

January 4


 greeting to all my friends and those reading this post.

join me pray for my country, Ebola is killing my friend aand relations.

It is so difficult .

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I am so happy again after my long missionary journey.

I am i Mali Bamako where people are giving their lives to Christ.

I strongly believed that it is the prayer of some of you that are working here in Mali.

within nine months 42 persons came to christ.

one of the converts give us a land for the church building.

thanks so much for your prayers.

The country Mali is in west Africa, about 98 percent of the people are musulam.

but the Lod give us…

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Christ is coming soon

I am coming soon

Behold I am coning soon,

Behold meaning LOOK look I am coming. He was calling our attention to ...

See the things going on in this world before he comes. This behold was going to believers in Christ who will see to the harvest field and make sure that all is well before his coming.

The world is a field/farm that belongs to our father (God) and we Christians are all laborers. God will not do the harvest but wants you and I to do so for our…

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Praise God



 Your prayers was a great help to us in that we just ended a three days youth conference from Thursday 25th of August to 27th this year. We blessed god for the provisions and protections.

May the God Almighty help us as we work for his coming. The conference was well attended, and many of the young people gave their lives to Christ. Please remember that this conference is every year.


God bless you



From Liberia

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The Harvest Field


Beloved in Christ,


God is aspecting every one of us to bear fruits, not just fruit, but the one that will last. The Team here was asked to sent two persons to the Republic of Benin for a conference. By the grace of God, I went with a sister from Nimba county in Liberia. We were blessed by the teaching of some faithful servents of God from other parts of Africa.


I also went to Tori Bossito, closer to Togo border, where I has asked to speak to some youth…

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Thanks for you prayers, God is blessing his ministry. on sunday 17th July 2011  will be my graduation form Legacy Media and Marketing Group. My reason is to spread the gospel through radio/TV. I shall be grateful if you will support me with prayers.

For the harvest is too much, my reason of living is for this.


Samuel Gbadyu


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Close yet far

Jesus, In God we trust, these are the writtenon vehicles in our city Monrovia. Everyone is a christian but not a disciple of 'christ.

Even those so call christian are still carrying boyfriends, some all them godpa. The young people are living in sin.


God by his mercy deliver me and has sent me to deliver the message of salvation to the youth. United youth s Africa, is here to preach the gospel. We are holding a three days conference with the aim to win the young people to…

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JESUS, JESUS, gOD WITH US, IN GOD WE TRUST, these are the writing posted on vehicles in Liberia, people all over say they are christians, but one can not tell from a christian and a nonchristian. The Nation looks like a Nation that love Christ but yet far from the truth. 

I am working in this country, our election is this year, please pray for us.

Goah Samuel Gbadyu samuelgbadju@yahoo.fr

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  Beloved, Prayernetwork has greatly helped me and my ministry, and will like to say this: If it pleases the body I will say that we are many to call meetings or conference that will help us work more effectively. Pray must go alone with actions

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  Beloved, Prayernetwork has greatly helped me and my ministry, and will like to say this: If it pleases the body I will say that we are many to call meetings or conference that will help us work more effectively. Pray must go alone with actions

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  • Dear Brother Goah Samuel,

    Thank you for your sincere prayer for me, family & ministry. Please pray for my ministerial needs as God provides soon.These are so urgent.

    With Much prayer & thanks,

  • Dear Goah Samuel,

    Please pray for me, my family and ministry.



  • Young people all over the world need prayer. They will be facing some of the hardest challenges the world has ever seen as we enter into the next phase of God's plan. I fear for the young ones whose parents are not on fire for the Lord nor are they teaching their children about God or how to pray.
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