The coming week contains a very special day and it is not Halloween. October 30 is National Forgiveness Day. Begun in 1998, some attempts were made to change the name to Global Forgiveness Day and there are those who refer to it as that. The stated purpose of the day is: “To create an awareness and understanding of the power of love and the joy of forgiveness in producing good health, happiness, and stress-free living in the lives of individuals and our home, work, and worship environments.” Various organizations will try to encourage people this week to “take the pledge of forgiveness.” In His Model Prayer, our Lord instructed us to both ask for forgiveness and grant forgiveness (Matthew 6:12; Luke 11:4). Of all people, who but Christians should celebrate a day of forgiveness? Not only should it be a Christian day, but everyday should be a day of forgiveness. I challenge you to spend some time this week preparing for Saturday. Perhaps make a list. Then take some time Saturday to both ask for forgiveness and grant forgiveness.
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