Prayer is an expression of the heart communicated to God, in as an imitation of of Jesus Christ, verbally and non-verbally.  Words are intellectual symbols and to rely solely on them as prayer limits our spiritual expressions in prayer.

My single most symbolic non-verbal expression of the heart is, I believe, the Lord's Supper. It is both an individual and communal prayer event.  My most portable and effective prayer is remembrance of  ones personal experiences of the Divine through the Holy Spirit. My most powerful prayer times are experienced in the ordinary daily activities, during which opportunities to offer praise, thanksgiving, intercession, blessing, and concern, can be incorporated into moments that the need is perceived

My thoughts stimulate remembrance of images of scripture and personal testimony that motivate emotion.  My most frequent stimulus is to ask three questions, this may seem mechanical, but it is more like a streaming search for God.

The first question is: What breaks my heart?  The second: Where is God working? The final question is: How is God calling me to become involved?  I have found that these questions apply to all of Humankind and all of Creation.  They are most important to me in living in a world that is totally focused on what it sees and hears, and hardened to that which God has written within the Human Soul.

Prayer is my first response to any given moment of my day. Offered as a as a single word, thoughts of a hoped for conclusion, speaking a phrase: "I am thinking of you in my prayer.", in the form of gentle touch, embrace or written as note or journal entry (i use post-its). All my prayers have an urgency and an a intentional focus to be in constant union with the Lord.  .     .     

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  • I can really relate to what you are saying about praying as a first response. It becomes a natural response to ordinary everyday occurrences. I find myself praying for the mom in line in front of me at the check out who is losing patience with her children. I pray for the criminal whose mug shot appears on my tv screen. It's just a way of life and I think that pleases our heavenly Father. He wants that communication from each one of His precious children.
  • Great thoughts, Jacob. I love your three questions. What great "jump-starts" for the heart, into opening conversation with myself and God.
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