Attending a baseball game recently, I had a flashback to my own playing days and this interesting reflection - I never hit a Home Run - not in Little League, Summer Baseball Camp, Pony League, High School, College, Semi-pro Softball, Church League Softball - not one Home Run. In a world where the Home Run is celebrated as the ultimate, I was a spray hitter, lots of singles, a few doubles, RBIs, walks, stolen bases, and sacrifice bunts, but no dingers. So was I a valuable member of the team? Absolutely! Few teams win with only solo Home Runs. Someone needs to be on base when the bombs are hit. In the Christian life, what role do you play? Do you get a lot of attention by making the big contribution, or do you rather quietly go about your business with support roles? If we are really a team - Paul calls us, “members of one another” (Romans 12:5) - then all roles are needed. So, choke up on the bat, pull up your socks, dust off your pants, get ready to make a contribution, and take the advice of Babe Ruth who said, “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” And don’t forget to celebrate the contributions of other teammates. Play ball!