Read. Heed. Weed. Feed. Seed.

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  • As you surf this site, ask the Spirit to give you a specific assignment to...
    • Read: Yield to the filling-leading-teaching-coaching of the Spirit; be Spirit-led, Scripture-fed
    • Heed: Apply to yourslef whatever captures your attention, then repent (change how you think about...)
    • Weed: Look for infestations that need to be removed (such as biblical applications that have been given inerrancy status)
    • Feed: Share with friends who share your faith; ask for their feedback
    • Seed: Inspire pastors, church mnistry leaders ... forward this page ... invest $5-7-10 to reach hundreds more @


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  • THANK you Malva for a simple yet strategic prayer ... May everyone who sees this, pray your words from their mind and heart,



  • Heavenly Father, this is really the guidance for all our lives, not only when surfing this site.

    Please let Your Spirit lead us and enable us to yield to Your will, not our own.

    Please help us to repent and change what You want us to. Cleanse our hearts.

    Please correct our our thinking. Give us Your perspective and understanding.

    Please give us wisdom when we share with others, to be sensitive to their needs, to speak the right word at the right time with the right attitude.

    Please help us to sow the seeds You want us to, where You want us to.

    Thank You Lord God, in the Name of Your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

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