prayer is so needful if not than ever before....the newspapers are tremendous guides for leading us to know who and what to pray for and never ever give up, but believe in the God who hears and answers and get excited about what God can and will do i
Don't know how many of you have seen this web page site, but I have found it to be very helpful, and refreshing as in being able to make use of the 'years' of learning I have had through time, and actually feel like I have been able to help others.
i had been praying for the success of prayer watch 2010. my prayer was for God to do a mighty work through this event. that His people would be energized, that their weary souls would find in this event a place to rest. that God would anoint each par
This book is must read. It gives "a little bit of perspective" in a hurting/struggling world. It has brought me out of a limited, world view and into a broader, kingdom view through times of disappointment this year.
Recently I sensed the Lord asking me ,"Would Jesus be in the prayer room?" I spend a lot of time in our church's prayer room praying for and with others, so the question ignited a crisis of belief. I have been seeking the Lord for redirection, and He
I am so glad to join this prayer network. I will like to talk on mission, after our prayers we need to act, that is to win souls. Let us think about this.
Would you like to rekindle your personal passion to seek God’s face? Do you need some fresh ideas for your prayer life? Would you like to learn how to influence others in prayer – and even lead more effective prayer times?
Hi everyone, I'm a christian and my family too. We are so involved in the day to day activities that we have neglected or become powerless in our prayer life. Can you say something to initiate me and my family to this wonderful prayer life. Deep insi
If you wanted to get a critical mass of folks praying around a single topic, what topic would draw the most interest and participation in your church? Or to put it another way, if you were going to offer one prayer group around a single theme, which
I pray daily for our daughter and son-in-love who are serving on the mission field. At times I search for fresh ways to pray for them. . . I like the prayer card Nav Press has and am using that at this time. Anyone else pray regularly for missionarie
The Farmington United Methodist Church (Michigan) has sucha labyrinth in thier building. If anyone has some training/information about using the labyrinth, they might share this with you . I had not heard of it either, until recently! Interes
I just wanted to share a story with you all. I was on a weekend retreat this past weekend which was amazing! I was exposed to 3 solid days of prayer, worship and song. On Saturday evening, we held a healing service where
My ministry right now is to the military particulary the deployed and those familes waiting their safe return. Anbody interested in the same? Pat Tilley
Two weeks ago I was approached by a staff member of our church about being part of a prayer team that would be available during Holy Week to help lead people through a labyrinth. Very little information was given to me other than this can be an effe
During my recent Asian trip with visits to Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia, Iwas able to speak about the situation in North Korea and ask hundreds of
intercessors to give it their focus. We have all been deeply moved b