The recent attacks against this prayer network should awaken us afresh and anew to the season of war we are in. But we can "count it all joy" as it says in James, as we continue to enforce the open show of the triumph of our God. To ignore an attack or an enemy is to allow it to win, to acknowledge and enforce the victory God has already given us, makes known the manifold wisdom of God in entrusting us as His ambassadors to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. When we ignore an enemy, we allow that enemy to prevail. We are more than conquerors because of the grace and love of God and with the same mercy He extended to us as we enforce God's victory over the enemy that is how we loose the bonds of wickedness and let the oppressed go free. Which is a joyful journey for those who get set free and those privileged to participate as God's ambassadors. We are on the precipice of seeing the greatest move of God our nation has ever seen, but it is the people of prayer who will colabor in the birthing of it as we actively enforce our God's open show of triumph. Col. 2:15, 1 John 3:8We bless this ministry in Jesus' name and raise the standard of the blood of Jesus over it and bless those who are hacking into it to salvation and deliverance!