Asking for prayers for a team that will depart tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 8) to Zimbabwe to minister and teach. We will return on, Tuesday, Nov. 16. Would appreciate your prayers.
- Safe air travel
- Timely connections
- Team to connect spiritually and to flow in unity during time together
- All luggage and supplies to arrive with the team
- Favor in customs in South Africa and Zimbabwe
- Safe ground travel while in Africa
- Physical health, no motion sickness, no food sickness, etc.
- Adjustment to climate
- Adjustment to food
- Favor with the Pastors and those we will minister with
- God's anointing on the services
- Salvations
- Deliverances
- Safe and comfortable lodging in South Africa and Zimbabwe
- Spiritual discernment while traveling
- Financial needs for the trip abundantly met
We truly appreciate your prayers. Personally, I will represent, Christ as the other members and I will represent, Stonecroft Ministries - taking Stonecroft Bible Studies and sharing the Gospel of Jesus.