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In order to teach about spiritual disciplines and come across as knowledgeable and believable, the teacher must first journey through the lessons she will teach.  In Ready to Pray, Gail Dudley shares the life lessons that the Lord has poured into her life through her spiritual journey with Him.  Whether these were seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow, seasons of want or seasons of plenty, the Lord has been working in Gail’s life for many years, teaching her the disciplines of prayer and the power that comes through the life of someone who is obedient to calling on Him during all of life’s challenges.  Gail has first-hand experience in how to develop and build a powerful prayer life; her life is a living testimony of a life transformed by the power of prayer and having a heart of worship.


In Ready to Pray, Gail pours her heart into the pages of this book, sharing the intimate and hard lessons that God has taught her – the very circumstances that brought her to her knees before the Lord – the very lessons that taught her about prayer, the power of prayer, the need for prayer and the joy and freedom that is found in worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ.


Order a copy today at ISBN: 978-0-557-90787-8 you may also download a copy as well at


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