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PTAP: Pray for Yemen.

Prayer Requests - November 19, 2019
Below is an overview of the situation in Yemen. This is not a Christian report. But it is a good overview of the problems in Yemen. This video is 7 mins. Please take time today to pray for Yemen.  
Prayer Points: 
1. Pray for an end to the war in Yemen. There have been small steps in the south to end fighting there, but that is only a small part of the overall picture. 

2. Pray for 24 million people of the total population of 27 million who need food aid and other aid. There is great suffering and this suffering is all man-made. 

3. Pray for families that have lost so much--homes, livelihoods, family members, loved ones...Some reports have stated that over 100,000 people have died in Yemen. 

4. Pray for the gospel to spread in Yemen. Despite all the suffering and pain, more Yemeni are walking with the Lord Jesus today than since Islam took control of this country. Pray that more people will come to know Jesus and find hope in Him. 
on Facebook, you may visit Pray4Yemen for more information on the land.

PTAP's Vision
"To see the global church praying for the Arabian Peninsula so that the gospel and churches will be planted for every indigenous people in the Arabian Peninsula"
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Laylat al-Qadr (commonly known as the Night of Power, Night of Decree, Night of Value, Night of Measures, or Night of Destiny) is considered the holiest night of the year for Muslims and is traditionally celebrated on the 27th day of Ramadan. This day commemorates the day when the Qur'an was revealed to Mohammed.
This is a day when many Muslims believe that God's abundant blessings are mercy are more accessible on this night. Pray that as they celebrate this night, Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, would show up in mighty ways. Pray that hearts would be opened to the Good News.
Over the next 24 hours, numerous communities of believers throughout the Arabian Peninsula will be gathering to pray for Jesus to show up and move on this night. Please pray for the Holy Spirit's leading, coverage, and protection as many gather together and declare Jesus over the Arabian Peninsula.
Also, on May 31, you can tune into prayercast and join many in praying for Muslims on this day. You can watch the livestream here:
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This year, Ramadan begins on approximately May 15 (depending on the moon). During the 30 days of Ramadan, Muslims will be fasting and praying. During the month of Ramadan, PTAP will be sending weekly prayers highlighting specific groups and/or events.

The 2 million Shia of Saudi Arabia represent one of the most unreached peoples of the world. As a small minority group within a conservative Sunni community, the Shi'a... in Saudi Arabia have endured hundreds of years of hardship and discrimination. Let us pray on behalf of the Shia people, that they would seek and find true freedom and peace in Christ. Let us also pray that the Lord would prepare workers to engage them.

More information on the Shi'a of Saudi Arabia can be found in this video:

More information is in this PDF:…

Prayer Requests:

•That the Gospel would take hold of their communities, and that the Spirit of God would move mightily among their families and tribes
•For a spirit of childlike humility and repentance to displace pride and hardness of heart
•That the Shi'a of Saudi Arabia would seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, even above their own welfare and political freedoms
•For a spirit of righteousness and justice to flood through their homes, communities, and the Saudi government
•For peace to reign in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. That they would know Christ as the Prince of Peace
•That the Lord would raise up many workers to sow and to harvest the Gospel among the Shi'a of Saudi Arabia

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Umm al-Quwain is both a city and an emirate in the United Arab Emirates.  The name means "the mother of two powers," one power being the sea and the other the land. Umm al-Quwain is a relaxed and peaceful emirate.

Archeological digs show that this city goes back over 5,000 years and there are tombs that go back to the time of Christ. Its unique lagoon today hosts fishing and speedboats, but in the past, other travelers came here to exchange goods from around the Gulf and the world. They were also known for their shipbuilding.  Fishing boats still fill the harbor.

Islam is the dominant religion and there are no officially-recognized church compounds in Um Al Quwain unlike most of the other emirates. In this emirate you can find many from the Baluch tribe and some of them live in poorer areas. The Ali tribe is probably the largest tribe that lives here.
Prayer Points:
  • Pray that the power of the Holy Spirit would convict the people of Umm al-Quwain that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
  • Pray that Sheikh Saud, the ruler of the emirate, would allow for his own people and others to worship the Lord Jesus freely.  Pray that the church would be established.
  • Pray a blessing on Umm al-Quwain, a blessing for their work on the sea and on the land.  May the inhabitants acknowledge that Jesus is God, the Creator of the seas and lands, and the One who provides for their daily needs.

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Hajj 2017 - August 31 - September 1

In Luke 7, Jesus predicts that his encounter with a sinful woman will become famous throughout the world and throughout history. This woman washed His feet with an abundance of tears, anointed Him with embalming perfume, and wiped His feet with her long hair. Jesus says in response: "Your sins are forgiven." Today, that same desire, the desire for forgiveness of sins, is found on many blog sites, where Muslim women are asking if the Hajj wi...ll cleanse them not only of small common sins, but also of big serious sins. They are told that their desire will be granted by the Hajj, which "if performed properly and sincerely for Allah, removes all sins."

Muslims go on the Hajj because it is one of the five pillars of Islam. The Hajj is the pinnacle of life for Muslims around the world. They are commanded to perform the Hajj at least once in their life if they are able. It begins on the 8th day of the 12th month of Dhul Hijjah in the Islamic calendar. During these days, around two to three million Muslims from all over the world flock to Mecca to perform sacred acts and follow the steps of Muhammad, their prophet. This year, the Hajj will start on August 30th and last for three or more days. Traditionally it was three days.

The main purpose of the Hajj is to receive the forgiveness of sins. Muslims go on the Hajj to be cleansed of sin. In our right minds, we know something is wrong with us. Therefore, we have a desire to be clean and justified. Romans 6:23 states, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 4:7,8 states, "Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin."

This is a call for Christians to pray for Muslims as they go on the Hajj.

To prepare yourself spiritually for prayer during this time, please read through Hebrews 9:1-10:19. An informational video about Hajj is also below:

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Hajj 2017 - August 31 - September 1

In Luke 7, Jesus predicts that his encounter with a sinful woman will become famous throughout the world and throughout history. This woman washed His feet with an abundance of tears, anointed Him with embalming perfume, and wiped His feet with her long hair. Jesus says in response: "Your sins are forgiven." Today, that same desire, the desire for forgiveness of sins, is found on many blog sites, where Muslim women are asking if the Hajj wi...ll cleanse them not only of small common sins, but also of big serious sins. They are told that their desire will be granted by the Hajj, which "if performed properly and sincerely for Allah, removes all sins."

Muslims go on the Hajj because it is one of the five pillars of Islam. The Hajj is the pinnacle of life for Muslims around the world. They are commanded to perform the Hajj at least once in their life if they are able. It begins on the 8th day of the 12th month of Dhul Hijjah in the Islamic calendar. During these days, around two to three million Muslims from all over the world flock to Mecca to perform sacred acts and follow the steps of Muhammad, their prophet. This year, the Hajj will start on August 30th and last for three or more days. Traditionally it was three days.

The main purpose of the Hajj is to receive the forgiveness of sins. Muslims go on the Hajj to be cleansed of sin. In our right minds, we know something is wrong with us. Therefore, we have a desire to be clean and justified. Romans 6:23 states, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 4:7,8 states, "Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin."

This is a call for Christians to pray for Muslims as they go on the Hajj.

To prepare yourself spiritually for prayer during this time, please read through Hebrews 9:1-10:19. An informational video about Hajj is also below:

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Pray for the Lord to open new doors for new projects.  Pray that the Lord would provide funds for a media project to produce between 50-75 short (5-10 minutes) videos in the local dialect to reach the Saudi people via a variety of social media platforms, as they are some of the world's most active users of social media.  Pray that this project would become a reality so that many will come to faith and be discipled at the same time.  
Pray for believers in Christ who are facing opposition, that they will be strong. Pray that God will give them courage, wisdom and strength in the challenges that they go through.

Pray for the many in Yemen who are facing starvation due to war. Pray that embargoes will be lifted, that food will be sent and that it would reach those in need.

City Focus
PTAP is partnering with other believers in praying for key, strategic cities throughout the AP.  This month, we focus on Dibba, UAE.  In particular, please pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send workers to Dibba, UAE.  These cities have no or very little Christian witness.  In addition, please pray that the Lord would raise up Indian and Filipino believers who already live in Dibba to share the gospel message with their Emirati neighbors.  

Let's pray for Dibba through this prayer video!
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PTAP: Hajj in Arabia - Pray for Pilgrims

The Hajj this year is next week, September 21-23. Every year, over two million Muslims go on this pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to perform sacred acts and follow in the footsteps of their prophet, Mohammed. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and should be taken by every Muslim if possible.

PTAP wants to encourage the world to pray during this crucial time. To help you pray, please visit PTAP's website and watch a video on the Hajj. You can also download prayer materials that will help you pray in detail.

One of the main beliefs of the Hajj is that Allah will forgive all sins. Pray that the Muslims who go will have dreams and visions of Jesus during these three days and that they would find that true forgiveness of sins can only be found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pray all of Hebrews 9 - no rituals or sacrifices can atone for sins, only our High Priest, the Mediator of a new covenant, can bear the sins of many.

On September 11 last week,
a crane fell falling on worshippers in the Grand Mosque in Mecca where the Hajj takes place. More than hundred people were killed. This has caused different responses. Some think it is a blessing that these people died praying in the most holy place and that they will go straight to heaven. Others think of it as a punishment from God. Pray that it will make people think and seek the Truth of Jesus Christ.

And continue to pray for Yemen. "Our family is starving" - Pray for the many in Yemen who are hungry. Pray that money for them to buy food will be sent from friends and aid organizations outside of the country. Pray that their needs will be met. Jesus offers the "bread of life", to all who ask for it. Pray that these needy people will not only be physically fed but also hear the news of a Savior who will meet their spiritual needs.

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prayer_banner.jpgFriends, we are living in an hour when the very existence of Israel is literally threatened on all sides, both politically and physically. We are living in an hour when Israel's very right to exist is being questioned on university campuses, in the media, and within international governments. We are living in an hour when - according to a 2010 poll by the European Commission - Israel is believed by Europeans in 15 countries to be the greatest threat to world peace... greater than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan. If ever people in God's Holy Land needed to know that there are people standing with them, people praying for them, and people looking to bless them and not destroy them...NOW is that time. Diversity


As we lead up to the worldwide Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) on October 7 ( ), our friends at have made it possible for believers from all over the world to send a personal prayer (via video) to the people of Israel.  The goal is to send 800,000 video prayers for the 800,000 residents of Jerusalem... and we need  YOUR participation to make it happen!


We are believing that this effort will become the largest video exchange of thoughts and prayers between people in history.  Join us now and help us spread the word.

 Go now to  to learn more and to record your prayer of peace, blessing, or encouragement for one of the 800,000 people in Jerusalem!

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Prayerwalking Video Training

When I was serving as prayer coordinator for New Hope New York, we produced a 23 minute video to teach people to prayerwalk and take prayer to the streets of their city. The North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention has it posted for download and use for the sake of the Kingdom. You can view it and download it at:

Let's take "praying on site with insight" to the streetsof our cities, see with God's eyes, pray Holy Spirit prompted prayers,and join His work to see transformation for His glory and Kingdomadvance.
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