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Understanding and Leading a Solemn Assembly

This is by no means an exhaustive treatment of the topic, but I have prepared some helps that may assist you or those you work with in guiding a solemn assembly. I'm attaching a file developed in conjunction with other Southern Baptist prayer leaders.

How to Lead a Solemn Assembly


The link below is to an album with 8 video clips about solemn assemblies. Feel free to share with others as you may be led.

Solemn Assembly

Solemn Assembly

About this album:
"Solemn assemblies are times for God's people to renew their covenant relationship with Him. This series of videos by Claude King is designed to help spiritual leaders understand the meaning and nature of solemn assemblies. Claude also shares insights on ways leaders can facilitate a people in their return to the Lord through a solemn assembly. If you have questions, go to his video blog at and post a comment or question."

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From Pursuing the Christ by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

“I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. I will establish and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be My people.”
—Ezekiel 37:26–27

The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.
—John 1:14

God with us, Immanuel, Your stated purpose for Your Incarnation and all that it entailed—Your birth, Your crucifixion, Your resurrection, Your ascension, the sending of Your Spirit—was to establish peace.

You are the  peace. The peace You offer is not something separate fromYourself. The peace You offer is entirely based on who You are. Who You are is all that matters.

When Your messenger came to Mary, as recorded in Luke 1, Your message was a bit unsettling: “Do not fear. I am about to upend your life and make you centerstage for My divine drama, but do not fear.” Mary had one question: “How can this be?” (v. 34). You had one answer: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (v. 35). Mary wanted to know how, but You only told her who.

“Our faith does not provide us with an answer, but with a Person. When Mary sought an explanation, what she got was a revelation,”  Brantley reminds me Dean.according to my son Brantley.

I imagine how Mary  might have reacted   had You explained to her Mary  the how of Your plan. How would  I respond to the most complex explanation of the most intricate matter regarding a subject of which I am wholly ignorant?   That would sound like baby talk compared to an explanation about how You would come as a little baby fashioned in the womb of a virgin. The how would not have brought peace to Mary’s heart, but the who caused a peace that surpassed understanding to stand guard over her heart (Philippians 4:7).

When anxiety tries to lay claim to my thoughts, when fear seeks a foothold in my mind, when confusion threatens to make a stand in my heart, I look to You, I seek Your face. You are all the antidote I need to anything that might steal my peace.

You will keep in perfect peace
the mind that is dependent on You,
for it is trusting in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
because in Yah, the Lord, is an everlasting rock!
—Isaiah 26:3–4

You came to me. You, the Unknowable made Yourself known.The Invisible made Yourself visible. The Invulnerable made Yourself vulnerable. The Unapproachable approached.

No frantic seeking was required. No ceremonies and rituals were necessary. You, for whom our souls long, have eternally been longing for us. With all our anxious looking about, You were always there. Your presence is peace.

I found You in the spaces in between
I found You in the dark and not the light
I looked for You in drama
In the earthquake and the fire
And found You in the quiet,
You were waiting for me there.
I looked for You in miracles
In the loud, in voices raised
I looked for You in gatherings
In signs, in prayer and praise
But I found you in the gentle breeze
The still small voice, the darkened cave.

I found you in the spaces
Between sleeping and awake
I found you in the waiting
The worry, in the fear
I found You in the sleepless night
I found You in despair
I found You in the questions
No loud answers anywhere
I found You in the silence
Silence full not silence void
I found You in the spaces
You were looking for me there.

—poem by Rachel Holley,   © 2007

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Sure hope you are having a joyous Christmastime!

A family update:

  • Carol and I spend the holidays with Jennie and JJ, Macie and Preston in Myrtle Beach (don’t be jealous if you are in a cold winter city … temperatures in the 50′s and down to the 30′s await us)
  • Jorie and Tim, Sophia and Addison (and their dog, Louie) moved to Austin, Texas during Christmas week (Tim sent us video clips as he and Louie drove from California)
  • We celebrated early with our parents and Chicago family

A ministry update:

  • Planning for Orlando 2011 is increasing speed – only 3 months to go and dozens of affinity consultations (breakout groups) and main session presenters still to be indentified and invited ~ Please pray for me to lead this process with wisdom and excellence …


  • A simple breakfast meeting and another conversation over hot chocolate two hours later hold great promise for collaboration ~ pray for the Lord’s continued guidance for possibilities for Loving Our Communities to Christ and Church collaboration around Chicagoland and across the nation …
  • I’ve been asked to be a contributing author/blogger to a new website – The 6:4 Fellowship – Pastors Committed to Prayer and the Ministry of the Word – Launching soon for pastors to recognize the vital relationship between the ministry of the word (pounded in at seminary!) and prayer (not pounded in anywhere). I am honored to be on the team led by Pastor Jim Cymbala ~ pray I find time and critical resources for this important new site.

Blessings, as I listen to Beach-Boy-sounding, Lord-praising, “God Vibrations” … “God has given joy to the world!”


Hot off the Press! New MAC Ministry Report Available
Read about some of the work that God is doing through the Mission America Coalition and its partners in the new 2010 Ministry Report. Download PDF
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“Father, the time has come…”

“Is there anybody else praying?” This question came from an incredible prayer warrior who called the office recently, admitting that she felt dejected and alone. Telling her about the thousands who intercede for the nation, our staff had the privilege to spend the next 30 minutes encouraging this dear lady in the Lord. When the phone call ended, she knew the assurance of unity and joy.

This is exactly what Jesus prayed for the disciples in John 17. He realized that God’s protection is foundational for both unity and joy. His first request for the disciples in verse 11 was, “Holy Father, keep (protect) ... those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.” Protection from what? Protection from discouragement and anything that limits our effectiveness. He continued the prayer in verse 13 by asking that we might experience the full measure of His joy. He knew that the lives of His disciples, His intercessors, would be difficult—even impossible—without our Holy Father’s provision of protection, unity, and joy.

It could be easy to understand unity as a result of joy, but in reality the two are mutually dependent. This is found in verse 22, which is often overlooked, but very important.  We have a chance at unity because “the glory which [the Father] gave [Jesus]” has been given to us, “that [we] may be one.” Experiencing God’s glory through each other is critical. Unity and joy are two sides to the same coin, and God’s glory is the source of both.

Protection, joy, unity. As we consider how we are to intercede for our country this year, I challenge you to consider these foundational elements in the life of an intercessor. Ask yourself two questions: 1) Are you experiencing joy? 2) Are you experiencing unity with the body of Christ? Your answers may indicate the level of your need to pray for God’s protection.

I challenge you to pursue joy and unity with great effort. Like the faithful intercessor who called our office, take joy in the knowledge that your burden to pray is not an isolated task. You are not alone. While Jesus kept His team of disciples encouraged by His presence on earth, He prayed for believers to connect in Spirit-filled fellowship in His physical absence.

That day has come. Let’s ask that God’s destiny for our country would unfold through the unified prayers of His Church. Take time this year to pray for protection, experience His joy, and pursue unity in the Body.

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It Seems To Me ...

It Seems to Me . . . PDF Print E-mail

. . . we may talk too much when we pray. Or not enough.

As I was preparing for a week-long trip out of town, I peeked ahead on the daily cartoon calendar we have in our kitchen. On the back of each day's cartoon, is a riddle or a trivia item or, and this is what grabbed my attention, a statistic: "Every day, women speak 7,000 words; men 2,000." More unmistakable evidence that men are from Mars and women come from Venus. The Church has applied this statistic in marriage counseling for both not-yet and long-ago couples and in training leaders of mixed gender small groups with good results. This gender-based communication reality is helpful in building healthy marriages and balanced ministries.

But, as I headed out the door for the airport, I began to think of how this 7,000 versus 2,000 word count impacts prayer in our churches.

Do some women use more words than men (and thereby take longer time) when they offer a prayer? Do some men stay home from prayer meetings or avoid prayer groups or remain silent during group prayers because they perceive themselves as having a smaller vocabulary than women? Does the word count disparity also indicate a different tone or approach to praying? Are some men more reluctant to pray aloud because, well, they are also reluctant to speak-up in normal social conversation? If women answer in paragraphs, are men who talk in headlines too uncomfortable to actively participate? Does each gender pray differently when in mixed gender prayer situations than in all-women or all-men settings? Does it matter? Is this an insightful statistic or a simplistic steortype?

While it is possible this male/female differentiation has only minimal relevance to corporate (or even personal) praying, the questions ought to be asked. Behaviors should to be observed. Discussions, even debates, could be beneficial. Admittedly, observation is anecdotal and not scientific research but as a part of the prayer facilitator's skill-set, it helps him or her discern a possible cause for an ebb and flow of a prayer group. (Is there equal participation? Are only a few persons dominating the praying? Is it a good time to move into pairs or small groups? Has someone spoken too much [female or male] or not at all?) If a particular group or congregation exhibits gender-based differences, prayer coordinators can create gender-specific prayer groups (such as a Saturday morning men's prayer breakfast) or encourage small group leaders to divide men and women periodically during the time devoted to corporate prayer at their group meeting.

To be clear, these descriptors are merely numbers describing overall differences. Persons who use 7,000 words a day should not aspire to speak only 2,000 (though some husbands might disagree with me) nor should 2,000-a-day speakers start employing long monologues when headlines are adequate (I know, ladies, headlines are not adequate in building and maintaining close relationships). My point is simply that as leaders of prayer meetings-groups-events, we must be listening to more than the content of those we are praying with. We must be aware of whatever might be inhibiting participation, even gender traits, so the experiences we design feel inviting to every person . . . because it seems to me some of us may talk too much when we pray. Or not enough.

Phil Miglioratti
Curhch Prayer Leader Network & Pray! Network

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Leadership Consultation on Evangelization

Convened by The U.S. Lausanne Committee / Mission America Coalition
April 4-7, Orlando

US MtgOn Sunday afternoon of the last day at the Lausanne Cape Town 2010 Congress, participants gathered according to country into breakout sessions. The Mission America Coalition team helped coordinate the U.S. meeting and cast vision for a spring gathering in the United Sates that would bring those delegates together with hundreds of MAC / U.S. Lausanne Committee partners and other Christian leaders. The purpose of this gathering is to bring together practitioners, academic leaders, mission strategists, pastors, evangelists - all who carry a burden for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform neighbors and neighborhoods, nations and corporations.

Fueled by the glorious gathering of the Church in Cape Town, MAC partners, Cape Town 2010 participants, and leaders from the cities of America will come together for a catalytic consultation on evangelization. We will be in listening mode and learning mode: seeking the mind of Christ on how to reshape our efforts at evangelizing our home nation and looking for ways to partner with the global Church in reaching the nations with the message of Christ. Take advantage of early-bird registration rates at Then, help us shape the meeting that will shape the future - add your ideas and insights at

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Faith Ministry

I am thankful for the victory that Jesus Christ won on the cross. I renew my faith in the power of His resurrection to give me overcoming grace, Because I am sealed with the Lord Jesus Christ in heavenly places. I now declare that all principalities and powers and wicked spirit are subject to me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Heavenly Father. I am thankful for the complete armor you have provided. I put on the girdle of truth,

the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals of peace, the helmet of salvation, I lift up the shield of

faith against all the fiere darts of the enemy. I take in my hand the sword of the spirit, the word of God.

guide me today throught your word against all the forces of evil. I wear your whole armor in full assurance of your total protection.

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Dearest ,
Thanks for your mail.
How are you dear? I hope fine.
Mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal.
As i told you in my last mail that I'm living in the refugee camp at the moment, in this camp we are not allowed to go out , unless otherwise.
It's just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.
I don't have any relatives now whom I can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person I have now is Rev.Simon Jude who is the pastor of the
(Christ for all Churches) here in the camp and he is the owner of this computer where I send and receive mails from you, he has been very nice to me since I came here but I am not living with him rather I am living in the females hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.

The Pastors Tel number is (00221-766476891)i will like you to call me with this number if you call tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me ,
As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.
I want to go back to my studies because I only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.
Please listen to this,I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Europe which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $2.7m
(Two Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars).

So I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.
So in the light of above I will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for I am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.

Remember i am giving you all this information now due to the trust I deposed in you. Your thoughts is a good example of whom you are. I like honest and understanding people,truthful and a man of vision,truth, hardworking and God fearing.My favorite language is English meanwhile i will like you to call me, i have alto to tell you .
Waiting to hear from you soonest.

Yours lovely,

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When the King Became a Servant

On that night in a stable in Bethlehem, from earth’s view, a baby was born. From heaven’s view, You, God the Son, voluntarily left Your rightful place on the universe’s throne, left the riches and the unimaginable glory that were Your own possessions, left the sound of praise and worship that surrounded You day and night—left it all to be with us.
What must that moment have been like? When heaven’s great Treasure shed His kingly grandeur and donned mere clay, did the angels for a moment hold their breath and look on in astonishment? When He who was from the beginning took upon Himself the form of a servant, did the eternal realm halt—just for a heartbeat—and stand speechless with wonder? When the King of kings exchanged His majestic robes for swaddling clothes, surely it was the most beautiful, awe-inspiring moment in all eternity.
On earth, it was a little-noticed event. A young peasant couple and a few poor shepherds were the only witnesses to an ordinary birth in an ordinary place at an ordinary time. No pomp or ceremony. No grand announcement to a waiting crowd. No dancing in the streets.
In the heavens, that which looked ordinary from the earth was the spark for unparalleled celebration (Hebrews 1:6). It was something never before seen and never to be seen again—when the King became a servant.

From Pursuing the Christ by Jennifer Kennedy Dean
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Christmas Forever Changed

It was in a tiny church in a tiny German town. Thirty-five tourists, looking for a place to pray, happened upon a small group of German Christians rehearsing their Christmas music. Seated on hard wooden pews, in a chapel that seated maybe fifty worshippers, we listened, few of us understanding the words, but all of us recognizing the tunes. Christmas tunes came from a long-used guitar. Christmas words flowed from untrained, but sincere voices. Then came the very familiar. The original lyrics of Stille Nacht, were written in German by an unknown Austrian priest, Joseph Mohr, the music by Austrian musician Franz Gruber, not known outside of his Austrian village. It would be two years later when the song was first performed on Christmas Eve, 1818, accompanied only by a guitar, No known celebrity performed it that night, nor was it preformed in some great concert hall, but at a Midnight Mass in St. Nicholas Church. It would be more than forty years before Silent Night would be translated into English. Now recorded by over 300 artists and sung globally by multiplied thousands at Christmas time, its powerful message of heavenly peace has crossed all borders and language barriers. But it never sounded better than that night near Titisee, Germany. After we had prayed and sung, we exited the small church, only to have our tear-stained eyes met with softly falling snow. Christmas has not been the same since.

To subscribe to "Dr. Dan's MondayMorning Memo" go to You can receive a memo like this every Monday morning via E-mail and it's free.

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We support a missionary family who just returned from Africa. Their teenage son, Christopher, has had multiple health problems. He has now developed a staff infection in his body surfacing in 3 major area, thigh, should and stomach. The doctors are trying desperately to locate and destroy this virus that can kill this young man. Currently they are considering surgery on the most severe place, his thigh, to remove the infection and deal with the wound.

Our family gathered around our kitchen table at noon and prayed with the mother via phone from Michigan to California. We are asking God for healing through His Power directly or using the medical knowledge of his caregivers.
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Where are we really?

My wonderful new friends,

I understand that we should all gather ourselves together; I understand that church is suppose to be a place of security and safety; and I also understand that the "world" believes if you are a christian, you must be apart of a group that gets together at least once or twice a week to worship our Lord, which, in some ways is what makes them feel excluded. Because there are so many out there that have been hurt by buildings and condemed already in their minds by the Laws of God. (Chalk that up to bad teaching) Or is it the "laws of man" either confuses them or brings them comfort? (Satan lies) So many that don't understand Jesus' way at all....he loved the lonely and sat with the outcast. Where are we really? Personaly, I'm an outcast, a sinner daily....but repentance is my life- line stright to Christ Jesus no matter where I am and I am saved by Gods Grace alone through The Blood of Jesus Christ. I'm alone. I don't like it and if I were to send you a picture of my prayer room, it would be just that, a room with no one in it but me, my Bible...and my Lord, Jesus Christ. Sometimes His sandles make intentional noises as they walk across the I'm lonely but truely never alone and please don't think that I recomend being alone is better than gathering together...but some of us have no choice. It's a condition for me but maybe a choice for others out there.

When we sit in church on Sunday morning, where are we really? Still in bed or at the office, or maybe we are playing out sinarios in our minds about what to say to the person sitting in front of us because their kid wouldn't sit still (only if we had the chance). Or forgetting to pray for that person who ask us to remember them yesterday. I'm writting this today because my heart is so burdened for so many and Christ is well aware of who they are; most of them are alone. And I ask you to pray for me, pray for them. I may not be in a building but I'm in the presents of Jesus "without ceasing" daily. I love you many are out there wanting & waiting to love you too. Where are they...really?

ps. I'm no writter or spell'

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Ready to Pray

Ready to Pray Workbook

"...are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour?" Mark 14:37 NIV
If you desire to go deeper in your prayer life or have ever found yourself asking these questions; "How can I intercede on behalf of another?" "Does God hear my prayers?" "How do I press through when I do not feel like praying?" scheduling or attending this study/workshop will move you to a new level in, Christ.

Price: $24.95 per book (215 pages) to order go to

Between now and, Dec. 7, 2010 - for every book ordered, $3.00 will go towards mission ministry in, Haiti.

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The Church of Jesus Christ at Ravenswood WV is not a physical location, structure, or institution. The Church of Jesus Christ at Ravenswood, WV is the people that have believed, confessed and been baptized into Jesus Christ as their Savior that assemble for fervent, effectual prayer for the will and purpose of Christ to be done and fulfilled in our city. This prayer effort began with two local pastors meeting weekly in prayer with the desire for the Body of Christ to "love one another as Christ loves us" so our city would be moved into our Heavenly Father's salvation plan through Jesus Christ.

Ravenswood WV is a small city with a population of just under 5000 and located about 50 miles north of the state’s capitol city of Charleston. The church history of our city is steeped rich in tradition and Gospel fervor. Through the years however, it seems that an independent and exclusive spirit has subsequently developed among differing congregational institutions. In some cases, there are heart breakinging stories where a local congregation esteems themselves as holding the “only” correct Biblical interpretation and Gospel worship expression, thereby yielding a tendency to look down upon or even condemn other congregations.

The LORD has allowed us to be aware of the condition within the Body of Christ in our city. His Word keeps revealing to us that "although we are many, we are still to be One." We are reminded of the great miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes that feed 5000 plus where Jesus told the disciples to "gather up the fragments that nothing be lost.” Gathering up the fragments that nothing be lost echoes in our hearts for our city, state, and beyond.

For this cause, for many years we have been praying for The Body of Christ in our city...

Lord, we are pastors carrying this burden for personal and congregation repentance of any harms that may have occurred toward one another. Together, with those that will allow themselves to follow, we send up to You a concerto of compassionate prayer; harmonizing (united), fervent, prayer. Out of this voice oh Lord, hear our prayer, and call the congregations and city to Yourself."

What are outcomes that we have witnessed in Ravenswood through authentic prayer assembly? Here are a few....

1. A more compassionate spirit and attitude within each congregation and among congregations that includes desire for combined local congregational worship.
2. A city government that recognizes local pastors more connected, inviting them to be involved in prayer for city leadership decisions.
3. City schools inviting pastors to come to their school, be a presence, and bless their schools, students, and staff.
4. City businesses inviting pastors to come to their establishments to pray and bless the business.

5. Jesus Christ working within pastors a purposeful fellowship with each other and deep experiences with Him through assembled prayer.

We are compassionately praying for local pastors that do not yet participate in the prayer gatherings. Even though all of the pastors that we have invited to prayer agree that praying together is the right thing to do, they also confess that they feel not at liberty to be with us; which we receive as an honest, heart felt confession. Regardless, we love and pray for those wonderful pastors and their congregations that they will bring many souls to Christ in their special Gospel presentation and expression.

The Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood, WV Covenant:

Let each local congregation of Jesus Christ show encouragement and love toward each other, respecting one another's displays of excellent worship and Gospel teaching, and allowing our community to be touched by this connection (conjunction), so that we are the "admirable conjunction of diverse excellencies", the Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood, WV.

Pastor Chris Skeens

The Church of Jesus Christ at Ravenswood, WV

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We can be sober and vigilant with joy.

The recent attacks against this prayer network should awaken us afresh and anew to the season of war we are in. But we can "count it all joy" as it says in James, as we continue to enforce the open show of the triumph of our God. To ignore an attack or an enemy is to allow it to win, to acknowledge and enforce the victory God has already given us, makes known the manifold wisdom of God in entrusting us as His ambassadors to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. When we ignore an enemy, we allow that enemy to prevail. We are more than conquerors because of the grace and love of God and with the same mercy He extended to us as we enforce God's victory over the enemy that is how we loose the bonds of wickedness and let the oppressed go free. Which is a joyful journey for those who get set free and those privileged to participate as God's ambassadors. We are on the precipice of seeing the greatest move of God our nation has ever seen, but it is the people of prayer who will colabor in the birthing of it as we actively enforce our God's open show of triumph. Col. 2:15, 1 John 3:8We bless this ministry in Jesus' name and raise the standard of the blood of Jesus over it and bless those who are hacking into it to salvation and deliverance!
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While not a biblical word, “travail” is a biblical idea. The first known usage of the word was in the 13th century and it described work of a painful or laborious nature. Synonyms were agony, torment, distress, tribulation, woe. Some modern translations of Gal.4:19 and Rom 8:22 describe “the pains of childbirth” by using the word “travail.” Not sure when Christians first began to use the word related to prayer, but we have ceased to use it with the same frequency as our forefathers. While most prayer is joyful, some prayer includes exhausting work. Hezekiah and Isaiah “cried out to heaven” (2 Chron. 32:20). The Sons of Israel “cried out” to God in confession of sin (Neh. 9:28). Hannah was “in bitterness” and “wept in anguish” in her prayer (1 Sam. 1:10). According to the writer of Hebrews, Jesus prayed with “vehement cries and tears” (Heb. 5:7). Indeed our Lord prayed with such intensity in Gethsemane that “His sweat became like great drops of blood” (Luke 22:44). Paul asked believers in Rome to “strive together” with him in prayer (Rom. 15:30). Epaphras was “always laboring fervently” in his prayers (Col. 4:12). Our forefathers in the faith spoke of “importunity” in prayer. Today, we speak of “agonizing” or “wrestling” in prayer. It is all a form of travail. Serious prayer warrior, I ask you a question. How long has it been since you travailed in prayer? When was the last time your sweat appeared as blood? Pray on!

Subscribe to Dr. Dan's Monday Morning Memo at and receive it free every Monday morning via E-mail.

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FAW: Faith At Work

Faith At Work: Probably there are very few of you who remember FAW; it has now changed to Lumunos. It was a faith based group of people who got together at "retreats" around the country to encourage and grow in their daily walk with God.

Woke up this morning at 1am with Barnabas snoring and wheezing on the rug beside my bed. Called to her and a few minutes later she joined me, snuggled in real close to my belly and with a few kind kind words went back to sleep and the wheezing had stopped.
After going back to sleep myself, dreamed about some of the wonderful people who had touched my life during those FAW years. Woke up one morning and a lady was on the pay phone and asked me to stay with her while her son went to see if her husband was all right. He called back a few minutes later and her spouse had passed away in the night sitting in his favorite chair. Walked through the grief of the next few minutes together.
The weekends were filled with teaching, but also much small group interaction; reflecting on what had been learned and encouraging one another. Many positive things came out of those groups: Hillside services at Sugarloaf Mountain ski slopes; prison aftercare ministry among them.
All of sudden a light came on in my head: "It is happening all around us: Sunday mornings during coffee hour; the soup kitchen, food pantries and clothes closet; people reaching out to pass on His love all around us." Sometimes we can get so enthralled with the "good old days" we can fail to see the many positive ways God's people are working right here, today.
Am glad for the wake-up call; even though it came at 1am. :)
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