I have a question about how much we, as the church, are supposed to do to help others. We are a very small congregation of believers. As the pastors wife, I have noticed that even though we are small in number, the people are extremely generous in sh
There is no dearth of warnings sounded by the Watchmen on the walls of America. I hope to hear more revelation, thoughts, on praying God's will with the many issues that we face. Doing security, immigration and borders God's way is one issue I am see
After setbacks, sleepless nights and years of sheer hard work, the 7th edition of Operation World was officially released on November 9, remembrance day of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which many consider an answer to prayer. It's affectionately call
I live in the Bahamas and is a part of a prayer group called "Moms In Prayer". We join in with moms from various schools and pray on the school campus once per month.
Many of the article on prayer have helped us very much and we even have prayed som
This book is in my opinion, the most radical book I've read to date. A very young pastor of a hugh Megachurch, challenges us to "take back our faith from the American Dream". He challenges us to compare our American christianity to what Jesus taught.
Many of the books written on prayer seem as if they were written from ivory towers or desert monasteries. They're not bad books by any means--but they talk about prayer in a way that feels very far removed from the real world I live in, and frankly,
I am currently a worship leader at a local church, and have to admit, that for most of my adult life, I have been more pre-occupied with the music aspect of praise and worship, and incredibly uncomfortable with the prayer end. Why I have had such an
I am interested in hearing from different people about your personal prayer practices. What do you do? How often? How structured or free-flowing? Are your practices more meditational or intercessional? What settings do you find helpful? I'm loo
Ok... so our church has been through a big season of change this past year, with so much of our church leaders leaving, and we are trying to rebuild our worship services.
Previously, our services (especially our contemporary one) was incredibly ch
The best book that I've read and has had one of the greatest impact on my prayer life is "Rules of Engagement" by DEREK PRINCE. The word of God is the greatest weapon any intercessor could employ for any situation. The book comes highly recommended!
How about taking your prayer circle one step farther and reach out beyond your churches 4 walls. God led me to start a group a couple of years back comprised of people from several churches within our city. When I began I had a pretty good grasp of
Share links to brief videos that can be used to focus prayer on a specific theme or topic for which participants can then offer prayers of thanksgiving.
PTTW9 is a must for intercessors who are concerned about missions and fulfilling the Great Commission. The newly revised version has updated profiles on all 68 nations in the 10/40 Window (the "final frontier of missons"). It's a basic and necessar
After you read the article below, take a moment to discuss how a biblical lifestyle of thanksgiving has the potential of impacting believers and non-believers; congregations and communities.
Greetings from South Korea where colleagues and I have become drawn into a prayer effort with thedeveloping South Korean national prayer network and its burden for North
Korea. North Korea is a nation where probably the worst oppression and
evil is