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In Praise of Christ's Conquest





               Christ must reign until he humbles all his enemies beneath his feet.

                                  The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

We thank God, who gives us victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ our Lord!

                                           1 Corinthians 15:25,26,57 ESV







Christ’s  resurrection  means  victory  over  the  dark  side.

     Alpha had the first word—Let there be light—and chaos gave way to calm.

     Omega will have the last word—grace— and fear will give way to rejoicing.

     World events may seem to indicate the devil is winning, but the war’s not over. 

          Though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet.

          This is your Father’s world, The battle is not done.

          Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and heaven be one. (Maltbie Babcock)

     The Accuser will be pulverized under the feet of the conquering King.

     Addiction to Satan’s ways can be broken when you let the Son liberate you. 

     Do not wander dark alleys—let the Holy King guide you by radiant light. 

     There is Light beyond the shadows—and it will ultimately cancel the night.

     Celebrate Christ’s reign of righteousness by walking as a child of the Light.


Christ’s  resurrection  means  victory  over  death.

     Now your body humiliates you—someday you will have a body like Christ’s.

     Your earthly body is mortal—your heavenly body will be immortal.

     The ferocious enemy of death cannot come between us—we are inseparable. 

     Do not let death terrorize you—the Eternal King has removed its sting. 

     There is Life beyond the grave—and it will ultimately eradicate death.                       

     Celebrate Christ’s reign of life by enjoying the pleasure of His company.


Christ’s  resurrection  means  victory  over  despair.

     The cosmos may seem cruel, arbitrary and deceptive—but heaven has a plan. 

     Life may feel like a transition between two oblivions—but I have a purpose. 

     The future may sometimes look dark, but it is just as bright as My promises. 

     Listen carefully to My future melody and you can triumph over hopelessness.

     Live with unwavering faith in Me and you can learn to sing and dance for joy. 

     Do not let worry get the best of you—leave tomorrow to the King of glory.    

     There is Love beyond the physical—and it will ultimately abolish despair.

     Celebrate Christ’s reign of hope by marching to Zion, not trudging to oblivion.





     Gentle Whispers from Eternity                        

     © by Johnny R. Almond             



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The King's Warning






          Keep alert and pray.  Otherwise temptation will overpower you.

               For though the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak.

                                      Matthew 26:41 NLT






Stay awake!

     Do not let the Devil catch you napping—sleepwalking is dangerous.

     Hell's traps can easily ensnare you when you are only half awake.

     While Jesus sweat blood in Gethsemane, his disciples snored.

      Do better than them—keep watch with Me through the hours of this day. 


Pay attention!

     Do not emulate Judas, seeking a time to betray Me—look for ways to serve.  

     Carelessness causes moral tragedy and distracts from life's noblest use.

     Watch your p's and q's; otherwise, you could misspell purity and quality.   

     Do not waste the days I give you—life is not a dress rehearsal.


Be careful!

     Satan is not a teddy bear, but a roaring lion shredding unsuspecting victims.

     You do not play volleyball in a minefield; do not be fast and loose morally.  

     If you throw caution to the wind, you will live to regret it.

     Be vigilant as you journey through life, or you could trip and get hurt. 


Stay busy!

     Never go to sleep on the job, or you’ll be embarrassed at the end of the day.

    Avoid pretense—never turn My will into a charade to impress others.

     Jesus went around doing good—copy his example; do not just go around.

    Idleness is the devil’s workshop—Christlikeness demands an active life.


Watch out for the tempter!

     Self-sufficiency self-destructs; cocksureness sets you up for a great fall.    

      Basking in your fantastic ego, you’re never more vulnerable for temptation. 

     Racing helter-skelter in hectivity?  The evil one can catch you off-guard. 

     Hungry? Anxious? Lonely? Tired? HALT! 



     Your noble intentions may be strong, but your resistance is weak.

     Disciple, will you desert your Master?  Soldier, will you cut and run?

     Subject, will you disown your King?  Friend, will you turn traitor?

     Nothing is bitterer than denying Me—you would weep your heart out. 

     Let My warning flash through your mind, and you will not have to cry.





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                              

Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Travel Weary













                           Out of the depths I cry to Thee, O LORD.

                                               Psalm 130:1 MLB


In heartache, reach for God in prayer.

          From valley depths, cry out to the Lord.

          Hurting, ask for His help—heaven pays attention to desperation.

          In your frail misery, look to Omnipotence for emotional support.

          Jesus is ready to listen when you need to talk.

           Tell Jesus all your trials, you cannot bear these burdens alone;    

           In your distress He kindly will help you; He ever loves and cares for His own.

            [Elisha A. Hoffman] * 


     In holiness, revere God because of His pardon.

          Vindicated by deliverance, consecrate yourself to the Savior.

          Forgiven by Christ’s mercy, live by His salvation.

          Do not mull over past mistakes—the Lord forgives and forgets.

          Do not wring your hands over tomorrow—God is already there.

           When the world allures you to evil, and your heart is tempted to sin,

           Tell Jesus, and He will help you over the world the victory to win. * 


     In hope, rely on God’s promise.

          Visioning daybreak, commune with your Father.

          Faithing morning, gaze on the Bright Morning Star.

          Count on heaven’s promises—they brighten the future.

           Beneath life’s crushing load, when you are bending low,

           Toiling along the way with painful steps and slow,

           Look now!  Glad and golden hours come swiftly on the wing –

           Rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing. [Edmund H. Sears]

          In a WWII concentration camp, a Jewish girl wrote in her diary—

               There will always be a small patch of sky above,

                 and there will always be enough space to fold two hands in prayer.   


     In help, rejoice in God’s Providence.

          Victorious by Holy Spirit dynamics, celebrate infinite power.

           In a festive mood, enjoy heaven’s symphony of love.                   

          Unshackled from addictive evil, revel in perfect freedom.

          Whatever your situation, know God is completely aware of it.

          In difficult circumstances, cultivate joyful inner-stances.

          When the hill is steep, climb in the energy God provides.

          On high seas, stay on an even keel in perfect peace God gives.  

          In emotional valleys, look heavenward and triumph. 





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                 

Gentle Whispers from Eternity  

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If you've been a part of Our Resolute Hope's ministry over the years, you know that we are not very fond of religion. I love to tell people I'm not religious in any way, but I love Jesus. The word religion comes from the Latin religio and it’s a compound word which means “return to bondage.” And I tell people that the word religion isn't even in the Bible. Some Believers are quick to point out, “Oh no, Frank, you're wrong. It's in James.” 


“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27 (NASB) 


Well, I don't ever want to undermine our English translations, but we have to remember a translation is a work of man where we take the original Greek or Hebrew language and translate it into English. That's why we have concordances and lexicons to look up those words and see if the translators really did their job. 

In this instance, they did not do their job. The Greek word that has been translated “religion” in the Book of James is actually the word “reverence,” or I would translate it as “worship” because that's what reverence is. And so the text should read, “Pure and undefiled worship is the taking care of orphans and widows.” You see, we've reduced worship in our culture to singing praise songs. 


Worship is life. 


The number one word used in the New Testament for worship is latreia which means “to serve.” So, as Jesus said, when you visit someone in prison, you're visiting Him. When you bring someone a drink of water, you're serving and worshiping Him. 


True worship is the expression of His life of love flowing through us to love others.


Pure and undefiled worship is revering the One who deserves it most, the One who redeemed us so that we could fulfill our glorious purpose in creation. That purpose is to express the invisible God to a physical and visible world. Go express Him, my friends, and the love and care of those who need to be loved and cared for. I hope you were encouraged today by the ministry of Our Resolute Hope.





Dr. Stephen Phinney

President & Founder


IOM America | Identity Matters Worldview Institute


End Times Prophecies Connection Points:



Mail | IOM America | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579

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Thinking . . . for a Change

Thinking . . . for a Change10996942500?profile=RESIZE_710x




 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world,
     but let God transform you into a new person
             by changing the way you think.
                     Romans 12:2 NLT


Think purposefully—begin each day with the end in mind.

    Make it your habit—your daily aim—to live a lifestyle that honors Me.   

    Stay in step with My mission—testify to Love to all who will listen.  

    Aim at nothing and you will hit it—target noble goals and find success.

    In view of all I have done for you, surrender to Me as a living sacrifice.

    When you grow weary, gaze again at My cross—and struggle on.

    If your mind is dedicated, your blessing will be sure.


Think of paradise—keep in mind the future is as bright as My promises.

    Let heaven permeate your thoughts—live in celestial anticipation.

    Your final address is a mansion—look forward to eventual triumph.

    Do not be preoccupied with things—look ahead, not just around.

    Do not wring your hands in panic—look up, not just out.

    Do not be trapped by earthly cares—look forward, not just inward.

    If your mind is determined, your soul will be saved.


Think purely—consecrate yourself to live a holy life.

    Fill your mind with trash, and you will live in a garbage dump.

    Fill your mind with truth, and live in grand and glorious splendor.

    Think wrong, and you will live wickedly; think right and live rightly.

    Let My Holy Spirit bring about a metamorphosis from the inside out.

    If your mind is disciplined, your body will be sanctified.


Think after Christ’s pattern—live for others, not just for yourself.

    Be a humble servant—maintain a Christlike attitude.

    I did not seek to be waited on hand and foot—neither should you.

    I condescended to be a servant—think you are too good for that?

    Be thoughtful of others’ needs, and find life’s truest meaning.

    If your mind is devoted, your heart will be satisfied.



© Pastor Johnny R Almond                         

Day 336, Gentle Whispers from Eternity  

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GUEST POST ~ “Let’s be talking about Jesus.”

Dr. Paul Cedar

Lausanne * MissionAMerica Coaltion * The Table Coaltion


“Let’s be talking about Jesus.”  That was the theme of a recent article in Our Daily Bread devotional booklet a few days ago. It is a wonderful insight that has been resonating with both of us during the past few days.  That’s what our ministry is all about - talking about – sharing - our Lord and Savior – Jesus! Then it happened to us again when we were departing from the theater last Friday evening after viewing the wonderful film ,“The Jesus Revolution!”  And now, we’re trusting – we’re praying that we can use every opportunity - to speak – to share all about Him – Jesus!  To let others know – all about Jesus! 


It is something that every one of us could and should be doing!  We can share His Name when we are with Christian friends.  We can share Him when we are with our neighbors or in other settings of non-Christians. Of course, we always need to do sowith love, gentleness and sensitivity without using our church “insider” vocabulary that often “turns off” outsiders.  


Without a doubt, Jesus is the most wonderful, loving, captivating person who has ever lived on this earth.  He personified the life of love.  He not only preached about love, He lived it!  And He has invited us to live the life of love; to share His love with others.  As we do, let us be talking more and more about Him - Jesus


Dr. Paul Cedar

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GUEST POST ~ "Christmas" Can Be Any Day of the Year


As I read Scripture daily, pray and watch the continued loss of Christian influence in our culture, I often ask: “What can be done to reveal Christ’s mission to the world?” Or, “How do we make an impact on our neighbors so that our message about Jesus risen and reigning as Lord will be truly heard?”

Two recent experiences of mine shed light on my response. The first came when I delivered books from my library to Tyndale House Publishers to be shipped to a buyer in Florida. (I once had 12,000+ books. Now I have less than 1,300. My goal is to keep what I will use and make sure my physical effects do not present a problem for my family to deal with when I pass.) Anyway, I had packed some 45 boxes and drop-shipped them from the Tyndale warehouse. The warehouse person who met my friend and I to help unload these books was an exceptional man who treated us both with amazing care. I thanked him and invited him to have lunch with me a few days later. I was surprised when we told me that he was not a Christian. The more I probed carefully into his story the more clear it became to me that my new friend was not turned off by working with Christians. In fact, he spoke well of the culture he had worked in for decades. I plan to spend more time with him in the days ahead but here is my point: working for a Christian company, as a non-Christian, was not a negative for him. That tells me something very positive about the culture of Tyndale House. 

My second experience came when my daughter arranged for me to go with the twins to pack food at a nearby Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) warehouse. The drive and work took us about three hours. We packed enough food to feed three children in Ukraine for a whole year. But what impressed me was how the mission included Stacy and me helping two six-year old boys get into this witness for Christ’s kingdom. 


What a teaching moment! But, much like Tyndale House, FMSC made it clear that non-Christians were welcome to come alongside and help. This invitation to share with Christians in their mission was a wonderful way to “involve” all people in a basic human concern for the needy. I was impressed with the FMSC enterprise and their workers, who made us all feel like we were doing something important, which of course we were. 

Check out FMSC at:

Here is my point. We can actually include all people in Christ’s mission of mercy in fresh and winsome ways that we have never seriously explored. I am convinced people are more likely to “hear” our message of God’s love when they share with us in showing that love. That is basic and it surprises far too many Christians who think our only witness is to talk about Jesus all the time and to oppose a culture they do not like. 


May you and your loved ones experience a wonderful Advent this year.  

John Arnstrong


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Christianity--Made for the Road


    Give honor to the Lord for the gory of his name.  Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.  Psalm 29:2 NLT


     Be awed in My Presence. Keep in mind that except for grace, you would be helpless. Realize I am the Source of your poise and peace. Totally rely on Me. Reverence Me as your Master.

     Let me remind you that you are subordinate to the King of kings. Permit Me to formally educate you in life’s highest lesson; learn it well—there is a God and you are not Him. Take a low position before Me. Give Me the glory and the honor I alone deserve .Tremble before Me. Come down where you ought to be. Worship Me humbly.


     Be active in My power. Let My Spirit kindle your adoration. Yield to My influence, so you will be fired up with sparkling enthusiasm.

     I am Sovereign of the universe—obey Me in every dimension of your life. Worship Me with all your heart.


     Advance in My purity. I alone am perfect; however I want you to grow in My likeness. My plan is for everyday saints—24/7—until eternity. Dress your Sunday best Monday through Saturday also. Honor Me in all your thoughts, words, and deeds.

     Make living for Jesus Christ your life’s noblest purpose—realize dying to selfishness for Christ’s sake is the bridge to significance. Seek My inspiration to motivate you to be faithful. Search for My power to help you behave your beliefs and practice what you preach. Do more than meditate—get on with your assigned mission. My Son went around doing good—do not be content with merely going around, a big wheel going in circles.

     I have outfitted you with spiritual armor for the purpose of fighting. A full suit of armor is awkward equipment for an easy chair. Do not spend all your time getting ready to live—take time to really live. After all is said and done, there is more said than done—do not let this be true of you.

     Advance in the splendor of radical holiness. Reverse evil—really live! I made you pure in heart—you must make yourself pure in conduct.

     Make worship your lifestyle—not just on Sundays, but all the time; not just at church, but everywhere; not just in a pew, but on the road.




   © Johnny R. Almond                               

   Day 203, Gentle Whispers from Eternity         

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Youre Doing a Great WorkDont Yield to the Devil’s Distractions!
By Jeff Keaton
In the great account of God’s work of restoration found in the book of Nehemiah, there is a powerful moment and lesson found in chapter six. Nehemiah and his band of helpers had finally finished rebuilding the wall around the city, and their enemies were desperately trying to find a way to stop them from continuing the restoration of Jerusalem. Sanballet and Tobiah asked Nehemiah to come out of the city and meet them in the plain of Ono. Their plan was to “do him harm” once they got him away from the city. Nehemiah was wise to their plans and sent them back an extremely fitting response: “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?” Nehemiah refused to allow the distractions of the enemy to stop him from accomplishing the work God had called him to do.
If you are in leadership, working diligently to accomplish God’s work in some area of creation, then you know how often Satan sends detractors to try and prevent you from fulfilling the mission God has given you. It seems there is always a crisis, an urgent matter lurking at the door. It may be a person, a project, or a problem of some kind that keeps you from accomplishing the work God has given you. I’ve seen Christian organizations completely derailed over one small issue that turned into a mountain of trouble. If we are going to be successful in the kingdom work God has given us, we must learn to say to these distractions: “I am doing a great work, and I cannot come down. Why would the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?” I realize that there will always be hundreds of issues that leaders must attend to, but let’s determine to never lose focus on the main mission God has given us.
Recently, here at RenewaNation, we have been asking ourselves: Is there anything we are involved in that is not in the sweet spot of our calling to give children a biblical worldview? We are determined to avoid the distractions that will prevent us from seeing millions of new children developing a biblical worldview.
What is distracting you today? What is it that you need to say no to and move on from? Is it a person on your team who consistently drags down others? Is it someone’s pet program that is draining your organization’s energy and resources? Is it a besetting sin that continuously calls you away from intimacy with Christ and thus prevents you from living a powerful, Spirit-led life? Whatever it is, Christ has the power, wisdom, and strength you need to overcome it. Rely fully upon Him. Rest deeply in Him, and He will help you accomplish the call He has given you.
Article written by Jeff Keaton, Founder & CEO of RenewaNation. Reposted with permission. For more information about RenewaNation, please visit

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Spiritual Coordinates





The Lord God called to Adam, “Where are you?”

                       Genesis 3:9 NLT


     Sometimes your mind is so preoccupied with chasing the wind—arranging your busy schedule, balancing your budget, and mapping your future—you do not even notice Me calling you.


     I am not in the windstorm of your anxieties, the earthquake of your ego, or the fire of your frustrations. I speak to you in the hushed tones of providence and the still small voice of conscience.


    You are typically running so fast in your human race that you cannot hear Me walking nearby. You may think of Me as being at a great distance, but in reality    I am nearer to you than your hands and feet and closer than your breathing.  I would really enjoy your friendship. If you will stop hurrying long enough, slow down a few minutes, and take a walk with Me, I have a few questions for you.


     Where have you been? I have noticed that you have been extremely busy, actively pursuing earthly success. Do you understand that I have a higher standard by which to measure eternal significance? No matter how many rungs you climb, it would be humiliating for you to reach the top of the wrong ladder!


     Where are you now? After all your merry-go-round days, your hectic pace, your frequent moves, and your accomplishments in life, what is the current state of your heart? Do you feel fulfilled, satisfied, and content? Are you at ease and relaxed with who you are and what you have become? Are you hiding from Me? Or am I your Hiding Place?


     Where are you going? Have you pondered your direction? If you continue on the road you are traveling, where will you be ten or twenty years from now? Are you willing to trust Me with your destination? Will you allow Me to arrange your itinerary? Does your heart hunger to enjoy paradise? Care to go for a stroll?



        © Pastor Johnny R. Almond                             

Day 2, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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         Getaway at The Grahams'
From Freddie Steel - Mercy Gate International
Hello Pastor Phil,
I'm writing on behalf of my wife who has recently taken the position to manage the oversight of Billy and Ruth Graham's home as a sanctuary/getaway for pastors and missionaries.
The home is in beautiful Montreat, North Carolina and sits among a setting that is restful, quiet and heart-warming.  There is no charge for the week's stay.
The only criteria to be met in order to stay in the home of Billy Graham is one must have been in the pastorate for twenty years and does not comfortably have the means to enjoy such a timeof rest and renewal.
I am asking for your assistance in getting the word out.  The next step would be to fill out the application and e-mail it to my wife~ 
Billy's Homeplace was the idea of Daughter, Ruth, and actor Kirk Cameron whom, together, make this wonderful treasure available to the Lord's tired and weary soldiers.
Freddie & Mary Gaye Steel,
Mooresville, NC
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Transfigured by the King





                Jesus' appearance changed

           so that his face shone like the sun,

        and his clothing became dazzling white.

 When they looked, they saw only Jesus with them.

                         Matthew 17:2, 8 NLT





In a world of limitation, I am your infinite power. 

Take "if" out of you vocabulary—believe and say thanks. 

My power shines within your clay body—the Almighty works in you.

Rely on My grace and weakness is transfigured into strength.


In a world of despair, I am your immortal hope.

Shape up while there is time—toss out the garbage and clean house.

Do not sink in mud—raise your eyes toward the Bright Morning Star.

Look up and melancholy is transfigured into music and dancing. 


In a world of self-centeredness, I am your infallible God.

Pride builds a house of cards—I alone endure.

I created everything—I own everything—I control everything. 

Worship Me and apathy is transfigured into heartfelt praise.


In a world of mediocrity, I am your incomparable excellence.

Care more than the world thinks wise;  risk more than thought safe;

     dream more than thought practical—this is success in My eyes.

Aim for the best and half-heartedness is transfigured into quality.


In a world of rebellion, I am your invincible King.

No authority trumps Mine—no government overrides Mine.

The best thing you can ever do is humble yourself in My Presence.

Surrender your heart and chaos is transfigured into radiant calm.


In a world of darkness, I am your inspiring Light.

Gaze on the face of Jesus—see the brightness of divine glory.

Trust My Word—envision the beautiful future I have promised.  

Focus on Me and materialism is transfigured into eternal wealth. 


In a world of disappointment, I am your indescribable reward.

My smile will amply repay your efforts for the Kingdom’s cause.

Well done will be the best paycheck you have ever received.

Honor Me and heartache is transfigured into heaven.


© Johnny R. Almond                10966717700?profile=RESIZE_180x180                         

Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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The King's Blessing


 God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them.

             Matthew 5:3 NLT


In a strutting world that values independence, I bless the desperate.

     VIPs struck on themselves receive nothing but disapproval from My hand.

     Beggars prostrate before My throne are blessed beyond imagination.

     The holy land of the broken heart is where I am most at home.

     The reward of humility is ultimate perfection—the Kingdom of Heaven.


In a pleasure-mad world pursuing happiness at any cost, I bless the tearful. 

     Those who cry their heart out over evil learn to laugh out loud. 

     Those who confess and repent discover the ecstasy of My salvation. 

     Yearn to see My face—I will reward you with the pleasure of My company. 


In a dog-eat-dog world obsessed with power, I bless the gentle. 

     The unbelieving world scorns the meek, but they are heaven’s favorites.

     Now the God-controlled and Spirit-sensitive get pushed around.

     But mark My Word—someday their reward will be owning the earth.


In an unfair world focused on personal needs, I bless hungry souls.

     Starved for justice?  Wondering if I will ever balance the books?

     Just wait and see—crooks and thieves will have their day in court.

     Being embraced in My arms will be reward enough for a lifetime of abuse. 


In a ruthless world oppressing lower classes, I bless the merciful. 

     I am unfailingly kind to you—be sure you are kind to others.

     Receiving undeserved mercy will be ample reward for your compassion.


In a dark world of perversion, I bless the pure-hearted.

     Get your mind and heart right, and you will see Me with eyes of your heart.

     When eternity dawns, you will see Me face-to-face—incomparable reward.


In a warmongering world, I bless the peacemakers.

     You are a subject of the Prince of Peace, so do your best to live peacefully.

     Genuinely love others, patiently endure trouble, and pray day and night.

     Do not be uppity, be a smart-aleck, or try to get even.

     Live like this and I will reward you by calling you My child.


In a hateful world ridiculing commitment, I bless the persecuted.

     You may be ostracized now, but someday you will be honored.

     You may be told to sit on the back row, but I will seat you at My head table.

     You may be mistreated now, but I will reward you beyond your dreams.


The rewards offered by the King of kings are not always obvious in time.

     What I have in store for surrendered hearts will be seen only in eternity. 



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond        

   Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Guest Post ~ #Reconceive Future Church

Guest Post ~ #Reconceive Future Church

The Future  Church
By Mike Glenn, Pastor of Brentwood Baptist in Brentwood Tennessee.
The age of the mega-church is over. 
We won't be building church campuses like we used to. 
Churches will be centered in neighborhoods and communities. They will be central to community life seven days a week. 
The rising generations won't financially support the construction of large facilities. Future facilities will be integrated into the neighborhood by providing everything from ESL classes to daycares for children and senior adults. 
More and more people will be brought into the church through weekday engagements than Sunday mornings. The ministry now comes before the message. When people see the church loving the community, they will want to know what motivates that love.
Because churches will be smaller, they will be run by co-vocational staff and volunteers. 
More and more, successful pastors will be those who can piece together full-time programs and ministries with a patchwork of "employees" with limited hours.  
More and more of the pastor's time will be spent training, assigning, and overseeing volunteer and part-time ministers. 
In some congregations, everyone in attendance during Sunday worship will have some kind of job in the church's ministry. What used to be forty-hour-per-week jobs will be broken up into ten four-hour-per-week or eight five-hour-a-week positions.
Leaders will train leaders. 
We'll finally get Ephesians 4 right. Instead of "Training God's people -- comma -- for the work of the ministry," we'll get back to "Training God's people for the work of ministry."  
Instead of visiting the hospital, pastors will be training those who go to the hospital. Instead of teaching small groups, pastors will train leaders of small groups. Effective leaders will multiply their ministry by developing leaders who will do the actual ministry.
While the rising generations give, they give very differently than the builders and boomers before them. 
If you need a well dug in Africa or school supplies for orphans in Moldova, you'll find that millennials, Gen X and Gen Z will give sacrificially and generously. 
But if you need to pay the light bill on your church building, well, not so much. Remember, every institution in our current culture is undergoing a crisis of trust. 
We no longer trust the government, the medical profession, the judicial system, our academic institutions, or our churches. 
Sexual and financial scandals have made everyone suspicious of the church's motives. Trust has to be earned every day. When it is, financial support will flow to whatever ministry is personally impacting the person or their family.
Trauma is the new reality. 
For years we've been discussing the breakdown of the nuclear family without fully understanding the long-term ramifications. 
Now, those ramifications are being lived out in front of us. Few people you know, especially young adults, are stepping into their futures with a solid base for their lives. 
People get married hoping their partner will fix them. Couples have children hoping the child will make their marriage complete. Most people are walking around with a giant hole in their heart waiting for someone to validate their existence. 
This means that when we're dealing with people, the church isn't dealing with a clean slate. There's a lifetime of pain to deal with before any healing and growth can begin.
This means that the gospel is needed now more than ever. 
The good news that we are loved and forgiven is amazing news in and of itself, but the invitation to live a life that we've always wanted -- a life of purpose, meaning, joy, and hope -- that's almost too good to believe. And a lot of people don't believe....and that's why we have to find a way to our best preaching. In a world this dark, we can't be shy with the light we have.
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The One and Only
















                                                                Hubble Telescope Image 

You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God.

                There is no other God; there never has been and never will be.

                               I am the Lord, and there is no other Savior.

                                              Isaiah 43:10-11 NLT

I am the only Resource sufficient enough to supply all your needs.

I am the only Counselor caring enough to calm your worries.

I am the only Fortress secure enough to overcome your fears.

I am the only Friend loyal enough to stay beside you in every storm.

I am the only Savior compassionate enough to forgive your rebellions.

I am the only Strength strong enough to do the impossible.
I am the only Commander smart enough to win your life’s battles. 

I am the only Name meaningful enough to give all the world hope.

I am the only Example holy enough to inspire your noblest effort.

I am the only Power awesome enough to give you absolute confidence.

I am the only Guide wise enough to see you through life’s maze.

I am the only Warrior skilled enough to help you conquer temptation.

I am the only One consistent enough to stabilize you in change. 

I am the only Prince peaceful enough to calm you in chaos and turmoil.

I am the only Mind imaginative enough to engineer a beautiful world.

I am the only Comforter caring enough to help you survive hard times.

I am the only Being worthy enough to merit your heartfelt worship.

I am the only Way clear enough to direct you through uncertainties.

I am the only Truth honest enough to believe at all times.

I am the only Life vital enough to guarantee your eternal destiny.

I am the only Authority comprehensive enough to rule every kingdom.

I am the only Master mighty enough to hold you together in trouble.

I am the only King immortal enough to conquer the enemy of death.

I am the only Lord perceptive enough to understand you at all times. 

I am the only Foundation reliable enough to stand under you always.

I am the only Helper capable enough to unify your fragmented life.

I am the only Influence transforming enough to make all things new.

I am the only Antidote effective enough to turn pandemonium to peace.

I am the only Force strong enough to guard you in devastation.

I am the only Heart loving enough to pardon sins and remove guilt.

I am the only Mind wise enough to manage the universe. 

I am the only Solution ultimate enough to solve the world’s problems.

I am the only Light intense enough to make the future bright. 

I am the only Physician skilled enough to heal your soul’s diseases.

I am the only God infinite enough to totally satisfy your hungry heart.





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                        

Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Divine Imperatives


The Lord has already told you what is good, what he requires:

                     to do what is right, to love mercy,

                   and to walk humbly with your God.

                                  Micah 6:8 NLT


There is nothing you can give Me to make up for evil done.

     Writing a ten thousand dollar check would not change a thing. 

     Funding a cathedral would not pay off your transgressions.     

     Underwriting a missionary team to foreign lands would not erase sin.


What I am looking for in human beings is really very simple—

     obedience to My commandments, honest endeavor to do right;

     compassion toward others, kindness and mercy for the struggling;

     humility before Me, taking Me seriously.


I desire a responsive LIFE, not just response in offerings.

     In gratitude for My steadfast faithfulness, surrender your heart to Me. 

     Prove you love Me by doing your best to meet My demands.


In a world that offers you many options, I offer you basically two—

     obedience, resulting in the blessing of life;

     or rebellion, resulting in the curse of death.  

It’s up to you which road you travel, but keep consequences in mind.   

Every thought, word and deed is an accurate boomerang.

If you decide to ignore heaven’s requirements, you will suffer for it.

You heard right—I said requirements. 


My laws are not suggestions—they are orders from Higher Headquarters.

My commands are not recommendations—they are clear requirements.

Christlikeness is more than an ethical ideal—it is a moral imperative.

Life Curriculum has required courses, including these three core ones—

    Doing what is right—living by the Book, not your unruly urges;

    Being kind to others—being aware they fight a hard battle, like you;

    Walking humbly with Me—keeping in mind you are not God, I am.


Why do right?  Because I said so.

Why be kind?  Because I am not hard on you.

Why be humble?  Because you are limited, weak, mortal, and finite.


Let Me remind you again of what you can do to make My heart sing—

     choose to do the right thing, whatever the majority does;

     be kind to everybody you meet, regardless of how they treat you;

     walk humbly with Me, remembering I am God and you are not.


Do as I say, and all will be well.




         © Pastor Johnny R. Almond                   Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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GUEST POST: Game-Changer


Bob Whitt

Back in the early ’80s, I had the opportunity to play for an NCAA Mid-American Conference (MAC) football team. In my sophomore year, we played against the 12th- ranked team in the country. Prior to us going out on the field to play in front of 70,000 fans at home, our coach wanted to review the scouting report one last time.

As he proceeded to get ready to share, he was looking for the whiteboard to write some things down. But there was no whiteboard in the room. He ended up having a couple of student workers run down and get the visitor's whiteboard.

As we sat quietly, we could hear the band playing and could feel the intensity that today was going to be our day. The two student workers finally rolled in the whiteboard, and as they did, they both had a smile on their face. When they rolled it in and turned one side of the board around, on it was the scouting report of our team! Someone from the other team forgot to erase it! There were several members of my team on the scouting report. Each summary was written like this:

No. 12 – Jeff M. Quarterback, 6’5, 230 lbs. Strength – Strong arm and can throw the long ball. Weakness – Can’t run; force him out of the pocket.

This was the summary scouting report of each player that they felt was important to be aware of on our team. They shared their strengths and weaknesses and what to do against those weaknesses. There were seven (7) team members in all on the whiteboard. The last person on board read like this:

Number 84, wide receiver Bobby Whitt. (I was called Bobby back in my playing days.) The summary on me just said, GAME CHANGER! Nothing else.



What is a game changer? It can be looked at in many forms, but in this case, it has a big and important effect on something, usually making the difference between one thing happening and another. From a spiritual prophetic
standpoint, it can mean that God is on the move; there is a change in the spirit, and major shifts are taking place. It’s someone or something that can create a significant shift in the way things are done. We were created by God, and through that existence, we have been given a sphere of influence to shift the atmosphere that brings God’s presence into existence around you and others. That’s a game- changer!

Through Jesus Christ, you are someone to contend with as you serve the Lord on His behalf. You are the light that God has chosen. Not darkness.

In reality, we didn’t choose Jesus; Jesus chose us.

Like Peter, we have to be positioned and ready to walk on water, not as a “look at me,” but as one who will trust God even when storms or challenges arise.

Outside the four walls of the Church is the mission field.

We are living in an era of hate. In our country and, respectfully, in some places of The Church, we have watered down the Word of God and lost sight of how to honor. There are lots of hurting people who don’t know Jesus; who don’t know freedom in Jesus; who don’t know that Jesus isn’t some religious idol but a loving and merciful God who loves us and accepts us as who we are. Love proceeds honor. Romans 12:10...Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

As Jesus said, go out and fish for people and show them how much they matter to you and to God. Offer them forgiveness even if they have done something against you. Offer redemption, encourage new life and hope, reach out in love, and walk in a culture of honor. I am not suggesting we walk around with a

Bible on a street corner and preach. But we should walk in a lifestyle as an example representing Christ.

There was a lady in a church one day looking for some music sheets for the worship team. She couldn’t find them in the place she thought they were. She ended up going into another room that she was familiar with but didn’t turn the lights on. She thought she could get right to the desk and grab the music sheets.

As she walked in, she bumped into three different things and actually fell twice. She got so frustrated that she went back out of the office and was mad with God that she kept bumping into things, even though she was lazy not to turn
the light on to see.

In her frustration, she said to God, "Lord, what’s the deal that I keep bumping into things in this room?" God told her to turn on the light. She did and saw that the room had been remodeled, and she hadn’t been aware of it.

Then the Spirit of the Lord said to her, “I have a new blueprint for you. The old no longer works. That’s why you keep bumping into things”.

Even though the matter was centered around music sheets and a new remodeled room, God took that situation to speak to her, to tell her that He was doing something new in her life.

This woman became a game changer because she received new blueprints.

Noah changed the game by obedience; Abraham changed the game by faith; Joseph changed the game by integrity; David changed the game by courage; and the disciples changed the game by standing up for Jesus Christ!

If you were wondering what the outcome of the game was and me being acknowledged as a “game changer,” we beat the 12th-ranked team in the county at that time. The score was 27 to 0. I had three catches for 247 yards and three touchdowns. I am pretty sure they didn’t know what they were speaking prophetically about me being a game changer, but God showed up that day!

As you, in remembrance, honor Jesus this holiday season and prepare for the New Year of 2023, the year of the Lord Jesus Christ, know that He has new blueprints for you. You are a game-changer for Jesus! Let us all truly be Relevant Ambassadors for Christ (RAC).

May you truly walk in love, grace and honor.

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GUEST-POST: Generosity
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Connecting Pablo Picasso to Generosity

Written by Dynamis Ministries

If you’re like most people, when you hear “Picasso” you probably think of a famous painting like the one above. For some who are more familiar with the person, you may think of Picasso himself an eccentric artist. Fewer of us would think of Picasso as a philosopher. Pablo Picasso is in fact one of the world’s most influential artists and has inspired countless people through his work, and he was also quite contemplative when it came to the deeper questions of life. Although Picasso lived his life as an avowed atheist, his thoughts show that perhaps he was much closer to the Kingdom of God than he ever realized. One such example is what he said about the meaning and purpose of life:


“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”


For a Christian, our meaning and purpose of life is connected to much more. We affirm the purpose of life is to let God love us and to live in a way that brings glory to Him. However, there is a valuable lesson in Picasso’s philosophical quote. In fact, what Picasso said is not too far off from what the Apostle Peter said in one of his letters. Check out his words:


“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (1 Peter 4:10)


Each of us have been given gifts from God through the Holy Spirit. In the Bible these are called spiritual gifts, and we’re to use them to serve one another. In other words, spiritual gifts are meant for generosity – for helping others! A big part of living out our greatest generosity is tapping into our spiritual gifts. The Bible reveals the types of spiritual gifts God bestows on his people, and here’s one type of master list:

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From this list, we each typically carry a top 3-5 gifts that we have been uniquely blessed with for serving others. Developing our spiritual gifts is a big part of growing our generosity potential because they can guide us in areas where we can serve others in impactful ways. What better time to reassess how we’re using our gifts than right now, as 2023 is upon us? The new year is so often associated with goal setting and resolutions, so let’s make sure we spend some time reflecting on how we’ve been developing and using our spiritual gifts.


What are some of the spiritual gifts God has given you? Are there fresh ways to use your gifts to serve others? If you want some guidance, consider doing a Dynamis Generosity Plan in 2023 as this is a big part of the coaching process. Not only does the Generosity Plan reveal your gifts, but it draws out how they can be used with new and exciting ideas. To begin this process, sign up for an introductory call with our Generosity Coach, Ben Berg, by clicking the icon below. In doing so you’ll be growing your generosity and living out your purpose in impactful ways in the year to come!

If you would like to subscribe to The Dynamis Drop please click the button above. If you are a current subscriber please consider forwarding this to anybody in your network that might benefit.


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Batavia, IL 60510

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Traveling Light





The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?

                                       Psalm 27:1a NLT






     The light of courage dispels the darkness of cowardice. Faith is the antidote to fear’s poison. Fear Me and you need fear nothing else! Trust the Solid Rock in a quicksand world—I will never disappoint you. Stay close to My heart—change will not throw you. Rely on Me—storms will not dismay you. Build on Christ as your Foundation—be well.


     The light of conquest dispels the darkness of defeatism. The dark side cannot vanquish the trusting heart, because I am the Victor. I am your Strength, so do not let anything Satan hurls at you scare you. Jesus plus any problem equals victory. Hide in Me, your Fortress—win.


     The light of communion dispels the darkness of self-centeredness. I am your Salvation, so you can be satisfied in all circumstances. Happiness comes and goes, but joy stays. I am your Felicity—worship.


     The light of companionship dispels the darkness of loneliness. I am your Song, so you do not have to be sad and down-in-the-mouth. In the hymn “Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus,” Anna Russell reveals an unfailing source of music: “There is never a day so dreary, .never a night so long, but the soul trusting Jesus will somewhere find a song.” I am your Friend—enjoy My welcome.


     The light of counsel dispels the darkness of ignorance. My guidance may seem slow in coming, but is a reliable light to guide your way. Live more by faith, less by sight. Use faith eyes to see invisible realities. I am your Father—live by My wisdom.


     The light of confidence dispels the darkness of pessimism. There is Light beyond light at the end of the tunnel of despair—and it is not the headlight of an approaching train. No matter how depressing current events get, you can look forward to My promised tomorrow. The future is as bright as My promises. I am your Future—just wait!


     A new day is dawning. You can choose to be anxious about it, or you can choose to be enthusiastic about it. How you choose will determine how your day goes. Gaze reverently on the cross—it shines as a plus sign dispelling all darkness.


     Do not reclaim unnecessary lost baggage of fear, negativism, egocentricity, melancholy, conceit, and despair—now is the perfect time to lose your luggage. Walk as a child of the Light—travel light!




© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                Day 201, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


Read more… Ex-Christian America


Note: Grid News published this report.

It repeatedly quotes Stephen Bullivant, author of the new book Nonverts: The Making of Ex-Christian America. (see more at>>> )
We must America 
A personal reply from my friend and colleague David Bryant - -
Thanks for sending me the article below.  I've read a number of article lately based on Bullivant's new book.  This is a nice summary of what has been uncovered through his thorough research.
Yet all of it results in increased grief in my soul. 
Not to sound too melodramatic here, but by the compelling of the Holy Spirit--that is, it is IN me but not OF me--I've found myself for 25 years as a "voice crying in the wilderness" about the crisis concerning the Church's lack of a great enough vision of Christ inside our congregations and ministries which, as this article reveals, has now borne the bitter fruit of apostasy--with a  projected  accelerating disassembling of the Christian movement in our nation in the near future. 
The fact is, the Jesus the Church presents, the one who "get us" and is all "about us", lacks the wonder and majesty and greatness to seriously captivate hearts--especially when it comes so little understanding of the marvels of his saving power and supremacy for now and for eternity.  Since so many believers, and Americans in general, appear not to "get him", therefore multitudes are finding out there's no good reason to hang around him, or those who claim him, any longer.
Yes, my heart grieves, deeply grieves, this morning (and all the time really) because I know with CHRIST NOW we have pioneered a whole new way to help bring people into a transforming, compelling, life-fulfilling encounter with the glory of Jesus--admittedly, it is just a beginning but it provides the road map for many others to follow and improve. 
And yet now -- we have nearly totally run out of funds so that come our January 15 board meeting, despite the fact of this emergency of a  "mass exodus" from Christianity, we may need to pull the plug --  despite the fact there currently exists no other initiative (that we know of), either digital or otherwise, exclusively focused on  confronting and curing this deadly crisis, to pick up this mandate and mission.
SO here at Proclaim Hope! we are crying out to the King of Heaven for a mighty, even miraculous, intervention within the next few days.  Surely someone, somewhere is being prepared by the Spirit to join forces with us in a way that will take our mission (and our extraordinary inventory of resources and contacts) to the next level--to, as I've said this fall, we can begin to "flood the zone" (saturate the Church) with the supremacy of Christ. 
Otherwise, shortly we will become a casualty where, as Scripture would put it, "the wind blows over Christ Now and it is known no more". 
At no other point in my life have I been so sobered by "the handwriting on the wall"--both for our nation and for our ministry--as I am at the close of 2022. We stand at the vortex of what genuine spiritual warfare looks like.
Please pray for us.   DAVID
PS.   No need to respond.  Thanks for listening and praying.  That is enough.
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