A Heart like God’s
© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond
The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart.
1 Samuel 13:14 NLT
I am the Infinite God—I search for people with repentant hearts. There is a stark contrast in My nature and yours. You have a long road to travel to become like Me. Your selfish pride needs suppressing, if you are to have a meek heart. Humble yourself in My Presence—see Me as I am and see yourself as you are. Do not get a big head by telling yourself you are better than you are—own up to shameful deeds and moral frailty; then seek forgiveness and supernatural strength.
I am the Intentional God—I look for people with wise hearts. Jesus continues to inspire you to reach faith’s finish line. Let nothing be more important than this noble objective. My Holy Spirit works in your mind to make your thoughts pristine, in your emotions to make your desires compassionate, in your personality to make your attitude Christlike. Let Christ reign on your heart’s throne so the watching world will see His mirror image reflected on your face.
I am the Holy God—I seek people who yearn for a clean heart. You are a natural-born sinner—inclined to seek your own pleasure instead of Mine. I alone can erase your bad record and give you pure thoughts and desires. Only if your heart is clean will you conduct yourself correctly. My unfailing love is your source of mercy. My Purifying Spirit can purge you of guilt and make you snow-white. Lead others by your example of holiness in thoughts, words, and deeds. Come clean. Grow up.
I am the Loving God—I am after people with truly loving hearts. Are you feeling you should care more? Would you like to be more spontaneous and compassionate as you share your faith? Let Me forgive your sin and restore our fellowship, then you will naturally want to share My love. Receive My tender care, and be a wounded healer to hurting friends. Nestle near My loving heart, and reach out to others with tenderness.
I am the Faithful God—I scan planet Earth for people with consistent hearts. I am the Fountainhead of perseverance. When My Holy Spirit controls your life, you will be rock-steady. Rely on heaven’s faithfulness in every season of your life; strive to be as dependable as clockwork in your earthly responsibilities.
Give Me your heart—then I will give you Mine.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity - Book available on Amazon