Merton J. Hershberger's Posts (223)

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PTAP: New Believers

Dave learned that his national friend, Adam, had become a believer about two years ago. Adam was disillusioned with Islam while still a teenager and started investigating religions. He found Jesus and the Bible to be historically valid, unlike the others. Dave heard him tell of faith in Jesus alone for salvation, and of several others in his prominent bedouin tribe who had also believed in Jesus. Pray for their growth both individually, and that their faith would spread to others.

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He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with the princes of His people. - Psalm 113: 7,8
November 10, 2018
Dear Praying Friends,

November 10 is the International Day of Prayer for Yemen when Christians around the world will be uniting to pray for Yemen.  As you know, PTAP has been encouraging much prayer for Yemen due to the immense suffering of the Yemeni people from the horrors of war, resulting in the worst humanitarian disaster in the world today.  So please join us in prayer again, united in the Spirit as one body of Christ, for God to have mercy upon the people and country of Yemen.  

Most of all, pray for the end of the civil war!!!  Pray for successful negotiations and a resulting ceasefire.  Pray for all fighting and killing to stop. Pray against famine and cholera and all disease.  Pray for all humanitarian efforts to be successful. Pray for normal life to return so that the country can start to heal and prosper again.  
Below are links to resources to help you pray.  Also, we recommend the following:
  1. Spend a dedicated time of personal, focused prayer for Yemen.
  2. Fast if possible.
  3. Lead your family, small group, church, etc. in a time of corporate, focused prayer.
  4. Share on social media that November 1o is the International Day of Prayer for Yemen and encourage your friends to pray.
PTAP's Yemen page:
PTAP's Facebook: 
PTAP's Prayermate mobile app:

Here is a short testimony from a Yemeni believer and also recent prayer requests from Yemeni believers themselves.  Let's pray along with our brothers and sisters. They are greatly encouraged when they know that we are praying with them.  

My story
"I used to live with fear and hatred, and I was tired of living this way.  It made me sick. So one day, I fervently prayed to God to free me from this unrighteousness, and God sent me a brother who was actually my neighbor.  He spoke to me about Christ. I saw Christ in his life. God gave me freedom like I have never experienced before.
Now, when I encounter challenges (people of another faith who want to harm me and give me trouble), the only thing I have to give them is love, joy, peace, patience, and reassurance in Christ.  No more fear, no more hatred.  I have complete freedom. I can now trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because He lives in me."
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PTAP: Assurance of Eternal Life

For both Muslims and Christians there is a great desire for the afterlife. This world and all that it offers still leaves us empty. We desire heaven. It is the work of Jesus on the cross that assures Christians their sins are forgiven and they have an eternal home in heaven when they die. Christians have confidence in the finished work of Jesus.
Muslims do not have Jesus' righteousness; all they have is the hope that Allah will allow them into paradise. They have no assurance. Even if they follow the Quran and the Sharia Law perfectly there is no assurance of a place in heaven. Pray that all that Jesus has done will be understood in the Arabian Peninsula. Pray that the name of Jesus would grow in honor. Pray that people in this region would so long for the assurance of heaven that they would seek until they find the way the truth and the life in Jesus Christ.

This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood-to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished- he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. Romans 3:22-26

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PTAP: Believers new and potential.

Ali calls himself an agnostic, but enjoys speaking with Christians aboutmatters of faith. Pray that he will be vulnerable to recognize his ownneed of a Savior, and that God's Spirit will give him grace to believe.Pray for a new believer who is seeking work. Living at the mercy of her family's generosity is very difficult. Pray that she will be encouraged and grow in her trust of her Lord during this trying time of waiting for provision. Ask that she will be a light in her family and they will be drawn to His love flowing through her.Imagine how it must feel to be the only follower of Jesus in your family and community, and to realize the eternal destiny of those you love. Pray for those who are struggling with this reality, that they may stand firm in the times of doubt, have hope as they pray for the salvation of friends and family, and that this generation will see a mighty turning to the Lord and advance of the Kingdom."My grandmother is the sweetest, kindest woman," said a new believer, "but she doesn't know Jesus and I don't see how she could ever change her beliefs. All I can do is sit with her, hold her hand and pray for her." Pray that older people who have followed Is. for so many years will have dreams, encounters with Jesus and mighty revelations of truth, and the opportunity to believe in Him before it is too late."My father makes me do things that make me ashamed." Pray for deliverance for a new believer who is in a very bad situation. Pray that she will trust with her whole heart in Jesus and will see Him work on her behalf in a powerful way.
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As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper,
and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the Lord's renown,
for an everlasting sign,
that will endure forever."
Isaiah 55:10-13
For years the Bible, New Testament, other Christian literature, Jesus Films, radio and TV broadcasts have gone out across the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for these powerful communication tools to produce salvation and righteousness in the hearts of Gulf Arabs. Pray that Jesus would be honored, worshiped and known as the life giving Son. Pray that Bibles and other Christian materials would be taken off the shelves in people's homes today. May the powerful Word of God be like rain on dry land. Pray that Gulf Arabs would understand God's Word and come to Him.
Visit our website and find us online at:
PTAP's Vision
"To see the global church praying for the Arabian Peninsula so that the gospel and churches will be planted for every indigenous people in the Arabian Peninsula"
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PTAP: Saudi National Day.

September 23 is Saudi Arabia's National Day and so let's focus our prayers on Saudi Arabia today.  Here are some current requests from people in the country:

Social media is growing and the potential to connect with seekers is growing.  Please pray for media teams that are using social media to reach the lost and bring them into discipling relationships. 

Please pray for Filipinos in country to mobilize and prepare their people in country to reach out to locals.  We have seen great movement lately. 

Locals are coming to faith, but very few are continuing in their journey and most will not meet with others.  Pray for seekers and believers to form groups and grow together. 

There are still many students in the West.  Please remember to pray for them and that believers in the West would be bold to share with them.  Also pray for those who do believe and return to Saudi.  It can be a very difficult thing to transition back into country. 

As the country is going through a lot of changes socially and economically, pray that this change would encourage people to be open to spiritual change and that they would explore new beliefs and ideas.
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"Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down!
How the mountains would quake in your presence!
As fire causes wood to burn
and water to boil,
your coming would make the nations tremble.
Then your enemies would learn the reason for your fame!"
Isaiah 64:1-2
Call on the Lord to come down, burst out of heaven and come to the Arabian Gulf people. Ask Him that the rocks and mountains desert in the Arabian Peninsula would tremble at His presence, filling the land. As a spark sets twigs on fire and causes water to boil, may the coming of the Lord on the Arabian Gulf people be like fire that causes water to boil. May His coming have such a great effect on them that they react and boil with joy in knowing Him. May He make His name known in the Arabian Peninsula and may they fall on their knees before Him. Pray for the fame of the Lord to grow across the Arabian Peninsula and all His enemies would know of His fame.
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PTAP: 2018 Prayer for Hajj.


Dear Friend of the Arabian Peninsula,

On 19-21 August 2018, PTAP (Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula) is asking for 100,000 people from around the world to join us in Prayer & Fasting for the two million Muslims going on the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.

The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. These are required acts of service for all Muslims (conditions apply to those that are impoverished or in poor health). The city of Mecca is the center of the entire Muslim world.  It is the place where the Hajj is performed and the place where all Muslims direct their 5x daily prayers.  As a consequence of the heightened religious activity, there are significant barriers that prevent the gospel from spreading to these people at this time. 

However, our God knows no barriers!  There are testimonies of Muslims performing the Hajj in Mecca and encountering God – through receiving a digital version of the Bible, through Dreams & Visions, through encounters with Christians during their journey. And so, we desire to gather together a dedicated body of Christians to stand in the gap and to fast and pray for this monumental event - for God to do something truly miraculous, something only He can do.

Would you join us in this effort as well as spread the word about this prayer and fasting event?

We have created three core resources for you:

A Hajj prayer promo video ( - This is designed to introduce this event and invite others to join us for these three days of prayer and fasting.

Hajj Prayer guides and a Hajj prayer video ( - We created a helpful 4-page prayer guide that has been translated into several languages (including Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, German, and Portugese).  There is also a corresponding video to watch. 

Please forward the above resources through your spheres of influence and also feel free to edit as you feel led.  And similarly, when it comes to the fasting element, feel free to fast you feel led - one meal, one day, all three days, individually, as a group, etc.

Our one request is that you let us know an estimate of how many people in your spheres of influence prayed and also the country where they prayed during these three days. Please send your estimates and any spiritual insights you have gleaned from this time of prayer and fasting to <>.

See Act 13:1-3 for a wonderful illustration of how fasting became instrumental in the laying hold of God for the shaping of world-changing ministry. We long to see many of the 2 million Muslims performing the Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in August 2018 to encounter Jesus. Many Blessings,

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PTAP: Hajj in Mecca

Prayer Requests - August 5, 2018
On 19-21 August 2018, PTAP is asking for 100,000 people from around the world to join us in Prayer and Fasting for the two million Muslims going on the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
The Hajj is one of the five required acts of service for all Muslims. The city of Mecca is the center of the entire Muslim world.  It is the place where the Hajj is performed and the place to where a Muslim directs his daily prayers.  Therefore, there are many barriers that prevent the gospel from spreading to these people at this time.  However, our God knows no barriers!  And so we desire to gather together to fast and pray for this monumental event - for God to do something truly miraculous, something only he can do.
Would you join us in this effort as well as spread the word about this prayer and fasting event?
We have created three core resources for you:
A Hajj prayer promo video ( - This is designed to introduce this event and invite others to join us for these three days of prayer and fasting.
Hajj Prayer guides and a Hajj prayer video ( - We created a helpful 4-page prayer guide that has been translated into several languages (including Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, German, and Portugese).  There is also a corresponding video to watch. 
Please forward the above resources along to your spheres of influence and also feel free to edit as you feel led.  And similarly, when it comes to the fasting element, feel free to fast you feel led - one meal, one day, all three days, individually, as a group, etc.
Our one request is that you let us know an estimate of how many people in your spheres of influence prayed and also the country where they prayed during these three days.
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In the Arab Gulf, fruitful conversations are continuing to take place. A Christian professor was surprised to see Alex (pseudonym)'s Instagram post from in stylish script, with a tiny reference to Matt. 19.  The professor wrote to ask, "Do you know the source of your quote?" 
Alex answered, "Umm. No." This exchange later led to a private explanation of the gospel, and Alex was delighted to take an Arabic New Testament home.  Pray for his salvation and growth.
Pray the prayer of Samuel Zwemer over Gulf Arabs:
Samuel Zwemer (1867-1952), "The Apostle to Islam", wrote this prayer in 1923.  It is still very relevant today.  Pray this prayer with us for Muslims all over the world, especially for the local Arabs in the AP and those on summer holidays in Europe right now.  
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who hast made of one blood all nations and hast promised that many shall come from the East and sit down with Abraham in thy kingdom: We pray for thy prodigal children in Muslim lands who are still afar off, that they may be brought nigh by the blood of Christ.  Look upon them in pity, because they are ignorant of thy truth. Take away pride of intellect and blindness of heart, and reveal to them the surpassing beauty and power of thy Son Jesus Christ.  Convince them of their sin in rejecting the atonement of the only Savior.  Give moral courage to those who love thee, that they may boldly confess thy name. Hasten the day of religious freedom in Turkey, Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Africa.  Send forth reapers where the harvest is ripe, and faithful plowmen to break furrows in lands still neglected.  May the tribes of Africa and Malaysia not fall prey to Islam but be won for Christ.  Bless the ministry of healing in every hospital, and the ministry of love at every church.... Strengthen converts, restore backsliders, and give all those who labor among Muslims the tenderness of Christ, so that bruised reeds may become pillars of his church, and smoking flaxwicks burning and shining lights.  Make bare thine arm, O God, and show thy power.  All our expectation is from thee.
Father, the hour has come; glorify thy Son in the Muslim world, and fulfill through him the prayer of Abraham thy friend, "O, that Ishmael might live before thee."  For Jesus' sake. Amen.
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Prayer Requests - June 17, 2018
Dylan (pseudonym) asked when the "night of power," a particular night at the end of Ramadan in which it is thought more clout is earned with Allah for praying through the night, was to a few young Gulf men. This question led to a sharing of thought in which three young Gulf men heard about the grace that comes through Jesus apart from works. Please pray that the discussion will continue and that these young men will turn their hearts to Him.

An indigenous family has welcomed visits and prayers of Christians for their adult son who has been paralyzed for over a year from the neck down even though his condition worsened after believers prayed for him. Please pray that God will reveal Himself to this family, granting them faith and repentance toward His truth. The Gospel was explained to the paralyzed man, who showed great emotional response to it in his face, although he cannot speak.  Despite the "failed prayers" for healing, the Christians are now invited to meet the rest of the family during Eid (holiday that follows Ramadan).  Please pray for boldness to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, and that God would stretch forth His hand to heal this man as a testimony to the Truth.
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St. Andrew's Anglican Church in Abu Dhabi opens doors for Iftar
ABU DHABI: St. Andrew's Anglican Church in Abu Dhabi opened its doors to serve Iftar to Muslims in an unprecedented ecumenical gesture during the holy month of Ramadan.

Muslims and non-Muslims alike gathered for the fast-breaking evening meal at the church in the heart of the UAE capital. Khalid Al Ameri, the Emirati columnist and social commentator, was welcomed to St. Andrews by the Reverend Andrew Thompson.

Pray for the Anglican Church and all those who are coming to break fast at this church. Pray that God may soften people's hearts and welcome to love of Jesus into their hearts.
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"Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints." Colossians 1:24 - 26
Fatima Al-Mutairi was a woman from Saudi Arabia who was killed by her brother in 2008 for being a follower of Christ. Her case was widely publicized at the time. Although death is the exception and not the rule, the cost of turning away from Islam to Christ is enormous. Many have lost their families, friends, communities, jobs, reputations, and freedom. They have been imprisoned and killed in honor killings as in the case of Fatima. Jesus even predicted this (Matthew 10:21-22). Since the Arabian Peninsula is the very heartland of Islam, persecution is a reality.
Fatima's Story (See the Video at the end)
Writings by Fatima Al-Mutairi before her execution: Read Here
Watch the testimony of a believer from Bahrain. She persecuted Christians and later became the persecuted.
Arabian Dawn
I persecuted people - Bahrain
O God of all comfort, we pray for our dear brothers and sisters who are currently being persecuted in the AP because of their faith in you. Comfort them in all of their afflictions. May they abundantly share in your comfort as they share in your sufferings (2 Corinthians 1:3-7). O Father of mercies, have mercy upon them and cause them to rejoice in their sufferings and fill up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of the church in the AP. And we pray specifically for the family of Fatima Al-Mutairi, that you would convict them of their sins, that they would repent and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15). Bring them into your kingdom. Do not let them go until they surrender their lives to you. Make the word of God fully known to them, O Lord. They have done great evil, but you are a God of forgiveness. Forgive them and reconcile them to yourself through Christ your Son! Amen.
Visit our website and find us online at:
PTAP's Vision
"To see the global church praying for the Arabian Peninsula so that the gospel and churches will be planted for every indigenous people in the Arabian Peninsula"
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The Arab people are the main indigenous people group in the AP. They are the Arab Bedouins of the desert where Mohammad came from and where he founded Islam. In addition, there are minority, indigenous people groups as well. Here are a few of them:
◦Zanzibari Omanis: Swahili-speaking Omanis who have roots in Zanzibar, Tanzania since Oman ruled East Africa during the 19th century.
◦Baluch Arabs: The Baluch people come from Pakistan and surrounding areas.Some have mixed in with the local Arabs of the AP and have been there for generations.
◦Mahri people: They live in Yemen and Oman, straddling areas near the border of the two countries. They speak their own language which is distinct from Arabic.
◦Jebeli people: They are mountain peoples from the mountains of Salalah, Oman. They too have their own distinct language and culture.
◦Shuhooh Arabs: The Shuhooh are mountain peoples found in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE and the Musandam Peninsula, Oman
More information on the unreached of the Arabian Peninsula can be found in the link at the end and in this video:
O Lord of the nations, we thank you for your promise that all nations will be gathered to worship you as one church. Thank you for the hope we have laid up for us in heaven as brothers and sisters in one family! We pray that the word of truth, the gospel, would go to all the people groups of the AP. May it transform lives among the Zanzibari Omanis, the Baluch, the Mahri, the Jebeli, and the Shuhooh. We also ask for Epaphrases to come out of these groups to reach their own people, to be faithful ministers of Christ. Raise up pastors and Christian workers among each of these people groups! May your church in the AP bear much fruit and grow as it is in the whole world. Amen
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Please pray for the salvation of Dr. D's summer course student, Andy (pseudonym). Although from the Gulf, Andy once lived in Los Angeles, where he became involved with a gang. Thankfully, Andy was able to leave that situation left that situation, and he has shared some of his life with Dr. D. They have, in fact, become confident friends. Pray for meaningful conversations about the gospel in the next few weeks, and for the Spirit of God to convince Andy of the Truth.

There was a group in one AP country that specifically did campus ministry at a local university. The girls of that group started to find that many of the local female students had questions about who Jesus is. So, they started having Bible studies with these students, and in the end, about 13 female students began to meet regularly and read through the Bible together. They continued to disciple the students for some time, but the group ended up leaving altogether. They did, however, hand the girls off to other believers. Please pray for spiritual fruit among these university students. Pray that the seeds of the gospel sown in them will grow into full salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray that they would continue to be hungry for the Word and find Jesus to be sufficient and satisfying.

Pray for a local man who has been hospitalized for a year since last Ramadan. He is wasting away and cannot communicate but is conscious and can hear. A member of his Muslim family happened to sit next to a Christian on a bench. Although they were total strangers to each other, the Muslim struck up a conversation and directly invited the Christian to pray specifically for a divine healing for the man. Such an invitation was certainly seen as a divine appointment by the believer! Pray for God to be glorified in healing and salvation of the man, his family, and those who hear the testimony! Pray for the fame of the Lord to spread and draw multitudes to Him through the Son.

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Children are a gift from the Lord and parents want the best for their children. Thankfully, the wealth of the oil-rich countries in the Arabian Peninsula has helped children not to be in want. Unfortunately, it has also created a generation of boys and girls who struggle with health issues due to unhealthy fast foods and a sedentary lifestyle. Childhood obesity and diabetes are on the rise at an alarming rate. In contrast, children in Yemen are starving because of the effects of civil war. "Save the Children" reports that about 130 children could easily die each day from starvation and illness.
More information on the children of the Arabian Peninsula can be found in the link at the bottom of this blog.
and in this video:
Dear Lord, we pray for the children in the AP who are suffering because of the excesses in their lives. We pray that they will get the help they need to be physically disciplined with exercise and healthy eating. We especially pray for the children of Yemen who desperately need food and medicine. Oh God, have mercy on them! Even more importantly, we pray that those with excess and those who have nothing will hear about your great love for them. May they hear the Gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ and embrace the forgiveness of sins and the eternal life which you offer.
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Requests for training believers in how to start Disciple-Making Movements are growing fast.  Numerous Discovery Bible Studies are happening in several languages and various areas of the Arabian Peninsula and spreading across international borders as people connect by Skype or travel.  It is a simple, transferrable, and easily reproducible method to introduce people to the Word of God and have them experience Him at the same time.  It can also be done even with the illiterate.  Please pray for the Word of God to spread swiftly and that believers will be protected and reproducing. Please pray that those who have tasted and seen that the LORD is good via the Scriptures, Christian media, healings, deliverances, answers to prayer, dreams and visions, etc, will actually be saved by grace through faith. 

Please pray for the LORD of the Harvest to pour out three things on the people of the Arabian Peninsula:
  1. The Truth about what He has done for man through the LORD Jesus Christ.
    Faith to believe the Truth when they hear it.
  2. Repentance to turn from sin and embrace the Truth to the saving of their souls.

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This year, Ramadan begins on approximately May 15 (depending on the moon). During the 30 days of Ramadan, Muslims will be fasting and praying. During the month of Ramadan, PTAP will be sending weekly prayers highlighting specific groups and/or events.

The 2 million Shia of Saudi Arabia represent one of the most unreached peoples of the world. As a small minority group within a conservative Sunni community, the Shi'a... in Saudi Arabia have endured hundreds of years of hardship and discrimination. Let us pray on behalf of the Shia people, that they would seek and find true freedom and peace in Christ. Let us also pray that the Lord would prepare workers to engage them.

More information on the Shi'a of Saudi Arabia can be found in this video:

More information is in this PDF:…

Prayer Requests:

•That the Gospel would take hold of their communities, and that the Spirit of God would move mightily among their families and tribes
•For a spirit of childlike humility and repentance to displace pride and hardness of heart
•That the Shi'a of Saudi Arabia would seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, even above their own welfare and political freedoms
•For a spirit of righteousness and justice to flood through their homes, communities, and the Saudi government
•For peace to reign in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. That they would know Christ as the Prince of Peace
•That the Lord would raise up many workers to sow and to harvest the Gospel among the Shi'a of Saudi Arabia

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Recently, about 120 people were physically healed at a gathering in a village because they were all hungry for an encounter and for healing. The Lord did an amazing work, but please pray that these souls would also believe in their hearts who Jesus Christ is. Please pray that miracles, signs, and wonders would continue to occur to accompany and confirm the message of truth. 
Please keep praying for "Jennifer" whom we have been praying for, the local woman who has been suffering from black magic. Unfortunately, she is still being tormented by evil spirits.  She looks confused and was really sick for nearly two months. She has complained of psychological problems. She went to see a psychiatrist who somehow helped her with some medicine. She is still avoiding her Christian friends. When they try to share Jesus with her, she changes the subject.  Last year, she saw a vision in her bedroom of a large red cross.  Just because some Muslims see dreams and visions doesn't mean they turn to Jesus automatically!  This is a call to press on in our prayers for her.  Let's do just that!

The friends of a believer are asking questions about what she believes, and why. They want to know and understand the whole truth, although they confess they really don't believe. Please pray that their eyes and hearts would be opened to the truth, that they would not reject Jesus Christ, and that they would experience the true love of God for themselves.

Please pray for protection and guidance in discipleship relationships and the wisdom to nurture new believers in a way that will result in indigenous and reproducible churches. Pray for local believers to have boldness and to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and fellowship with other believers.
"Amy" had hopes and dreams to study and become a nurse one day. Her father had different plans for her, to either marry young or to quickly get a job to provide money for her family. She was forced to quit her studies and is desperately searching for a job that will please her father and prevent an unwanted marriage. She seems to run into dead end after dead end, and her father's patience is running low. Please pray for Amy to find a job soon that will satisfy her father, and that she will find peace in a relationship with her true Father.
Please pray for all local believers who are alone. Pray that the Lord will bring them into contact with people who love Him, that they will know they are not alone and that they will thrive. Pray for them to have boldness and wisdom in sharing with other locals. Pray also for those who try to tell their friends and family about Jesus but are faced with confrontation. In fact, some of their friends and family try to convince them that the Bible was corrupted, and this confuses them. Pray for these local believers to  continue to be bold in sharing with others. Pray for God to remove all confusion from their hearts and increase their faith in His Word.

Please pray for the Word of God to be translated into local dialects. Pray for this project's progression and for those who are doing the translating.
Answers to Prayer

Praise God for answering our prayers during our recent February prayer focus on Yemen! Here are three answers:

1. It has been reported that in February, more than 10 new Yemeni believers were acknowledged. And of course, there could be more of whom we do not know about. 

2. The bombings from Saudi Arabia and its coalition have greatly decreased.

3. In the first week of March, a Yemeni university student walked into an international church in the Gulf asking many questions about the faith, even asking "What is baptism?" He then attended a student conference the next day where he received more gospel teaching. The campus workers involved have followed up on him. As of now, he is not interested in the gospel. He is a pluralist who picks and chooses what he likes in different religions. But let's pray for him. Seeds have been sown and he now has Christian friends. Pray that the Father will grow these seeds to bring new life in Christ!
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PTAP: New Believer & Yemen

About a year ago, after trying other religions and philosophies, Anthony (pseudonym)
found that there was none other like the message of the gospel, and he
trusted Christ for his salvation. Although he knows there is the need for cautious wisdom in a Muslim context, he feels that he must share the truth of the gospel with others. In fact, Anthony is in college and has done so with many of his classmates.  Pray that he will continue to grow in faith, love, and hope in the Kingdom.
Prayer for Yemen
Psalm 88: 1-4 O  Lord, God of my salvation. I cry out day and night before you. Let my prayer come before you;  incline your ear to my cry. For my soul is full of troubles, and my life draw nears to Sheol. I am counted among those who go down to the pit; I am a man who has no strength. (ESV)
The people of Yemen continue to suffer from the effects of war. It is in times of suffering that many realize their own helplessness and acknowledge their need for God. Pray that the people will turn to Him. Pray that He will lead them to someone who follows the Savior or that He will speaks words of comfort and hope to them, through visions and dreams. Continue to pray for peace in Yemen.
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