentance we need to do is at a very deep level--we may not be aware of how deeply we have imbibed the world's way of thinking and how far we are from God's way of thinking. The book shares how extended seasons of worship and prayer where we step away from the world can be catalytic to deep repentance, change, and transformation.
- Bless us with a fresh awakening to "worship King Jesus."
Jonathan>>> Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is a resurrected, Jewish man who now lives in heaven and has all power and authority. Father God has chosen Him to return to rule the whole earth with Justice and to unite heaven and earth. He is worthy to rule and worthy to bring justice to the earth because He gave His live and His blood as a ransom for all of us. How can we not love a man like this, who willingly gave up His life as a sacrifice for us? How could we want a greater, kinder King?
PHIL>>> As leaders read, they are constantly asking (in thought and in prayer) how what the author is presenting can assist them in their ministry. How can this book equip::
- Pastors
Jonathan>>> For pastors, I think the messiness of the stories in the book will encourage them to keep following Jesus. Pastoral ministry often feels like a lot of pain and very little reward--caring for broken people and pointing them to Jesus can be incredibly painful. Hopefully, this book is a reminder that there's nothing better we can give our life to than loving God's people.
- Prayer Champions
Jonathan>>> For younger prayer champions, I hope there is a lot of learning from my early mistakes, including judgmentalism, pride, and a foolish approach to prophecy and spiritual gifts. Spiritual people have different temptations and make different mistakes from worldly people. Hopefully, you can avoid some of what I did! I also really hope that there is an impartation of faith for the father to answer Jesus' prayer in John 17. We need to have confidence that Jesus will receive the answer to His prayer.
- DiscipleMakers
Jonathan>>> While it's not a topic featured in the book, 10 Days is actively partnering with disciple-making movements around the world, especially global simple church movements. If we are serious about making disciples, we need to use the "technology" of the New Covenant and put people directly in touch with "the teacher" who is the Holy Spirit. Prayer, in community, is probably the best way for people to get to know the Holy Spirit, learn to hear His voice, and follow Him. So, I'd say Christ-centered, Spirit-filled prayer is central to the life of any disciple.
- Ministry/Mission Outreach Leaders
Jonathan>>> I hope this book inspires you to dream bigger and also to be more patient than you thought possible in pursuit of a God-sized vision. So, that you'll both have a larger vision and be more patient than ever for God to fulfill that vision.
PHIL>>> One more thing from the author to the reader...
Jonathan>>> I feel so honored to have seen and participated in incredible acts of God in my lifetime. My prayer for the reader is that they'd go forth and do the same...and even greater things.
PHIL>>> Jonathan, please write a prayer we can pray with you about inviting others to follow Jesus...
Jonathan>>> Father, would you gather your family together from every tribe, people, language, and nation and would you make us one in Jesus Christ, your only-begotten son, who has all authority in heaven and earth. Would you a spirit of repentance and times of refreshing, and most of all would you send Jesus, whom heaven must receive for a time, but who is returning once again to restore all things (Acts 3).

10 Days: The Unlikely Story of a Global Movement Mourning for the Return of Jesus is now available!
Starting in 2004 with a visionary experience, this account tells both the good and the bad of a journey with God to see a seemingly impossible vision come to pass. The book highlights not only supernatural signs but also tragic mistakes, painful trials, and bewildering pitfalls that lead to what looks like complete failure. Through it all, the incredible faithfulness and miraculous provision of God are on display in some of the least likely situations.
This book will be especially helpful for those who have experienced both a deep passion and love for God as well as significant setbacks that have left them perplexed. It shows how God's faithfulness can operate through human weakness, but also how our growth in wisdom, discernment, and spiritual maturity is essential if God is to fulfill His great and precious promises in us. In a larger sense, it also paints the picture of the growth of a global movement that is filled with longing and expectation for the fulfillment of God's prophetic promises and ultimately the return of Jesus to rule and reign!
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