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True Meaning of Christmas … “Tell the Children!”


Just a week before Christmas I had a visitor.  I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house.  I opened the door to the front room and, to my surprise, Santa himself stepped out from behind the Christmas tree.  He placed a finger over his mouth so I would not cry out.

"What are you doing?" I started to ask.  The words choked up in my throat, as I saw he had tears in his eyes.  His usual jolly manner was gone.  Gone was the eager boisterous soul we all know.

He then answered me with a simple statement, "TEACH THE CHILDREN."  I was puzzled; what did he mean?

He anticipated my question, and with one quick movement brought forth a miniature toy bag from behind the tree.  As I stood there bewildered, Santa said, "Teach the children! Teach them the meaning of Christmas.  The meaning that children now-a-day's have forgotten!"

Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a FIR TREE and placed it before the mantle. "Teach the children that the pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year around, depicting the everlasting hope of mankind.  All the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts toward heaven."

He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR.  "Teach the children that the star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago.  God promised a savior for the world, and the star was the sign of the fulfillment of that promise."

He then reached in his bag and pulled out a CANDLE.  "Teach the children that the candle symbolizes that Christ is the light of the world, and when we see this great light we are reminded of He who displaced the darkness."

Once again he reached into his bag and removed a WREATH and placed it on the tree. "Teach the children that the wreath symbolizes the eternal nature of love.  Real love never ceases.  Love is one continuous round of affection."

He then pulled out from his bag an ornament of HIMSELF.  "Teach the children that I, Santa Clause symbolize the generosity and good will we feel during the month of December."

     -- original source unknown; submitted by C. Neal Davis, Ph.D., ACFRE (12/22/11) nealpatdavis@hotmail.com

He reached in again and pulled out a HOLLY LEAF.  "Teach the children that the holly plant represents immortality.  It represents the Crown of Thorns worn by our Savior.  The red holly berries represent the blood shed by Him."

            Next he pulled out a GIFT from the bag and said, "Teach the children that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son ..."  "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.  Teach the children that the Wise Men bowed before the Holy Babe and presented Him with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  We should always give gifts in the same spirit as the Wise Men."

Santa reached in his bag and pulled out a CANDY CANE and hung it on the tree.  "Teach the children that the candy cane represents the shepherds crook.  The crook on the shepherd's staff helps to bring back strayed sheep to the flock.  The candy cane is the symbol that we are our brothers keeper."

He reached in again and pulled out an ANGEL.  "Teach the children that it was the Angels that heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth.  The angels sang Glory to God in the Highest, on earth peace, and good will toward men."

Suddenly I heard a soft twinkling sound, from his bag he pulled out a BELL.  "Teach the children that the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should bring man to the fold.  The bell symbolizes guidance and return."

Santa looked back at the tree and was pleased. He looked back at me and I saw that the twinkle was back in his eyes.  He said, "Teach the children the true meaning of Christmas, and to not put me in the center, for I am but a humble servant of the ONE That Is, and I bow down and worship HIM, our LORD, our GOD.

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Ask of Me

(En Español)

We live in unparalleled times. Not since the first century have more Scriptures been fulfilled in a single generation. Each unfolding word brings down another mountain; it lifts another valley. In truth, the way is being prepared for our King's return into this world.

The Great Revolt
The Lord forewarned that, during the End Time, "many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase" (Dan. 12:4). Contrast our time with any other in history: Not only are we traveling farther and more frequently, but we do so in a world inundated with increasing knowledge. It has been our privilege to behold the prophetic return of Israel to its land (see Jer. 16:14-15), and our misfortune to live when "the earth is . . . polluted by its inhabitants" (Isa. 24:5).

As though Jesus were reading a news summary of recent years, His prophecies of two thousand years ago clearly describe our times. Thus, we are compelled to discern accurately the significant era in which we live. Indeed, of the many prophetic fulfillments of our day, one in particular rises with undimmed candor. I am speaking of what the Bible calls the "apostasy." You will recall Paul's warning:

"Let no one in any way deceive you, for [the day of the Lord] will not come unless the apostasy comes first" (2 Thess. 2:3).

The apostasy has traditionally been described as a time of deception and massive falling away from authentic faith in Christ. Depending upon your specific view, sometime before or after the apostasy the rapture of the church will occur. However, the concept of apostasy as merely "a falling away" is incomplete. The original Greek word for apostasy, apostasia, when used in classical Greek literature, meant "a political revolt." From this we understand that the End Time apostasy is not just a time of sinfulness or large scale backsliding; it is actually a time of open defiance and warlike aggression against divine moral foundations. In other words, the apostasia is a political insurrection against the laws of God.

This interpretation of the apostasy is not an isolated view. The New International Version, Revised Standard Version, Philips Translation, and New English Bible all render apostasia as "the rebellion." The Living Bible interprets the apostasy as the "great rebellion," while the Jerusalem Bible assigns a proper name to this era: "The Great Revolt."

As we consider the fulfillment of so many other prophecies, let us carefully observe: mankind has entered an era of open revolt and outright rebellion---an apostasy---against the moral standards of God.

Today, we are witnessing a large-scale rebellion against godliness and moral values. Indeed, this brazen attitude has had a name for itself since the 1960s: the sexual revolution. And "revolution" is exactly what it is. Our moral standards have not only been challenged, they have been replaced by a nonstandard. Indeed, the great rebellion seeks to legitimize and then mainstream every perversity known to man!

There is much to say on behalf of those trapped in perversity and who hate sin's affect on their lives. We must be compassionate toward them and not strident; many are sitting in our churches afraid to even speak of their need lest they be disowned. I am not speaking with reference to the victims of this advance, but of those who are engaged in a mutiny against the sway of God in our nation. They argue the only standard Americans have is the standard of individual freedom. In their view, freedom itself is the "god" ruling America, with self-indulgence sitting as chief counsel.

Yet, the God of Heaven desires the nations of the world. Though the apostasy will certainly intensify, we must remember it is only one of many prophecies unfolding in our day. The same Divine Word that warned of the Great Rebellion also assures us that ultimately God's kingdom shall crush the demonic influences in our world (see Dan. 2:44).

Yes, evil shall mature into full rebellion, but good is also ripening into full Christlikeness! (See Matt. 13:40-43; John 17:22-23.) True, the apostasy shall reveal the nature of Satan, but the true church shall manifest the nature of Christ! Our King is not only coming in the skies, He is coming "to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed" (2 Thess. 1:10). What seems to be Satan's hour, full of darkness and rebellion, is simply the opportunity for grace to abound to the glory of God in the church!

Seated with Christ!
The Second Psalm, perhaps more then any other Bible text, accurately portrays the spirit of our time. Indeed, it also proclaims our correct response to Satan's bold advance. Although it was quoted by the early church (see Acts 4:25-26), God has set its full realization for the end of this age.

"Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, 'Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!'" (Ps. 2:1-3).

Although "the rebellion" reveals itself worldwide in many ways, in America many of our leaders have certainly been counseling together "against the Lord" in their decisions. We see it in the legal protection offered the gay movement and the shelter provided for satanic rock music. Again, our anti-censorship laws, like armor plating, have been established to defend sin against the Lord, shielding the perversity of our entertainment industry. The virulent cry of those in rebellion hammers relentlessly upon the fetters of moral restraint!

This railing against God has not gone unnoticed in heaven. Is the Almighty confounded? Has fear concerning recent developments gripped the Lord's heart? No. The Psalm continues,

"He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury" (Ps 2:4-5).

The Lord laughs at the foolishness of those in full revolt, as they imagine God's judgments cannot reach them. Why then, you ask, does the Lord delay His full judgment? In part, the Lord waits for us, His church. For while the world shall demand, and receive, the reign of hell, the goal of the praying church shall be for the reign of Heaven. You see, all of God's prophecies shall be fulfilled: those concerning evil and also those concerning righteousness. The Lord has purposed to have a "bride without spot or wrinkle" and a "kingdom" of wheat without tares. The transformation of the church will be fulfilled as surely as every other prophecy occurring before the Lord's return.

Thus, with great fear and holy trembling, we must review what God has promised concerning us. Let us remember, the Lord is not alone in the heavens. According to His Word, He has "seated us with Him in the heavenly places" (Eph. 2:6). It is time for our identity as Christians to shift. Our nationalities only define our ambassador status; our true citizenship is in Heaven (see Phil. 3:20). And if God is laughing at the mocking of those in the rebellion, let us also, as His subjects, share His confidence!

Thus, He commands us to sit with Him in the completeness of His purpose. He requires us not only to live without fear but to stand in prayer for these very nations that defy Him!

Listen again to this Second Psalm, for in the very context of worldwide rebellion against the Lord, it records the most remarkable discourse: "Ask of Me," the Father says to the Son, "and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession" (Ps. 2:8).

When I first came to Christ in 1970, churches in America were deeply divided and rather cold in organized prayer. Today, leaders of denominations are working together, and it is estimated that more than a quarter of a million American churches are moving toward deeper unity and increased prayer for this nation. Jesus has asked the Father for the United States, and in response, the prayer movement has been born!

As Christ's church, we do not deserve a national revival, but Jesus does! As His representatives, in His name and virtue, we ask of the Father for America! More than an expression of faith, our prayer is actually an act of obedience: We are commanded to ask God for the nations!

Therefore, while the perverse strive toward complete rejection of God, even as their mocking words fill the air, the Almighty's unchangeable promise to His Son (and by extension, His church as Christ's body) is "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations!''

As violence, New Age religions and witchcraft flourish in our schools, ask God for this nation. While all restraint is removed from the entertainment industry, ask God for this nation! While perversity dresses in normalcy, ask God for America! While abortion remains protected by laws, ask God with confidence, with boldness, and with faith for our land! Where you see injustice in any form, ask God for His kingdom to manifest on earth!

"He who sits in the heavens laughs."

Put away fear and discouragement; repent of fretting. The more we accept our place in the divine plan, the more we shall laugh at the enemies' plans. The faith that relentlessly asks God, pleases God. Now, as the fullness of the times unfolds, as the world around us clothes itself in prophetic fulfillments, let us put away unbelief; let us repent for withdrawal. It is a time to boldly ask of God. As He has promised: He will give the nations as an inheritance to Christ!

Let's pray: Lord Jesus, how blessed we are that as evil matures into full rebellion, Your church matures into full Christlikeness. Teach me to pray for my inheritance, my nation. Use me to stand in the gap until my people become Your people.

Adapted from In Christ's Image Training

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Intercessors Note

May 2011

*Register for 

Abide Ministries


School of Ministry



June 16th - 18th

at Firm Foundation in

Battle Ground, WA

*Registration is free (includes lunch, dinner, & snacks)

Upcoming Events

Pastors Prayer Summit

Western Japan

May 23 - 26


Northview Church

Prayer Retreat

Abbotsford, BC

May 27 - 29


Pastors Prayer Summit

Shiga, Japan

May 30 - June 2


National Conversation

on Revival

Chicago, IL

June 7 - 8



For more upcoming events please visit our calendar.



Sunday, June 12th, is Pentecost Sunday and also the Global Day of Prayer.  This is worthy of your participation.

Prayer Summit Cities

As I write this note, I am very aware of the devastation that has hit some “Prayer Summit cities.” Tuscaloosa and Birmingham a couple weeks ago and Joplin Mo, on Sunday. Please do pray that the “Church of the City” would rise up in these areas and be a dynamic force for God.


It is wonderful to see how Paul prayed for the churches he loved. Notice this one in 2 Thess 2:11-12.

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. - 2 Thess 2:11-12

As you receive this note, I am between two summits this week. Would you please pray for both of them? I have just finished the Whatcom Co, WA (Southern BC) summit. What a wonderful time of saints caring deeply for Jesus, one another, their congregations/communities! It was a privilege to facilitate this time of deep worship and prayer. Please pray that what God began there, He will complete.


Then this weekend (Friday evening – Sunday afternoon) I get to facilitate a congregational summit in Abbotsford, BC. Please pray for a great sensitivity on my part and a great receptivity on the part of everyone who attends this time. Jesus wants to meet each one personally. And please note the last sentence in the 2 Thessalonians prayer above. That is what I deeply desire!


The only other requests I will give you is for a conference I will attend at Moody Bible Institute June 7-8. This is called the National Conversation on Revival. I am looking forward to being with many other leaders who are committed to praying for and living for a fresh awareness of Jesus Christ in every sector of society.


Thanks again for your prayer support!


Please don't forget to click here to let me know you are praying for us.  (This will take you to a page thanking you for your prayers and we will be able to see who clicked on this link).


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Dennis Fuqua

International Renewal Ministries


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Words Work

 “The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (James 3:5-6)

I don’t think I have to convince you about the power words wield. When you think back to eventful moments in your life, there are likely words involved, either encouraging or discouraging. Those words had power. They perhaps changed your course. The tongue is a perfect illustration of the power of small. James makes the point that though the tongue is a small part of the body, it can set the course for a life.

Words are amazing weapons or great healers. Words have to be managed carefully. Once spoken, a word can’t be unspoken. You can’t inhale and pull it back in. Words take on a life of their own. All words are modeled after the Eternal Word: living, active, sharp. If you let words fly in the heat of the moment, someone will have to heal from their impact. You can say, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean that!” but the word is out and it lives in the person to whom you spoke it. No wonder the Word of God is jam-packed with warnings about using words prudently.

Words have the power to tear down, but they also have the power to build up. God can empower our words so that one small word can have so much impact that it redirects the trajectory of your life. God’s work in our lives can be so deep that it changes our words. After all, words come right from the heart. Changed heart, changed words. We can be so much in His presence that we naturally speak His words. Jesus once said of His words: ’These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me”’ (John 14:24).

I’ve always been accused of being exactly like my dad. People say that we are alike in looks, in temperament, in personality, in the way we process information, and in how we communicate. My two sisters, when the three of us are together, will often react to some statement of mine by looking at each other, rolling their eyes, and saying in unison “That’s Daddy talking”.

They mean that I am expressing my own thoughts, but that my own thoughts are exactly like my father’s. If he were present, he’d have said exactly what I said. You might say I’m speaking my father’s words.

As you live moment by moment in His power and presence, he will speak His present-tense word through you. "The lips of the righteous nourish many" (Prov. 10:21). You will speak what you have heard from the Father. When you speak, it can be said of you, “’That’s her Father talking.”’

The Cumulative Power of Words

Words, once spoken live on. Those words you speak to your teen-ager, thinking they are going in one ear and out the other? They are landing and making themselves a home. The words you thought you could throw out in a huff and apologize for later? They’ve carved out a nook and settled in. The words of kindness and encouragement that seemed to be ignored? They are fertilizing dreams. Make it your goal to speak into lives such a preponderance of uplifting, encouraging words that they will eventually tip the balance and move a life from discouragement to hope.

From an upcoming book by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, The Power of Small: Think Small to Live Large. Make sure you are on our quarterly newsletter list so you will know when new products are available.

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One Little Girl's Prayer Closet

Whenever she opened the closet door, she imagined stepping into another world. It felt safe there. It was one of the few places that she ever felt safe. To most people this room would have had no appeal. The floor was covered with cracked, dirty linoleum, but she imagined a fine, plush, golden carpet. The air was filled with dust and the smell of moth balls, but she imagined spring flowers and fresh air. The walls were made of a pale, pink plaster which was cracked and peeling. But she imagined that there were no walls. The only companions in this room were the raincoats and the sweaters which were in storage, but she imagined that she was surrounded by God and his angels, and every time she entered this closet, they would be there to meet with her. He would reach down to pick her up and hold her, the way that she saw other kid’s parents pick them up. He would whisper in her ear that He loved her and that it wouldn’t be long before He gave her a new home. He told her that one day she would be free to run and play like the other kids and that she would have a Mom and Dad to love her. She showed Him her scars from her beatings, and imagined that He showed her His.

The paragraph above is a snapshot of my early childhood and of the spiritual formation that was taking place in me, even in the midst of some very traumatic and painful circumstances. God revealed Himself to me at a very young age, even before I had any exposure to church or Sunday School. I knew that God was there with me and I talked to Him often.

In this prayer closet, I learned to believe in what I could not see; to listen for His voice, no matter how quiet or still; to sing to Him with the voice my heart gives; to receive comfort & hope from His presence, and to allow Him to heal my heart. I asked Him to remove me from this home and He did. Two days before my seventh birthday,my prayers were answered and He rescued me from years of abuse and neglect. The years that followed were not easy, but God’s presence and protection remained with me, and though I never returned to this prayer closet, I discovered my own “Portable Sanctuary of the Heart” (Reference from Celebration of Discipline—Richard Foster).

“Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother’s breast. From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God.”    Psalm 22:9-10

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Grandfathers - Spiritual Warriors

 Pray for Protection and Victory in the Battlefields of Life

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:10, 11).

      A grandfather understands the nature of warfare and that our grandchildren are prime targets for the enemy who is seeking to devour them (and us). Gentlemen, we are soldiers engaged in the battlefield of war for the hearts, minds, and souls of our grandchildren. If we fail to engage in battle, then we set the enemy loose to do whatever he wants with our children and grandchildren.

      Our grandchildren need grandfathers who are good soldiers—soldiers who understand they are not on vacation but at war. Men who grasp their calling, committed to fulfilling it and pleasing our Commanding Officer (Christ). Men who have learned how to endure hardship with courage and faith, and clothed themselves with the full armor of God and are engaged in fervent prayer on their grandchildren’s behalf.

      Such soldier grandfathers will pray that for their grandchildren to grow strong in their walk with the Lord. They will pray for and show them the importance of the armor of God to stand firm against schemes of the devil who will tempt them to lie, to cheat, to disobey their parents, and to follow all the ways of the world. The enemy is cunning, deceptive, and powerful. He will do everything he can to distract our grandchildren from walking with the Lord and seek, instead, to gratify the sinful desires of the flesh.

 Grandfathers, pray that your grandchildren will:

1.   Recognize the deception of the world and resist temptation.

2.   Gird themselves with the belt of truth (God’s Word) and stand firm in the truth

3.   Take up the shield of faith so that they may stand firm against and extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

4.   Put on the helmet of salvation by the Holy Spirit will guard their hearts and minds, and fill them with hope and courage

       to live life to the fullest in Christ Jesus, their Lord and Savior.

5.   Be alert, self-controlled, and firm in faith—faith in God and the work of Christ on the Cross.

6.   Persevere and endure hardship in the face of hostility and ignorance.

7.   Take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, as their only weapon against which Satan cannot stand.

            Pray that they will hide the Word in their hearts through study and memorization.

8.   Be alert, self-controlled, and firm in faith—faith in God and the work of Christ on the Cross.

9.   Persevere and endure hardship in the face of hostility and ignorance.

10. Live a life worthy of the calling they have received as a child of God.

 One final thought for grandfathers…

Men, soldiers are not supposed to fight the battle alone. They fight as a company or platoon, part of unit watching out for each other’s back. The Scriptures are clear as well that we are to fight this battle as a unit—we are the body of Christ. I urge you, therefore, to band with two, three, or more brothers who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, and you with them, to do battle for the hearts and minds of our grandchildren (and children). A band of righteous men gathered to pray is a powerful force against our enemy.

Decide right now to ask other grandfathers to form a band of grandfathers who will pray together and develop a strategy for fighting in the power of God on the battlefield for life. Grandparent’s Day of Prayer is a perfect staging area for this purpose. Talk to a few other men in your church, neighborhood or place of work, and ask them to join you to form a Grandfather’s G@P group—a band of brothers who will do battle for the souls of the next generations. Our Commander In Chief has issued the call. Will you respond?

 I would also like to invite you to join “Grandparents @ Prayer” on this Pray! Network.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, go to www.chrisitiangrandparenting.net or contact me at charper@christiangrandparenting.net.


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” III John 1:4.

Guest Blog by Cavin Harper, Executive Director of Christian Grandparenting Network





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Hide and Seek!


It's a little before dawn and I walk the 200yds from my comfortable cozy cabin, in the brisk clear air to The Prayer Chapel at Harvest Prayer Retreat Center in Indiana.

The moonlight casts a silver glow over the ice-covered lake. Entering the Chapel I experience the presence of God in the beauty of His creation as I quietly speak out the names of Jesus inscribed in a variety of scripts upon one of the walls.

I sit down at the writing desk and read a description of worship by Richard Foster which started like this: "Worship is living in the reality of God's creation with a heart open to receive all it's glory. Wow for the next nine hours that is what I did and incredibly it seems as if it were but one. As you watch today's PM3 may God give you a desire to come out of hiding in the busyness of life and TAKE A DAY, & BE IN HIS CREATION.

Chkk-Chirrrrrrrrrrrr in the joy we share in Jesus and give away a PRAY NOW blessing today!



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In order to teach about spiritual disciplines and come across as knowledgeable and believable, the teacher must first journey through the lessons she will teach.  In Ready to Pray, Gail Dudley shares the life lessons that the Lord has poured into her life through her spiritual journey with Him.  Whether these were seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow, seasons of want or seasons of plenty, the Lord has been working in Gail’s life for many years, teaching her the disciplines of prayer and the power that comes through the life of someone who is obedient to calling on Him during all of life’s challenges.  Gail has first-hand experience in how to develop and build a powerful prayer life; her life is a living testimony of a life transformed by the power of prayer and having a heart of worship.


In Ready to Pray, Gail pours her heart into the pages of this book, sharing the intimate and hard lessons that God has taught her – the very circumstances that brought her to her knees before the Lord – the very lessons that taught her about prayer, the power of prayer, the need for prayer and the joy and freedom that is found in worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ.


Order a copy today at www.lulu.com ISBN: 978-0-557-90787-8 you may also download a copy as well at www.lulu.com


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Circumcising the Vision

From  Fueled by Faith by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

Listen to an interview on Fueled by Faith here.


The Finishing Touch
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith”  (Heb. 12:2, KJV).

Faith in its finished form results in the power and provision of God manifested in the circumstances of earth. The perfecting and finishing of our faith is accomplished through difficulties and challenges of life. As we face challenges, it trains us in the ways of faith, it trains us to keep our focus on the reality instead of the shadow, and it circumcises all the flesh out of the vision God has given us. Like muscles in the physical body, faith grows by resistance training—by being forced to do heavy lifting.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

Difficulty becomes blessing. Trials become joy. 

Circumcising the Vision
When God impregnates you with promise and causes vision to grow in you, that vision is designed and tailored to fit you and only you. It fits you exactly. When God describes His will, He uses three words: good, pleasing, and perfect (Rom. 12:2). The word “perfect” means  “a perfect fit.” His will for you is beneficial to you (good); it will bring you pleasure and will please you (pleasing); and it will fit you to down to the last detail (perfect). You love the vision. You’re supposed to.

As the vision develops, the time comes when you are forced to recognize that although the vision is God’s, it has some of your flesh wrapped around it. When I say “flesh,” I am talking about those parts of your life that are still fueled by your human nature. Your flesh wants to own and control and possess and manage and manipulate. God is always working in you to free you of your flesh and move you more and more into the power of the Spirit. To that end, He arranges crisis moments at which you are brought face-to-face with your flesh and the claim it is trying to have on God’s vision. Those times are painful, but they are the most productive times of all. When your flesh is brought to its crucifixion, it is bloody and messy and our tendency is to resist. But crucifixion has but one end: resurrection. This has always been God’s pattern and continues to be so today. Crucifixion. Resurrection.

In Hebrews 11, God spotlights  and highlights lives that have put faith on display. In each, the crucifixion-resurrection principle is evident. Look with me at an example.

Moses’ Parents
The writer of Hebrews spotlighted Moses’ parents as prime examples of how faith works. The vision that God put into Moses began as a vision in the minds of his parents, who saw that he was no ordinary child.  God caused them to see His promise and it jumped up and took such possession of them that a bold and reckless faith was born, freeing them from fear of the pharaoh. They didn’t know all its ramifications, but their vision was that he would live and not die at the pharaoh’s hands. That may be as far as they could see, but it was far enough.

God had to have provided supernatural protection for the baby Moses. He gave wisdom and ideas to Moses’ parents. Why did they even think that a little ark of bulrushes might protect Moses’ life? How did the idea even occur to them?

Three months they loved him and nurtured him and memorized his darling face and recorded in their hearts his dear sighs and gurgles and cries. With each passing day, love grew.

When the day came to let him go, imagine his mother’s walk from her home to the Nile's edge. Three-month-old son entombed in a basket. 
Surely only her selfless love for her son could induce her to walk her Via De La Rosa. Had she given one thought to her own desires, she would have turned back. She was going to place him into the Nile in the days when the Nile ran red with the blood of Hebrew sons. She was letting him go into the river that his enemy had declared to be his burial place. Imagine as she stood in the Nile's waters and came to that moment when she had to do the hardest thing she would ever be called upon to do. She had to let him go. She had to die to her mother's instincts to guard and protect. To save his life, she had to let him go.
When she did, her son was put upon the course he had been ordained to travel. The very river that might have been his end was instead his beginning. Jochabed received him back again, but everything had changed. When she put him into the Nile he was a slave. When she received him back from the Nile, he was a prince.
The secret was in the letting go.

(Learn more about the Crucifixion-Resurrection principle in  Fueled by Faith by Jennifer Kennedy Dean.


Hear Jennifer share this live.

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Connect the Dots

Connect The Dots

I was very blessed to have an enjoyable drive to work. Most of it was back country road, no interstate highway or four lane road. Not much traffic unless I was running late and encountered school buses. As I was driving to work one morning, I looked to my left and saw two deer grazing in an open field. They heard the car and watched as I drove by. A half mile further, I looked up in time to see a flock of geese flying in formation overhead. The sun was just coming up and the sky was a brilliant shade of red and orange.

I had to just keep thanking God and praising him for the wonders he had placed in my pathway. As I was thanking him, it occurred to me that he orchestrated this beauty just for me. I never saw another car as I drove down the country road and that increased my awe in my creator.

Why would he plan such an event for me? He must really love me and want to bless me. That really got me to wondering how I fit into the scheme of things in the world.

I am a praying person, maybe more than some, but probably not as much as others. I am led by God’s Holy Spirit and when the Spirit asks me to pray for someone, I do.

Each morning I have my devotional time before starting my day. I need that time to get prepared for the day. It seems to help me be ready for any and every situation I may face.

I have been praying around the world with the help of a world prayer map. It directs my prayers to different countries on specific days. This is a tool that I use to pray for those who have never heard the gospel message. It amazes me that someone on the other side of the world may be blessed because I prayed for them.

Back to my story, I’m not sure what I was praying as I drove down the road that morning. I know that I was marveling at God’s work in the heavenlies. The sunrise was breathtaking. God spoke to my heart that morning and assured me that I was part of something much bigger than my own little corner of the earth.

In Psalm 139:7 - 8, David says, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”

As Christians, we are never separated from God and his love. His word tells us so. (See Romans 8:35-39.) That being said, we know that we are to pray. We are instructed to pray for other Christians, for our enemies, for those who persecute us. We are told to pray without ceasing and we are told by Jesus to pray: “Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Matthew 6:9-13.

Did you hear what Jesus asked us to pray for? He said “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Wow, we are asking God to do his will on earth as it is in heaven. That is pretty awesome. I can’t really imagine what God does in heaven, but it is something fantastic. We know that Jesus is preparing a place for us in heaven. We know that the true temple of God is in heaven. We know that there is a throne in heaven.

When we ask for God’s will to be done, we are impacting our planet in a mighty way. When I pray for the gospel message to be preached in other countries, when I ask for God’s purpose and plan to be fulfilled in the leaders of other nations, when I ask that Christians would have the mind of Christ, my prayers are being heard in heaven and affecting the heavenlies.

Remember when God created the heavens and the earth? What did he do to create things? He spoke them into existence. Although I am not God, when I speak the things that his Holy Spirit instructs me to speak, I too am causing things to happen in the spirit realm.

What an awesome responsibility and how powerful are our words. I don’t really know the impact I have on other countries when I pray. I usually ask according to Jesus words in Matthew 9:36-38, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, (that is you and I) “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We are asking according to God’s will when we ask him to send workers into the harvest field.

How does my life affect what happens in the universe? I can’t really say, but I do know that God hears my prayers. When someone is sent into the harvest field to become a missionary and preach the good news of salvation, I am there with them in Spirit. The impact they have on others may be a result of my prayers and the prayers of other saints around the world.

When someone hears and accepts the gift of salvation, the angels in heaven rejoice. “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:7 Now that is far reaching. A little prayer from me and others like me can open the doors of heaven, send workers into the harvest field, the message of salvation through Christ can be preached and people can have eternal life.

Eternal life, now that is universal. It is so far reaching that we may never know just how far that one little prayer went.

Multiply our prayers by thousands or hundreds of thousands and you may be able to understand how you can affect what happens in the universe.

Now I have never really read anything in the Bible to prove what will happen when we live for eternity, but I have heard it said that what we are experiencing here on earth is like pre-school compared to what we will experience in eternity. And yet, we cannot experience eternal life unless we give our hearts to Jesus here on earth.

Our prayers for the lost people of the world are so important. If they are lost they don’t know to look for Jesus. We have to share the message with them. Not everyone who hears the message will accept it, not everyone who hears the message will understand it, but Jesus died for everyone on earth. That means that everyone on earth should at least have the opportunity to hear what he did for them. God wants to give everyone the chance to accept his gift of eternal life.

Do your prayers make a difference in the universe? Yes they do. Even if you don’t see visible proof, you have to pray and keep on praying. God knows your heart and he knows that you are sincere in wanting to reach the lost.


We know that no matter where we are, you are there, your Holy Spirit is with us, as Christians, wherever we are. We thank you for the way you reveal yourself to us and we want you to reveal yourself to those who don’t know you.

We know that you are the Lord of the harvest and that you can send workers into the harvest field to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

We know that you have a purpose and a plan for leaders of nations around the world, you are the one who has put them positions of leadership. We pray that your plans for the leaders of the world would be fulfilled and that they would become the men and women you created them to be.

We want to advance the gospel around the world and we pray that those who hear the gospel would accept your gift of eternal life. We know that heaven is poised and waiting to rejoice as people accept your gift and we rejoice with the angels.

Thank you for hearing our prayers offered in Jesus name. Amen

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From Pursuing the Christ by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

“I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. I will establish and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be My people.”
—Ezekiel 37:26–27

The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.
—John 1:14

God with us, Immanuel, Your stated purpose for Your Incarnation and all that it entailed—Your birth, Your crucifixion, Your resurrection, Your ascension, the sending of Your Spirit—was to establish peace.

You are the  peace. The peace You offer is not something separate fromYourself. The peace You offer is entirely based on who You are. Who You are is all that matters.

When Your messenger came to Mary, as recorded in Luke 1, Your message was a bit unsettling: “Do not fear. I am about to upend your life and make you centerstage for My divine drama, but do not fear.” Mary had one question: “How can this be?” (v. 34). You had one answer: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (v. 35). Mary wanted to know how, but You only told her who.

“Our faith does not provide us with an answer, but with a Person. When Mary sought an explanation, what she got was a revelation,”  Brantley reminds me Dean.according to my son Brantley.

I imagine how Mary  might have reacted   had You explained to her Mary  the how of Your plan. How would  I respond to the most complex explanation of the most intricate matter regarding a subject of which I am wholly ignorant?   That would sound like baby talk compared to an explanation about how You would come as a little baby fashioned in the womb of a virgin. The how would not have brought peace to Mary’s heart, but the who caused a peace that surpassed understanding to stand guard over her heart (Philippians 4:7).

When anxiety tries to lay claim to my thoughts, when fear seeks a foothold in my mind, when confusion threatens to make a stand in my heart, I look to You, I seek Your face. You are all the antidote I need to anything that might steal my peace.

You will keep in perfect peace
the mind that is dependent on You,
for it is trusting in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
because in Yah, the Lord, is an everlasting rock!
—Isaiah 26:3–4

You came to me. You, the Unknowable made Yourself known.The Invisible made Yourself visible. The Invulnerable made Yourself vulnerable. The Unapproachable approached.

No frantic seeking was required. No ceremonies and rituals were necessary. You, for whom our souls long, have eternally been longing for us. With all our anxious looking about, You were always there. Your presence is peace.

I found You in the spaces in between
I found You in the dark and not the light
I looked for You in drama
In the earthquake and the fire
And found You in the quiet,
You were waiting for me there.
I looked for You in miracles
In the loud, in voices raised
I looked for You in gatherings
In signs, in prayer and praise
But I found you in the gentle breeze
The still small voice, the darkened cave.

I found you in the spaces
Between sleeping and awake
I found you in the waiting
The worry, in the fear
I found You in the sleepless night
I found You in despair
I found You in the questions
No loud answers anywhere
I found You in the silence
Silence full not silence void
I found You in the spaces
You were looking for me there.

—poem by Rachel Holley,   © 2007

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"Again I say unto you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven" ( Matt. 18:19 NKJV)

I love praying corporately with a group of women on Tuesday and Friday morning or with my intercessory prayer team at church. When we are on one accord,in harmony on the prayer focus, even if the tune varies, its heavenly, powerful and freeing.

Corporate prayer is important to our Father because he wants believers to come together to pray. He wants to bring the church together to pray. He gives us His promise of faithfulness and much more to those who are willing to press their way to come together to pray on one accord in "agreement". Praying women and men in agreement energizes our praying.

The scripture lets us know that a special power is promised through corporate prayer. God can do things through agreeing prayers of the church , just like we see in the book of Acts when the church came together, that He may not do( He is sovereign ) through individual efforts. Author Sue Curran wrote in "The Power of Agreement in Corporate Prayer" as follows:

The prayer ministry of the church accomplishes much. The prayer gathering does more than enlarge the channel through which God will bless and give victory to His people; it actually moves us into an entirely different realm of power .


We move in a realm in which results are calculated exponentially. We move from the realm of addition to multiplication.... Corporate praying is the key to exponential power in prayer. See Sue Curran "The Praying Church: Principles and Power of Corporate Praying".

When every one is praying in "symphony" and is playing the same piece- a concert, in agreement, according to the will of God , He moves to answer, deliever and heal.

Let us come together this weekend in unified prayer "Down by the Riverside" in the city of Detroit and in all the cities of this country.

If you cannot attend this prayer gathering, join us where you are and let us know . Send your prayer focus or requests to ldfaygo@aol.com or post them in the comment


Prayer Team Ministry

cordially invites you and your family to the 13th Annual


Saturday, August 28, 2010 7 AM-8:30 AM (Morning Prayer)

“And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the river side, where prayer was continually made; ….” Acts 16:13

At HART PLAZA-Woodward & Jefferson Ave. Detroit (near the fountain)

Calling all the Intercessors, Prayer teams, women and men of the city, and your families to join us there. My praying sisters and brothers press by the Holy Spirit to gather there to pray for:

  • City of Detroit, Families, Youth, Public Schools, the Economy, jobs and businesses, Salvation and Repentance,
  • Bring a friend, family member, neighbor and children
  • PRAYER CHANGES THINGS. A UNITED PRAYER CRY CAN SHAKE THE PRISON WALLS AND RELEASE THE CAPTIVE from sin, bondage, etc. and release God’s will on earth and the blessings of God

contact LDFaygo@aol.com L. Fegins, The Prayer Leader

Founder/Visionary: Missionary Minetta Hare

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Intercessors Note

NewIRMLogoForteZANegative 2

Greetings in Jesus!

Because you have prayed. Things went well. Because you will pray, more things will go well!

Take a look at this video News report about what took place September 18th at the Grays Harbor Convoy of Hope.

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There were 1,200 volunteers from 38 different congregations and many more social agencies came together to serve 3,100 people in about 4 hours. Over 1,800 people wanted to be prayed for, and about 60 made the decision to follow Jesus. Good stuff. Now please pray as I help shepherd the ongoing impact of this event. .

calendar 2

Please pray for these other events on my calendar over the next month. Specifically that my heart & the hearts of those who attend would be prepared.

  • • Sept 24-25 – speak at a men’s retreat for Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon
  • • Sept 26 – preach at the morning worship services at Timberview Community Church in Spokane, Washington
  • • Oct 5-6 – facilitate a Pastors Prayer Summit for Coachella Valley, California
  • • Oct 15-16 – present the Living Prayer Seminar at Good News Chapel in Attleboro, MA
  • • Oct 17-18 – preach and present the Living Prayer Seminar at Exeter Chapel in Exeter, RI
  • • Oct 19 – Three coaching meetings for “Love Rhode Island”

Besides the other events on the IRM Events Calendar, please pray for two “right now” praying-hands1items.

  1. 1) Please pray Bill Berry, in India. He is on week 4 of a 5 week trip!
  2. I believe he is doing a summit right now in the city of Kanchipuram which is the birth place of Hinduism. He reports, “You can feel it.”
  3. 2) Tom White is right now having multiple meetings with pastors & leaders in Beijing, China, casting vision for future Prayer Summits.

Again, I am so grateful for your prayers. Click here and I will know that you have prayed for (at least some of) these items.

Prayer Summit Praise Report from our Friends in Miami!

We just returned from our 15th annual Miami Pastor’s Prayer Summit. Altogether there were 60 of us. As always, it was different from other summits but a blessed time. Over 60% were Hispanics, with 17% Blacks { African Americans, Carribean Blacks, Haitians } , 15% Anglos and a few Brazilians. It was interesting that about 25% of the group had never attended a prayer summit before but caught the atmosphere of the summit almost at once. One special time was when a 75 year old leader was asked to pray for all those under 40, as they stood together in the middle- almost like passing the mantle on to the younger ones. We came out of this summit with a commitment to pray more fervently for Miami. Each church will prayer walk their communities the first Saturday of each month. Some are already doing this regularly and gave testimonies of answered prayer in their communities.


Dennis Fuqua

International Renewal Ministries

If this newsletter has impacted you in any way we encourage you to pass on the message to others who may be interested by clicking on the 'forward to a friend' link below. Thank you for helping us further God's vision of prayers.

1400 NE 136th Avenue, Suite 201, Vancouver, WA 98684 503.319.8116

Non-Profits Email Free with VerticalResponse!

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It seems to me ... our fears for the National Day of Prayer may cause us to appeal to the wrong court!

Along with most of you, I am a huge supporter of the National Day of Prayer. I am privileged to serve on America's National Prayer committee, the members of which are collectively stewards of this vital spiritual enterprise. As director of the National Pastors' Prayer Network, I have annually promoted the event and encouraged pastors' prayer groups across the country to meet on that day and pray fervently for the future of our nation. I have enjoyed the Chicago NDP prayer breakfast in my home city and attended several national rallies on the first Thursday of May in our nation's capitol.

The NDP has been catalytic toward greater expressions of the unity of the Body of Christ in cities and communities in every state of the union. Though not yet more popular than Valentine's Day, the National Day of Prayer has accomplished much in calling America to recognize oits Creator. Similar to the nation of Israel's feasts and solemn assemblies, an annual day of prayer reminds us how desperately we need repentance and must humbly petition our eternal Judge to heal our land and restore justice. Long live a national day of prayer.

Suddenly, more than in years past, opposition is rising. Voices have always spoken critically, especially since Congress officially recognized a day for prayer. But this year, for the first time in memory, our judicial system has joined the antagonists. Many, even some Christian leaders, fear the end of a national day of prayer. And I, for one, certainly hope that does not take place.

But what if it does?

Christians have responded quickly to this threat. Some appeal to constitutional rights or legal precedence. Others seem incredulous that our society wants to vote prayer out, so to speak. A few sound genuinely fearful, as if the Church of Jesus Christ will tumble without government permission and protection. Of course we have the right, even the responsibility, to champion for our rights like every other citizen . . . but I wonder if our bottom-line concern is motivated more by the potential loss of the comfort and ease we've experienced as Christians living in America. As the NDP faces new threats, is our defense based upon American tradition or political connections in high places? Will we appeal more in courts of law or in the court of heaven (Ephesians 2:6)? If what we know as the National Day of Prayer disappears, what, really, has changed? Yes, our comfort (no small issue) and maybe one day our safety but hopefully not our commission and calling and commitment.

What if the growing anti-NDP movement in our country is in reality an answer to decades of praying for revival? Maybe the Lord knows that our desire for an awakening is sincere but that our capacity to refocus our lives and reformat our congregations is in need of a serious challenge. Not a political or legal challenge but one that causes us to individually and corporately become radical Christians. And maybe the Lord knows that can only be accomplished by those things that cause us discomfort; a jolt that shatters our Christianized status quo.

Believe me, I am not inviting discomfort or cultural disapproval nor am I courageous enough to welcome a purifying persecution. The threat to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion are life and death issues (at least they were at one time in our nation's early history). Like you, I have read chilling reports of persecution in other nations and watched news clips of the hardships and even killings endured by fellow believers in other lands. No thank you. I am enormously grateful to live in the land of the free.

But this is also the home of the brave. And if Congress or the courts one day delete a National Day of Prayer from the calendar, our calling to pray has not been altered one iota. Our permission to gather is rooted, not in a legislative decree but, like millions of brother and sisters in Christ throughout history and across the globe, is in our Lord's commands. Maybe the real test is not legislative nor judicial (and certainly not political); the real test may be spiritual. How committed are we, and to what extreme will we risk our comfort or safety, to make certain Christ-followers in every town and village, community and city gather to pray for our nation? Is it possible that the court of heaven would actually hear from more desperate American Christians if NDP was rescinded? Could the God of heaven be asking us to move from one day of national prayer to 365?

It seems to me, our fears for the National Day of Prayer may cause us to fight the wrong fight and appeal to the wrong court; God forbid!

Pastor Phil Miglioratti
Originally posted by the Church Prayer Leaders Network
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Washed by the Word

Brain Washing

Jesus said that we are made clean by the Word. "You are already clean because ofthe word I have spoken to you" (John 15:3). Speaking of the church, He said that He would "make herholy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word" (Ephesians5:26-27). He prayed, "Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth"(John 17:

The first way that Jesus begins to clean us out inside is by speaking His Word inHis present-tense, living voice.When you read the Scripture, when you meditate on the Scripture, and memorizethe Scripture, hear His voice speaking to you. It washes your brain clean.

Soaking in the Scripture lets its living power penetrate into the marrow of yourpersonality, changing every part of you. As the Word pours into you, the truthconfronts lies you didn't even know you believed. It takes lies head on andoverpowers them.

Do you remember the very first video games? There was one called PacMan. I can'tremember what the object of the game was, but I remember a big round head witha mouth overtook little dots and swallowed them up. That's all I remember.Chomp, chomp, chomp. Little dots disappearing into the giant head never to beseen again. That 's my picture of how the living Word works on the inside. Itovertakes and chomps down lies.

The same voice that created the universe in the beginning is speaking to you now.The same Spirit who hovered over the chaos in the beginning and called orderinto being is living in you now. "By the word of the Lord were the heavensmade, their starry host by the breath of his mouth" (Psalm 33:6). He stilldoes His work by His word.

Take the Word in and let it do its work. Expose yourself to all the Word of God youcan, and trust that He will make it effective in your life.

From Life Unhindered! by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

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Please join us as we lift up our nation and the Church at this very crucial crossroads (spiritually and otherwise) during the next few months. Starting August 1 through December 31 (one name per day, which is 153 names total), let's unite in praying that Christ will rule and reign in every person, place and situation across America. The 153 names of Christ and accompanying Scripture passages cover a wide breadth of who He is. He is vast; He is supreme; He is the Lord of all; He is worthy of all praise. God will do more than we can ask or imagine (in our individual lives and in every sphere of influence in our nation), if many thousands of Christ-followers unite (Matthew 18:19-20).

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Future-Changing Prayer

I spent this morning with about 70 other members of the National Prayer Committee meeting with and praying for Christian student leaders on the campus of one of America's largest university, Arizona State. Our passionate young hosts told us that God is at work among their campus's 52,000 students--inspiring 24/7 prayer rooms, empowering bold witness, prompting compassionate outreach, and causing nonbelievers to notice, inquire, and sometimes be saved. As we prayed with these young adults, we couldn't help but catch their vision. They reminded us that the future of our nation--whether in government, media, business, or education--is all being shaped now, on university campuses. As the students go, so goes the nation, they pointed out.

It was wonderful to hear that students are praying--and I mean really praying! With contagious zeal and faith and persistence. But the young people begged us to pray with them and for them. They covet the prayers of those of us in our 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80's and beyond.

Historically, revival has come when God has caught the hearts of youth and young adults. To that end, student leaders from across the nation have united to launch a new prayer initiative: Collegiate Day of Prayer. The idea is simple. On the last Thursday of this month, ask God to move on college and university campuses and in the lives of students, faculty, and staff. To find out how to participate, go to http://www.collegiatedayofprayer.org/. For specific ideas on how to pray, check out the Pray! resource, 18 Prayers for Higher Education.

Do you already pray for colleges and universities? Does your church or prayer ministry invest in the future by praying for college students? Share your stories and ideas with the rest of us!
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Hello Ministry and Prayer Leaders,


NDP Task Force Chairman, Mrs. Dobson is requesting the attached
letter be sent to your church and prayer leader relationships to
encourage participation for May 6, 2010 and on-going prayer
mobilization. You are invited to include an opening statement to your
audience and in addition to use our attached logo and picture of Mrs.
Dobson in your communications.

May the Lord give mighty increase in prayer and revelation for
2010 as we seek to advance His Kingdom in this nation.

To God be all the Glory,

Lisa Crump, Director of Prayer Mobilization
National Day of Prayer Task Force
719-268-4803 office


Nahum 1:7 "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares
for those who trust in him..."

<Opening Paragraph from Church Leadership)

I believe it is imperative that God’s people come together to pray for our nation. The critical challenges facing America and the culture at large call for
faithful, persevering intercession – not only on the National Day
of Prayer, but throughout the year. Scripture provides abundant
evidence that the Lord is attentive to our cries and that He moves
in response to the fervent and contrite prayers of His children.
As Martin Luther once said, “Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance,
but laying hold of His willingness.”

What comfort and encouragement are available in the assurance that our sovereign God is attuned to our pleas, that He waits to intervene on our behalf, and that He is
“mighty to save” (Zephaniah 3:17). Bearing those wonderful
truths in mind, may we continue to seek the Lord’s blessing and
upon our beloved land during these crucial days that will impact the
direction of our country for generations to come.

The 2010 observance of the National Day of Prayer will take place on Thursday, May 6, and
the theme we’ve chosen is Prayer! For Such a Time As This.

This emphasis was inspired by Nahum 1:7, which states, “The Lord is
good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust
in Him.” At this perilous and uncertain juncture in our country’s
history, it is critical that we remain in prayer. The American
people continue to be plagued with challenges that defy simple answers,
and our hope lies in humbly seeking the Almighty’s guidance, protection,

and blessing.

In II Chronicles 7:14, the Lord tells His people that He will respond to their contrite
and heartfelt cries of intercession. Please join our Task Force
in endeavoring to spark a revival of prayer throughout our country.
There is no better time than this! It is the hope for America.

Every blessing,

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Mrs. James C. Dobson (Shirley)

Chairman, NDP Task Force

To find or host an event in
your area or learn more, visit

Posted by Phil Miglioratti
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