DANBURY, Conn.,Nov. 8, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- May We Pray for You? The Guideposts OurPrayer Ministry announces its 20th annual Thanksgiving Day of Prayer, scheduled for Monday, November 21. The public is invited to s
I'm in the middle of a very cool opportunity. I lead a prayer team for one of the ministries in our city, who is currently hosting a 48-hour Pastors' Prayer Summit. Dennis Fuqua is the facilitator for it. Throughout the summit, our ministry leader, K
Prayer as a Vocation
By Rick Ezell
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35 NIV).
Glenn Hinson, professor of church history and spirituality, te
Praise God for Blessings and Burdens
By Rick Ezell
“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life. I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” (Psalm 146:1-2 NIV).
There is an emphatic ring as the Psalmist’s s
The Prayer Force
By Rick Ezell
Prayer is the indispensable and vital function of a believer. No aspect of our Christian life is more essential and crucial to our personal growth and health, and the church’s growth and health, than spending time with
Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers
by Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
InterVarsity Press, 2008
Reviewed by Rick Ezell
Prayer is not so much about convincing God to do what we want God to do as it is about convincing ourselves to do wha
Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson
Reviewed by Rick Ezell
Prayer is more about God than about us. Daniel Henderson in Transforming Prayer drives home this point with clarity, wit, and candor. While he confesses that he is not a natural prayer g
I'm glad to be part of the "Pray! Network," with other like-minded, like-hearted people!
I'm also glad to have had an opportunity to put together The Pray! Prayer Journal, published a few years ago by NavPress. Perhaps you've been one of the indivi
Prayernetwork has greatly helped me and my ministry, and will like to say this: If it pleases the body I will say that we are many to call meetings or conference that will help us work more effectively.
Normally it is thought that one's IQ is a fairly static number, that it can't be increased, but not in the case of Outreach IQ. When it comes to outreach you can increase your level
God's Hard Words
Sometimes people post Bible verses in their homes for encouragement, or to remind themselves of something. My guess is not too many people have this passage from Psalm 137 posted on their refrigerator door:
O daughter of Babylon,
While I have been a leader/teacher for decades in the church, and having taught on prayer many times, this week a lady [teacher] from my church asked the following:
It seems to me that men's prayers are more powerful and authoritative than women's. G
I wish to invite friends of Africa as a whole to remember Kenya in particular, there have been of late a lot of incidents causing deaths to poor Kenyans, like, hunger, Fire incidents, road accidents, suicidal issues etc. Help pray that God will lift
My wife and I are in the midst of a divorce. The final court date will probably be within 10 days or so. We negotiated the "Marital Dissolution Agreement" yesterday in the lawyer's office and after we signed it I felt like I was making the biggest
I need all you prayer warriors to add me to your prayer list. I'll just say it's an 'unspoken request'. God knows all things. That's all that matters. I appreciate your prayers because victory is inevitable!