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GUEST POST ~ "Gospeling"

The One-Word Gospel


In working again through my translation of the Book of Acts I began to record passages where Luke the Storyteller put into words a summary of what the apostles preached when they were gospeling.

Here are the verses in the The Second Testament, with the appropriate words in bold:

Acts 8:35: Philippos, opening his mouth and beginning from this writing, gospeled Yēsous to him.

11:20 Some of them were men from Kyprios and Kyrēnaios [Cyrene] who, coming to Antiocheia, were speaking also to the Hellēnists, gospeling the Lord Yēsous.

17:18 Also some of the Epikoureioi [Epicureans] and Stoïkoi [Stoic] philosophers were engaging him, and some were saying, “Whatever might this scrounger want to say?” Others, “He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign demons.” (Because he was gospeling Yēsous and the resurrection.)

18:5 As both Silas and Timotheos [Timothy] went down from Makedonia [Macedonia], Paulos [Paul] was absorbed with the word, witnessing to the Youdaians that Yēsous is the Christos.

18:28 For he was vigorously refuting the Youdaians in public, exhibiting through the writings that Yēsous is the Christos.

19:13 Even some of Youdaian itinerant exorcists attempted to name the Lord Yēsous upon those having evil spirits, saying, “I implore you by the ‘Yēsous’ whom Paulos announces [to leave].” (Notice then 19:17 This became known to all the Youdaians and Hellēnes who reside in Ephesos, and awe fell on all of them and the Lord Yēsous’ name was magnified.)

20:20 … as I did not back off of what is beneficial so to announce to you and to teach you, in public and house-to-house, 21 witnessing to both the Youdaians and Hellēnes [Greeks] about conversion to God and faith in our Lord Yēsous.

28:23 Ordering for him a day, even more came to him in his guest room, before whom he laid out, witnessing about God’s Empire, and persuading them about Yēsous from Mōüsēs’ [Moses’] Covenant Code and the Prophets, from early until evening.

28:30-31 He remained two whole years at his own wage and he received all journeying to him, announcing God’s Empire and teaching unhindered matters about the Lord Yēsous Christos with all frankness.

Here are eight or nine – one could combine the last two – instances of summarizing early Christian gospeling.

This gospeling is being done in the first generation. This gospeling is done by the apostles and those formed by them (Philip, others).

I believe in the Bible as God’s revelation to us, and I believe Christian theology has to begin first with Scripture (prima scriptura).

I also believe if our framing of theology is not according to Scripture, we are called to adjust it until it conforms to and is consistent with the gospel. This is what I do in The King Jesus Gospel.

The uniform message can be reduced to one word: Jesus.

Or to:

Jesus is the Messiah
Jesus and the resurrection
Repentance toward God and faith in Jesus
God’s kingdom and the Lord Jesus Christ

Not one of these summaries of apostolic gospeling contains a word about salvation – justification, reconciliation, redemption, substitution – and that’s worthy of note.

Why not?

Not because redemption is not the impact of that gospeling, for it is, but the content of the message according to Luke is the person, Jesus, and not about what he accomplished. He did it all, he accomplished it all, but the focus of the apostolic preaching was Jesus – who he was, what he did, what he accomplished, in that order.

Gospeling today could learn from the apostles. We could learn that gospeling others is about talking about Jesus, announcing Jesus, and generating conversations about Jesus. I promise you, it will get to redemption because it leads there, as can be seen with Peter in Acts 10. And, telling others about Jesus is attended by the Spirit who will prompt repentance, forgiveness of sins and redemption, that too in Acts 10.

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The Greatest Friend



















                                               Sallman  Head of Christ


             God is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship

                                with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

                                           1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT


Christ behind you is your forgiveness.

     I knew your name and paid for your redemption before you were born.

     I died in your place to give you a clean slate and a fresh start.

     I drowned your transgressions in the depths of Forgetfulness Sea.

     I am your Cleansing—the most blessed assurance of your mind.


Christ within you is your freedom.

     I am your Key to liberation from sin’s cruel addiction—live free!

     Do not brag about being rich, strong, or wise—never blow your own horn.

     Revel in the fact that you know Me—blow a trumpet of praise for God.

     I am your Center of Gravity—the most precious treasure of your heart.


Christ beneath you is your foundation.

     I am the Solid Rock in a quicksand world—Even Keel on high seas.

     Let Me have what troubles you, and I promise to take good care of you.

     Lean on My everlasting arms, and I will see that you survive every trial.

     I am your Cornerstone—the most powerful fortress for your soul.


Christ before you is your future.

     I am your Shepherd; in My Presence you have everything you need—

          comfort in hurt, satisfaction in disillusionment, welcome in coldness,   

          goodness in evil, love in hate, blessings in sadness, hope in doubt.

     I am your Confidence—the most beautiful promise of your tomorrows.


Christ beside you is your Friend.

     I am with you every heartbeat, breath, step, day, season, and year.

     I am your Advocate—I defend against hell’s prosecuting attorney.

     I am your Anchor in life’s storms—I comfort you in pain and heartache.

     I am your Companion—the most encouraging Friend of your life.




© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                  

Day 338, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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I’ve been thinking!
I believe that we are living in times of amazing transition that are exhilarating and terrifying at the same time and that challenge us to be our very best selves.
In a meeting with a small group of pastors and theological academics, I said: "I'm convinced that in the next 10-30 years, the local congregation as we know it will, for all intents and purposes, cease to exist. Most of our efforts at revitalizing the church are about renewing systems and structures that serve a world that no longer exists. I'm not saying the body of Christ is going away. But where and how it mobilizes to serve, I believe, will be very different."
In a different conversation with a denominational executive, I asked, "If you could get your congregations to do just one thing - and that one thing would foster significant movement toward the transformation of the people of God and the communities they serve, what would that one thing be?” Her answer: I'd have 80% of the congregations I serve sell their building and figure out how to use the money to structure different kinds of ministries to the community in which they exist. The building both defines and profoundly limits change, because we think our building is where God is on mission and we are spending so much on keeping the building in repair.”
I've thought a lot about these two conversations. How will the body of Christ look in 10 to 30 years? I don't know. If I had to make some predictions based on my current perspective, I would say house churches, churches in the workplace functioning subversively, and the return of vibrant, small neighborhood churches. I think these neighborhood churches will be evaluated by two criteria. Do they regularly produced transformed people who can love God, neighbor, stranger, enemy and self? And do they serve the felt needs of the community in which they exist? In other words, do they add measurable value to the quality of the community, to the presence of the Shalom of God.
What interesting times we live in. God grant us wisdom for the living of these days.
Jim Herrington
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GUEST POST ~ How Should We Think About Record Numbers of Churches Closing?

The Great Replacement

By Mike Glenn

As I have admitted before, I’m a sucker for sacred spaces. I love old churches. I love sitting in  a classically built sanctuary and watching the light play through the panes of the stained glass windows. I love the quiet solitude of sitting in a pew and praying. We’re losing these places. For one thing, we can’t afford to build them anymore. That’s why I cringe every time I see that a church has been sold to a developer to turn into a condominium or shopping center. 

According to the experts, we are in a crisis in North America. Churches are closing at record numbers. Once vital, even famous congregations, are having to close their doors because of  failing attendance and as a result, falling financial support. Experts around the country are holding conferences and writing books telling us how we can turn this crisis around. Their suggestions run from changing preaching and music styles to rethinking our basic theology. 

In our panic, the one thing we haven’t done is focus on the obvious. What are the obvious facts we are overlooking?

First, nothing lasts forever, not even a good church. While Jesus did promise that hell wouldn’t prevail over his church, He made no such promise for every individual church. Churches are founded, serve their communities, and when those communities change or die out, their churches die with them.  I know it sounds counter intuitive, but sometimes, it's OK for a church to die. Like any well lived life, we need to celebrate the church, express our grief at its loss and then move on.

Funerals are a part of life, even for churches. 

Another reason churches are dying is they become obsolete. Obsolete things are discarded and replaced. We live in a disposable world. Everything is made to wear out. Mobile phones need to be updated and replaced at regular intervals. Cars wear out and new ones, or slightly used ones, need to be bought. Our entire world economy thrives on building and selling things to replace things that have worn out.  Churches wear out. The ministries and programs that once made the church “cutting edge” become dated and stale. Student ministries have to be updated to incorporate current social tastes. Technology changes. Screens replace the paintings of the Jordan River over the baptismal pool. If you don’t keep up, you get left behind. It’s that way in business, sports, movies and even games like golf. Change is the only constant in our world.

While we should expect some congregations to die, they shouldn’t be dying at the rate they are. Then, why? Sadly, too many churches have abandoned the mission. There is almost universal agreement on the mission of the church — to make disciples of Jesus by fulfilling the Great Commission. Most churches have forgotten this. They think the church exists to serve their members. The business community serves its stockholders. When church leadership adopts this philosophy, they begin to focus on the membership of the church rather than the lost around them. The membership, after all, does pay for the church budget, so, shouldn’t the staff focus on taking care of their needs?

In a word, no. The church has to focus on its community. Feeding the hungry, caring for the poor, giving aid to every disadvantaged person and yes, sharing the good news of Jesus. The focus on members is for yes, their care, but also their training and deployment in ministry and mission. The old preachers tell a story about some churches being like cruise ships and other churches being like battleships. Cruise ships focus on taking care of their passengers. Battleships don’t have passengers. They have sailors and sailors are focused on the mission. 

When churches are no longer focused on the mission, they no longer have a reason to exist. And yes, in my ministry, I’ve talked to a lot of churches who were focused more on their own comfort than the community around them. The first clue is when one of the members asks, “What about us?” 

When a church abandons the mission, another church is born to replace it. Now, we aren’t replacing churches in the numbers we need, not yet anyway, but we are replacing them. In fact, not all of the closing churches need to be replaced, but more do than not. In time, we’ll catch up. The Spirit will make sure of it. We serve a God of infinite resources. If one church won’t stay faithful to the mission, God will find one that will. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to anyone – including churches. 

That’s hard. 

That’s the truth. 

The mission is our life. Without it, we’re just another non-profit community organization.

Our mission is the reason we exist. If we aren’t faithful to our calling, we don’t have a reason to be here at all. 

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GUEST - POST ~ Knowing God. A Two-Sided Coin?


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We're living in dark and desperate days, my friends.


When you live in days like that, you need the facts because knowledge is power. Knowledge tells us what our opponent is all about, and how to fight that opponent. Knowledge is a very good thing. In the biblical Greek, there are two words for “to know.” One is the word oida, which means “to have knowledge of.” It’s a great word that influenced the European culture which in turn influenced our culture. The great danger of that word is we can think that when we've come to know in the mind and know the facts, that will be sufficient for us.


There is another Greek word for “to know” and it’s ginosko. It means “to know by experience.” This is the word that influenced the Hebrew culture. It basically says that we have no right to say that we've come to know something until we've experienced it. Let me give you some examples. I know about Abraham Lincoln. I've read a lot of books and they're encouraging to see a man of integrity, passion, and courage, who would fight for his nation. But I only know about Abraham Lincoln, because I have never met him.


Here is another example. I know about a kiss ― where two mouths come together to exchange tongues and saliva. That doesn't sound very appealing, but I've also experienced it, ginosko, with my sweet bride, and it's wonderful. You see, to just know about love is not enough. I need ginosko. I need to experience love. I share that with you because, in dark and desperate days, we need to know God. You see, it's not enough to oida, to know about God. You can read your Bible and learn that God is omnipotent and He's omnipresent and He's omniscient. He knows all things. He's all-powerful. He's everywhere. This is all wonderful, but in reality, if God is only a concept in my mind it does nothing for me.


What good is it to know that He's omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent unless He's all those things to me by experience? My friends, in dark and desperate days, don't settle for knowledge about God. You need the experience of God — the ginosko. This is what Paul was hammering home to the Philippians in his own life. He said, “This is my one thing. I press on because I want to know Him.” He didn’t use the word oida. He didn't want to just know about Jesus. He used the word ginosko. He wanted to experience Him — to experience the power of the Resurrection because death was coming at him every day of his life. 


Every day there's loss and sorrow, grief, hurt, fear, and anxiety, and it can paralyze us. 


We need the power of the Resurrection to raise us up from the death that we are encountering today.


My friends, the wonderful thing is, He wants to be known! He wants to be experienced. He wants to be all that He is to whatever you need in the moment of faith. He wants to supply all your needs. He wants to save you with His Life and give you hope. In the midst of a dark world, pursue a relationship with Him. Talk to Him as you read His word. Ask Him to teach you. Ask Him to open your eyes to the glory of what He has provided. May you understand the height, length, breadth, and depth of how much He loves you. Bless you, in Jesus’ name.


Frank Friedmann | Our Resolute Hope


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Our honor is to provide you with endless resources for your spiritual growth!
IOM AMERICA | P.O. Box 71Sterling, KS 67579


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What Time is It?


Another reason for right living is that  you know how late it is;  time is running out.

                                             Romans 13:11 NLT


 Time ticks away—like money, it can be spent as you like, but only once.

     Life is not a dress rehearsal.

     An anonymous poet expressed the poignant truth:

          Only one life, ’twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last.

     Thoreau was right—killing time injures eternity (Walden).

     Procrastination is not a good idea—regrets are futile.

     Today is the day of salvation and of service—Get busy!


It is time to advance My cause.

     Work for My kingdom—make it your primary concern.

     Do more than build your own kingdom—advance Mine!

     Work in My power, not your own—be energized by My Spirit.

     Outsoar mediocrity, outrun temptation, outwalk lethargy.

     Work for My glory, not human applause and recognition.

     Be earnest and disciplined—make a conscious effort to honor Me.


It is time to announce My coming.

     Dark-alley secrets will be revealed in the broad daylight of judgment.

     You are a child of the Light—be sure you live that way!

     Be optimistic as you await sunrise—rest easy.

     Be courageous as you await My Advent—relax.

     My kingdom will come—tell everyone who will listen the Good News.

     My will shall be done on earth, as in heaven—give others a preview.


It is time to allow My control.

     Do what comes naturally, act like the Devil—and you will self-destruct.

     Do what comes supernaturally, act like Jesus—and find great joy.

     Search for My help, and I will deliver you from the evil one.

     Stay near My heart, and I will develop your character for eternity.

     You do not have much time—prepare for your appointment with Me.

     Yield to My mastery, and do not be embarrassed when time is over.




© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                                

Gentle Whispers from Eternity

(Book available on


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Dead-end Trail


                           The wages of sin is death,

but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

                                 Romans 6:23  NLT

When you’re dead to sin, you can be devoted to the Savior.

     Identified with Christ’s death through baptism, you have died to sin—

          a corpse does not sin, so consider yourself unresponsive to evil.

     As Christ was resurrected from the dead by My glorious power,

          so you are enabled by My Spirit to rise above the world’s selfishness.

     Decisively treat carnal desires and devilish lures of your human nature

          as if they were dead—only then can you learn how to really live.

     Bury your dark lifestyle—let Me resurrect you to a light-filled world. 

     Crucify your rotten nature—let Me adjust attitudes in fresh directions.

     You have a new focus—heaven dominates your thoughts.


When you’re delivered from addiction, sing doxologies to the Almighty. 

     By My power, you can be unshackled from harsh slavery to the evil one.

     Captured by grace and captivated by Christ, you are indeed free.

     By My omnipotence, you can be liberated from old degrading habits.

     Yielded joyfully to Christ, you discover far nobler ways to live.

     A non-conformist to the world, you are transformed by My Holy Spirit.

     Serve Me not in boring letter of the law, but creative ways of My Spirit. 

     Tossing slave’s rags and donning saint’s clothes, you sport a new wardrobe—

          tenderheartedness, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and love.

     When you trust Me, I do not turn you into a robot—I let you choose.

     You have new freedom—deciding for My purpose is a grand lifestyle.


When you leave Satan’s dead-end trail, you can travel the King’s Highway.

     Live only for self-gratification and you will ruin your life and wind up dead.

     Live for My honor and you will ultimately reach My home and see My smile. 

     It is impossible to remain neutral; here is the choice you must make—

          surrender to My mastery and be blessed, or yield to sin and be cursed.

     Those rejecting Me have hell to pay; those trusting Me have heaven to enjoy.

     Hell and heaven are eternal opposites—

          painful darkness or perpetual light, cold hate or heart-warming love,

          despondent hopelessness or delightful joy, awful punishment or paradise.

     Do not be duped by Satan’s temptations—his party has an eternal hangover.       

     Satan offers happiness but it is only transient—I am saving the best for last. 

     Walking in My steps is not easy, but the destination will thrill you forever. 

     You have a new future—a perspective helping you march forward in hope. 





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                                    Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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GUEST POST ~ Fostering Spiritual Transformation

Are you seeing transformation?

New blog post from Bob Logan

The gospel itself–Jesus’ death and resurrection–is an overwhelmingly powerful story of transformation. When all hope seems lost, we see light. Something difficult becomes something beautiful. The Red Sea rolls back to reveal dry land. The new heavens and the new earth arise from the ashes of the old. That’s the story of the gospel. As a senior pastor, where are you currently seeing that kind of change? Even the kernels of such change can provide much-needed hope for your people. 

If you yourself have been transformed by the grace of God, you can then go on to help others experience that same powerful change. Our God is a God who loves us too much to let us remain as we are. He has so much for us to learn, grow, experience, and do. Senior pastors are uniquely positioned to lead and guide others toward the joy and challenge that is spiritual transformation. 

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Fostering Spiritual Transformation  

For the purpose of the Senior Pastor Profile, Fostering Spiritual Transformation means engaging and equipping others to deepen their walk with Jesus.

Jesus promises significant transformation to those who place their trust in him:  

Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. John 5:24

The very rite of baptism at conversion provides an image of cleansing, renewal, and rebirth, as it symbolizes crossing over from death to life. John the Baptist clarified: “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11). That is the power source of the change: God himself. If we are in him, we become a new creation. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The Christian faith is a continual retelling of a story of transformation, restoration, and new creation. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

One important element to remember is that we, as mere humans, cannot generate spiritual formation in others. We cannot make it happen. Only God has the power to bring about spiritual transformation. We, however, can engage in behaviors that foster and promote it in others. 

7 Habits that Demonstrate Fostering Spiritual Transformation  

What does it look like for someone to foster spiritual transformation? Although it’s a bit different for everyone, here are some of the features held in common:  

1. Cultivates prayer, worship, and listening to the Holy Spirit

If a senior pastor does not set an example of cultivating prayer and worship and listening to the Holy Spirit, how will the congregation learn? They need to see this example set and modeled and prioritized for all. That is how they will know what the church is called to be and do. 

2. Creates relational environments for life change 

Within every large group, smaller pockets of community need to be available for real-life interpersonal change. People need those close relationships to grow and change, sometimes fail, and then get back on their feet. Without it, each person will be ultimately alone and likely pretending to be somewhere they aren’t. How much better to be in an honest relational environment?   

3. Delivers transformational messages 

Transformation is difficult. That’s why we all need reminding… regular reminding. Preach about the coming Kingdom, the new heaven and the new earth, the small glimpses and tastes of that we experience here and now, and how we can move toward all that God has for us. Without a message of hope for change, the people wander and ultimately perish. 

4. Helps people apply biblical principles in contemporary contexts 

The Bible was written a long time ago, and not everyone has been to seminary and able to interpret all of the context. Yet everyone who believes does have the Holy Spirit within them to help them understand the word of God. As a senior pastor, provide guardrails and guidance for how to apply the Bible and its principles to everyday life. Point them to the essentials and how to live those out. Without that, people tend to become focused on the non-essentials and the divisive. 

5. Shares personal experiences of spiritual growth 

If the senior pastor isn’t growing, others won’t either. And if the senior pastor isn’t sharing about that growth–including the times when he or she doesn’t look perfect–others won’t open up either. If we are to be humans on a journey of growth where the path isn’t always straight, we need to hear the stories of others who have gone before us… and that includes from our senior leaders. 

6. Facilitates growth that includes both inward and outward components

The transformative growth that we model isn’t just words and it isn’t just behaviors–it’s an entire holistic experience of change. Transformation includes emotions, ideas, joy, memories, actions, words, and initiatives that reach out into the world. It starts on the inside, but if it’s real, it works its way outward to ways the whole world can see. 

7. Inspires people to godly action 

We can help people not only learn the scriptures, but live them out in ways that promote godly action and real world impact. Setting the tone for change—and indeed, the expectation of change—is one of the essential elements of a senior pastor’s role. This is a faith based in resurrection, new life, and the world to come… and we all have a part to play in that coming Kingdom.  

How well are you fostering spiritual transformation? 

If you would like to assess yourself in this area, take some time to reflect on the following questions. Write out your answers for more complete processing, or talk them through with someone if you’re more of a verbal processor. 

  • How have you facilitated prayer, worship, and listening to the Holy Spirit in your community?   
  • What relational environments for life change have you created? 
  • To what degree does your preaching result in transformation?  
  • How do you help people apply biblical principles in their contemporary contexts? 
  • When have you shared personal experiences of spiritual growth?   
  • How have you facilitated spiritual growth that includes both inward and outward components?  
  • How have you inspired people to godly action? 

Fostering Spiritual transformation is 1 of 12 qualities that have been proven to be essential to successful and healthy senior church leadership. To learn more, read The BEST qualities in a Senior Pastor. Next week, look out for another crucial quality for senior pastors.  


Feeling the weight of fostering transformation on your own? Grab a few good folks and get them on board by walking with them through The Guide for Discipling‘s series on Community Transformation. Outward focus tends to start a softening work in people’s hearts. Once you see that work begin move on to the series on Personal Transformation. Bringing others on the journey will lessen your load and expand your influence. The studies have been adapted for the Vineyard, Lutheran, and Episcopalian denominations. You can find the full set of guides HERE.

Christian Coaching Essentials

Christian Coaching Essentials

Developing people to be all that God created them to be is the heart behind empowering spiritual transformation. Learning simple coaching techniques raising your ability to that exponentially. Christian Coaching Essentials is a brand new book that teaches you all you need to know to implement effective coaching.


Experiencing excellent coaching is a catalyst to coaching with excellence. Dr. Bob Logan and Dr. Gary Reinecke are taking a small group of leaders through coach training beginning April 20th, 2023! Get details at Christian Coaching ToolsRegister today and pay in full by April 1, 2023 and get $500 off your Cohort Tuition!

Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

The post Are you seeing transformation? appeared first on Logan Leadership.


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Deep Treasures





         We know how dearly God loves us,

      because he has given us the Holy Spirit

            to fill our hearts with his love.

                          Romans 5:5 NLT






Faith is the key to heaven’s infinite resources

     unlocking a treasure chest enriching the depths of your innermost being. 

Kneeling in repentance and trust, you enter a place of highest privilege—

     ruled by the King of kings, loved and cared for as the apple of God’s eye,

     inseparably united to the Sovereign of the universe.

Explore these deep treasures I have placed in your heart—and celebrate.


Hope in My promises is a powerful antidote to the poison of despair.

Looking around can be discouraging, but looking forward lifts your spirit.     

Rest assured I will keep My Word—the future is as bright as My promises. 

Listen to My future melody—cheerfully laugh in anticipation of heaven.

In the meantime, until glory materializes—dance to My jig of joy.

The Bright Morning Star shines in your heart—live confidently.


Joy in problems is a precious alleviation for the pain of despondency. 

Adversity University teaches valuable lessons you’d never learn otherwise.

Hang in there—character-building experiences draw you nearer Me.

My Spirit cascades through your personality bringing out-of-this-world joy. 

I intend to finish what I started in your life—enjoy the divine process.

The Mighty God energizes your heart—live delightfully


Peace in perplexity is a practical answer to the puzzle of distress.

Pressure will not crush you; perplexity will not make you give up and quit;

     getting knocked down will not stop your forward progress,  

     if you use My recipe for peace—pray about all; thank Me for answers;

          in response I will guard your mind and heart by thoughts of My Son. 

When perplexing cares crowd your inmost self, I am near to cheer your soul. 

The Prince of Peace reigns in your heart—live calmly.


Love in My Presence is priceless assurance in the pressures of doubt. 

I have marked you as belonging to Me by placing My Spirit in your heart.

Adam’s family line brings death, but Christ’s family line brings life.

Celebrate your identity, call Me Father, and count on your Greatest Friend.         

The name of the eternal city is The Lord Is Therethat is why it is heaven. 

The Everlasting Father lives in your heart—live optimistically. 





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                        

 Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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A Promise to Remember


 Remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

                               Matthew 28:20 NTME

I was with you yesterday

     In your naiveté, I guided you perfectly.

     In your sincerity, I blessed you abundantly.

     In your trouble, I sustained you gracefully.

     In your rebellion, I convicted you mercifully.

     In your doubts, I reassured you tenderly.

     In your sickness, I healed you miraculously.

     In your worry, I watched over you closely.

I am with you today

     In your sin, I forgive you compassionately.

     In your discouragement, I buoy you helpfully.

     In your sadness, I cheer you nearly.

     In your responsibilities, I empower you supernaturally.

     In your frustrations, I calm you peacefully.

     In your loneliness, I accompany you lovingly.

I will always be there for you

     When the night depresses, I will be your Bright Morning Star.

     When the morning dawns, I will still be with you—faithful as sunrise.

     I will never leave you on your own, to your own devices.

     I rose from the dead—I can help you with your big and little problems.

     I triumphed over the tomb—I can give you victory over bad habits.

     Every heartbeat, breath, step, hour, day, season—I will stand by you.

     Until the end of the present earth—and beyond—I am by your side.

     I am your Travel Guide—follow My directions carefully.

     I am your Greatest Friend—enjoy the pleasure of My company.


No force can ever cancel My love for you—I guarantee it.

     In sunshine and shadow, pain and pleasure, doubt and confidence,

          you can be absolutely sure I am there for you—I promise.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond             

Day 312, Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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Meaning in the Madness



Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master.

          Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you’re living the way you are.

                                             1 Peter 3:15  THE MESSAGE

In a superficial world, heart-beauty is the meaning of character.

The madness of appearance is more concerned with looks than real life.

Ego can be senseless.

Practice the regimen of grace and be changed from the inside out.

     Value character above cosmetics—beauty is more than skin-deep.

     Be gentle and quiet—qualities I find more attractive than gold.

     Trust Me at all times—faith is lovelier than any face-lift.   



In a selfish world, helpfulness is the meaning of compassion.

The madness of apathy enthrones self and leaves no room for others.

Egotism is stupid.

Travel the boulevard of blessing.

     Seek unity and enjoy peace.

     Be courteous and increase your influence.

     Be kind to your enemies and demonstrate maturity I am looking for.


In a sinful world, holiness is the meaning of Christlikeness.

The madness of arrogance is self-centered and off-centered.

Egocentricity is sinful. 

Make a conscious effort to live a holy lifestyle.

     Run for all you are worth from anything that stimulates evil desires.

     Concentrate on anything that encourages you to do right. 

     Focus on faith, love and peace—avoid worry, hatred and discord.


In a scared world, hallelujah is the meaning of calm.

The madness of alarm is beside itself over personal safety.

Egomania is scared.

Discover the secret of My peace.

     Stay composed in the eye of the storm—unafraid of circumstances.

     Remain tranquil in chaos—unintimidated by terrorists.

     Trust Me in trouble—unruffled by adversity.


In a skeptical world, hope is the meaning of confidence.

The madness of atheism results in complete despair.

Ego trips are one-way, dead-end roads to hell. 

Avoid becoming a road worrier.

     I will have the last word—what I say goes.

     I will win the last war—what I do counts.

     I will have your lasting worship—who I am endures.


I am your Meaning in the madness—seek My wisdom for each day.






© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                               

Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Time Traveler





 My times are in your hands.

             Psalm 31:15 NIV





I am the Timeless God—holiness to cancel yesterday’s sins.

     My grace transforms your down-on-yourself guilt into upbeat gladness.

     I have not rejected you—I have given you Christ’s righteousness.

     You are a sinner by nature—you do not deserve or merit My love.

     My Son is perfect—He did not deserve what happened to Him at Calvary.

     Like Barabbas, it should have been you; instead, you are free.

     I am your forgiveness.


I am the Enough God—Hiding Place to calm today’s sorrows.

     I shelter you from accusing tongues, sustain you through distress,

          and save you from the addictive power of sin.

     I am your Time-out from the rat race and Anchor on high seas.

     When your daily schedule gets crazy and hectic, take a deep breath—

          breathe out worry about possibilities, breathe in worship;

          breathe out fear of contingencies; breathe in faith in My power.

     I am your Fortress.


I am the Unchanging God—hope to celebrate tomorrow’s surprises.

     In all the universe, I alone will always be who I have always been.

     I made promises I intend to keep—My faithfulness will not fail.

     Anticipate the ultimate fulfillment of My perfect plan—

          believe the overcast unknown will brighten in My time.

     Whatever change comes your way, rest assured I will keep My word.

     For the time being, rely on Me to lead you in honorable paths,

          rescue you from the evil one’s malicious strategies,

          and reinforce you to bravely move ahead.

     In your darkest times, keep believing in Light beyond light—

          follow your Guide across the fearful ravine to Tranquility Meadow.

     I am your future.


Count on My unchanging love to absolve your embarrassing past,

     accompany you on your present journey, and guarantee your heavenly home.  Place yesterday, today and tomorrow in My hands—

     then you can enjoy the time of your life!




© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                        Day 204, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The Perfect Tour Guide



                                                                      The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.  Psalm 23:1



     I lovingly embrace you and faithfully carry you close to My heart. What difference does it really make? All the difference in the world!  When you follow Me as your Shepherd, l take good care of you.


      Hungry? I alone can satisfy your heart’s deepest hunger. Like a sheep after a satisfying meal, you lie down in a green meadow to take a nap—content.


     Falling apart under stress? Take My hand—I will lead you by peaceful streams where you will not be frightened and you can enjoy My poise.


     Tottering? Look to Me and find strength for life’s challenges—soar higher than mediocrity, run faster than temptation, and walk farther than lethargy.  Find renewed energy in the pleasure of My company.


     Yearning to be holy? My paths are right and honorable—walk on them and grow in My likeness.


     Troubled at the thought of dying? Do not fear—I am with you. I will protect and comfort you as you cross the dark valley to the city of light.


     Encircled by foes? Take a seat at My table—enjoy a meal with Me.


     Hurting? Divine hospitality cures your headache and heartache.


     Unhappy? Look around—then look up and thank Me for the overflowing blessings in your life. I do not just hang one star in the sky—I spangle your nights with countless awesome constellations. I do not plant only a single         flower for your viewing enjoyment—I arrange whole fields. I do more than toss an occasional blessing—blessings cascade from My heart to yours day after day.


     Feeling unloved in an uncaring world? Nestle near My heart, and My goodness and unfailing love will warm yours. It can be a cold, cruel world—as I learned firsthand when I visited your tilted planet—but I am the heartwarming God.


     Longing for permanence? Heaven on earth will bring you an unchanging address. Better than hope-so, maybe-so, guess-so talk—know-so confidence faces forever with unflinching faith in your Shepherd. I am your Center of Gravity—everything you need in time and in eternity. Follow Me—I will get you home.





(c)  Pastor Johnny R. Almond                       Day 200, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Rest Assured



Were not our hearts greatly moved and burning within us while He was talking with us on the road

                           as He opened and explained to us the sense of the Scriptures?

                                                Luke 24:32 THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE


Saddened by emptiness?

     Obey Me, and I will make Myself real to you.

     Trade a long face for a smile—be a good advertisement for the gospel.

     I am your Source of Music—sing out for the entire world to hear.


Entombed by loneliness?

     You are never alone—I walk alongside you on every road you travel.

     When perplexing cares crowd your heart, I console and cheer you.

     I am your Greatest Friend—you have not lost Me, so dance for joy.


Afraid of death?

     Hear My reassuring voice and overcome Satan-coaxed anxiety.

     Death Valley terror disappears as you realize shadows mean Light.

     I am your Life—I will defeat all enemies, so count on ultimate victory.


Losing hope?

     Open the eyes of your heart and envision My promised bright future.

     Wait patiently for My new world to materialize—be brave-hearted.

     I am your Center of Gravity—hide in Me and unflinchingly trust.


Perplexed by despair?

     Guilt, death, hopelessness, angst, and gloom burden your heart.

     Grace, vitality, hope, faith, mercy, and freedom bless your heart.

     I am your Redeemer—hang on for dear life—all is well.


Walk life’s road with Me—and I will change dejection to delight,

     skepticism to optimism, despair to hope, restlessness to tranquility,   

     depression to ecstasy, self-pity to praise, and doubt to worship.

     I am your God—rest assured.





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond               

Day 319, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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GUEST-POST: Dying Churches Successfully Revitalized

Small churches are using strategies to alter their mission and successfully relaunch.

  * MinistryWatch

More Protestant church congregations close than open in a year in America. According to Lifeway Research, in 2019, 4,500 churches closed their doors while only 3,000 new churches were started.


Photo by Carolina Jacomin / Unsplash / Creative Commons


As they face closure, some churches are turning to a strategy found in the 2018 book, “Dying to Restart” by Greg Wiens and Dan Turner, not just to survive, but thrive.

The West Side Church of God in Wichita, Kansas, decided to adopt the strategies in the book.

On March 12, the congregation gathered for its final service. Its attendance had dropped to only 45 people, about one-third the number it had in the early 2000s when Pastor Forest Cornwell arrived.

According to the Faith Communities Today study in 2020, half of all churches in the country have less than 65 people worshiping in services each week.

Cornwell recognized that West Side Church of God was facing closure. “If we keep going like we’re going as a church, we are going to die,” Cornwell told The Wichita Eagle. “That might drag out five or 10 years, but we’re not accomplishing anything the way we are going now.”

Instead, the church’s board relinquished control and will be replaced by pastors and leaders of other churches that are growing. They have agreed to sit on West Side’s board for two to three years and help them succeed in relaunching.

West Side will close for several months and then re-open with a new name and an operational makeover. During those months, the members will attend weekly workshops to learn about changes that need to be made. The church building will be fixed up, painted, and new sound equipment installed.

Church member and music director Tracie Nice has been at West Side for 55 years. She supports the relaunch. “We’re excited, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it will be real, real difficult too,” she said. “We know in our hearts it’s the right thing.”

Eleven other churches have followed the relaunch advice in “Dying to Restart.” Co-author Dan Turner said they’ve been successful with an average growth of about 3 ½ times what it was prior to closing.

In 2004, Turner himself was a pastor who led a small church of only 32 in Washington, D.C. After a year of doing everything he knew to grow the church, nothing changed.

Turner followed advice he learned online from another pastor, and the church relaunched in 2006 as Northwest Community Church. A larger church agreed to help finance outreach efforts, like sending postcards about the relaunch to the community.

In Turner’s opinion, the relaunch effort was successful. Each year the church has grown steadily to a present membership of over 200.

Heritage Free Will Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, had dwindled to an attendance of only 15 members before deciding to relaunch according to the Dying to Restart principles.

Its pastor, Chris Davenport, thought the church had lost its focus. It had a rigid dress code and didn’t care about spiritually lost people, he said.

It sold its building and relaunched in an elementary school in March 2020 as Bridge Church. It has seen an increase in attendance to 175.

Davenport credits Dying to Restart with helping refocus the church on its mission: “[T]his is God’s church, and we need to do whatever we can to get people to know Jesus.”

Turner agrees with Davenport. He believes churches often die because they become insular and lose focus on the greater mission of sharing the Gospel and discipling people.

He doesn’t believe small churches need to grow into large churches in order to survive, adding that relaunch efforts will not look the same for every church.

Turner’s usual consultation fee for helping churches relaunch is $2,200. However, he said he waives the fee for churches who can’t afford it.

The Southern Baptist Convention is also supporting church replants through its North American Mission Board. In 2020, NAMB helped fund 50 replants.

LA City Baptist Church was a successful replant. The small historic Hispanic congregation had dwindled to 12 when Pastor Min Lee arrived in 2018. In 2022, it had grown to about 50.

Lee said replanting is slow and steady work that begins with building trust with older congregation members and moves to changing the church’s approach to ministry.

If not handled correctly, the replanting process can have perils.

In 2020, older church members at Vineyard United Methodist Church felt discarded when their church was restarted.

Mark Hallock, author of “Replant Roadmap” encourages pastors to gain support from existing church members.

“This is not a takeover situation,” he said. “This is a situation where we’re coming in and loving those who are there and inviting them to be part of something together that God could do moving forward.” 

Kim Roberts

Kim Roberts is a freelance writer who holds a Juris Doctorate from Baylor University. She has home schooled her three children and is happily married to her husband of 25 years. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, gardening, and coaching high school extemporaneous speaking and debate.

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A Thought to explore on Journaling and praying with others


Hudson Taylor, a missionary to China, wrote to his college roommate about everyone whom he had shared the Gospel of Christ with.  The roommate prayed over those letters.  Hudson Taylor had the greatest number of people responding to Christ in China that the other missionaries.

Though not much is said how the letters were written—did they just list the names or did they also share facts about Hudson’s contact with the people he share the Gospel with—we do not know.

As an intercessor, who also has journaled, today I find myself taking time to write down some thoughts about situations or when I share a name—I like to give some information that can help in praying.  This is like journaling.  Perhaps another way of praying together would be to journal, and share those thoughts with a journal partner.—Those thoughts, I believe when carried to the Lord by others, and when we join with others about their thoughts—God can use those thoughts to further the Kingdom of God when we come to the throne room in prayer about them—together with our journal partner.  It is a form of praying together in agreement.


Note:  Basic ground rules are needed with this type of praying--i.e. prayer focused.  and do not get into theological discussions--use this method for prayi9ng for others you are in contact with.


Further Note:  these thoughts come from one involved reflecting on prayer and intercessory prayer. 

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The Secret of Peace


 11026575475?profile=RESIZE_710x                                Peace be with you.

                                    John 20:19


I give you poise in earth’s scary situations.

     There is no need to be intimidated by people—they are all mortals. 

     Do not tremble before human beings—fear Me and nothing else.

     I am your omnipotent Helper, so do not let fear get the best of you. 

          There is no need to lock doors—I am your omnipotent Protector.

     I whispered stars into existence—I know their names and yours too.   

          I direct intergalactic traffic patterns—I orchestrate details of life. 

     I will never leave you—My Presence is your failsafe security system. 

          Every heartbeat, step, and season of your life—I am with you.

     I give you tough shoes for hard roads—I am your equilibrium equation. 

          I will always love you—My care is your unflinching courage. 

     Rely on the Almighty to see you through trouble—find true serenity.


I give you pardon in your guilty struggles.

     Religious ceremonies are futile—My blood is your way to forgiveness.

          My grace is your only hope of removing guilt’s oppressive burden. 

     Self-talk does not ease doubt—My Spirit is your assurance of heaven. 

          When I make Myself at home in your heart, you can rest easy. 

     Let Me calm your heart—experience the tranquility of inner-stances. 


I give you My promise all will be well in your uncertain tomorrows.

     I walk ahead of you into the future—

          I live in the eternal now—I am who I have been and who I will be.

     Call Me Rabboni—your very own Teacher—follow Me into tomorrow. 

          My heart is your unassailable fortress, a home where you can rest.

     Heaven on earth is not too good to be true; nor is it too good to last.

          After smoke clears in the battle of good and evil, you’ll enjoy victory. 

          A new earth will replace an evil world—I guarantee it.  

     Trust My Word—know supernatural composure facing eternity.  

     Keep faith in your Invisible Means of Support—be an eternal optimist.

          You cannot know how faith in an unseen One brings ecstasy,

               but do not let your lack of understanding stifle your enthusiasm.

          My close friendship is your joy too wonderful for words. 

     There is no need to go around wringing your hands—

          take My wounded hand; you can trust Me. 

     Focus on Me and I will bless you with peace nothing can disturb. 

          My supernatural gift is your peace of mind.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond   
   Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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GUEST POST ~ Learning About Presidents from President Carter

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Our attention has recently been drawn to Jimmy Carter, our 39th president. As we know President Carter is quietly facing death at home under hospice care. Like him or not, Jimmy Carter has modeled faith throughout his long lifetime. Few doubt this if you can move the conversation away from policy to the man.

James Earl Carter, Jr., born October 1, 1928 (98 years), was the 76th governor of Georgia (1971-75). He was then elected president in 1976, serving only one term (1977-81). Remarkably, he has been married for 77 years. In the words of the president of Emory University, at the dedication Emory’s seminary chapel in 1979, “[President Carter’s] fusion of piety and pragmatism [is] characteristic of our region and remains enigmatic to the rest of the nation.” This made it difficult for many to assess the real Jimmy Carter. This is especially true for conservative Christians who voted for him in 1976 and then abandoned him for Ronald Reagan in 1980. As a pastor I never publicly endorsed political candidates. I see a vote as a sacred trust, given to us under our form of government to use for good. Your vote is for you to make without pressure from the church. This does not mean moral issues are ignored but rather that they inform us so we can make up our minds in an election. In an age of intense polarization I still urge this stand e upon church leaders. (Sadly, this approach changed in the Carter era with the rise of conservative groups openly urging ministers and evangelical churches as specific and special political constituencies!) Now, all these years later, I can say I voted for Jimmy Carter twice. I have no regrets. 

We must understand that Carter was the most openly Christian man of any U.S. president in the twentieth century. (I have no doubt other presidents were Christians but the word openly is the key to my statement.) In 1972, as the governor of Georgia, Carter welcomed the General Conference of the United Methodist Church to Atlanta by saying, “The most important factor in my life is Jesus Christ!” Simply put, Jimmy Carter represented evangelical Christianity at its best! In doing so he sought to develop a deep personal piety united with a public vision of justice and righteousness. (In this, whether Carter knew it or not, he was following the influence of the great Jonathan Edwards in his  belief about the gospel creating a culture and transformation of love!) He lived what N.T. Wright calls “God in public life” while maintaining a personal faith which continued to grow over his nine-plus decades. 

A friend recently told me about a visit to Plains, Georgia, to see the Carter home and hear him teach Sunday School. He met the former president, as all visitors did who stayed around long enough. He was amazed that Carter’s personal life remained so simple. There was no outward ostentation, no extravagant lifestyle. He lived well below what his earned income provided. His basic choices about life always featured generosity, simplicity and love for all. If ever a well-known American loved God and his neighbor as himself it was Jimmy Carter. For this reason I read many of his books and have followed his life since I first heard of him in 1975. (Anita and I met him for a handshake in a line to sign a book.)

There are two basic aspects of Carter’s life that stand out to me. First, Carter possessed core basic faith in the Lordship of Jesus. He continually celebrated the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Thus his hope was solidly grounded in Scripture as authority without embracing fundamentalist arguments about the Bible. He read widely, especially the most important theologians of the 20th century. The way he remained a lifelong learner bothered many conservative Christians but it inspired me even I did not always agree with him. His personal joining of piety and intellect pattern intrigued me. It actually helped me move away from the rigid stance of certain aspects of my own background.

Second, Carter’s values were openly Christian especially he embraced them as president. (Many speak of him to this day as a “bad” or “weak” president but a “great ex-president!”) I reject this distinction for the several reasons. 

The first reason I see was in Carter’s farewell presidential address where he said “America did not invent human rights, human rights invented America.” He called us to open our hearts and affirm the rights of all persons made in God’s image. Further, during his presidency he made world peace, rooted in the biblical truth of shalom, a matter of priority. His foreign policy reflected this stance again and again. He never used power to threaten nations. Carter was mocked in the 1970’s for installing solar panels at the White House. We now know he was far ahead of most Americans in seeing the issues of environmentalism as an ultimate existential threat to our planet. Finally, Carter was the first president from the Deep South in 140 years, something never lost to me since I am a child of the Deep South. He practiced inclusiveness before the term became popular. He had a stellar moral reputation on race. He included women, people of color and persons with disabilities in his government. (Some have gone well beyond what he did but he was a true pioneer.) 

Jimmy Carter was not a perfect man. Nor was his administration without flaws. Clearly, his lack of executive experience, serving only as a one-term Georgia governor, was not adequate  preparation for administering the complexities of the White House. But Carter took a number of positions in which, to quote Martin Luther King, Jr., he sought “to bend the moral arc of history toward justice.” 

Several years ago I enjoyed reading Stuart Eizenstat’s thousand-page book, President Carter: The White House Years (2018). The author, who was Carter’s chief domestic advisor during the White House years, does not whitewash Carter’s record. His account of those four years was inspiring to me. Eizenstat, who is Jewish, speaks admiringly of Carter’s Christian faith and says he was never treated with anything but respect and grace by his friend. 

Carter was finally defeated (1980) by the mobilization of many of the same “born again” voters who had elected him. Reagan, supported by the rise of the religious right, became the choice of a large number of folks who spoke of the Carter “malaise.” Yet Carter told us hard truth, even to his own political peril. I am reminded of the popular lines of a well-known movie: “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” I think this was true of Jimmy Carter. People did not like being told hard truth then as they still don’t today. I wonder what would have happened if we had heeded Carter’s basic call for justice and peace and given him four more years. (I feel certain Iran-Contra, a dark time, would not have happened.) 

As Jimmy Carter prepares for his final journey in this life I follow his story with even deeper interest. Like him or not it is hard not to see him as our finest Christian president. He may not be our “best” president but he is surely not our worst. (As an American history major, and lifeline learner, I might someday tell you my list of our “worst” presidents. The “best” were clearly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.) 

Jimmy Carter lived his faith and gave God the praise for the grace he knew personally. He was a pietist without pretense and an intellectual leader who spoke the truth even if he was condemned for his decisions. I pray for him almost daily and I thank God for his immense encouragement in my own life. God bless you Jimmy Carter, my brother, and may your Lord lead you across the river to your eternal rest and peace. 

Pax Christi,

John Armstrong



Prayer Notes 

  1. I asked last month for prayer regarding the sale of our daughter’s house. We listed it and it sold three days later, after multiple bids. This is almost unheard of these days. We sold it for $12,000 more than the list price. This will retire all our debts incurred over the last two years in helping our daughter and the boys. Our adjustments in merging our families have been minimal. I cannot think of a better way to finish my journey than to love my family! 
  2. I have begun to write again, this time my book about God’s love. My health tends to block my mind and impact my ability to concentrate for significant periods. Please pray for this work. 


From My Library

I read a number of books last month but two stand out for very different reasons.

White Hot Hate: A True Story of Domestic Terrorism in America’s Heartland (2021), Dick Lehr. 

I found this book I hard to put down, reading it over three days. It recounts how the FBI foiled three militiamen in Garden City, Kansas, who plotted for over a year to kill Muslims out of pure hate! The key witness was a gun-rights citizen in the group who became an informal undercover agent because his Christian influence gave him courage to say no to such hate. Arrested hours before they planned to set off bombs that would have killed hundreds of people, these men were convicted in federal court. This raw portrayal of hatred on the far-right, and the way Christian nationalism is being used to promote anarchy, is deeply troubling. Be aware and pray. The New Testament cannot be used to support anarchy!

Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation (2023), Collin Hansen.  

Hansen’s biography is a deep dive into the social, cultural and theological convictions and formation of the famous New York pastor and best-selling author. I confess I knew little about Keller before reading this book. My respect for him has increased ten-fold. Here is a man whose fame never spoiled him. His piety is real and his influence is still bearing fruit. While I disagree with Keller on several issues, especially his opposition to the ordination of women as ministers, I respect his missional balance and deep convictions about the gospel. I have friends who know Keller well thus I now understand why they respect him so profoundly.

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Whitefiled * The Great Awakening * Revival


George Whitefield was one of the most famous preachers of all time. A study of the life of this influential evangelist helps you understand his impact on Christianity.

You gain by learning of his preaching to the multitudes as the father of mass evangelism. You profit from the many stories of inspiration, offering courage and conviction to our Christian lives today.

He is a model of ministry demonstrating self-sacrifice and how one lets God use their life to the max.

My biography on Whitefield: "A Burning and Shining Light: The Testimony and Witness of George Whitefield," is the product of over a decade of research consulting his life's works.

It is a chronological account full of excitement and adventure. It will be helpful in whatever capacity you serve the Lord.  I have recently purchased new copies, which have been printed, and I can send you a copy with an invoice. The cost of the book is $$19.99, with $3.50 for shipping.  You can pay by credit card with Paypal also.  The book is approximately 300 pages. Could you send me your address on messenger, and I will send you a book? Dr. Dan Nelson, Church Historian and retired Pastor in Sherwood, Oregon. You can contact me through Facebook on Messenger or my email address, gospel4you1@gmail.comBook Order Form Whitefield book.pdf

Baptist Historian-Teacher-Dramatist-Preacher-Blogger-Pastor


Dan Nelson is a writer who has served as pastor of three Baptist Churches for over 50 years.

Here are descriptions of Dan's books. Contact him for book purchases.



Dan’s latest book: Baptist Revival 2.0: Baptist Faith and Practice Analyzed and Explained Scripturally andHistorically, is a deeper look into Baptist beliefs and practices. Dan’ writing is unique because he uses history to illustrate truths about what Baptists believe and stand for throughout history. His style is evident in this new book. The reader will find fresh truth here in a day of either ignoring or not understanding these truths to their fullest extent. Each chapter contains ten descriptions of certain beliefs and practices amplified by Baptists in their churches and throughout their history. Price: $22.99


His book Early Baptists: A Comparative History of the Anabaptist and English Baptist Movements is his most extensive and challenging work. It covers two centuries with many biographies, doctrinal explanations, and historical events in these groups during the Reformation era and the turbulent seventeenth-century religious conflict in England. Price: $24.99



Baptist Biographies and Happenings in American History is a series of chronological biographies of interesting and famous Baptist leaders in America. Divided into two sections, he covers 44 biographies and six historical events in his book. The book follows a continuous thread to the present day in concise bite-sized biographies. Each biography builds upon the other to illustrate the main highlights of the Baptist movement. The book garners an endorsement from Baptist leaders and scholars for its rich research. Price: $19.99


A Burning and Shining Light: The Testimony and Witness of George Whitefield is his biography of George Whitefield, the Great Awakening preacher who led the Awakening Movement in England and America. This book is a product of many years of historical research and documentation. It continued a study that began with his Ph. D dissertation on the First Great Awakening Leaders and their preaching styles. The biography features a listing in Amazon’s Hot New Releases of the history section after its first week of publication. Dan also does a dramatic monologue and sermon excerpts as Whitefield. Price: $19.99


Game on All the Time: Growing Up in the Home of a Legendary Football Coach is a fun book recounting Dan’ Father, a High School Football Coach in the South. He relates locker room stories, an account of his Dad’s life, and many interesting stories about family and community that abound with much humor. Price: $13.99


Baptist Revival: Reaffirming Baptist Distinctives in Today’s Changing Church Scene concisely relates some of the beliefs and practices that have made Baptists unique, with Scripture and history to support his writing. Price: $11.99


Dan has also served as pastor of three Baptist Churches. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, a Doctor of Philosophy degree from California Graduate School of Theology

in Glendale, California, a Master of Divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana and attended Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, California. He graduated from William

Carey University in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, with a B.A. degree. Dan and his wife Janice have two daughters, Krista and Kimberly, who live in Texas and Oregon with their families. Dan has served on the Board of Trustees at Southwestern

Baptist in Forth Worth, Texas, and as National Alumni Chairman for New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

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In Praise of Christ's Conquest





               Christ must reign until he humbles all his enemies beneath his feet.

                                  The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

We thank God, who gives us victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ our Lord!

                                           1 Corinthians 15:25,26,57 ESV







Christ’s  resurrection  means  victory  over  the  dark  side.

     Alpha had the first word—Let there be light—and chaos gave way to calm.

     Omega will have the last word—grace— and fear will give way to rejoicing.

     World events may seem to indicate the devil is winning, but the war’s not over. 

          Though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet.

          This is your Father’s world, The battle is not done.

          Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and heaven be one. (Maltbie Babcock)

     The Accuser will be pulverized under the feet of the conquering King.

     Addiction to Satan’s ways can be broken when you let the Son liberate you. 

     Do not wander dark alleys—let the Holy King guide you by radiant light. 

     There is Light beyond the shadows—and it will ultimately cancel the night.

     Celebrate Christ’s reign of righteousness by walking as a child of the Light.


Christ’s  resurrection  means  victory  over  death.

     Now your body humiliates you—someday you will have a body like Christ’s.

     Your earthly body is mortal—your heavenly body will be immortal.

     The ferocious enemy of death cannot come between us—we are inseparable. 

     Do not let death terrorize you—the Eternal King has removed its sting. 

     There is Life beyond the grave—and it will ultimately eradicate death.                       

     Celebrate Christ’s reign of life by enjoying the pleasure of His company.


Christ’s  resurrection  means  victory  over  despair.

     The cosmos may seem cruel, arbitrary and deceptive—but heaven has a plan. 

     Life may feel like a transition between two oblivions—but I have a purpose. 

     The future may sometimes look dark, but it is just as bright as My promises. 

     Listen carefully to My future melody and you can triumph over hopelessness.

     Live with unwavering faith in Me and you can learn to sing and dance for joy. 

     Do not let worry get the best of you—leave tomorrow to the King of glory.    

     There is Love beyond the physical—and it will ultimately abolish despair.

     Celebrate Christ’s reign of hope by marching to Zion, not trudging to oblivion.





     Gentle Whispers from Eternity                        

     © by Johnny R. Almond             



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