Greetings from South Korea where colleagues and I have become drawn into a prayer effort with the developing South Korean national prayer network and its burden for North Korea. North Korea is a nation where probably the worst oppression and evil is concentrated on the planet-- 4 million have needlessly died of starvation since 1995 while theregime feasted and sold the international food aid on the black market. Famineis now stalking the land again. It is also the worst human rights abuser aswell as persecutor/killer of Christians on earth.


Please see the attached document on Genocide in North Korea with its link to a Youtube video. Also, I have includedsome of the salient facts below as a prayer guide, looking at all of thisthrough the perspective of Ezekiel 37. This will be part of the prayer focus forthe a session that I will facilitate tonight here in Seoul as part of a South Korean- arranged event - the “Jesus Army”- that is praying for North Korea.


North Korea is just about an hour's drive north from where I am writing this. There, across the DMZ (DemilitarizedZone), the evil one has a colossal stronghold that needs to be finally broken. It is the horror of the Nazis and holocaust revisited, and most people do notrealize how appallingly awful it really is there. Thus, it is allowed to continue as if this is just the way it has to be-- for sixty long years of indescribable suffering for the people under the oppressive, totalitarian regime of Kim Jong Il and his father before him.  Governments of surrounding nations as well as in the West have been bluffed, threatened and intimidated into doing very little to stop thisunbearable situation. China is especially culpable for propping up such an heinously wicked regime, knowing full well what is has been doing to harm itsown people in what has been termed “the largest prison camp on earth”.


However, we believe God is orchestrating a process of liberation that will be catalyzed through united prayer. Reports coming out of North Korea about political transition and turmoil confirm that something is happening. This week’s "Jesus Army" interdenominational event here in Seoul will be part ofwhat we think will be a process of deliverance that will culminate next year in an international prayer initiative with South Korean and other prayer leaders from around the world.  A number of us are convinced that liberation is coming soon! Please pray with us towards this end.


Tonight, I am speaking for a session on united, authoritative prayer,  followed by what hopefully will be an all-outbattle in the Spirit for breakthrough in NK. My heart has been deeply stirred about the worsening plight of many millions of these people, huge numbers of which are children and orphans roaming the streets to pick up a few fallen grains of rice. The words of World Vision’s founder, Bob Pierce- "Let myheart be broken by the things that break the heart of God"- are what come to mind.  May all our hearts be broken by this intolerable situation!

World Vision arose out of this same territory during the Korean War, as did theGreat Revival of 1907 (from Pyongyang, capital of North Korea). That revival revolutionized the Korean church and, through its revitalized prayer life, led to the International Prayer Assembly of 1984 and the rapidly growing international prayer movement we see today. No wonder the devil has contested this land and still hopes to maintain it. Let’s spoil his plans by agreeing in prayer for the Lord's deliverance of North Korea according to His promise! (Matthew 18:18-19)


Here is part of our focus for tonight. Please join your faith-filled prayers with thousands praying here:


North Korea 

Ezekiel 37 Valley of dry bones. Bones=a nation, the house of Israel who say “Our bones dried up and hope gone, we are cut off.” Reminds us of North Korea, a seemingly hopeless place. 

·     The nation has been called “the largest prison camp in world”.

·     “Worst human rights violating country”

·     “Worst persecutor of Christians”

·     4 million North Koreans have died of starvation since 1995.

·     The economy has “literally collapsed, operating at about 20%” due to adherenceto the juche ideology of "self-reliance" and centralplanning failures.

·     Famine again stalks the land.

·     500,000 fled to China for survival, mostly women, and 80% of them have beenraped and sexually trafficked

·     1 million killed in concentration camps with cruel brutality

·     North Korean people “the most isolated, most persecuted, and mostsuffering" 

But Godgives Ezekiel a new vision and calls on him to speak it forth.  “Son ofman, can these bones live?” He asks us the same- can North Korea come out ofdesolation and live? Ezekiel tries to put it back on God as we so often do- “Ifit be your will...” But the Lord tells him, “Prophesy to these bones and say..”And, as he prophesied what God told him to say, there was impact,transformation, life from death.


Please pray accordingly what the Spiritis putting on your heart for North Korea, declaring what you feel the Lord isgiving you. Together let’s trust Him for the breakthrough that must come forthis enslaved, desolate land and its longsuffering people.


Every blessing from Seoul,

John Robb

International Prayer Connect/Council

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  • Reply from John Robb --

    Dear Friends,

    Thanks for your prayers. Last night was truly powerful with 700-800 very passionate, engaged intercessors of the "Jesus Army". In a sustained roar, we all poured our hearts out to the Lord, facing north to declare deliverance for North Korea and also to pray authoritatively for the overthrow of wickedness in the Pyongyang regime. We remembered that God poured out His Spirit in the Great Revival that brought huge transformation in the same area 100 years ago. He will do it again if we listen to His heart and pray out what He is giving us for North Korea at this kairos time in its history!

    My wife pointed out that the earlier message got garbled somehow, so I am resending a slightly edited version that I hope will be helpful along with the attached document in Pdf format with its video link since it also did not come through the Internet properly. Please see this material and share it with others for prayer.

    The Lord is going to bring this stronghold down! This morning I met with a group of Korean prayer leaders who are connecting their networks and ministries to form a national prayer network for the first time, praise the Lord! God gave us great boldness and authority to pray for liberation. We believe it is happening as you and many others join our hearts together in a sustained cry to the Lord for His breakthrough. We will read about it in our newspapers before long! Let's, therefore, trust the Lord together that history is being made through our united prayer in the Spirit!

    Thanks and greetings once again,
    John Robb

    Resending message from yesterday:

    Greetings from South Korea where colleagues and I have become drawn into a prayer effort with the developing South Korean national prayer network and its burden for North Korea. North Korea is a nation where probably the worst oppression and evil is concentrated on the planet-- 4 million have needlessly died of starvation since 1995 while the regime feasted and sold the international food aid on the black market. Famine is now stalking the land again. It is also the worst human rights abuser as well as persecutor/killer of Christians on earth.

    Please see the attached document on "Genocide in North Korea" with its link to a Youtube video if you want to know more. Also, I have included some of the salient facts below as a prayer guide, looking at all of this through the perspective of Ezekiel 37.

    North Korea is just about an hour's drive north from where I am writing this. There, across the DMZ (DemilitarizedZone), the evil one has a colossal stronghold that needs to be finally broken. It is the horror of the Nazis and holocaust revisited, and most people do not realize how appallingly awful it really is there. Thus, it is allowed to continue as if this is just the way it has to be-- for sixty long years of indescribable suffering for the people under the oppressive, totalitarian regime of Kim Jong Il and his father before him. Governments of surrounding nations as well as in the West have been bluffed, threatened and intimidated into doing very little to stop this unbearable situation. China is especially culpable for propping up such a heinously wicked regime, knowing full well what is has been doing to harm its own people in what has been termed "the largest prison camp on earth".

    However, we believe God is orchestrating a process of liberation that will be catalyzed through united prayer. Reports coming out of North Korea about political transition and turmoil confirm that something is happening. This week is "Jesus Army,"an interdenominational prayer event here in Seoul, which has been part of what we think will be a process of deliverance that will culminate next year in an international prayer initiative with South Korean and other prayer leaders from around the world. A number of us are convinced that liberation is coming soon! Please pray with us towards this end.

    My heart has been deeply stirred about the worsening plight of many millions of these people, huge numbers of which are children and orphans roaming the streets to pick up a few fallen grains of rice. The words of World Visionís founder, Bob Pierce- "Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God"- are what come to mind. May all our hearts be broken by this intolerable situation!

    World Vision arose out of this same territory during the Korean War, as did the Great Revival of 1907 (from Pyongyang, capital of North Korea). That revival revolutionized the Korean church, and through its revitalized prayer life led to the International Prayer Assembly of 1984 and the rapidly growing international prayer movement we see today. No wonder the devil has contested this land and still hopes to maintain it. Letís spoil his plans by agreeing in prayer for the Lord's deliverance of North Korea according to His promise! (Matthew 18:18-19)†

    This was part of our focus last night. It was a powerful time with 700-800 of the most passionate intercessors I have seen. Please join your faith-filled prayers with those praying here:†

    North Korea†

    Ezekiel 37 Valley of dry bones. Bones=a nation, the house of Israel who say ìOur bones dried up and hope gone, we are cut off.î Reminds us of North Korea, a seemingly hopeless place:†

    1) The nation has been called "the largest prison camp in world".

    2) "Worst human rights violating country"

    3) "Worst persecutor of Christians"

    4) 4 million North Koreans have died of starvation since 1995.

    5) The economy has ìliterally collapsed, operating at about 20% of capacity due to adherence to the juche ideology of "self-reliance" and central planning failures.

    6) Famine again stalks the land.

    7) 500,000 fled to China for survival, mostly women, and 80% of them have been raped and sexually trafficked.

    8) 1 million have been killed in concentration camps with cruel brutality.

    9) The North Korean people are "the most isolated, most persecuted, and most suffering" people on earth.

    But God gives Ezekiel a new vision and calls on him to speak it forth: "Son of man, can these bones live?" He asks us the same- can North Korea come out of desolation and live? Ezekiel tries to put it back on God as we so often do with "If it be your will" language, but the Lord tells him to take charge: "Prophesy to these bones and say..". And as he prophesied what God told him to say, there was impact, transformation, even life from death.†

    Please pray accordingly. What is the Spirit is putting on your heart for North Korea? Boldly declare what you feel the Lord is giving you. Together let's trust Him for the breakthrough that must come for this enslaved, desolate land and its longsuffering people.

    Every blessing from Seoul,

    John Robb
    International Prayer Connect and Council
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