Designing a #ReimagineCHURCH Journey
Every congregation/ministry/group must "be transformed by the renewing of their (corporate mind-set ... So that they begin to pray with and make-disciples who live according to the goo, -fulfilling, perfectly-suited will of God," (Romans 12:2)
Components applicable to congregations/ministries experiencing:
- Plateaued or declining attendance
- Apathetic leadership
- Mission drift (confusion, disinterest)
- Changing neighborhood demographics
- An interim season between full-time pastors
- Beginning as a new church plant
- The need for revising as a step toward reviving
The components of a congregational/corporate reimagine-journey:
- A Strategy of Prayer:
- For our church to seek the discernment and direction of the Holy Spirit
- For our leaders to collectively yield to the mind of Christ
- For our membership/participants to receive a daily filling of the Spirit
- For our people to respond to neighbors with the heart of Father God
- A SWOT Assessment
- Strengths: Our calling in Christ; Spiritual Gifting, Resources-Facility-Location
- Weaknesses: Blindspots, Fears, Resources-Facility-Location
- Opportunities: Neighborhood diversification, Community needs-issues
- Threats: Our decline-apathy-enemies
- All-The-Church Gatherings
- A Conversation with Our Leader (an evening of prayer - Worship)
- A Conversation with Our Leadership (questions, comments, prayer)
- A Conversation with One Another ("Who are you?" - Fellowship)
- ...consider beginning with a meal
- Special Sunday Service Focus (a week-by-week, monthly rhythm)
- The Word - devoted to teaching a story or text from Scripture
- The Table - devoted to celebrating our salvation from Jesus
- The Truth - devoted to applying a promise from Scripture to our life
- Body Life - devoted to worship: psalms, hymns, scriptures, sharing
- Sermon Series
- #ReimaginePRAYER... from the prayers to the Ephesian church
- #ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...from the teachings of Jesus
- #ReimagineCHURCH... from the "one another" commands in scripture