

August 30

Divine Interruption

The other day a friend sent me an email with a link to a YouTube video clip of a flash mob performance. If you've never seen one they are pretty amazing. The link for this one is posted below.

These types of surprise gatherings involve large…

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Nothin' but net!

What a shot! It was the end of the first half. Time was running out but we had the ball at our end of the court. Kyrsten doesn’t usually spend much time that far out from the basket but there she was just outside the three-point line when the ball came to her with about 4 seconds left on the clock. Almost effortlessly she let it go. It was her very first three-pointer ever and it was nothin’ but net!It’s been a long journey from when she was little and just learning the basics. How to dribble,…
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We are not alone!

We mention praying for each other all the time and toss it around like most people toss out “hello” as a greeting. I’m certainly not opposed to this but have you ever had someone who was truly a prayer warrior tell you that they are praying for you? I’ve experienced it on a few occasions and can tell you it is both humbling and unbelievably encouraging!So as I’ve spent the last few weeks reading, blogging, preaching and reflecting on the Holy Spirit and His role as our Guide on this journey…
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Are we ready to listen?

One of my favorite quotes about communication comes from a book by Norm Wright and goes something like this...

"I know you think you heard what I said, but I don't think you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

Being a family of eight we have more than our fair share of miscommunication. No matter how hard we try it seems to happen daily. Most of the time it's because we are much more concerned with being heard than being ready to listen. If we're honest we'll…
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Internet Prayer Walls

I have been doing a blog on following after Jesus for about 3 months now and am exploring the addition of a "Prayer Wall" on my blog to encourage prayer among those who follow my blog. I am looking for others online who have a "Prayer Wall" on their blog or web site so that I can get some ideas on how to organize one. If anyone is aware of one that they can pass along to me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

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