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The Key to Answered Prayer


 © By Pastor Johnny R. Almond


He asked the Lord what he should do,

but the Lord refused to answer him, by dreams, sacred lots, or prophets.

1 Samuel 28:6 NLT


Until you do the work of confession, I refuse to do the work of listening. When you are like Saul—egocentric, jealous, mean, rebellious—do not expect Me to march double-time to your desperate battleground. Rebellion ruins our relationship. Ignoring My instructions blocks communication. If you cozy up to sin, I will not pay attention to your pleas.


You will not get what you want until I get what I want—repentance! On guard! Run the other way from evil! Otherwise I will not come to your rescue when you cry out to Me. Piously folding your hands in prayer may impress people, but you will not have My ear and blessing until you abandon evil.


You should confess sin every day because you sin every day. Remember real confession involves listening to My directions for living and quitting wrong actions. Every sin you hesitate to give up becomes a brick in the wall between us. Here is an unwavering principle—iniquity in your behavior and intimacy with Me are incompatible. Leave prayer out of your schedule, and you will live without vitality. Attempt to operate independently of Me, and you will have nothing to show for it.


The opposite is wonderfully true. Nestle near My heart, and you will enjoy the sweetness of answered prayer. Pay attention to how I ask you to live, and I will pay attention to your petitions. Conscientiously focus on obeying Me, and I will

concentrate on caring for your daily needs.


I am ready to answer your prayers when you are ready to get in tune with My will. Spectacular dreams, sacred dice, and ecstatic prophets are no substitute for heartfelt prayer. I lead you by My Word, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your fondest dreams cannot envision what I can do. I do not roll dice with your future—I orchestrate it.


Depend on My Spirit, not daydreams, to find inspiration. Rely on My Providence, not coincidence, to draw the blueprint for your life. Search My timeless wisdom, not modern-day philosophy, to find insight. Habitually relate all dimensions of your life to Me, maintaining an attitude of humble dependency—then I will tell you what you should do.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Holy War


Albrecht Durer, 1508  Praying Hands

Holy War


By Pastor Johnny R. Almond


You are fighting the Lord’s battles.

1 Samuel 25:28 NLT


Depend on Me, and I will strengthen you to fight spiritual battles. You are naturally weak, but I will make you supernaturally strong—able to combat Satan and win. Battling evil is no cake walk—there is no more difficult enterprise. You are not up against a mere human enemy. The world’s wicked ruler and his cohorts of the realm of darkness are bent on extinguishing the light of your good influence.


Don heaven’s armor so you can stand your ground against the strategies of hell. Fasten on the truth belt to encircle you with conviction. Wear body armor of righteousness to protect you from mortal blows. Slip on running shoes of eagerness to tell My story. Carry the faith shield to extinguish flaming arrows of temptation. Wear the helmet of salvation to preoccupy your mind with My lifelong work in your journey to eternity. Brandish the Spirit Sword to cut the dragon to pieces.


Confronting fiendish foes, pray as you go. Keep your eyes open to Satan’s tricks. Maintain communication with your Commander in Chief. Stay tuned to hear My slightest whisper.


You have Me to thank for leading you in a triumphal parade. It may seem evil is winning over good, but I will have the last word and I will win the last war. Good will not be shortchanged.


The sinister Devil, beastly antichrist, and counterfeit prophet will lose forever—tortured around the clock with no possibility of parole. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will have your lasting worship. Jehovah will be your joy.


You get tired along the way, and feel like retreating from the front to a safe haven— that will have to wait for heaven. Fight on under the battle streamer of My Holy Name.


My armor is awkward equipment for an easy chair. Life is different from thinking about life. Climb down from your cozy philosophizing balcony and enter the crucial evangelizing arena. I will teach you to live life to the fullest and love people compassionately.


Soldiering has never been a picnic. Pain precedes paradise. Suffering comes before the victory celebration. On the threshold of this new day, arm yourself with My power and get set for adventure on the high road. Endure pain if necessary. Serve Me bravely, loyally, and joyfully until the battle smoke clears. Fight sin in My strength, and avoid any blot on your shield.


At the end of the day, when the battle is over, kneel for My blessing. I will place a crown of righteousness on your head in the new Jerusalem.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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A Lesson from a Hurricane Survivor

It was a High School football game. He sat a few seats from me on the same row. After awhile he asked me, "Who are these teams?" I told him, then asked, "Where are you from."  His reply of " Port Arthur" told me all I needed to know. Adjacent to the football stadium is the basketball arena where Hurricane Harvey evacuees were being housed. He had lost everything - house, car, clothes, job; and caught a bus out of the devastation, ending up in Fort Worth, on the row with me at a High School football game. Unable to return home for two months, he was simply passing time by watching a game between teams he had never heard of before, refusing to give up, looking forward to going home and resuming his life.  It reminded me of a Tom Landry quote – “A champion is simply someone who did not give up when they wanted to.”  It also reminded me of a lesson re-learned from the Apostle Paul, who wrote, “tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” (Romans 5:3-4).  For the first time in my life, I left a football game weeping.
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Solid Rock in a Quicksand World


Rock of Gibraltar


Solid Rock in a Quicksand World


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond


Ever since that time, the place where David was camped has been called the Rock of Escape.

1 Samuel 23:28 NLT


I am the Omnipotent God—your Strength. All other hiding places you try are papier-mâché. I am the Only Absolutely Trustable Spot in the universe. Psychological defense mechanisms of emotional withdrawal, projection, or rationalization only add to the confusion of your life. Running anywhere else except My heart is a useless exercise.


I am the Omniscient God—your Solace. Be grateful for friends in Christ I send into your life to strengthen your trust in Me. Like Jonathan, they encourage you to stay strong in your faith. True friends do more than enjoy each other’s company; they encourage each other to stay committed to Me. Comforted by sharing deep thoughts and close confidences, you are inspired to go ahead with courage.


No matter how close your friends are to you, there will never be any friend as dear to you as I am. I know everything about you—when you rest, when you rise, when you race; where you are going next; what you are going to think; what you have not yet said, but will. This knowledge is higher than your pay grade!


You cannot hide from Me, but you will never find a safer Hiding Place. Rather than hide from Me, it is the highest wisdom to hide in Me.


I grant perfect peace to everyone who implicitly trusts in Me and consistently thinks about Me. I am Solid Rock in a quicksand world. I have been a Refuge to countless believers through fury and favor, shadows of poverty and sunshine of prosperity.


My purpose for you can never be thwarted. Behind the scenes, I write the lines and direct every act on the stage of life. I am for you, so no force can overpower you. Death is not final. Life is not futile. Worry will not finish you off . Demons cannot frustrate you. Because I love you, we are inseparable!


I am the Omnipresent God—your Support. In deserts of loneliness, I am your Friend. Within caves of concern, I am your Protector. I am the Only Reliable Foundation for your future.


Faulty foundations of wealth, security, success, and fame disintegrate with the passage of time. However, if you build your life on Me, you will never disintegrate.


Fall on your knees and you will not fall apart.

Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Living in the 'Cone of Uncertainty'

As Hurricane Irma prepares to bash the United States, here in Charlotte we’re wondering if it will be coming our way. As we wait for the answer, I’ve been intrigued by weather reports saying our region lies in the “Cone of Uncertainty.”

While modern meteorologists probably feel clever in using this term, it’s really no different than King Solomon wrote about over 2,000 years ago:

Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things (Ecclesiastes 11:5 NLT).

Then and now, the path of the wind is highly unpredictable. Even Jesus found it important to weigh in on this great mystery:

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes (John 3:8).

As meteorologists apply the Cone of Uncertainty idea to the difficulty of projecting Irma’s destructive route, I feel prompted to write about another kind of Cone of Uncertainty. While the uncertainty about Irma’s path will be resolved within days, I’ve observed a bigger and more long-term issue that seems quite common today…

Some people seem to live their entire lives in a Cone of Uncertainty!

I’m not trying to be harsh, but you’ve probably met people like this. They’re continually uncertain about their standing with God, their career, their relationships, or what their priorities should be. And if they’re anything like my good friend Ron, they’re stuck in a Cone of Uncertainty in their dating life too.

So what does the Bible say about this? Lots.

Here are just a few random principles for your consideration:

  1. God wants us to live lives of peace rather than confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). His peace is supposed to transcend our circumstances and guide our decisions, even amid the storms of life (Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:15).
  2. We must be careful not to claim certainty on subjects God hasn’t truly revealed yet. For example, Jesus made it clear that no one would be able to accurately forecast the day of His return—even though people continue to try. On one hand, He said we could observe the signs and know His return is near (Matthew 24:33). But on the other hand, He said we wouldn’t be able to know “the day and hour” (Matthew 24:36, 24:42). On this and many other issues, “we know in part and we prophesy in part” (1 Corinthians 13:9).
  3. When God allows us to experience a Cone of Uncertainty for a season, it provides an opportunity for us to trust Him. I love the statement Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego made to the king as they were being thrown into the fiery furnace. Although they were uncertain about the outcome of the trial they faced, they were absolutely certain of God’s love and faithfulness:    

Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up (Daniel 3:16-18).

These three men were determined to trust the Lord, regardless of whether He delivered them and changed their difficult circumstances.

4. There are some things we should be certain about. In today’s postmodern world, it’s fashionable to say there are no absolutes. People seem suspicious if you say you know anything for sure. The book of First John was written toward the end of the first century, amid some similar trends of uncertainty affecting the church. A new generation was arising that wasn’t as certain or dogmatic about things as the early apostles had been. No wonder John uses the word “know” 32 times in this book! In fact, he says he wrote the book “that you may KNOW that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).

So there’s no need to live in a Cone of Uncertainty about whether you’ve been born again and given eternal life. Nor do you ever need to doubt God’s love or His desire to bless you and meet your needs.

This issue came up recently when I was trying to encourage a friend who was going through a hard time. “Brother, the Bible says in Romans 8:31 that if God is for us, it doesn’t matter who is against us,” I reminded him.

I thought that would settle the matter, but it didn’t.

“How do I really know that God is for me, though?” he replied.

Yikes. I could tell this was going to be a much deeper conversation than I had expected. My friend was living in a Cone of Uncertainty on an issue of supreme importance.

But take a moment to apply this to your own life and ponder my friend’s question. How can we know for sure that God is FOR us?

I suppose I could write an entire book in response to this vital query, but for now this basic explanation will have to suffice:



Shouldn’t that be enough of an answer?

But what if you’ve been living in sin, knowingly disobedient to the precepts in God’s Word? Is He STILL for you?

Once again, the answer is actually quite simple: Even if you’re living in the deepest sin imaginable, God is still for you—He’s for you to repent so He can release the fullness of His blessings in your life once again!

You see, no matter what your situation may be, your Heavenly Father is FOR you, not against you. If you are living in a pigpen, He’s FOR you to come home so He can throw you a party (Luke 15:11-32). If you’re a stuck-up religious person like the older brother in that story, He’s FOR you to humble yourself and enter into the joyous festivities He’s prepared.

What an incredible revelation! Either way, no matter what, God is FOR you. So why not leave the Cone of Uncertainty and join the party, already in progress?


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Discipling & Harvey

Our tragic Hurricane Harvey has a golden lining: thousands of people praying, caring, & sharing their faith while working together to rescue lives and meet needs caused by that crisis.

But what do you suppose will happen when the spotlight shifts to the next public crisis? Yes, you're probably right: Emotion, money, and momentum will move mostly to that next media moment. And then the next one after that.

As a fellow disciple with you, and in the context of discipling others whom you influence, may I suggest some brief, basic observations and recommendations?

7 Observations:

   • Many non-Christians are also significantly helping victims of Hurricane Harvey.

   • It is common to care in a crisis.

   • Although it is both practical and vital for Christians to care in a crisis, that alone does not distinguish Christians from people of other faiths. (Ponder 1 Cor 13:3.)   

   • Selfless love [agape] -- the "love" in 1 Cor 13 -- is steadfast. It takes that critical 1st step of care, but continues beyond it. This love continues after the media spotlight turns away. That is one of its distinguishing features. Like the steadfast love [hesed] of God toward us.

   • Effective disciples cultivate agape love (1 Cor 13). This alignment of heart/attitude/behavior is directed upward to God as a daily act of personal worship.

   • But selfless love (secondarily)also provides a distinction, and a model for mentoring other Christ-followers (John 13:35).

   • One significant way we can bring a smile to our Father's face is for us, as influencers of others, to pray & plan wisely for the post-crisis phase of this trauma.

So . . .

3 Suggestions - Thru your church, parachurch ministry, and/or an informal group:

   • As you pray, care, & share in your response to Harvey's tragedies, embrace and embody agape love as an act of personal worship to Him.

   • Model Christlike character [agape] to another of His disciples, mentoring and including that learner as a participant in your response to Harvey.

   • Plan and delegate where possible the continued discipling of Harvey victims. As God's Spirit works, bring them (1) to faith in Christ and then (2) to maturity in Christ.

Your thoughts on this? (comment below)

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How to Keep from Going Crazy


Rembrandt Jesus Calming the Storm



How to Keep from Going Crazy


By Pastor Johnny Almond


David heard these comments and was afraid of what King Achish might do to him.

So he pretended to be insane, scratching on doors and drooling down his beard.

1 Samuel 21:12, 13 NLT


David’s faith reached a very low ebb. The same man who had toppled a tyrant ran scared. Fearing a fight, he took flight. Overhearing royal servants talking about what to do with him, he panicked and grew dreadfully afraid of the king of Gath. Flooded with cowardice, he pretended to be insane so he would not be harmed! What a sad picture!


I am the Lord of Truth. If you are going to keep from going crazy, you must avoid fabrication. Dishonesty is delirious.


I am the Lord of Triumph. To avoid craziness, resist fear. I have not given you a timid spirit, but a brave heart and a rational mind. Live fearlessly, unintimidated by mortals. Insecurity is insane.


I am the Lord of Tranquility. If you are going to avoid madness, you must not feign. Get real! Counterfeiting is crazy. Bread of My Presence is the food you need to give you presence of mind. Companionship with Christ will calm your inner being.


Corrie ten Boom prayed that I would keep her from going crazy in Ravensbruck. She trusted Me as her Hiding Place whatever happened. You are not locked in a concentration camp, but life can still be difficult. You may feel you are about to lose your mind, but you will not if you keep your mind on Me.


Live truthfully—avoid dishonesty. Be sincere and stay sane.


Live victoriously—avoid debility. Be strong and stay sensible.


Live calmly—avoid duplicity. Be single-minded and stay serene.


Focus all your energies on the beautiful future I have planned for you. Strain to reach the finish line of the Faith Marathon. When you feel like running away, run into your Savior’s arms. You are not an inmate in an insane asylum; you are a guest of divine hospitality. Open the door to My love—quit foaming at the mouth and wash your face in the refreshing water of My Holy Spirit. Let your King’s smile dry your tears. Do not scribble graffiti on the imprisoning walls of the world—treasure wonderful words I have already written on the walls of your heart.


With My help, you can maintain sanity in a crazy world.



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The Joy of Receiving

The voice on the other end of the phone line said, “God wants us to minister to you and your wife.” It was a voice that I had not heard in many years, but it belonged to one who had re-connected with me on social media. My wife had just undergone her second major surgery in less than a year, and while insurance had paid the majority of the cost, the remaining “co-pays” were still a bit overwhelming, especially on a retirement income. We had dipped into our savings until there wasn’t much left to dip, and still the bills arrived. For most of my life I have been more of a “Giver” than a “Receiver.” I understand, and in fact, enjoy, the joy of giving. I find it to be one of the ways I can attempt to be Christ-like. However, when Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35); surely He did not intend to diminish the joy of receiving. While being a bit embarrassed to admit we needed it, we joyfully received the “ministry” gift from our friends from years gone by. I don’t often quote the Pope, but in an interview with Italy’s “La Stampa” newspaper, Pope Francis said, “God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving.” I’m praying today to be as capable of receiving as I am of giving.

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A Prayer Following the Eclipse



Lord God Almighty,


Day before yesterday, for one day at least, millions of Americans looked up into the heavens –

     gazing at what for some would be a once-in-a-lifetime event;

     hoping to see two and a half minutes of darkness as the moon went rogue;

     wanting to experience the feeling of awe as astronomical predictions came true.


Instead of looking around at troubling current events, and being discouraged –

     we looked up in amazement at the extraordinary arrangement of sun and moon

          and saw evidence that You are still in charge of the universe.


Rather than looking around at chaotic circumstances, and being frustrated –

    we looked up in wonder at the precise fulfillment of the scientific forecast

            and saw evidence that there is a Designer behind the design         


Instead of looking around at responsibilities, and being tired –

     we looked up in reverence at supernatural control of the universe

            and saw evidence that “your strength is perfect when our strength is gone.”


We had been warned not to look directly at the sun,

     lest our eyes be damaged, or we might even go blind –

          reminding us that the sun is an object lesson in humility,

                 that You are God and we are not.


The eclipse gave us a super reminder of our role as followers of Jesus —

      Jesus is the Son;  we are not;  we are moons;

           we should never step in front of the Son and block the light.  


Lord, teach us that though we do not know everything and cannot do everything,

     we can reflect light into the dark places of the world –

            changed from the inside out by your grace,

                we can influence others to change for the better as they see your light in us.


Help us to be moons – reflective surfaces bouncing Light beyond light

     into the dark corners of this world, especially our own little corner.


Light of the world, by your grace, we can live as children of the Light – heaven help us!





Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The Heart of Friendship

Jonathan made David reaffirm his vow of friendship again,

for Jonathan loved David as much as he loved himself.

1 Samuel 20:17 NLT


I am the Heart of real friendship. Those who love Me love others who love Me—Jesus’ sheep flock together. People who call Me friend become the best of friends with others sharing the same passion. When two people pledge faithfulness in My Name, they enter into a covenant honoring their Greatest Friend. Entrusting each other into My hands forever, they are two bodies with one soul.


I am the Bond of authentic friendship. Not just for a while, but forever, I reinforce the friendships of people depending on Me. My faithful love encourages trusting hearts in relationship with fellow believers.


I am the Hope of genuine friendship. Though friends may be separated a while, enduring pain of loneliness, their hearts are still joined by love, and their friendship endures because of heaven’s gift of optimism. Celebrate true friendships I give you. Cultivate new friendships with those who reverence Me. Do not let selfishness take over. Be sure you do not become so self-absorbed you do not have time to listen, to help, to share with people in need. Do not get so wrapped up in yourself that you do not want to get involved with fellow human beings in their pain.


I am your Loyal Friend—be loyal to friends I give you. Unless your actions are motivated by love, they are worthless. Eloquent, angelic speech is gibberish if not spoken from the heart. If you could demystify the future and explain the workings of the universe, your lectures would be total nonsense without the heartbeat of love. If you grudgingly closed out your bank account to feed the poor, it would be wasted benevolence.


Real friendship is kind to everyone, realizing everyone you meet is engaged in a tough fight. Authentic friendship endures, never loses faith in Me or My friends, and always hopes for a better day for loved ones.


For heaven’s sake, be friendly toward your spouse and children—love them sacrificially, like Christ loves you. Maintain close friendship with the members of My family—going out of your way to help them.


Live a life of giving, not just getting—walking in the footsteps of the Friend of sinners. Like Him, be a real friend—all heart!


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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8 Myths That Eclipse God's Love & Purpose

While studying the origins of the church at Philippi, I was startled to discover how the story contradicts many of our common misconceptions about the nature of the Christian life. The narrative in Acts 16 debunks at least 8 myths—and I bet you’ve believed some of these misconceptions yourself.

Myth #1: As long as you’re well-intentioned in pursuing spiritual activities, any direction is okay.

The apostle Paul never intended to plant a church in Philippi. In fact, he had other plans. Plan A was to minister in Asia, but he was “forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia” (v. 6). Plan B was to preach in Bithynia, but God closed that door too. Finally, the Lord spoke to Paul through a dream that he should go to Macedonia, where Philippi is located.

This story shows that God has a specific plan for our lives, even when it comes to “good” activities like evangelizing and planting churches. Yet it’s bewildering in Acts 16 to see God actually forbidding Paul to preach the gospel if that means going in the wrong direction. While the Great Commission tells us to go into “ALL the world” and “to the ends of the earth” (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8), God wants to direct us on how to proceed.

Myth #2: If you’re a very spiritual person, you’ll always get it right the first time.   

It would be hard to be any more spiritual than Paul, yet it wasn’t until the third try that he found God’s optimal direction for his life (vs. 6-8). That’s good news for you and me! We shouldn’t despair if we don’t hit the bulls-eye at our first attempt to find the Lord’s perfect will.

Myth #3: The most important ingredient in church planting is good preaching.

Hey, I’m a preacher, and I certainly put a high value on good preaching. But if you read Acts 16, you’ll see that the secret to Paul’s success clearly was PRAYER, not preaching. He met Lydia (his first convert) at a place of prayer (vs. 13-15), and he was on his way to pray when he cast a demon out of the fortune-telling slave girl (his second convert, vs. 16-18). Then the Philippian jailer (his third convert) was saved after Paul and Silas caused an earthquake through their prayers and worship (vs. 25-34).

I surely hope your church or evangelistic ministry has great preaching, but these illustrations demonstrate that prayer must be the foundation of everything else we do in God’s kingdom. Without that, our impact on people will be superficial at best.  

Myth #4: If people are saying the right things, that automatically means they have the right spirit.

Oh, how I wish I would have understood this misconception earlier in my ministry! Many preachers, politicians, or church members say all the right things, but they are being motivated by something other than the Holy Spirit.

Look at what this demon-possessed girl was saying while following Paul and Silas day after day: “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation” (v. 17). What’s wrong with that? Most pastors would have put her on the front row so everyone could hear her words of affirmation! But Paul discerned that her right-sounding message had originated with the devil rather than the Holy Spirit. Can you tell the difference?

Myth #5: If you’re in God’s perfect will, everything will always go great for you.

Believing this myth will bring tragic consequences, because it means you’ll also believe the corollary: If things AREN’T going well for you, you must not be in God’s will. What a horrible, yet incredibly common, misconception. Even though Paul and Silas were following the direct leading of the Holy Spirit to minister in Philippi, the result seemed catastrophic. Their clothes were torn off, they were brutally beaten with rods, and they were thrown into prison, with their feet in shackles (vs. 22-24). All this happened because they were following God’s will!

Myth #6: Nothing good ever happens after dark.

Verse 25 says Paul and Silas received their breakthrough “at midnight.” I love that. Some of God’s greatest miracles seem to happen at our midnight hour—when things look the bleakest and all hope is gone. We may not be shackled in a jail cell, but perhaps we’re imprisoned to an addiction, a health problem, a mound of debt, or a toxic relationship. No matter what the situation may be, the Lord can break off our chains “suddenly” (v. 26).

Myth #7: God’s salvation is a fragile thing, easily lost.   

Paul later described his complete confidence that the One who had BEGUN a good work in the Philippians would also COMPLETE it (Philippians 1:6). Exactly how confident was Paul in God’s ability to care for these new converts in Philippi? In one of the most stunning plot twists in all of Scripture, verse 40 says that after meeting with “the brethren” gathered in Lydia’s house, Paul “encouraged them and departed.”

The “brethren” numbered just a handful of folks at this point, all of them new converts. But instead of staying to care for these baby Christians, Paul and Silas left town! He entrusted them to their Heavenly Father’s care, believing that nothing would be able to separated them from His love (Romans 8:31-39).

Myth #8: Everything in God’s kingdom rises and falls on leadership.

I’ll admit, there’s a lot of truth contained in this statement, and I’m sure I’ve quoted it myself at times. However, there’s also a misconception here, because we’re often wrong about who is supposed to provide that leadership.

For example…

  • The Israelites could have panicked after Moses died and his unproven understudy Joshua was suddenly in charge (Joshua 1).
  • David’s family never considered him a worthy candidate to be the next king (1 Samuel 16).
  • All of Jesus’ disciples except John denied and deserted Him, and they certainly seemed to be a bad bet to lead the church and reach the world.

But the church in Philippi is one of the most remarkable examples of God raising up unlikely leaders. In Paul’s opening greeting to the Philippians (1:1), he refers to the “overseers and deacons.” Isn’t that amazing? When Paul left Philippi, the church consisted of Lydia’s household, the slave girl, and the jailer’s family.

So where did the overseers and deacons come from? Did they get imported from some Bible college or seminary? Were they transplanted from the thriving churches in Jerusalem or Antioch? Certainly not. These were homegrown leaders.

My friend, what are you trusting in for your personal fruitfulness or the success of your church? Are you relying on the grace and power of God, or in your own spirituality and the charisma of the human leaders around you?

Thankfully, Jesus is both the Author and the Finisher of every success story in His kingdom (Hebrews 12:2). Let’s fix our eyes on Him, allowing nothing to eclipse His love and purpose for our lives. 

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Giant Slayer


Giant Slayer


© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond


The Lord does not need weapons to rescue his people.

It is his battle, not ours. The Lord will give you to us!

1 Samuel 17:47 NLT


I am the Lord of Victory—the One able to slay giants you face every day. When terrifying monsters march out from Satan’s ranks and shout their aggravating challenge to the army of believers, no one except Almighty God can triumph over them.


Spiritual battles are won by the sword of My Spirit. Military force cannot combat hell. There are no laser-guided bombs, tanks, or machine guns in My arsenal. Only omnipotence adds battle streamers to your victory flag. Conflicts with evil are resolved by My sovereignty. I am for you—no force can defeat you. I am on your side—you cannot lose.


A smooth stone in the hand of a believing adolescent did more than an iron spear in the hand of a blasphemous, battle-hardened giant. Razing Satan’s strongholds takes more than cruise missiles! The world’s methods cannot stop demonic hordes. But implicit faith, persistent prayer, undying hope, sacrificial love, My authoritative Word, and My Invincible Holy Spirit can conquer whatever hell can muster.


Don My invisible armor—encircle yourself with the truth belt to intensify convictions, body armor of right living to prevent mortal blows, the faith shield to extinguish temptation’s arrows, and salvation’s helmet to keep your mind clearly focused on My work. Brandish My Spirit Sword to slay giants trying to intimidate you. Heaven’s battle gear is uncommon and unparalleled—the only way you can win over sin. You have learned by now I rescue you without weapons—someday everyone will know.


I slay giants in your life—lust, jealousy, temper, egocentricity, envy, anxiety, and pride. I slay sexual immorality with unselfish love, garbage thoughts with self-control, idolatry with loyalty, frenzy with patience, envy with kindness, selfishness with contentment, bigotry with generosity, drunkenness on worldly happiness with invulnerable joy, consuming worry with celebrative worship, and conceit with humility.


The ongoing warfare you are engaged in is not against human opponents, but against demonic forces from the dark side. If you fight in supernatural strength, you can take Satan by the scruff of the neck and conquer him.


Be confident of winning—allow nothing to faze you. I am the Victor over Satan, hell, sin, and death. Let Me do the fighting for you—I will be your Giant Slayer.



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Jesus said, make disciples... not members

Jesus didn’t tell churches to make members

In talking with pastors, one thing I commonly hear is, “If we had more members we would be able to do more…” Because of the way we have been programmed in the past, a lot of times pastors and churches think if they are small there impact is small.  This isn’t the way Jesus thought. Jesus could have called the masses, but instead he called a dozen, ordinary men, and sent them out on a mission to make disciples.  Churches don’t need more member, they need more disciples that are making disciples. 

The Great Commission is everyone’s mission

Jesus’ words to the disciples were not a suggestion, they are a commandment.   The disciples knew that this mission was important, and they took Jesus’ words seriously.  Every Christian is given this same commission, and we need to take Jesus’ words just as seriously.  What would have happened if the disciples didn’t tell others?  What would have happened if the person who told you about Jesus didn’t take this command seriously?  How will others know if we don’t tell them?

The Great Commission is not to make more members

Just adding “members” does not fulfill the mission, but when the members you already have tell others about the mission, the mission spreads, and the Great Commission is being fulfilled.  The Great Commission is to make disciples, not members.

Friends, I know churches need members, and I have been a pastor of a small church.  I know the challenges, and that you’ve heard some of what I’m telling you before.  So why am I telling you again?  Because it’s time for the disciples of today to start taking the words of Jesus serious, and focus more on making disciples than members.   What I want you to hear is that every disciple needs to be “making disciples”, and teaching them how to make disciples, so that the mission will continue to spread.  Being a Christian, and a member of a body of Christ (a church) means more than attendance, it means being a follower of Jesus that is telling and teaching others what it means to do the same.   

So let me ask you, are you being intentional about making disciples? 





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Are You Ready for a Fresh Gust?

Have you ever been in a sailboat when it seemed there was absolutely no breeze? While experienced sailors somehow can catch the wind when there is no wind, amateurs like me often find ourselves dead in the water, going nowhere.

Sailing is such an apt metaphor for life. Winds come and go, blowing from one direction or another. But no matter what winds we encounter, we must resolutely set our sail and rudder toward our desired destination.

Yet this is a mystery in some ways. Even Solomon, known for his great wisdom, admitted he didn’t understand how ships can stay on course, even amid adverse winds (Proverbs 30:18-19).

So here’s a question to ask: Which way are the winds blowing in your life today? Are you experiencing pleasant breezes or fierce, unrelenting windstorms? Or perhaps you find yourself wearily praying for a “second wind” or a gust to help you get unstuck from your present doldrums.

From time to time, we all need a fresh gust of wind. Whether in our family, our finances, our ministry, or our career, things get pretty stale if no wind is blowing.  

Although I’ve tended to shy away from sharing “prophetic” impressions in my blogs, recently I sensed God speaking to me through the metaphor of sailing. Even though the past few months have been fantastic in many ways, I sense that they’ve just gotten me ready for what’s ahead.

As I was praying about these things, I felt that God was saying quite distinctly, “Get ready for a gust in August!” I took that as very good news. I’ve never liked to drift listlessly in the water, so it was great to hear that a new blast of wind was on the way!

However, I’ve also experienced times in my life when God sent a fresh gust of His Spirit and I wasn’t prepared. A strong breeze does a sailboat no good if the sail isn’t ready and the rudder isn’t set. Even worse, it can capsize the boat if the sailor isn't paying attention!

Will God truly send “a gust” in Au-gust? We will find out soon! But one thing is for sure: It’s best to be ready.

Sailboats are a lot like eagles, for both rely heavily on wind currents to supply their propulsion. We’re promised in Isaiah 40:31, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

The message here for eagles, sailboats, or Christians is clear: Continually needing new strength and inspiration, we must wait expectantly for God to send a new gust of His divine wind. And based on Isaiah’s promise, we can expect a gust of God’s Spirit anytime, and any month, we’re willing to wait for it.

So now’s the time to prepare our hearts to be ready when it comes! 

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Your Place on the Team

Attending a baseball game recently, I had a flashback to my own playing days and this interesting reflection - I never hit a Home Run - not in Little League, Summer Baseball Camp, Pony League, High School, College, Semi-pro Softball, Church League Softball - not one Home Run. In a world where the Home Run is celebrated as the ultimate, I was a spray hitter, lots of singles, a few doubles, RBIs, walks, stolen bases, and sacrifice bunts, but no dingers. So was I a valuable member of the team? Absolutely! Few teams win with only solo Home Runs. Someone needs to be on base when the bombs are hit. In the Christian life, what role do you play? Do you get a lot of attention by making the big contribution, or do you rather quietly go about your business with support roles? If we are really a team - Paul calls us, “members of one another” (Romans 12:5) - then all roles are needed. So, choke up on the bat, pull up your socks, dust off your pants, get ready to make a contribution, and take the advice of Babe Ruth who said, “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” And don’t forget to celebrate the contributions of other teammates. Play ball!

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7 Weeks Living out of a Suitcase

During my sabbatical in New Zealand and California a few months ago, I lived for seven full weeks with just the clothes in one fairly small suitcase. I had a few shirts, a few pants, some socks and underwear, and a toothbrush, razor, and stick of deodorant.

Yes, I did wash the clothes from time to time. But I traveled light and never lacked a thing.

Shortly after returning back to the Carolinas, I went through the arduous process of moving into a new residence. I couldn’t help but be struck by the contrast.

For seven weeks, I had done just fine with only the belongings I could carry in one suitcase. But back at home I had countless boxes and pieces of furniture to move. Too many clothes. Too much furniture. Too many books.

Too much junk…

What an eye-opening experience! If I could get along so well with just the items I could carry, what was I doing with all the other stuff back home?

Jesus said a lot about “traveling light” as we journey through life. When sending out His disciples, He warned, “Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts—no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep” (Matthew 10:9-10 NIV).

And then there was Jesus’ famous statement about unloading our “stuff” if we truly want to enter into the riches of His kingdom: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:25 NIV).

I don’t think He meant we must disavow owning any property. Rather, this is a warning not to clutch our possessions so tightly that they hinder us from the eternal abundance derived from wholeheartedly following Him.

In order to enter a city’s narrow gateway, a camel’s heavy load often had to be removed. In the same way, we must lay down our possessions—and our very lives—in order to enjoy the maximum blessings of God’s kingdom.

I think many of us Americans are so attached to our material goods that we fear what would happen if we ever lost them. But I’m glad I discovered that, if necessary, I could have kept living out of my suitcase.

Likewise, I’m glad I finally came to realize that much of the “stuff” in my storage unit wasn’t really a blessing, but merely a burden.

What do you really need in order to comfortably live? It’s probably a lot less than you think!

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The Downside of Being a Perfect Kid

I was a pretty awesome kid, if I do say so myself. Polite and well-behaved, I never recall talking back to my parents or any adult.

I worked hard at school and got good grades. My parents never had to worry about me skipping classes, getting into fights, using profanity, or disgracing them in any way. They were proud of me, and rightfully so.

Never once did I try a cigarette, smoke a joint, or get drunk.

And all this time, I never doubted that my parents loved me. Of course they loved me. I was quite lovable, after all.

So what could possibly be the downside to this seemingly idyllic picture?

During my recent sabbatical, I came to a surprising and quite troubling realization: Yes, my parents loved me, but there was a problem…

Because I was so “perfect,” I subconsciously assumed my virtue was the reason I was loved.

This created an obvious dilemma: If my parents loved me because I was always lovable, how could I ever know they’d love me when I was unlovable?

Flash forward to today, and I realize how this warped perspective has infiltrated my relationship with God, my Heavenly Father.

If someone asked, “Jim, do you think God loves you?,” I would say yes, probably so. But my answer would be based largely on the fact that I’ve been a “pretty good Christian,” just like I was a good kid for my parents.

Do you see the problem here? (And it’s a BIG problem!)

If you think God loves you because you’re such a good, well-behaved person, there’s no room left for His grace. On days when you feel good about yourself, you’re confident the Lord loves you. But when you realize you’ve fallen short in some way, you find yourself questioning His love.

This makes God’s love dependent on your performance…your behavior…your productivity. As long as you’re perfect, everything’s fine. But if you screw up, you assume your Father’s love and favor will be withheld.

What a shaky foundation this is!

If you’re having a good day, you think God is certainly pleased with you. If things aren’t going your way, you assume He must be disappointed and angry.

No wonder the older brother in the Prodigal Son story had such a struggle (Luke 15). He had been the perfect kid, faithfully serving his father year after year. Yet because he felt that he was so “good” and so “worthy,” he never experienced the unconditional nature of his father’s love.

The prodigal, in contrast, couldn’t rely upon his good behavior as a reason for his father’s affection. He knew he needed mercy and grace—and he received them in great abundance.

So let me ask you two questions:

  1. Do you know, really know, that your Heavenly Father loves you, and loves you deeply?

  2. If your answer to question #1 is yes, do you realize He loves you even when you’re an underachiever…or mischievous…or downright rebellious? Do you realize His great love is able to cover even “a multitude of sins”? (1 Peter 4:8).

It’s such a wonderful relief when you finally recognize you don’t have to be the perfect kid in order to get your Father’s love and affection. You’ll find yourself entering deeper into His love and, perhaps surprisingly, your conduct will improve as well.

It turned out that the older brother in Luke 15 wasn’t so perfect after all. Instead of entering the father’s house and enjoying the party, he just kept on working.    

In the same way, a funny thing happened by the time I got to the end of this blog. I realized I wasn’t really a perfect kid, either. Countless sins have come to mind, and the greatest of all was pride.

Those, like me, who grew up with an inflated view of their own worthiness will usually end up with the same twisted view that their Heavenly Father’s love is based on performance.

He loves you, my friend. Not because you’re the perfect child, but because His love is greater than all your shortcomings.

So go ahead and enter the Father’s lavish party. He’s throwing it for you, after all.

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A Better Way

The Better Way


© By Pastor Johnny Almond


What is more pleasing to the Lord; your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience?

Obedience is far better than sacrifice. Listening to him is much better than offering the fat of rams.

1 Samuel 15:22 NLT


Submission surpasses sacrifices. I am far more delighted in passionate obedience to My will than any sacrifice you could ever make. Rituals without devotion are hollow—a waste of time. Hypocrisy is nothing more than play-acting—obedience is really all that matters. Dramatic productions may impress people, but theatrical religion does not amuse Me. Do as I say, and all will be well.


Humility is higher than haughtiness. You can never please Me by superficial externalities. Live in the holy land of the broken heart, and see My smile. Listen to gentle whispers from eternity, and hear My voice.


Right living exceeds rationalization. I am more pleased when you do what is fair and right, than by your tithing to make up for rebellion. You can never bribe Me into ignoring character flaws. Shaping up morally is far more critical than writing regular checks to your church.


Righteousness is better than rituals. Visiting the hospitalized and homebound, encouraging underdogs, defending orphans, and fighting for the rights of widows gains My approval—not just going through the motions of believing. Insincere ceremonies are ludicrous. Heartless church going is senseless. Faithless religion is hollow. Self-sacrifice is not the ticket to heaven—the Savior’s sacrifice is. The Sinless One made the only offering that can make us friends.


Obedience overshadows offerings. If you forget the reason behind your offerings, you are not honoring Me. I want lifelong service, not just money in the offering plate once a week.


Sensitivity is better than sacrifice. Knowing My heart and showing compassion to hurting people really count for something. Loveless sacrifices and heartless worship are meaningless ceremonies.


Doing right is more important than offering; being kind is more beneficial than sacrificing; walking humbly with Me is more critical than giving. A responsive life is better than  elaborate rituals. A grateful heart—the sacrifice of praise—pleases Me more than any gift you ever place before My throne.


There is a better way than religion—it is called relationship.


 Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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I’m always looking for current events that display Biblical principles for successful leadership. The decision by Carolina Panthers owner Jerry Richardson last week to fire Dave Gettleman as the team’s general manager provides some excellent fodder for a discussion of good and bad leadership traits. After being fired in 2012, Marty Hurney was appointed as the interim general manager.

Here are just a few observations:

  1. Timing is everything. As King Solomon pointed out, “A wise heart knows the proper time and procedure” (Ecclesiastes 8:5). One of the unusual things about Richardson’s decision is that it came just eight days before the start of the Panthers’ training camp. Even Richardson had to admit that the timing was “not ideal.” An organization’s major decisions ordinarily should be planned with enough time to allow for a smooth rollout and careful communications to all the stakeholders. In this case, even Panthers’ head coach Ron Rivera was apparently caught off guard by Richardson’s decision.
  2. Instead of evaluating a person’s overall track record and the long-term picture for an organization’s success, leadership often comes down to “what have you done for me lately.” By almost any measure, Gettleman’s tenure with the Panthers was extremely successful—except for last season. But despite an amazing Super Bowl run in 2015, Richardson apparently felt that the trajectory was going in the wrong direction. And, no doubt, trajectory is more important than past successes. I’ve seen numerous situations where pastors face similar scrutiny. Past success is deemed irrelevant if church attendance and finances are on a downward slide.
  3. We must resist the urge to jerk between extremes. From my perspective, Marty Hurney’s decisions as general manager tended to err on the side of GRACE—giving players big contracts and sometimes keeping them past their prime. In contrast, Dave Gettleman was a man of TRUTH—looking at a player’s current productivity and being unwilling to break the bank when a player’s performance didn’t merit a huge contract. In switching back to Hurney, I think Richardson was siding with grace and loyalty. He wanted to take care of players like Greg Olsen and Thomas Davis, who were in negotiations for new contracts.  And it seems he may have been unhappy with how Gettleman parted ways with Panthers stars like Steve Smith and Josh Norman.

I would argue that both Hurney and Gettleman were successful, but partly because the Panthers benefited from the combination of grace and truth that these two general managers provided. Hurney was credited with a harmonious locker room, full of players who felt honored and appreciated. Gettleman was applauded for clearing out players who were past their prime, which greatly improved the salary cap situation.

Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, was full of BOTH grace and truth (John 1:14). He didn’t have to jerk from one extreme to another, for He perfected embodied these two qualities every successful leader must demonstrate.

In Jim Collin’s best-selling book, Good to Great, he notes that organizations thrive when they have “the right people on the bus and have them on the right seats on the bus.” That pretty much describes what a successful general manager must do in the NFL.

When it comes to the future of the Panthers, my hometown team, I hope Marty Hurney will have learned the lessons from the past—both from his own decisions and from those of Dave Gettleman. May he bring back the grace needed to recreate a harmonious team culture, where past performance is honored. But may he also have the guts to make hard decisions when a player is overpaid or should no longer be “on the bus.” 

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A Heart like God's


A Heart like God’s


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond


The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart.

1 Samuel 13:14 NLT



I am the Infinite GodI search for people with repentant hearts. There is a stark contrast in My nature and yours. You have a long road to travel to become like Me. Your selfish pride needs suppressing, if you are to have a meek heart. Humble yourself in My Presence—see Me as I am and see yourself as you are. Do not get a big head by telling yourself you are better than you are—own up to shameful deeds and moral frailty; then seek forgiveness and supernatural strength.



I am the Intentional GodI look for people with wise hearts. Jesus continues to inspire you to reach faith’s finish line. Let nothing be more important than this noble objective. My Holy Spirit works in your mind to make your thoughts pristine, in your emotions to make your desires compassionate, in your personality to make your attitude Christlike. Let Christ reign on your heart’s throne so the watching world will see His mirror image reflected on your face.



I am the Holy God—I seek people who yearn for a clean heart. You are a natural-born sinner—inclined to seek your own pleasure instead of Mine. I alone can erase your bad record and give you pure thoughts and desires. Only if your heart is clean will you conduct yourself correctly. My unfailing love is your source of mercy. My Purifying Spirit can purge you of guilt and make you snow-white. Lead others by your example of holiness in thoughts, words, and deeds. Come clean. Grow up.



I am the Loving GodI am after people with truly loving hearts. Are you feeling you should care more? Would you like to be more spontaneous and compassionate as you share your faith? Let Me forgive your sin and restore our fellowship, then you will naturally want to share My love. Receive My tender care, and be a wounded healer to hurting friends. Nestle near My loving heart, and reach out to others with tenderness.



I am the Faithful God—I scan planet Earth for people with consistent hearts. I am the Fountainhead of perseverance. When My Holy Spirit controls your life, you will be rock-steady. Rely on heaven’s faithfulness in every season of your life; strive to be as dependable as clockwork in your earthly responsibilities.



Give Me your heart—then I will give you Mine.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity - Book available on Amazon

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