Evangelical Perturbation: 

The Emergence of a Socio-Politicized Theology

Phil Miglioratti



“a deviation of a system from its regular or normal state or path,

caused by an outside influence.”


WHAT is my problem?


How can we evangelicals, who claim a common allegiance to core orthodox beliefs, be so deeply divided and vehemently disagreeable with each other on sociopolitical issues?


#ItSeemsToMe … Evangelicalism is experiencing a perturbation caused not primarily by theological differences, but fueled by vastly divergent default-mindsets.


{Aren’t you perplexed at how friends or ministry colleagues who proclaim the same Gospel message as you,

heartily endorse a political candidate you abhor?}


Evangelicalism has always been comprised of various theological tribes and contrasting subcultures. Navigating those differences has created distance and distrust but, at least in America, there was a general recognition of each other's commitment to core orthodoxy (the divinity of Jesus; salvation by grace; biblical uniqueness; evangelistic fervor).


While producing libraries full of theological discourse and biblical discussion, our denominational or ministerial streams have invested scant attention to the default-mindsets that precede our theological beliefs and subtly combine (“to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characteristics”) with our doctrines.


This is not a crisis of ecclesiology (church growth theories) or eschatology (pre-mid-post tribulation), disciple-making methods or worship styles. It is a juncture of individual and corporate personality types invading the protected arena of core biblical truth. We are at a crossroads that will determine if evangelicalsim can discern between orthdoxy and orthodoxy encapsualted by a singular philosophy. 


Human beings are born with personality preferences and predetermined traits, and they naturally seek homogeneous cultures with which to congregate. Free will does not mean people are born without predilections or propensities.Nor does the sanctification process of our salvation experience eliminate our persona or eradicate our DNA. Attaching a Bible verse to an opinion does not make that opinion truth, the whole truth, nothing but truth.


{This even applies to persons or ministries proactively seeking diversity; diversity itself becomes a homogeneous gathering point.} 


Evangelicalism was birthed from and nurtured by the great minds and fervent faith from the right side of the cultural spectrum, with only a few lonely voices harkening from the left. Conservatism is the cultural context of Evangelicalism.



SO WHAT is the big deal?


The political choices of the 2000s (a black Obama, a female Clinton, a liberal Biden and Harris, and a recently converted (to the right) TV titan, triggered the default-mindset of a generation of evangelicals born and bred on the conservative worldview of Billy Graham and the social ethic of The Moral Majority.


A new Evangelicalism was emerging. Christian terminology gave moral superiority to the pro-conservative agenda for society. The Christian life was given lifestyle guidelines. And the "more perfect union" was deemed best led by and for Christians; the conservative kind.


Suddenly, or so it felt, Evangelicalism had a clear dividing line; conservatism was holy, liberalism was evil.


"Liberal" and "Christian" were two words not be placed in the same sentence.


Persons who were authentically Christian and genuinely liberal felt out of place in Evangelicalism; unwelcome, even mistrusted. Certainly their voice had no veracity even though both liberalism and conservatism are valid philosophies of life that do not by definition repudiate Christianity.


Christians from both positions herald virtually identical statements of faith (on core orthodoxy) … but espouse vastly different attitudes about immigration, economics, capitalism, personal ethics, more, while using the Bible for proof texts.


The descriptors below are, of course, generalizations and border on stereotypes; granted. But they are also indicative of a person driven by liberal or passionate about conservative ideals. 


{Conservatism is “a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions,

and preferring gradual development to abrupt change”}


{Liberalism is “a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race,

and the autonomy of the individual; standing for the protection of political and civil liberties.”}


  • Left / Right ... on the socio-political spectrum 


  • Liberate /Conserve ... default objective
  • Justice / Righteous ... calling or purpose 
  • Liberty / Law & Order ... mission
  • Release / Preserve ...action-plan
  • Future / Past ... motivational focus
  • Yes / No ... mind-set inclination
  • Offense (responsive) / Defense (reactionary) … political posture
  • All-for-One/ One-for-All ... priority
  • Workers / Owners ... business
  • Licentiousness / Legalism… moral excess
  • Socialism/Fascism... extreme version




Vote for the person, support the party, promote the policies of your conviction ...  but do not fool yourself into believing those choices are the only inspired ways of God.


  • Reread the list. 


If the descriptions are even partially accurate, how might this explain why Evangelicalism is struggling internally?

Do you believe Evangelicalism is more biblical as a mono-philosophy or an interaction of both conservatism and liberalism?


  • Reevaluate the impact of your philosophy on your ministry


We all prefer the comfort of a belief system that encompasses how we perceive the world but they can become uncomfortably interwoven; eventually indistinguishable from each other.

Do you believe one -ism can produce solutions to problems that are not only absolutely correct but that ideas of the other -ism is always 100% faulty-flawed-foolish (or evil)?

Some evangelicals, while fighting for their commitment to an inspired Bible, have lost perspective on how that inspiration does not apply to their interpretations and applications. Their doctrines, their public policy preferences, are not edicts from heaven. They do not make demands on everyone.

Theology that becomes synonymous with an -ism (right or left or otherwise) may actually lead away from the biblical teaching it claims to be based upon ... which has disasterious ramifications on discipleship,

Our lack of understanding on how worldview can infect and direct orthodox Christianity is why we are so surprised by brothers and sisters in Christ who view the world and vote so differently. 

I have blindspots. Do you?


  • Reset your Christianity onto Jesus


Jesus was a radical ("rooted"), a position from which he could speak truth to both liberal and conservative minded people.  

Evangelicalism has been known for fervent adherence to the Gospel of Jesus. Not the gospel of the Pharisees or Sadducees. Certainly not the gospel of the Republicans or the Democrats. We must discern the difference or we will do damage to the unty of the Church.

 Beware Modern Pharisees                           √I Am Not Not Conservative, but..."                            √A Plea to Rethink How Your Worldview Impacts Your Ministry

With help from the apostle James, may I suggest - - Be quick to listen to a brother/sister who loves Jesus but does not love your descriptions or prescriptions. - - Be slow to speak so that your words bless and build rather than shame and blame. - - Be slow to anger; and when you are angry, ask the Spirit if your “opponent“ might have a grasp on a truth you have refused to consider.

Listen to others; especially a few born-from-above Jesus-followers who stand with you upon Holy Scripture but lean in the other direction when they make applications. Find out why. They may be led by the Spirit.


I am not infallible. Are you?

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  • Phil,
    Well written, Lots to reflect on.
    I hope that persons who are in positions of influence in the Christian community will evaluate their proclaimed positions versus the one proclaimed by Jesus Christ.
    Brian Schroeder
  • #ResetYourChristianity...

    "This is not a “Democrats bad, Republicans good” matter. Ever since primary elections became commonly used in the 1960s, both the Democratic and Republican Parties have related to our primary elections as theirs to do with as they wish. They manipulate them and use them to divide, obstruct and exclude. They abide by them when it serves their purpose, then reject them when it doesn’t. That may serve the purpose of some party leaders and special interests, but it isn’t serving the American people."



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