

July 3

Easter prayer time

Here's an Easter prayer time to be used with a group or congregation.Feel free to copy it into your word processor and edit it however you want. If you have led this type of prayer time before, use your own words and just follow the outline.If you pass it on; I'd appreciate it if you'd include my name and web site address:Lowell Snow at www.leadingprayer.comGuiding the prayer time:Practice reading it out loud several times.If you’re leading a worship…
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How is your congregation led to pray during Sunday worship?

Does the whole congregation pray during the worship service at your church on Sunday morning?   My research indicates that many have no congregational prayer at all. Zero. So I’d like to hear from those who do. If you worship in a praying church; you can be a great help to those who never experience true corporate prayer.    So please be as specific as possible and tell us how congregational prayer is led in your church. I’m not talking about prayer-songs or prayers by worship leaders that the…

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2010 July 4th prayer time for your group or congregation

This is from my June newsletter. If you have trouble seeing it, go to my web site and click on 'recent newsletter' on the home page.   July 4th Prayer Time By Lowell Snow – www.leadingprayer.com Celebrate our nation's declaration of independence by declaring our dependence on God. Guiding the prayer time: As you lead the prayer time - [Don’t read the instructions in brackets out loud] As printed, the prayer time takes a little over nine minutes. One minute can be saved by removing the…

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