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...and Prayer fits in each type!


Group Type=Group Activity

Small groups are often defined by their main activity. This is a good approach, but let me offer my alternative.

Before deciding on a specific activity for your group, think through the central reason for which the group exists.

  • Process-oriented groups focus on the spiritual and/or social relationships among the members. What the group does is secondary.
  • Content-oriented groups meet to study or discuss a biblical passage or topic. Little time is spent dealing with group dynamics.
  • Task-oriented groups meet to accomplish a purpose. The reason for meeting is why the group exists.
  • Need-oriented groups, sometimes called support groups, offer common understanding and encouragement.
Determining the primary focus of your group will help you decide on the specific activities your group should undertake.

Adapted from How to Lead Small Groups by Neal F. McBride. © 1990 by Neal F. McBride. All Rights Reserved.

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Worldwide Mom's Day of Prayer

The New Vision for the Mom's Day of Prayer Ministry in 2011 is for each Saturday of the year to have a MDOP. 47 weekends - 47 MDOP Coordinators - 47 Churches! The only Saturdays we are leaving out are January 1st and all the Saturdays in December. Please visit the MDOP website at

As one MDOP attendee said, "I wonder how many of our precious children will be spared from suicide, rape, abortion, sexual misconduct, running away, loneliness, pain, depression, eternity in Hell, drug and alcohol addiction, etc. etc. et., because of the Mom's Day of Prayer."

Can you imagine 47 weekend of 2011 filled with praying moms, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters?

Sign up now! Kathy Coleman, MDOP founder

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Prayers for trip to, Zimbabwe

Asking for prayers for a team that will depart tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 8) to Zimbabwe to minister and teach. We will return on, Tuesday, Nov. 16. Would appreciate your prayers.

  1. Safe air travel
  2. Timely connections
  3. Team to connect spiritually and to flow in unity during time together
  4. All luggage and supplies to arrive with the team
  5. Favor in customs in South Africa and Zimbabwe
  6. Safe ground travel while in Africa
  7. Physical health, no motion sickness, no food sickness, etc.
  8. Adjustment to climate
  9. Adjustment to food
  10. Favor with the Pastors and those we will minister with
  11. God's anointing on the services
  12. Salvations
  13. Deliverances
  14. Safe and comfortable lodging in South Africa and Zimbabwe
  15. Spiritual discernment while traveling
  16. Financial needs for the trip abundantly met

We truly appreciate your prayers. Personally, I will represent, Christ as the other members and I will represent, Stonecroft Ministries - taking Stonecroft Bible Studies and sharing the Gospel of Jesus.

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Pray For Unction In The Pulpit
By Leonard Ravenhill

It requires neither top bracket intelligence nor yet super-spirituality to curse the darkness. It does require God-fashioned, God-filled and God-fired men to bring revival! We need some lion-hearted, wise-as-a-serpent prophets, Spirit-unctionized, Spirit-actioned, Spirit-directed and Spirit-operated men for the dying moments of this dispensation.

The church is living on borrowed capital. She has to get out the family album to show us Wesley and Huss, covenanters and confessors to help us whistle to keep up our courage. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

If the Bible said pay without ceasing we would be very near revival. The church is swept at this moment with a dollar fever, but the fingers of finance are impotent to relieve the impasse we are in. There IS a way out, only one, a well-tried one, a never failing one; it is the way of prayer!

The offense of prayer is that it does not essentially tie in to mental efficiency. That is not to say that prayer is a partner to mental sloth. But in these days – or should it be daze? – efficiency and smartness are at a premium. Prayer pertains to one thing alone, and that is to spirituality.

One does not need to be spiritual to preach, that is, to make and deliver sermons of homiletical perfection and exegetical exactitude. By a combination of memory, knowledge, ambition, personality, plus well-lined book shelves, self-confidence and a sense of having arrived, brother, the pulpit is yours almost anywhere now.

Preaching, of this type, affects men. Prayer affects God. Preaching affects time, prayer affects eternity. The pulpit can be a shop window to display our talents. The prayer closet speaks death to display.

The tragedy of this later hour is that we have too many dead men in the pulpits giving out too many dead sermons to too many dead people.

Preacher Brother! In All Thy Getting – Get Unction!

There is a strange thing I have observed even in fundamental circles. It is preaching without unction. Preaching without unction kills, instead of giving life. The word does not burn unless unction is upon the preacher.

Preaching is a spiritual business. A sermon born in the head reaches the head. A sermon born in the heart reaches the heart. A spiritual preacher will under God produce spiritually-minded people. Unction is not a gentle dove beating her wings outside the bars of the preacher’s soul; rather, divine unction must be pursued and won.

Unction Is God’s Knighthood for His Soldier-Preacher

Unction cannot be learned, only earned by prayer. Unction is God’s knighthood for the soldier-preacher who has wrestled in prayer and gained the victory. Victory is not won in the pulpit by firing intellectual bullets or wisecracks but in the prayer closet. The meeting is won or lost before the preacher’s foot enters the pulpit.

Unction comes not by a bishop’s ordination, neither does it mildew when the preacher is cast into prison. Unction will pierce and percolate, it will sweeten and soften. When the hammer of logic and the fire of human zeal fail to open the stony heart, unction will succeed.

Without unctionized preachers church altars will never see anxious penitents. Supposing that we saw fishing boats with the latest in radar equipment and fishing gear launched month after month and then put out to sea only to return without a catch, what excuse would we take for this barrenness?

Yet thousands of churches see empty altars week after week and year after year and cover this sterile situation by misapplying the Scripture "My Word...shall not return unto Me void" (Isa. 55:11).

The ugly fact is that the altar fires are either out, or burning very low. The prayer meeting is dead or dying. By our attitude to prayer we tell God that what was begun in the Spirit we can finish in the flesh. What church ever asks its candidating ministers what time they spend in prayer? Ministers who do not spend significant time each day in prayer are not worth a dime a dozen, degrees or no degrees.

Who now "earnestly contends for the faith once delivered to the saints"? (Jude v. 3). Where is there unction in the pulpit? Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men. Preachers used to sow seed. Now they string intellectual pearls. Imagine a field sown with pearls!

Born in a Tomb Instead of a Womb

Away with this palsied, puerile, powerless preaching which is unmoving because it was born in a tomb instead of a womb, and nourished in a fireless, prayerless soul. We may preach and perish, but we cannot pray and perish. If God called us to the ministry, dear brethren, then I contend that we should be unctionized. With all thy getting, get unction, lest barren altars be the badge of our unctionless intellectualism.

The old masters of the pulpit got their texts on their knees, soaked them with their tears, groaned over them with a travailing spirit, warmed them with strivings in prayer – then delivered the message as a living thing, warm from God’s heart, burning in the preacher’s heart to make warm the heart of the listeners. There is no substitute for prayer. We cannot tell this highbrow generation with science-soaked intellects what our God can do. We must demonstrate the Gospel!

A praying church is a womb; a prayerless church is a tomb. A prayerless pastor is a successful failure. Revival is God’s will. The churches’ greatest need and the world’s only hope, apart from the return of our Lord is revival.

Revival can neither be taught nor bought. The Bible reveals the method. The church supplies the men. Holy Ghost intercession supplies the channel through which it comes. The delay in revival is not from God’s side. "He is able," but we are deficient, the Spirit is limited in us – "according to the power that worketh in us" (Eph. 3:20). Unless the power is in, it cannot work out. "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" (Acts 19:2).

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Prevailing in Prayer by Dr. Walter Fletcher

Prevailing in Prayer by Dr. Walter Fletcher


“In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation”(Psalm 5:3 NIV).

“Why do you pray?” someone may ask me. My answer is “I Need To Pray!” In the end, the prayers that I pray are not as important in that they change things, but that when I pray…I am changed. Does prayer really matter? This is an important question.

For many people prayer is something the religious do. By that we mean, if someone prays it suggests that they are a “religious” person. If we mean that only religious people pray, that is not necessarily accurate. Many who consider themselves non-religious pray. Equally true is the reality that many people who consider themselves religious do Not pray.

There is something built into the average person that longs to be in touch with the divine. The spirit within men and women yearns to be in contact or communion, in some way, with that which is God. To them, God is a person, or a supernatural power outside, or a force greater than themselves. This is a typical, universal urge or inquisitive desire that (unless suppressed by others or circumstances) is natural.

Early Biblical History

In reading the early record of the scriptures, we see that the original intent of God the Creator, as revealed within Himself, is that He desired fellowship. He created man and woman to relate to Him in loving, unbroken communion. This communion was first expressed in community, a union with the heart and mind of God, thereby giving expression to God’s heart, mind and will in the earth. In other words, although we do not find the word “prayer” mentioned…it certainly is implied.

Hearing, receiving and responding to God, Who is Spirit, was both encouraged and experienced.

Again, for many people, prayer is nothing more than a One-Way street sign. Even if they did believe in prayer, for them, it would be like driving down a street one way with no expectation of meeting any vehicles coming from the opposite direction. They talk to God without any expectation that they will be heard or communicated with. And yet what makes prayer both a necessity and worthwhile is that God invites personal conversation with Him. He longs to respond to our thoughts, desires and needs.

A Priority for Personal Prayer

I would place this definition as a priority for our understanding of personal prayer: “Personal prayer is a longing and the pursuit of communicating, knowing and experiencing fellowship with God.”

The psalmist expresses it this way: “Thou will make known to me the path of life. In Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)

We are given insight into what the psalmist understands about prayer:

First, prayer means to come into God’s presence. Prayer positions us before God’s presence. We must understand that God is not far from anyone who has a heart to know, love and serve Him. His presence is not only all around us, but He is present to all those who call on Him in faith.

Second, prayer is meant to be a Joyful experience! This is not a drab or dull affair with God. It is not “I’m hating this, but I know I need to pray” attitude. Rather, prayer is a desire, connecting me with my heavenly Father who knows my every longing and loves to have my company. In prayer, I find that, as someone has said, “God is easy to get along with”.

Third, there are true rewards and benefits in prayer. Apart from getting to know God through prayer, the Bible is full of the promises of God for His children. But we have to make those promises our own, claiming through prayer our heavenly inheritance as a child of God. Our Lord Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you”(Matthew 7:7).

God is neither senile nor forgetful, sitting in the sky trying to remember His promises. He is full of joy and anticipation that His child will bring Him glory by asking for those things He has provided. He rejoices in giving us those things that we require, just as any parent finds satisfaction in knowing that they are able to fulfill the need and desire of their child. Let’s remember that everything that God does for us is motivated by His love.

Copyright© Walter Fletcher Jr., 2010.

Permission is granted to reproduce this article free of charge, provided that it is not altered in its original form and content. Please direct all correspondence to

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Marks of a True Intercessor

I don't know about you, but I'm on a quest to become a more self-less pray-er, so I have been looking for something that would be sort of an "Intercessory Prayer for Dummies." My search led me to one of the Classic Christian authors on Prayer, Andrew Murray, and to his book, "The Ministry of Intercession".

Not everyone as we know, is into prayer, much less Intercessory Prayer. I've been asking myself why some are such strong and persistent prayer warriors while others are not. Andrew Murray's book shed some light on this for me the other day. In one chapter, he is extracting "the marks of an Intercessor" from Jesus' teaching on prayer in Luke 11.

He says, "...the marks of the true intercessors as the parable taught us" are:

1) A sense of the need of souls

2) A consciousness of personal impotence

3) Faith in the power of prayer

4) Courage to persevere inspite of refusal

5) The assurance of abundant reward

When I evaluate these marks in my own life, I see myself lacking, especially when it comes to "courage to persevere inspite of refusal". I'm persistent all right, but not necessarily in prayer. I guess I wonder if persistence is a matter of continuing to to ask for something to happen, how many times do you ask? I do not see God as being forgetful so I wonder why persistence is needed. Could it be that the persistence has to do with the process of refining our requests or growing our faith?

As I was finishing this chapter, I was struck by the following quote, "Shall men of the world sacrifice ease and pleasure in their pursuits, and shall we be such cowards and sluggards as not to fight our way through to the place where we can find liberty for the captive and salvation for the perishing?" Perhaps the answer to my question regarding persistence is here.

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MAC Prayer and Praise Report 10-29-10

The US Lausanne CommitteeTHE PRAISE & PRAYER REPORT forThe Mission America Coalition!--PRAISE GOD for His love, grace and mercy for His loving provision for the MA Coalition Ministries. "May we seek You, dear Lord, while You may be found; call upon You while You are near." (Jeremiah 10:6)--PRAISE GOD for His protection and provision for our MAC Team Members who traveled to South Africa for the Cape Town 2010 Congress on World Evangelization. We are grateful for His great blessing upon the meetings and the personal sharing with brothers and sisters from around the world.(Paul Cedar, Chairman/CEO)--PRAISE GOD for the momentum Cape Town has produced for our Orlando 2011 meeting.(Phil Miglioratti, MAC Nat'l. Coordinator, COO)--PRAISE GOD for churches and ministries that understand our home situation and are willing to adjust their plans for this fall. (Dallas Anderson, MAC Nat'l. Facilitator: Evangelism)--PRAISE GOD and thank you LORD for the fall with its cool temps after a summer of high heat! (Pat Allen, MAC Facilitator; Intercession)--PRAISE GOD for safe travel to Cape Town and back and for an outstanding Congress on World Evangelization. The strong messages on Truth, God's Word and Obedience helped keep the congress solidly grounded. Testimonies of victory in persecution and perseverance under suffering reminded us that we are in a battle and we need God's protection at all times. The book of Ephesians was the perfect choice for our studies in the Word. (John Quam, MAC Nat'l. Facilitator: Global Ministries/Connections & The Joshua Project)--PRAISE GOD that the Cape Town 2010 Conference demonstrated so well the progress of the Gospel since the global congress held in South Africa in 1910. 198 countries represented with the majority from what were receivingcountries at that time or completely unengaged. Today most of these are also sending countries to the rest of the world. (John Q.)--PRAISE GOD that the US breakout went well and there is great excitement for our coming together again at Orlando 2011. Pray for the design team that will put the program together. Phil leads this team with representatives from other supporting networks and the Int'l. Lausanne Committee.(John Q.)--PRAISE GOD for the blessing that was on the Lausanne Global Link Meeting at Biola University. . . good presentations and participation from students and church attendees. I was blessed to present as a team of three on Researching Your City (including Carol Davis and Biola Prof. Brad Christerson.) (Dave Imboden, MAC Nat'l. Facilitator: Global Connections)--PRAISE GOD for a significant gathering of information and inspiration from the web for both TLA's site and MAC Global . . . but please pray as posting it is sometimes the harder part. (Dave)--PRAISE GOD that our daughter, Debbie, has not had to be hospitalized with her double lung pneumonia as it was caught barely early enough. She's on her 2nd round of strong antibiotics. Please pray for God's gracious touch ofhealing and renewed strength for her. (Paul and Jeannie Cedar)--PLEASE PRAY for Phil and the planning team as we prayerfully work on the details for our MAC Annual Gathering in Orlando from April 4 - 7. We have been waiting to do serious planning until we were able to discern what the Lord was saying to us through the Cape Town 2010 meetings. (Paul)--PLEASE CONTINUE TO BE PRAYING for the Lord's gracious supply for all the funding needed for the MAC and our National Facilitators as we near the end of this ministry year. (Paul)--PLEASE PRAY for the Orlando Design Team to hear clearly (and quickly!) from the Lord as we begin to shape the spring 2011 meeting. (Phil)--PLEASE PRAY for Leslie as she continues to be on complete bed rest to prevent an early delivery of our baby. (Dallas)--PLEASE PRAY for much needed funding! (Dallas)--PLEASE PRAY for God's blessing in preparation toward the Workplace & Leadership Ministry Network meeting, Nov 16 & 17 in Atlanta, GA. (Eric Welch, MAC Nat'l. Facilitator: Ministry Networks)--PLEASE PRAY for the development of a possible new regional network for prayer here in Texas. It looks like this model might work for other applications, including MAC or LC2C. (Pat)--PLEASE PRAY for the role the Global Connections team can play in bringing mission leaders to the Orlando 2011 gathering. We believe God is leading us to re-connect many global mission leaders at that event. (John Q.)--PLEASE PRAY for good follow up and data entry of those who took the time to fill our personal and ministry information at the Global Link meeting at Biola this past week. (Dave)--PLEASE PRAY for God's continued protection over all of MAC Facilitator's families, spiritual life, ministries and finances. (Dave)"Pour out your heart before God for He can help!"Psalm 62:8The Mission America CoalitionPO Box 13930, Palm Desert, CA 9225575-105 Merle Street, Suite #400, Palm Desert, CA <<a href="">>
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Ready to Pray

Newly released, prayer workbook -

Journey of Prayer Instruction™
"…are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour?" Mark 14:37 NIV
If you or someone you know desire to go deeper in your prayer life or have ever found yourself asking these questions; "How can I intercede on behalf of another?" "Does God hear my prayers?" "How do I press through when I do not feel like praying?" scheduling or attending this study/workshop will move you to a new level in, Christ. For more information go to

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Prayer: from milk to solid food

In her book, Live a Praying Life, Jennifer Kennedy Dean refers to some major misconceptions about prayer. The first of these is that prayer is only for material needs. This really resonated with me, especially since material needs-based prayer so often dominates prayer in our churches, in our small groups, and in our lives.

Jennifer points out that this type of prayer is not wrong, but that it is not meant to be the dominant theme of our praying lives. God already knows our needs, and he delights in meeting them - he is not a reluctant Provider who needs to be convinced through much travail to meet our needs. After all, he provides for the sparrows, and he values us much more highly.

Jennifer shows that Jesus taught that this type of prayer is the very simplest kind of prayer. I'm reminded of the reference in Hebrews 5:12 to milk vs. solid food. In that case, the writer was talking about the truths of God's word. Some truth is elementary - foundational, but not meant to be the end of our learning. A math major can't stop with Algebra; similarly, Christ-followers at some point must advance beyond the elementary teachings to more complex truths - what the author refers to as "solid food".

I wonder if prayer might be the same way. We begin by asking God for the simple, elementary things. Like a child asking his parents for toys or candy, we start with the mundane, the things that are right in front of us. But any child who grows to have faith in his parent's wisdom and love eventually starts asking harder things, like advice in difficult situations. Similarly, as our faith in God grows, maybe we need to be asking the more difficult things - like imploring God to grow the character of Christ in us or to produce in us the fruit of the Spirit.

As I look at the prayers of Paul for the churches, I don't see any prayers regarding material needs. I'm certain that Paul himself prayed for material things - like the removal of his thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). But it seems like this type of concern did not dominate Paul's life. He seems to have spent himself in prayer over the spiritual needs of the churches to whom he wrote. Jesus also taught us to pray for our material needs, entrusting them to the Father. But if you look at the Lord's prayer, only one line is devoted to this.

It seems to me that Scripture is teaching us somewhat of a progression of prayer. All analogies break down at some point, and I don't think we advance past praying for material needs in the same way that the writer to the Hebrews expected the readers to advance past the elementary truths. But surely we get to a point where our concerns mature along with our faith, and surely this should be reflected in our praying lives.

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Our pastors and ministry leaders continue to humble before our Heavenly Father and each other in prayer. The focus of our prayer is upon the compassion of Jesus Christ from where His death on the Cross paid for our eternal salvation. It is His compassion that saves us and He has commanded that we express it to each other.

We believe God our Father is calling us to recognize each other as more than members of differing church institutions. We are the family of God, brothers and sisters through Christ, and demonstrate Him, not only in a physical building or structure, but His people as a whole, the Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood.

In the early 2nd Century AD, St. Ignatius of Antioch, commending the church at Ephesus, wrote:

It is fitting that you should run together…for your justly renowned presbyters,… are fitted as strings are to the harp. Therefore, in your concord and harmonious love, Jesus Christ is sung. You should become a choir, so that being harmonious in love, and taking up the song of God in unison, you may with one voice sing to the Father through Jesus Christ, so that He may both hear you and perceive by your words that you are indeed the members of His Son. It is profitable, therefore, that you should live in blameless unity, so that you may always enjoy communion with God.[1]

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. John 17:21

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Eph 4:4-6.

In His Grace,
Pastor Chris Skeens
The Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood

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October 2010

Intercessors Note

NewIRMLogoForteZANegative 2

I don’t often share with you the actual words of people who have received the ministry we offer, but I think you deserve to “rejoice with those who rejoice.” Again, these people are saying this because you have prayed and your prayers have mattered!

Here are just a few of the great comments from the two seminars I did on the East Coast Oct 15-18.

• After the first night I woke up the next morning with a whole different outlook on the Lord's Prayer. I have already found myself in a more personal relationship with Jesus. – James, Attleboro, MA

• This seminar has caused me to re-think my relationship with my Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It has stirred my heart to remember and respond to the words of Jesus Christ. – Steve, Attleboro, MA

• This seminar was excellent! I felt as though I was really being taught by Jesus! The Lord’s Prayer was something in the back of my mind – good, but something I really hadn’t looked at in a long time. This made the prayer come alive and renewed my understanding and commitment to using this prayer on a daily basis. I look forward to growing in my relationship to Christ though this study. – Tammie, Rhode Island

• This seminar has been tremendous. I have never thought about how much the Lord’s Prayer should be used as our guide to effective praying. After the first day it has changed my prayer life. I appreciated the very practical suggestions and how we can do this on a daily basis. – Darlene, Rhode Island

Also the coaching time in Providence was very good. A total of 5 multi-hour meetings! Two key city leaders; the leadership team of Love RI; that leadership team plus the leaders of the RI area Prayer Summit; with 30 key pastors who are working with Love RI; and finally a debrief with the leader of Love RI. Much was accomplished during these hours together.

Finally, after I was at the prayer retreat in Spokane, the pastor posted the following note on his Facebook page. “An amazing, amazing, amazing, prayer retreat.” Yea God! To Him be all the glory!

  1. calendar 2

Over the next month I will be traveling much! Please pray for both me and Marilyn as I travel and for the following three items.

  • • Nov 8-18 – (less travel days) I will be leading another prayer journey to Israel.

•Nov 18-27 – (less travel days) I will be teaching at the Torchbearers school in Sweden.


Dennis Fuqua

International Renewal Ministries

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It was all happened during the summer of 1984 during the Olympics in Los Angeles, California. Prayer meetings for the city and for the evangelization of the lost that would come to LA from all over the world formed several weeks before the Olympics. Intercessary prayer groups were organized between over 1600 churches all over the world who agreed to pray for the city of Los Angeles before, during and after the olympics.

John Dawson documents this in his book, "Taking Our Cities for God" on pages 72-75. John Dawson had a friend who was active in the police chaplaincy during the Olympic outreach. The day came when his chaplaincy program organized a visit to the county morgue. It was there they met the county coroner and he gave them the vital statisitcs of what happens at the morgue rountinely.

The coroner reported that, on an average day, they received 78 bodies of persons who had died that day. He went on to say that many of them died from vioent crimes. John Dawson's friend asked the coroner if there ever was a time when the statistics changed significantly.

The coroner immediately gave an exciitng reply, "Yes,' he replied, 'During the two weeks of the Olympics we did not have one murder reported!"

What might happen if we gather together at First Baptist Litchfield one week from tonight to intercede for our lost friends and our schoools and churches? What would happen if we saw God begin a prayer movement that would sweep through our state in the high schools and in the churches? Could it possibly happen that God would use such a beginning prayer meeting to fuel hundreds of our students to become intercessors for the glory of God to be known once again in our world?

I for one am going to Litchfield to intercede with many other students who will join us for an evening of intercession and worship. I hope you will come and bring others with you. Eight days to Refuel

See you at the altar at FBC Litchfield,

Phil Nelson

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Rebuilding Hope for Today

Rebuilding Hope for TodayOctober 28th, 2010 by Dave KubalSee if these sound familiar:* “America will not recover.”* “By such-and-such date there will be another economic meltdown.”* “You don’t find the U.S. in End-Times scriptures, so surely we will not survive.”* “This is the beginning of the end.”Prophetic half-truths abound these days, and lack a full presentation of the scriptures. God’s immutable Word clearly states that we join him in shaping history. “If my people…” (2 Chr. 7:14), “If the nation I warn repents…I will relent” (Jer. 18:8), “God saw… how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion” (Jonah 3:10), “If you can find but one person…” (Jer. 5:1).The effects of cloudy half-truths often paralyze the Church. Survival experts will tell you the most important aspect of survival in dire times is to have hope. Silence and passivity are signs that the Church is losing hope for our country. This certainly cannot be the heart of God. In fact, God encouraged his people to “pray for the city” where he carried them into exile, that they might have peace and prosperity (Jer. 29:7).Our God desires to dispense mercy. Yes, justice is foundational to his character, but Scripture assures us that just one turned heart can turn God’s heart. Just one person’s prayer can turn his heart toward compassion. He is always looking to see if our hearts are aligned with his and interceding on behalf of his people. He delights in demonstrating his love.Do not let hopelessness paralyze you!Continue to believe that God has a plan and destiny for this country. Continue to pray and intercede for God’s will to be done. He wants us to join him in his plan for every nation and this world.One person, praying with humility, can turn the heart of God and invite his deliverance.Will it be you?You will never know unless you try.
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Prayer Warriors In the Worklplace

There are so many people in the workplace that is suffering. Not that we don't know this. When fellow co-workers come to you and release their fears and their fustrations, what do you do with this information. I challenge all of God's children to not only listen but to be so concern that we bow upon our knees before the throne of grace on their behalf. So often we listen but don't realize the power we have in prayer to change or even to help them to find peace in these uncertain times.

People are so burden. They are looking for answers. Tell them about Jesus Christ. Tell them about the one that has lifted your bowed down head. Tell them about Jesus your Great Intercessor.

If this touches your heart, join with me in becoming a Prayer Warrior in Your Workplace.



Witness for Jesus Christ

Walking In Truth Newness Edifying, Speaking, Serving for Jesus Christ

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Pray for Taiwan

Monday afternoon,a student at National Taiwan College of Physical Education (PE College) in Taichung was in a freakaccident. Part of a cell tower fell from a high rise, hit him and killedhim instantly. He was not a believer. The students are in shock anddisbelief. Pray for students and his family in this time of loss, thatGod will give them HIS peace and comfort.Pray that believers on campuscan assist those who are uncertain about after death issues.Thanks for praying.
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A Fermented Life

Many people feel disappointed in prayer when life brings disappointment and difficulty. I have had this question addressed to me time and time again, in one form or another: “If prayer really works, then why did this happen hard, disappointing experience happen to me?”

Let me remind you of the purpose of prayer: Prayer is the conduit through which thepower and provision of God flow into the circumstances of earth. Prayer is NOT a mantra or a set of magic “abra-cadabra” words that will transform all of life into a fairy tale that you author. Prayer is bigger and better than that. Through prayer, God is working in your life to accomplish all of His purpose
for you and for others in your life and for generations to follow. Some of that purpose is accomplished through difficulty. What you can be sure of is this:God will not allow any circumstance into your life that has purpose other than for your benefit. All of His plans for you are good, and all of His plans for you are designed to give you a future and a hope.

From Vessel to Vessel

“Moab has been at ease since his youth;He has also been undisturbed, like wine on its dregs,And he has not been emptied from vessel to vessel,Nor has he gone into exile.Therefore he retains his flavorAnd his aroma has not changed” (Jer. 48:11, New American Standard Bible)

The Scripture is the living Word of God, so even thosepassages addressed to a particular audience in a specific time regarding aunique event have layers of meaning. Even those passages that are spoken withinthe context of time echo into eternity, speaking fresh truth to God’s people inany given moment.

This passage is describing the nation of Moab regardingsituation framed in time. But it speaks to me through the present Voice of theLiving God.

God says that Moab has been left undisturbed. He isdescribing what a person is like who has never been challenged and forced toface disappointment or disruption of his life. He is like wine on its dregs.Wine left to sit on its dregs becomes bitter and harsh. It is unpalatable. Itis useless.

The art of winemaking involves stages. A wine must be movedfrom vessel to vessel along the way. Each stage of winemaking requires a vesselof different size, shape, and construction. Each stage accomplishes somethingdifferent for the final product—the wine that is becoming. At each stage, thedregs have settled to the bottom and must be strained out to prevent the ruinof the wine. The stage at which a wine must be emptied from one vessel toanother is not a static and predictable period. Only the winemaker can tell.

God, the Great Winemaker, is fermenting a rich and perfectwine in you. Do you feel yourself being emptied from vessel to vessel? You getused to the shape and the feel of your life, and then find yourself beingemptied out. During part of the process, you have been poured out, but notpoured in yet. You know that your old vessel has been emptied out, but you donot feel yourself having arrived in a new vessel yet. There is a transitionperiod, a pouring. It is disorienting and uncertain. Then you find yourselfpoured into a life of a completely different shape and size and made up of newmaterials. It is new to you and it doesn’t feel like it fits.

Learn the ways of the Winemaker. Don’t be discouraged orfrightened when the shape of your life and the construction of your days seemto be changing. God will not let you sit on your dregs. Unlike Moab, you willnot stay in the same place. You will not be locked into your immaturity,retaining the same aroma as in your youth. He is ripening you, fermenting you,enriching you.

Rejoice! You are being emptied from vessel to vessel.

Adapted from Fueled by Faith by Jennifer Kennedy Dean.
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Prayers to Strengthen Your Inner Being

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strength you with power through the spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (Ephesians 3:16).Inner strength - It’s what we all need! In times of change in my own life, I have found that inner strength from God is the only thing that sustains me. We all need strength for daily life, but where do we get it?When unexpected things happen in your outer life, what sustains you on the inside?Well, it’s certainly not TV or facebook. It’s got to be something more, something far deeper. God wants to build spiritual muscles in us that can overcome the world on a daily basis. He wants us to be able to react quickly to adverse circumstances.We are presently visiting my husband’s family in New York. It was a long, tiring journey just to get here for the holiday weekend, but we finally made it. One day we went out to lunch to celebrate the occasion and were driving back to their country trailer. It looked like the safest place to drive - no cars, good weather conditions, and a beautiful country road. But was it?Suddenly without any warning a mail car pulled out of a side street right into our lane. My husband, though extremely tired, in a split second veered into the oncoming lane to keep from hitting the car. Fortunately no cars were coming in our direction and we missed hitting the mail car by a fraction of an inch!The mailman was not looking. He was probably in a hurry to finish his route because of the holiday weekend. There could have been a big accident. It could have cost us our car, our health, our time, everything. But Norm was alert and able to steer out of the way in a second. He was alert on the inside. He had the INNER STRENGTH AND ALERTNESS to drive carefully on an ordinary day with no foreseen danger even though he was tired. And it paid off.So many people are like that mailman. They are going through life without carefully watching. They are busy doing things that don’t really matter, things that don’t count for eternity. They foolishly live for today without thinking or preparing for eternity. Perhaps you have neighbors or co-workers just like that. Ones that sit back, eating and drinking, but are unaware of the serious danger ahead. Failing to cultivate their inner spirit in Christ, when hard times come they collapse under the pressure.We recently relocated to Kansas City and live 5 miles from the International House of Prayer. Recently major evangelical prayer leaders from around the U.S. led the prayer room for 66 hours. It was fantastic - it brought unity among the denominations - it united the generations, young and old. These prayer leaders were alert and watchful, so aware of the times we are facing, and it brought courage to the multitudes of young people who are living on this mission’s base.The young people did the same to the older by contributing so much zeal and enthusiasm in prayer and worship. I am so challenged by the young people here because they are watchful, they are praying (many 4 hours daily), and they are alert to the hour we are living in. The combination of this multi-generational prayer focus brought great strength and momentum to the prayer movement. It brought INNER STRENGTH to everyone!Yesterday the storm clouds rolled in. At night my husband and I went for a walk, and he took a picture of the turbulent sky across the background of the lush green trees blowing wildly in the wind. It was an ominous sight and quite unusual and unexpected for this time of year. You are I are in serious days where it is absolutely necessary that we build up our inner being in Christ. We read the Bible and know that we are facing the end-times head-on. Storm winds are blowing all over the world. We must be prepared and ready for any unforeseen emergencies that come our way. We must be God’s watchmen in fervent, united prayer.This is not a time to be alarmed but to be strengthened on the inside. It’s not a time to sit back and watch it all happen before us, but we must strengthen and increase our prayer life. Passivity does not bring peace. We are God’s watchmen in prayer for such a time as this. It’s time to build up our inner being in the love of Christ. Intercessor, it is your greatest hour. You were born for such a time as this. It’s time to rise to the heights and live full lives, full in the fullness of God!But how do you and I build our self up in our inner being? How can we be strengthened with power?Prayers to Strengthen You on the Inside“And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19-20, Message Bible).The following are prayers you can pray to strength your inner being. I will use the acrostic FELLOWSHIP, because it’s all about fellowship and intimacy with God. This is our highest calling in life. Take hold of this and apply these prayers to your personal life on a regular basis. Build your spiritual muscles that will last, not only for this life, but for all of eternity. These prayers, adapted from Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer, will strengthen your inner being:Fear of God - “Lord, release the spirit of the fear of the Lord into my heart. Strike my heart with Your majesty, Your power, Your glory, (name other attributes of God). Unite my heart to Your heart to fear Your name (Psalm 86:11). May my delight be in the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:3).”Endurance - “Father, strengthen my spirit with endurance and patience so that I may do Your will and endure any test that I am facing with Your joy (name any trial that is tempting you to quit) (Colossians 1:11). Direct my heart into the patient endurance of Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5). Impart to me Your zeal (John 2:17).Love - “Lord, I want to experience Your love. Pour it into my heart and give me revelation of Your love for me. Let it overflow back to You. Direct my heart into Your love (2 Thessalonians 3:5, Romans 5:5), and set me as a seal on Your heart (Song 8:6-7). Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matthew 22:37). Teach me to abide in Your love, and help me to abound in love toward others (John 15:9, 1 Thessalonians 3:12).”Light of Glory - “Lord, show me the light of Your glory. I want to encounter You on a deeper level. Lift up the light of Your countenance on me, and cause Your face to shine on me (Psalm 4:6, 80:3). Send out Your light and truth. Let them lead me and bring me to Your holy hill (Psalm 43:3). Open my eyes to see everything from Your perspective.”One Thing Life Focus - “Lord, I choose to be a person of one thing. I choose to sit at Your feet. Align my life circumstances so that I can keep focused on You. Let me behold Your beauty (Psalm 27:4). Help me to pray Your Word and dialogue with You as I read it. Teach me to mediate and set You always before me (Psalm 16:8).Worthy and faithful - “Lord, I want to be faithful to You all my life. Strengthen me to be faithful. Consider me worthy to walk in my highest calling in this age and the age to come (2 Thessalonians 1:11).”Sanctify me - “Lord, sanctify me completely. May my spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless without compromise at the coming of our Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Establish my heart blameless in holiness (1 Thessalonians 3:13). Set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over the door of my lips (Psalm 141:3). Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You (Psalm 19:14).”Humility - “Lord, I want to learn to walk in lowliness and humility of heart. Teach me humility in my attitudes, my speech, and my actions (Matthew 11:29). I want to consider others as more important than myself and look on their interests. Let Your attitude of humility be in me (Philippians 2:3-6). I thank You for Your wonderful example and bless Your holy name.”Insight and wisdom - “Lord, I ask for insight into your Word, will, and ways. I want to partner with you in every area of my life including my finances, physical body, schedule, emotions, fears, circumstances, relationships, and future. I pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You (Ephesians 1:17). Fill me with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that I may have a walk worthy of the Lord (Colossians 1:9-10).Peace and Joy - “Lord, I pray that you would strengthen me with supernatural peace and joy that overpowers fear and anxiety. May your peace guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Fill me with all joy and hope in believing, that I may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).”When you feel a sense of alarm because of all that is happening around you, it is not a time to panic. Simply get down on your knees, lay all your concerns before the Lord in an act of worship and surrender, and strengthen your inner man by praying these prayers. Arise strong in God’s Spirit! Out of His glorious riches He has strengthened you with power through the spirit in your inner being. Remember God can do anything!“God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us” (Ephesians 3:20-21).To view this article or send it to your friends - PrzybylskiIntercessors Arisedeb@intercessorsarise.org
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A Little-Celebrarted Special Day

The coming week contains a very special day and it is not Halloween. October 30 is National Forgiveness Day. Begun in 1998, some attempts were made to change the name to Global Forgiveness Day and there are those who refer to it as that. The stated purpose of the day is: “To create an awareness and understanding of the power of love and the joy of forgiveness in producing good health, happiness, and stress-free living in the lives of individuals and our home, work, and worship environments.” Various organizations will try to encourage people this week to “take the pledge of forgiveness.” In His Model Prayer, our Lord instructed us to both ask for forgiveness and grant forgiveness (Matthew 6:12; Luke 11:4). Of all people, who but Christians should celebrate a day of forgiveness? Not only should it be a Christian day, but everyday should be a day of forgiveness. I challenge you to spend some time this week preparing for Saturday. Perhaps make a list. Then take some time Saturday to both ask for forgiveness and grant forgiveness.

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Tracking with Lausanne III

As a staff member of the Mission America Coalition, I work closely with John Quam and MAC's Global Connections. While John, and a number of MAC staff are either delegates to or serving in Cape Town, I'm back in the US - observing, praying and participating from afar through the many reports, videos, articles and blogs flowing from the various Lausanne addresses and group sessions.

If you haven't plugged in yet, here are a number of links to get you started:

Enough for now ... let's pray! Lord of the Harvest, via Cape Town 2010, may your harvest force be exponentially blessed with people & opportunity connections, partnerships, encouragements, insights and refreshing from your throne. May the unreached and least evangelized peoples of the world be blessed with church planting teams, Bible translators, gospel recordings, Jesus Video & God's Story translations and especially persistent intercession. May the poor, afflcted and persecuted among your people be assisted, cared for and prayed over. May the lost in every city, town and village be found through the thrusting out of freshly anointed believers, and may these be effectively engrafted into caring, equipping, local churches. Finally, may your global Church grow increasingly sensitive to the opportunity and obligation to worship and work cross-culturally with your "multi-cultural" bride for the greatest expression of Your global glory!

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Town wide Prayer Rally

Be in prayer for a prayer rally I am putting on .

It is friday the 22 from 5:30 pm till 6:pm.

This little town is really just a community that incoperated back in he late 70's to sell alcohol,and thus some could get rich.

Well they found out that it took a lot of money to run a beer store and soon the locals closed up shop only to let the bigger chains come in and the 'money went out of town'.

Now this community is at a crossroads sales taxes are down and the liquer stores are closing (surrounding towns going wet).

And I just felt that there were several families who have been praying for a change and a chance to grow as a town with housing and buisiness and such!!!.

I felt led to tell the mayor he should have a prayer rally to spur a desire to get busy and instill hope in the hearts of the residence's to follow thru wuth there dreams and allow God to be 1st and let Him guide their actions.

Watch what God will do !!!!!!!!!

I believe it and ask you join us in prayer for this town.

Thank You.

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