Whitefiled * The Great Awakening * Revival
George Whitefield was one of the most famous preachers of all time. A study of the life of this influential evangelist helps you understand his impact on Christianity.
You gain by learning of his preaching to the multitudes as the father of mass evangelism. You profit from the many stories of inspiration, offering courage and conviction to our Christian lives today.
He is a model of ministry demonstrating self-sacrifice and how one lets God use their life to the max.
My biography on Whitefield: "A Burning and Shining Light: The Testimony and Witness of George Whitefield," is the product of over a decade of research consulting his life's works.
It is a chronological account full of excitement and adventure. It will be helpful in whatever capacity you serve the Lord. I have recently purchased new copies, which have been printed, and I can send you a copy with an invoice. The cost of the book is $$19.99, with $3.50 for shipping. You can pay by credit card with Paypal also. The book is approximately 300 pages. Could you send me your address on messenger, and I will send you a book? Dr. Dan Nelson, Church Historian and retired Pastor in Sherwood, Oregon. You can contact me through Facebook on Messenger or my email address, gospel4you1@gmail.com. Book Order Form Whitefield book.pdf
Baptist Historian-Teacher-Dramatist-Preacher-Blogger-Pastor
(805)407-0045, gospelyou1@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/Gospel4you
Dan Nelson is a writer who has served as pastor of three Baptist Churches for over 50 years.
Here are descriptions of Dan's books. Contact him for book purchases.
Dan’s latest book: Baptist Revival 2.0: Baptist Faith and Practice Analyzed and Explained Scripturally andHistorically, is a deeper look into Baptist beliefs and practices. Dan’ writing is unique because he uses history to illustrate truths about what Baptists believe and stand for throughout history. His style is evident in this new book. The reader will find fresh truth here in a day of either ignoring or not understanding these truths to their fullest extent. Each chapter contains ten descriptions of certain beliefs and practices amplified by Baptists in their churches and throughout their history. Price: $22.99
His book Early Baptists: A Comparative History of the Anabaptist and English Baptist Movements is his most extensive and challenging work. It covers two centuries with many biographies, doctrinal explanations, and historical events in these groups during the Reformation era and the turbulent seventeenth-century religious conflict in England. Price: $24.99
Baptist Biographies and Happenings in American History is a series of chronological biographies of interesting and famous Baptist leaders in America. Divided into two sections, he covers 44 biographies and six historical events in his book. The book follows a continuous thread to the present day in concise bite-sized biographies. Each biography builds upon the other to illustrate the main highlights of the Baptist movement. The book garners an endorsement from Baptist leaders and scholars for its rich research. Price: $19.99
A Burning and Shining Light: The Testimony and Witness of George Whitefield is his biography of George Whitefield, the Great Awakening preacher who led the Awakening Movement in England and America. This book is a product of many years of historical research and documentation. It continued a study that began with his Ph. D dissertation on the First Great Awakening Leaders and their preaching styles. The biography features a listing in Amazon’s Hot New Releases of the history section after its first week of publication. Dan also does a dramatic monologue and sermon excerpts as Whitefield. Price: $19.99
Game on All the Time: Growing Up in the Home of a Legendary Football Coach is a fun book recounting Dan’ Father, a High School Football Coach in the South. He relates locker room stories, an account of his Dad’s life, and many interesting stories about family and community that abound with much humor. Price: $13.99
Baptist Revival: Reaffirming Baptist Distinctives in Today’s Changing Church Scene concisely relates some of the beliefs and practices that have made Baptists unique, with Scripture and history to support his writing. Price: $11.99
Dan has also served as pastor of three Baptist Churches. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, a Doctor of Philosophy degree from California Graduate School of Theology
in Glendale, California, a Master of Divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana and attended Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, California. He graduated from William
Carey University in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, with a B.A. degree. Dan and his wife Janice have two daughters, Krista and Kimberly, who live in Texas and Oregon with their families. Dan has served on the Board of Trustees at Southwestern
Baptist in Forth Worth, Texas, and as National Alumni Chairman for New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.