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by Phil Miglioratti • Reimagine.Network Curator



Why Did I Launch #The #ReimagineFORUM...?

Why #Reimagine..?

31 Words To "Re"NEW Your Mindset

A Guide to #Reconstruction (keep scolling after you read the article)

#ReimagineFutureChurch: Reformat? Reboot? Reset?

unLearning: A New Mind-Set for Reimagineers

Steps to unLearning CHURCH...DiscipleMkaing...Prayer...Evangelism...City Collaboration

Revisit 2 Corinthians 5:17 and you just might Revise The Church

unLearning How We Educate

A #Reimagine Coaching Session with Phil Miglioratti

My Plea to Rethink How Your Worldview Impacts Your Christianity

Review Then Review: What Is YOUR "1-Question"?

#Reimagine Romans 12:2

Are You A #Reimagineer?

Designing a #ReimagineCHURCH Journey



Rethink Commination: Who Is In The Room?

#ReimagineCHURCH...Promiseland: Rethinking Children's Ministry

#ReimagineMINISTRY...The Danger of a Homogeneous Blindspot

#ReimagineWORSHIP...with Uncommon Prayer

#ReimagineMINISTRY...additional posts on Twitter

Thought Leader Screenshot "Quotes"



Time To REimagine Evangelism

Fruit of the Spirit Evangelism?

Reimagine Evangelism...As You Go

#ReimagineEVANGELISM…As a Four Letter Word

#ReimagineEVANGELISM...As A Wholistic, Organic, Lifestyle

#ReimagineEVANGELISM...Out of The Seats; Into The Streets

#ReimagineEVANGELISM...Turn These Four Emotional Barriers Into Pathways To A Spiritual Conversation

A New Collaboration Equation: The Great Commission plus the Great Commandment added to a Great Commitment, multiplied by Great Collaborations results in Great Communities

Billy Graham Center Roundtable: Prayer, Evangelism and Human Methodology

Notes on Prayer Evangelism

#ReimagineEVANGELISM...additional posts on Twitter

Thought-Leader Pic "Quotes"



"Get Used To Different." Rethink the DNA of Discipleship

#Reimagine...How the Learning Process Has Changed Learning

#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...Educating in the Technological, Post-Pandemic, World

#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...as Developing a Biblical Worldview

#ReimaginePRAYER... to #ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP... Biblically.

#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP... Developing a Prayer Culture

#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...My Confession About Confession

Syncretism Breeds Pharisees

#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...According to The Jesus:Ratios

#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...as choosing Scripture over Culture

#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...additional posts on Twitter

Generosity Is In Your DNA



My Journey toward Becoming a Praying Pastor

Engaging Your Group in Prayer

ReimaginePRAYER...Pandemic Inspired Prayer Meetings: Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone, Anything.

#ReimaginePRAYER...as whenever Two or Three Gather

Exclusive Excerpt: Pray. Prophetically...Not Politically

Let Love Rule Your Prayers

A Template for Prayer

The 6 Spheres of Praying: A Template

Weaponizing Prayer: Revenge of Blessing?

Interview with a Prayer Coach

Pray Beyond ~ Reimagine Prayer as Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Wider-spread

P.R.A.Y. ~ A Spirit-Led Corporate-Conversation Teaching-Template

#ReimagineSCRIPTURE: A.S.K.  (Matthew 7:7)

"So That" Praying. This Changes Everything!

#ReimaginePRAYER...Pray. Like Epaphras

A Diagnostic Tool To Assess The Prayer Life of Our Congregation

Exclusive Excerpt ~ "When Pastors and Intercessors Struggle"

#ItSeemsToMe...this is a misguided prayer

A Biblical Format to #Reimagine your Church Prayer List

Pastors Mobilizing Men to Pray

Think Outside the Box with 5 Summer Prayer Action Steps

#ReimaginePRAYER...Phil Miglioratti: "Perspectives on Prayer" • 7 Interview Clips

#ReimagineCHURCH...Leading / Facilitating Corporate Prayer

Secrets to Facilitating Corporate Prayer

Template: Pray For / Prayer About /Pray Against

#Reimagine Your Prayer List

#ReimaginePRAYER...with One Word Prayers

#ReimaginePRAYER...additional posts on Twitter




5 Church-Killing Blindspots...and 5 Steps to Pursue Transformation

7 Deadly Sins of the Contemporary Church

Can Libraries Save The Church?

Reimagine Revival

#ReimagineCHURCH...Seven Components of Sunday Worship Services

A Fresh Sunday/Weekend Template

#ReimagineCHURCH...Pandemic Exposes Church Identity Crisis

CHURCH... Reimagined. Reconfigured.

#ReimagineCHURCH...Gather. Differently.

Don’t (merely) #ReopenChurch … #Reimagine Your Church

Designing a #ReimagineCHURCH Journey

#ReimagineCHURCH...The Seven Questions Staying Focused and Faithful (Lead Teams)

#ReimagineCHURCH...A Fresh Sunday/Weekend Template

Assess Your Prayer Culture:11 Practices of Praying Churches

#ReimagineCHURCH...Beginning With A Fresh Encounter

#Reimagine CHURCH...a 7 Day Prayer Emphasis

#ReimaginePRAYER...to Become a Prayer-Driven Church

Mobilizing an All-Church Prayer Strategy

A Biblical Format to #Reimagine your Church Prayer List

#ReimagineCHURCH... Keys To Lead The Church INTO Prayer

#ReimagineCHURCH...By Asking, Seeking, Knocking, for Sprit-Led Goals

#ReimagineCHURCH...Leading / Facilitating Corporate Prayer

#ReimaginePRAYER...Develop A Yearly Rhythm for Your Congregation/Network

#ReimagineCHURCH...Appoint a New Prayer Leader

#ReimagineCHURCH...additional posts on Twitter




A Template to LOVE YOUR CITY

Seminar Slides: City Impact. Together

30 Days of Prayer For Our Cities

Worksheet for Big Small Church Impact in Your Community

Facilitating A Citywide Movement (podcast)

Thought Leader PODCASTS on City Impact with Phil Miglioratti

Is Your City-Wide Movement, Movemental?

Thought-Leaders on How To Fuel the Great Commandment & Great Commission with Great Collaborations

#ReimagineCITIES...Impact Communities with The 5 "Cs" Template

#ReimagineCITIES...Prayer and Community Transformation

TEMPLATE ~ Praying for Your Community. Your Country.

#ReimagineCITIES...Impact Communities Through Prayer

Living In A Prayed For City / Living On A Prayed For Planet

#ReimagineCITIES...additional posts on Twitter



#ReimagineSCRIPTURE...Always Take It Seriously; Don't Always Tke It Literally

#ReimagineSCRIPTURE... Text + Context + Pretext!   

#Reimagine Ephesians 5:18: Filled WIth The Spirit

Beware Modern Scribes and Pharisees.  (And Sadducees, too.)

Reimagine John 3:16

#Reimagine Romans 12:2

The Name of God...Is Not A Name

#ReimagineCHRISTMAS...Heroes & Villains

Ponderings on How To Discern the Will of God

#ReimagineSCRIPTURE...additional posts on Twitter



My Politics Reflect My Identify, Affect My Ministry, Hinder Unity

Evangelical Perturbation:  The Emergence of a Socio-Politicized Theology

I Am Not Not A Conversative




#SayALittlePrayer... Brief Prayer Prompting Posts.

#SayALittlePrayer...additional posts on Twitter



#ItSeemsToMe...Thoughtful Commentary

#ItSeemsToMe...additional posts on Twitter

#ItSeemsToMe...We Need Help To #ReimagineGOD... {Template}


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    a Guide to


    Your Ministry Mindset



    #1 Pray ~ for Spirit-led, Scripture-fed discernment and direction as you

    Ask - Seek - Knock 


    #2 unLearn ~ detach your Cultural Preferences from Biblical Imperatives


    #3 #ReimagineFutureChurch ~ with Life-Changing, Paradigm-Shifting, Ministry-Transforming ideas


    #4 Become a Reimagineer ~ explore and execute Thought-Provoking content 


    #5 Pursue Your Path ~ as you design your journey with these assessment tools


    #6 √Coaching Sessions ~ ponder Thought-Leaders' Unconventional Responses to our Uncommon Questions interviews


    #7 Ongoing ReSEARCH ~


    • Big Picture Topics √ Navigation menu @ #ReimagineTOPICS


    • Forum: Featured Guest-Posts, Author Chats, Pray.Network and Discipleship.Network Archives




    For One Week:

    Read 1 selection sequentially each day for a week,




    For One Month:


    Two-three times a week

    select 1 entry from any section that relates to your ministry focus.


    As you research:


    Postpone practical or programatic changes until you have taken sufficient time to yield to the Spirit's work of “changing the way you think." (Romans 12:2)


    Resist conformity.


    Breath new life into traditions or rituals that cannot be set aside


    Do not fear taking counter intuitive steps that prompt you to reconsider presuppositions or reevaluate to:


    Reformat? or Reboot? or Reset?

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