Giant Slayer
© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond
The Lord does not need weapons to rescue his people.
It is his battle, not ours. The Lord will give you to us!
1 Samuel 17:47 NLT
I am the Lord of Victory—the One able to slay giants you face every day. When terrifying monsters march out from Satan’s ranks and shout their aggravating challenge to the army of believers, no one except Almighty God can triumph over them.
Spiritual battles are won by the sword of My Spirit. Military force cannot combat hell. There are no laser-guided bombs, tanks, or machine guns in My arsenal. Only omnipotence adds battle streamers to your victory flag. Conflicts with evil are resolved by My sovereignty. I am for you—no force can defeat you. I am on your side—you cannot lose.
A smooth stone in the hand of a believing adolescent did more than an iron spear in the hand of a blasphemous, battle-hardened giant. Razing Satan’s strongholds takes more than cruise missiles! The world’s methods cannot stop demonic hordes. But implicit faith, persistent prayer, undying hope, sacrificial love, My authoritative Word, and My Invincible Holy Spirit can conquer whatever hell can muster.
Don My invisible armor—encircle yourself with the truth belt to intensify convictions, body armor of right living to prevent mortal blows, the faith shield to extinguish temptation’s arrows, and salvation’s helmet to keep your mind clearly focused on My work. Brandish My Spirit Sword to slay giants trying to intimidate you. Heaven’s battle gear is uncommon and unparalleled—the only way you can win over sin. You have learned by now I rescue you without weapons—someday everyone will know.
I slay giants in your life—lust, jealousy, temper, egocentricity, envy, anxiety, and pride. I slay sexual immorality with unselfish love, garbage thoughts with self-control, idolatry with loyalty, frenzy with patience, envy with kindness, selfishness with contentment, bigotry with generosity, drunkenness on worldly happiness with invulnerable joy, consuming worry with celebrative worship, and conceit with humility.
The ongoing warfare you are engaged in is not against human opponents, but against demonic forces from the dark side. If you fight in supernatural strength, you can take Satan by the scruff of the neck and conquer him.
Be confident of winning—allow nothing to faze you. I am the Victor over Satan, hell, sin, and death. Let Me do the fighting for you—I will be your Giant Slayer.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity