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In these early days of a new year, you have likely already experienced some level of spiritual discouragement or defeat.  Any fresh resolve by a Christian to follow the Savior, walk more closely with the Lord, or make a difference for His mission is met with spiritual counterattack.  The devil is intolerant of our spiritual progress.

We all know we are in a spiritual battle against an unseen foe and his army of minions.  As Christians we have the assurance that “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).  We are challenged to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” and to “put on the whole armor of God” in order to live in victory (Ephesians 6:10-11).  A vital part of that victory is that we pray always, with all kinds of prayer, with all perseverance, for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18).

Knowing the Enemy’s Tactics

The Bible says that “we are not unaware of his devices.”  The Bible and practical experience reveal the nature of Satan’s character and strategies.  We know, for instance, that a primary tactic is to attack believers at the relational level, doing all he can to engender unforgiveness, misunderstanding, and discord.  When we fall prey to his efforts we “give place to the devil” (1 Corinthians 2:10-11; Ephesians 4:27).

As we seek to understand and overcome his tactics we must remember Jesus’ words, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).  In this new year, we want to fully experience and walk in that abundant life Jesus promises.  Satan seeks to counterattack through his efforts to “steal, kill, and destroy.”  Let me suggest three practical ways this happens in our lives.  I have seen that it is not uncommon that our enemy will seek to steal our time, kill our desire, and destroy our spiritual potential. 

He Steals Our Time

Paul writes, “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16).  We are to live wisely in evaluating and maximizing our time and opportunities because we are in a context of spiritual battle with the forces of evil.  If we allow the enemy to steal the moments of life, he has neutralized our primary commodity for living and doing well.

For me, this seems so subtle but incessant.  I typically am up no later than 5:30 each morning.  My first endeavor is to spend time with the Lord.  Yet, a barrage of distractions of every variety comes against my mind in those early morning hours.  I am learning that when the devil steals these moments, my entire day lacks spiritual vitality and focus.

If he cannot distract us from the time we try to dedicate to spiritual renewal, he will keep us so busy that we do not find the time in the first place.  Whether through distraction or busyness, our time for spiritual renewal is lost – and the devil’s strategies prevail, sadly, with our cooperation.  Of course, this happens slowly and incrementally, not all at once.  Sometimes the loss is so gradual we hardly miss it, but when his pilfering is complete, we stay busy for God with no quality time with God.

He Kills our Desire

We all know the joy of a heart that cries, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God” (Psalm 42:1-2).  The object of our spiritual enemy’s thievery is to neutralize these longings.  The demons delight when the summary of our spiritual temperature has been reduced to “lukewarm” or a lost “first love.” With powerful moments of spiritual focus and renewal gone, our spiritual desire suffocates.  For lack of cultivation and nurture, we lose interest in spiritual intimacy.

He Destroys our Potential

The “Destroyer” ultimately seeks to wipe out our potential for Christ.  When our time has been stolen and desire has been killed, we stand on the precipice of losing our spiritual integrity and impact for Christ.  We may attend church, serve, and appear to be spiritually vibrant – but it has become the shell of an empty life, no longer abiding and without the evidence of supernatural spiritual fruit.  The enemy has systematically, gradually, but effectively accomplished his mission.

Rising Above

If this assessment of the nature of the spiritual battle is accurate, then we must go back to that first front in which the attack comes – our time.  Certainly we are reminded that daily time with the Lord is essential as the inner man is being renewed day-by-day (1 Corinthians 4:16).  We also need to find that vital “Sabbath” pattern where we can cherish substantive time in the rhythm of the weekly journey to give the Lord our undivided attention.  Then, there should be those seasons of extended prayer (perhaps fasting) when we lock ourselves away to experience an extraordinary encounter with the living Christ.  For me, this amounts to an extended personal retreat or a Prayer Summit for several days with other believers. 

By His grace, we can rise above the cunning counterattacks of the enemy and declare from the reality of our daily experience, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

P.S. – I have also observed that this same kind of attack comes against church leaders and congregations.  Satan steals our times of corporate communion with Christ through distraction and busyness.  He kills the passion of the church to seek God’s face.  Instead, we become content with a treadmill of religious activity.  Eventually, the church loses all supernatural impact and instead becomes a frenetic collection of superficial programming; the battle is lost and the mission suffers at a corporate level.  May the Lord give us eyes to see this temptation and grace to repent and return to the heart of spiritually authentic ministry.

Copyright © 2011 Daniel Henderson. All rights reserved

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MY Word Is Like Fire

  • Today's Gospel Truth  ~ "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?"  Jeremiah 23:29

There is incredible power in the Word of GOD to conqueror and change circumstances.  The Word of GOD is filled with promises for you to use for every situation in everyday life. Speak the promises concerning you, your family, and your atmospheres.  God wants his children to fix their Faith on that which is Infallible and Impregnable.  This is easy to accomplish when you understand that the Word of GOD is like fire going forth and like a hammer breaking up and bringing change to the situation. REALEASE THE PROMISES OF GOD OUT TODAY!!!  AMEN.


"For the word of God is quick , and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12


"For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth." Romans 9:17

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December 2010

 Good News!

New Living Prayer Cover 2

One of the means of provision for IRM this year has been the release and publication of the book, “Living Prayer: the Lord’s Prayer Alive in You.”  All of the proceeds of this book have gone to IRM. And I have been very blessed and encouraged by the responses I have received! Here are three unsolicited notes I have received in just the last couple weeks.

"I am part of a group of men who are studying your book under the leadership of our pastor. Absolutely seeing open doors that always were available. To say we are blessed is one of those obvious understatements! "


"Your book opened up divine lessons from the pattern Jesus gave us…one I have failed to look at for 19 years as a believer. Thank you so much Dennis. Your book should be read by every believer! "


"We received your new book in the mail this week. I'm on Chapter 5 and I LOVE it!."


Donate $25 to IRM in December and receive a gift copy of Living Prayer: The Lord's Prayer Alive in You. 


There are two ways to donate: Paypal or Check by Mail.





Or please mail your $25 donation to us and please write "Special Gift" in the memo area of your check:


International Renewal Ministries


1400 NE 136th Ave

Suite 201

Vancouver, WA 98684



8th Annual NW City Impact Roundtable


Monday and Tuesday of this week, we were able to help host nearly 90 leaders from 25 cities across the Northwest gathered here in Vancouver, WA at the 8th annual Roundtable. There is not nearly enough room here to report all of what took place there. Let me mention just two stories.


From the first worship song as we began these 25 hours together, it was very clear that we were very “present.” People were there ready to worship, grow, learn, receive, and give to one another. The purpose of the CIR is to provide ongoing support and encouragement to those who know they are called to be part of a healthy, praying, serving, united church which will impact its community. These people came hungry, stayed focused, and gleaned much. On several occasions as Prayer Summits were mentioned as a key part of their city’s progress, I reflected on Dr. Joe’s original vision and rejoiced again to see it being more and more fulfilled.


At the end of the time, as we asked for input, one brother said, “Our team has been coming to this CIR for 7 years. What encourages me is to see that many of the things we talked about 4-5 years ago are actually being lived out in several of the cities.”


From Dennis and Marilyn

Dennis & Marily December Impact Pic

Marilyn and I are very grateful to each of you who pray for us and support this vision through your finances. Frankly, as we moved through this year, we have seen God provide for this ministry in some very unexpected and wonderful ways. Please rejoice with us!


As we look toward the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we wish your family an increase of the awe, the peace, and the joy of this wonderful season.

Intercessors Note

There are no IRM acitivies between now and the 1st of the year.  This month please pray that many more people would know and love the Savior through this Christmas season.

Thanks again for your prayers.  If you click here I will know that you have taken these requests before the Throne. (This will take you to a page thanking you for your prayers and we will be able to see who clicked on this link)

Many blessings,

 dennis signature





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Praying in Sleepless Weakness

It was one of those Saturday nights. The events of the week had created a scenario wherein my body was too tired and weak to sleep. Nor was my mind in very good shape either. I tossed and I turned but I did not sleep. To make matters worse, I had to preach twice the next morning. I kept praying to God that I really needed to sleep so I could be at my best on Sunday morning – for God’s glory of course. Still no sleep. My prayer slowly evolved to a request to be clear and focused in spite of the lack of sleep. I reminded God that I would be delivering sermons in sleepless weakness. I may have slept a couple of hours, but I eventually got up, got dressed, drove to church and preached twice – with clarity and focus. During the invitation, people came to the front to pray. More than the normal number of folks made positive comments on the sermon. So what happened between my late night/early morning sleepless prayer and the delivery of the sermons? Oh, that’s the good part of the story. As I often do, I awoke that Sunday morning with a song on my mind. That morning it was the old hymn, “Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand.” Almost immediately, the verse came to mind from 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Then I went to my computer where a new Scripture verse greets me each morning. The verse for that day was from 1 Samuel 30:6, “David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” Need I say more?You can subscribe to Dr. Dan’s Monday Morning Memo at and receive the Memo free via E-mail every Monday morning.
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Every Friday night from 10pm to midnight we're traveling from church to church to pray for revival and unity, and to pray for wild blessing over the pastors, staffs and their vision.


We'd love to connect with you (or your pastor)!


Check out the site at and you can request a date for the team to pray in your church.


Here's the plan:


There’s an increasing hunger in the body in Detroit for a move of God, and our heart is simply to gather these people together and to pray. I had the privilege to give leadership to a similar prayer movement in Colorado Springs and the impact was truly amazing. Every Friday night we’d be in a different church in the city, and at times we’d pack 150 people or more into a tiny church building—people whose only motivation was to bless God and bless the church.


The protocol is intentionally simple:

1.       After I give a short briefing for those who have never been to theLab, we spread out and pray fervently in tongues for around an hour and a half.

2.       I will give direction at times throughout the night as we focus on different issues. For example, I may call everybody together to pray over the church’s leadership, or we may move outside and pray for homes and businesses in the area.

3.       We will close with 20-30 minutes of reading scripture together.

Here are some points that will help in understanding the vision of this ministry and the flow of the evening:

1.       We chose the 10pm-midnight Friday time so as to ensure everybody in the Detroit region is free to participate. We’ve found that’s almost always a wide open spot on people’s calendars.

2.       A primary call is for pastors and ministry leaders in Detroit to travel with us every Friday night as we move from church to church. What a powerful statement of unity it is when pastors from other church devote two hours a week to pray for blessing together over another church!

3.       We are believing for 1000 intercessors to develop through this ministry. People from churches all over the city are being positioned to simply pray together for revival in Detroit. Can you imagine seeing 1000 people show up to pray together in Detroit every Friday night?

4.       During the time when we’re praying in the Holy Spirit, we don’t allow time for prophetic words to be shared. We simply pray. However, we do encourage post-event reports to be sent in through a contact form on the website. Also, when we are reading scripture, we don’t include commentary along with the passage. We simply read the scripture. No teaching, no preaching, just the Word of God.

5.       We ask that you have the doors to your property open by 9:45pm the night of the event.

6.       Please have every interior room (classrooms, sanctuary, etc.) open so we can pray in them. We pray over the children’s ministry, over the worship department, etc.

7.       If possible, please have a microphone available for me so I can be clearly heard as I give direction.

8.       Invite your entire church to participate, and ensure your leadership team is there so we can pray for them.

9.       Plan on joining us the following Friday at the next church, and then the next and the next!

Here's an article published by Pray! Magazine regarding the prayer movement in Colorado Springs:


COLORADO SPRINGS, CO—Faced with dwindling attendance at prayer meetings, many church leaders address the problem by publicizing more, trying to find more “convenient” times to meet, and just plain coaxing. But a Colorado group has done the opposite. They picked what many people would consider an inconvenient meeting time—10 p.m. until midnight every Friday—and they don’t publicize at all. The results have been remarkable.


“It has the feel of an underground movement,” said Pastor John Burton, who coordinates the meetings. “We all show up in the middle of the night at a church we’ve never been to—there’s a certain mystique about it,” he said.


“Secret Prayer,” as it’s called, began almost a year ago when several pastors who believe God is sending revival to their community decided to pray with and for one another. “What we want to see more than anything is unity,” Burton said. “We need to love each other a lot. That’s what God is going to use to bring revival more than anything else, and prayer does that. It’s hard to hate anyone when you’re praying for, loving, and blessing each other.”


The format is simple. Each week a different church is targeted to receive prayer. Intercessors show up at that church, read Scripture and pray however the Holy Spirit leads. Usually they pray through the church, blessing and interceding for the various ministries that take place in each area.


Attendance varies, but is usually anywhere from 50 to 200, Burton said. It’s a very diverse group of pastors and lay people, with representatives from different denominations, ethnicities and church sizes. The largest participating church has more than 10,000 members; the smallest only a couple of dozen.


The biggest result is that people are always encouraged, Burton said. One story that particularly sticks out to him is of a little Baptist church the group prayed for late one Friday night. It had only about 30 regular attenders. But within two or three weeks of the Secret Prayer meeting, attendance had doubled.


Although many churches request repeat visits, and sometimes the group will do that, Secret Prayer more typically aims to pray in a different church each week in order to reach as many churches as possible, Burton said. Churches and intercessors find out about the meetings mostly by word of mouth, although there is a website and they have made up business cards to hand out to people who inquire.


We can’t wait to pray with you!


John Burton

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21 Day Prayer Guide - Knowing God Better

At Christ Fellowship in McKinney, Texas, we started 2011 with "21 Days of Prayer." This is the second year in a row we are beginning a New Year with an extended prayer season for our whole church family. For 2011, our prayer focus is 21 attributes of God. Knowing these attributes we believe is important to increasing our understanding of the God we love and serve. Praying through these attributes we believe will deepen our faith. Everyone at Christ Fellowship received a hard copy of a prayer guide to help us unite in prayer. This prayer guide is also available in PDF format at the following link:

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A Mind at Peace

From Pursuing the Christ by Jennifer Kennedy Dean


"For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace."—Romans 8:6

Incarnate Word, You came to set my captive thoughts free and to captivate my restless mind and anchor it in You.

Without You, my thoughts were entangled by the dictates of my flesh. They poisoned and polluted my life. My thoughts were infused with the stench of death, corrupted, decaying, marching steadily toward the grave. The power of death spread to cover every pursuit, every relationship, every dream.

Then You came. Softly. Barely a ripple in the course of mankind’s doings, yet a rip that reverberated through the heavenly realms and changed the balance of power for all eternity. With a battle cry that sounded to earthly ears like a newborn baby’s whimper, You set in motion my redemption. The sound heard in the heavens that first Christmas moment was a victory shout that rattled the enemy’s forces and insured their defeat.

I was  death’s child, sin’s slave. No future but the grave. A mind managed by my flesh. Until You.
Jesus, thank You for recasting my thoughts into the mold of Yours. “But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). Teach me how to receive that gift in its fullness. Make me so moldable that You can transform my heart completely until its thoughts and intents are reflective of Your life in me, Your peace in me.

Having a mind that is set on the things of the Spirit brings life and peace. A set mind is established, fixed, focused, immoveable, determined.

Your mind is set on me. Your heart has been fixed on me since before the world began. Your thoughts never wander from me. From before time began, You set Your mind toward the Cross and, with never-wavering love, took on earth’s trappings for no purpose but to save me from death and its force in my life.

A Redeemer grew in Mary’s womb; a body was knit together that would house the Prince of Peace. All the power heaven holds was contained in a construct built of earth’s stuff—all for the determined purpose of overcoming the death that held me in its thrall and made me its captive.

Jesus—my life, my peace—teach me to set my mind on You with the same kind of evidence even a hint of the determined and relentless focus with which  Your mind is set on me.

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It Seems To Me . . .

It Seems To Me . . .

. . . we need only one spiritual new year's resolution.

I confess, I have never been good at setting, let alone keeping, resolutions at the start of each new year. Those who stop smoking or start diets impress me; those who keep at it longer than a few days (or hours) make me jealous. And those who go beyond good health resolutions and set spiritual goals and stick to them throughout the coming months shame and humble me.

Anyone can make a resolution; it takes commitment to stay resolved to fight the battles to achieve the objective. And commitment, someone said, is moving beyond good intentions. I have a long list of good intentions.

Which is why Don Whitney's "Questions for a New Year" in LifeWay's Pastors Today E-letter caught my attention. The author, a former pastor and then seminary professor, presents 31 questions designed to aid our spiritual transformation; one-a-day spiritual vitamins! He writes: "The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop, look up and get our bearings."  I especially appreciate how he then formats his insights as questions because someone elses' declarations call for my agreement (not a bad thing) but questions call for my reflection and discernment. Much more potential of Holy Spirit partnership.

But I said we need only one spiritual new year's resolution, not 31.

"For starters, here are 10 questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God," Whitney begins as he sets us on our journey with wisdom that is so obvious we often fly right past it! How many of us have prayed about our resolutions but only after we selected them. "Help me lose those 5 extra pounds or start each day at the fitness center or stop this or begin that"--probably all worthy goals but chosen without and before any prayerful dialog with the Lord.

I began reading down the list of questions . . .

1. What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?
2. What's the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year?
3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life this year?
4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year, and what will you do about it?
5. What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it this year?
6. What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen your church?
7. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently this year?
8. What's the most important way you will, by God's grace, try to make this year different from last year?
9. What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year?
10. What single thing that you plan to do this year will matter most in 10 years? In eternity?

I searched first for any questions that related specifically to prayer and found #7, praying for lost persons to find Christ (imagine what changes our nation would see if every Christ-follower began to seriously pray for his or her neighbors by name and need and for his or her neighborhoods and networks!) and #9, focusing specifically on our own prayer life (someone said we need to exchange a prayer life [usually referring to a brief time spent telling God what we need Him to do] for a life of prayer). Two in the first ten seemed like better representation for prayer than usual. Very hopeful.

My second time through the list was an "Ah-Ha" moment!

Responding to the first, then the second and third and continuing, I realized "Pray" would be a more than appropriate answer to each question.
1. What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God? Pray. True prayer is enjoying the presence of God, not merely telling him things he already knows.
2. What's the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year? Pray. Praying is very hard work that, once accomplished, sees impossible results.
3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life this year? Pray. Especially out  loud, together.
4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year, and what will you do about it? Pray. Pray for a partner who will hold me accountable.
5. What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it this year? Pray. What I do instead of praying is a hugh time-waster.
6. What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen your church? Pray. For the pastor. For a reviving of faith and a revising of how we function.
7. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently this year? Pray. Everyone agrees with this but not everyone brings up in heaven real names of real people.
8. What's the most important way you will, by God's grace, try to make this year different from last year? Pray. By praying about and for and through every thing.
9. What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year? Pray. Read, study, use website resources, yes, but actually carve out time and place to pray.
10. What single thing that you plan to do this year will matter most in 10 years? In eternity? Pray. Hands-down winner. Everything (missions, evangelism, stewardship) flows from the life of a person who has moved beyond good intentions to a life of prayer.

It seems to me . . . we need only one word to describe our one spiritual new year's resolution. (If you do not agree, will you at least agree to pray about it?)

For starters, here are 10 questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God.

Phil Miglioratti

Originally published on the Church Prayer Leaders Network

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Intercessors Prayer Pillow Set


Kingdom Greetings Intercessors,


I wanted to share with you the Intercessors Prayer Pillow set made by yours truly, Virtuous Lady. I have been in need of a new Prayer pillow for quite some time and on yesterday with the assistance of my Mom, Mother Barbara Martin, I made my own Prayer Pillow and a blanket to match. I selected Army or Warfare Design because I am a Warrior in the Army of the Lord, and a warm fleece fabric. I made an oversized pillow because at times I'm on my knees for a while and I wanted to be comfortable. I also decided to make a matching blanket so that when I lay prostrate before my Heavenly Father I can do so on a nice soft comfortable blanket.


Let's continue to be on our post in Prayer for there is Power in Prayer and Prayer is my Passion!


Yours in Kingdom Building,

Pastor Lisa Martin aka Virtuous Lady

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The Ripple Effect of Praying Grandparents

The Ripple Effect of Praying Grandparents


During the summer, many grandparents will vacation with their grandchildren. Some will go camping. It is a great opportunity to spend extra time with the possibility of quality interaction. Now imagine you are camping with your grandchildren in the mountains. You have cooked your campfire stew for dinner and you are relaxing around the campfire beside a big lake. It is perfectly still; there is no wind. The lake is a mirror reflecting a beautiful sunset. Sticky-fingered grandchildren delight in s’mores while skipping stones across the lake’s glassy surface. They are enthralled with the traveling waves seeing who can make the biggest ripples.

Grandpa tells Grandma, “Just as the kids are making ripples in the water with the rocks, we can make ripples in the lives of our grandchildren with our prayers.” Our prayers for our grandchildren to invite Jesus Christ into other lives and to walk with Him throughout their lives will have a ripple effect on their families, friends, their world, and their future.

Another way we as grandparents can have a ripple effect on the lives of our grandchildren is by the way we live our lives. As we seek the Lord ourselves, investing time, energy, and effort in our own spiritual walk with the Him, our example will have a ripple effect on our children, grandchildren, and future generations.


My Great-grandfather’s Prayer

I found a letter in my family archives written by my great-grandfather in Poland, addressed to my grandfather who had immigrated to America. In the letter, he wrote that he was praying for my grandfather and his future generations. It was a special blessing for me to see in writing that my great-grandfather prayed for me before I was born. His prayers had a ripple effect on my grandparents, my parents, my life, my children and my grandchildren.

You will have the privilege to start the ripples in your family if you did not have a Christian heritage. Prayer is the greatest gift we can give our family. Material things are needed but they are temporary. Our prayers will affect them for a lifetime.


My friend’s story

I would like to share the story my friend shared with me how her grandparents influenced her life, even though her parents did not influence her spiritually. She said,

“I grew up in a non-Christian home. My father’s father was a minister and his mother was a devoted Christian. My mother’s parents were also church-going people. However, my parents rebelled against God and the church, even though they both grew up in Christian homes.

“However, my grandparents took their responsibility very seriously, and my spiritual influence was a high priority for them. I remember hearing my father’s father pray for me when I was a young child visiting in their home. Although my father’s parents died while I was a child, I respected them very much. 

     “My mother’s parents often told me, ‘We are praying for you.’ As a young child, my neighbors invited me to go to church with them and as a result, I did ask Jesus into my heart. My grandparents were thankful to know their prayers were answered before they passed away, even though my parents did not teach me about Jesus or take me to church. It means so much to me that both sets of my grandparents let me know they prayed for me. I strongly believe the prayers of my grandparents led me to invite Jesus Christ into my life, marry a Christian young man, and be actively involved in my church. I only remember my parents attending church with me one time and that was many years after I was married. However, as a result of my praying grandparents, my children and my grandchildren have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and carry on the faith.”

Even though my friend’s spiritually rebellious parents interrupted the ripple effect, the intentional prayers of her grandparents passed their heritage of faith to the future generations, and the ripples continued.


Be a Prayer Warrior

God has placed our grandchildren in to our families so we can be their prayer warriors. He has given us the awesome opportunity to partner with Him on behalf of these dear ones. He has given me nine grandchildren to pray for and He has given you your grandchildren.

It is not about the expensive gifts we give our grandchildren or the vacations we take them on, they are not lasting, however, our prayers are the most important gift we can give them.

Sometimes, as we get older and limited physically, we might feel useless. However, if we have grandchildren, God has a purpose for keeping us on this earth, to be a Prayer Warrior for your grandchildren living in this spiritually deprived world.

As grandparents, let us pray deliberately and pass on our love for God to our children, grandchildren and future generations. This ripple effect of specific prayer communicates our love and acceptance, as well as giving them an example of living a God centered life.


“Your faithfulness continues through all generations;”

(Psalm 119:90a)

Taken from Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren

by Lillian Penner.



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Circumcising the Vision

From  Fueled by Faith by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

Listen to an interview on Fueled by Faith here.


The Finishing Touch
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith”  (Heb. 12:2, KJV).

Faith in its finished form results in the power and provision of God manifested in the circumstances of earth. The perfecting and finishing of our faith is accomplished through difficulties and challenges of life. As we face challenges, it trains us in the ways of faith, it trains us to keep our focus on the reality instead of the shadow, and it circumcises all the flesh out of the vision God has given us. Like muscles in the physical body, faith grows by resistance training—by being forced to do heavy lifting.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

Difficulty becomes blessing. Trials become joy. 

Circumcising the Vision
When God impregnates you with promise and causes vision to grow in you, that vision is designed and tailored to fit you and only you. It fits you exactly. When God describes His will, He uses three words: good, pleasing, and perfect (Rom. 12:2). The word “perfect” means  “a perfect fit.” His will for you is beneficial to you (good); it will bring you pleasure and will please you (pleasing); and it will fit you to down to the last detail (perfect). You love the vision. You’re supposed to.

As the vision develops, the time comes when you are forced to recognize that although the vision is God’s, it has some of your flesh wrapped around it. When I say “flesh,” I am talking about those parts of your life that are still fueled by your human nature. Your flesh wants to own and control and possess and manage and manipulate. God is always working in you to free you of your flesh and move you more and more into the power of the Spirit. To that end, He arranges crisis moments at which you are brought face-to-face with your flesh and the claim it is trying to have on God’s vision. Those times are painful, but they are the most productive times of all. When your flesh is brought to its crucifixion, it is bloody and messy and our tendency is to resist. But crucifixion has but one end: resurrection. This has always been God’s pattern and continues to be so today. Crucifixion. Resurrection.

In Hebrews 11, God spotlights  and highlights lives that have put faith on display. In each, the crucifixion-resurrection principle is evident. Look with me at an example.

Moses’ Parents
The writer of Hebrews spotlighted Moses’ parents as prime examples of how faith works. The vision that God put into Moses began as a vision in the minds of his parents, who saw that he was no ordinary child.  God caused them to see His promise and it jumped up and took such possession of them that a bold and reckless faith was born, freeing them from fear of the pharaoh. They didn’t know all its ramifications, but their vision was that he would live and not die at the pharaoh’s hands. That may be as far as they could see, but it was far enough.

God had to have provided supernatural protection for the baby Moses. He gave wisdom and ideas to Moses’ parents. Why did they even think that a little ark of bulrushes might protect Moses’ life? How did the idea even occur to them?

Three months they loved him and nurtured him and memorized his darling face and recorded in their hearts his dear sighs and gurgles and cries. With each passing day, love grew.

When the day came to let him go, imagine his mother’s walk from her home to the Nile's edge. Three-month-old son entombed in a basket. 
Surely only her selfless love for her son could induce her to walk her Via De La Rosa. Had she given one thought to her own desires, she would have turned back. She was going to place him into the Nile in the days when the Nile ran red with the blood of Hebrew sons. She was letting him go into the river that his enemy had declared to be his burial place. Imagine as she stood in the Nile's waters and came to that moment when she had to do the hardest thing she would ever be called upon to do. She had to let him go. She had to die to her mother's instincts to guard and protect. To save his life, she had to let him go.
When she did, her son was put upon the course he had been ordained to travel. The very river that might have been his end was instead his beginning. Jochabed received him back again, but everything had changed. When she put him into the Nile he was a slave. When she received him back from the Nile, he was a prince.
The secret was in the letting go.

(Learn more about the Crucifixion-Resurrection principle in  Fueled by Faith by Jennifer Kennedy Dean.


Hear Jennifer share this live.

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Spend 5 Minutes in Thanksgiving

A number of years ago, the leadership of our church held a retreat in January. Each year we do this to get our focus on what we are doing as a body of believers. It gives us a chance to examine our motives and be reminded of what we are about as disciples of Christ. In January 2005, our retreat focused on getting to know God through prayer. At the beginning of the retreat, the leader, Reverend Aaron Brown, asked each of us to spend five minutes in a prayer of thanksgiving to God. We were told to speak our prayers out loud and to focus on all that we are thankful for. 


It was amazing to hear the things that we take for granted voiced and the prayers of thanksgiving filled the room. I’m sure that we have no idea how much that meant to God. To hear his people thanking him for jobs, cars, the blood of Jesus, for our homes, families, our education, for the beauty in the world. It had to be a pleasing aroma to him.


Five minutes, that was all that we spent in thanksgiving, and yet it was so powerful. There are many days that I praise God for long periods of time. It is easy to get started on the attributes of God and continue praising him, but I guess I just don’t usually thank him for specifics and intentionally spend five minutes doing it. The concept is really Biblical. In Psalm 100 we are told to enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Our hearts are instructed to be thankful to God in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:18. We read in Philippians that we are to lift our prayers and petitions to God with thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving is a natural way to communicate with God, but five minutes? That seems like such a long time to spend speaking nothing but thanks. 


As I write these words, we are on the eve of the National Day of Prayer, it is followed by 10 days of preparation for the Global Day of Prayer. The Global Day of Prayer falls on the day of Pentecost, one of the most revered days in the church calendar. I have made a commitment to God to spend one hour in prayer each day for the next 11 days. That means getting up earlier or staying up later to make this happen. 


Not only will I spend an hour in prayer each day, but I am making the commitment to spend five minutes of those hours in thanksgiving. I want God to know how much I appreciate all that he has done for me. I want him to know that I don’t take his gifts for granted. I want him to know that he has a child who has gratitude in her heart for the blessings in my life. 


I don’t make this commitment to boast or brag, I am not expecting anyone to think any better of me for doing this, but I do say it to make myself accountable for carrying out what I said I would do. If I think that even one person may ask me how the prayer vigil went, then it will make me stick with it. 


One thing that I am hoping will come out of this, is maybe I will form a habit in those 11 days and will continue thanking God every time I come to him in prayer. 


I remember when I first began a devotional time. I would sit down with my little devotional book and my Bible and spend five minutes with God. That included the time it took for me to find the scripture and the prayer at the end.


If I could make the first five minutes of my time with God purely a time of thanksgiving, that would be truly awesome. One thing I noticed when we had that prayer time, the focus was completely on God and not me. When we thank him for all he has given us, we are acknowledging him as our provider. I’m sure that he smiles at us when we thank him for his provision.


If you have trouble thinking of things to thank God for, use this simple exercise. Go to these scriptures: Psalm 13:5-6; Psalm 100; Colossians 3:17 and James 1:17 and pray them back to God. 


Colossians 3:17 - Father, I am so thankful that whatever I do, whether in word or deed, I do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and I thank you God through him.


It’s also easy to just look around you and begin to thank him for all of it. Be specific. Father, I thank you for my bookshelves and all the books that I have to fill it. Thank you for the clothing on my back, etc.


I used to wonder how someone could pray for an hour. It seemed that we couldn’t possibly have that much to talk to God about. He was busy after all and probably didn’t want to hear us babble on and on about all our problems. But the more I spend time in his presence, the more I’m convinced that he loves to hear our voices. He enjoys the fact that we come to him on our own to spend time with him.


It’s good to sometimes just sit in his presence and not say anything. It is those times that he can speak to us. I have noticed that when my mind is uncluttered, that is when he speaks. Usually when I am doing mindless tasks like washing the dishes, making the bed, folding laundry. Keep your ears attuned to him, it’s easy when you spend time with him on a regular basis. His voice becomes more familiar and it is a beautiful voice.


I’m going to time myself and write out a five minute prayer of thanksgiving. You may quit reading now and write your own prayer. After all, he wants to hear from you!


Father, I just want to thank you for the beauty in this day, the sun is shining and the trees are breaking out in leaf. I thank you for the birds and their songs. I thank you that I have new hearing aids and can hear those songs. I thank you that I have a home and a job and reliable transportation. I thank you for my husband and my childern and grandchildren. I thank you that I have Godly parents and that my sisters are all born again believers. I thank you for the food in my refrigerator and cupboards. I thank you that we can go to the store and find food on the shelves. I thank you that our country has dedicated a day of prayer to you. I thank you that the people in Africa have pushed for a global day of prayer. I thank you that your spirit lives in me and directs my prayers. I thank you that I have a computer and that you have given me wisdom and knowledge to use it. I thank you that you have given me strength to finish this devotional book. Amen.

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A Touch from the LORD

“But I your servant have feared the LORD from my youth. Was it not reported to my lord what I did when Jezebel killed the prophets of the LORD, how I hid one hundred men of the LORD’s prophets.... And now you say, ‘Go, tell your master, “Elijah is here.”’ He will kill me!” Then Elijah said, “As the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, I will surely present myself to him today.” —1 Kings 18:12b-15

It was a moment of great victory. Elijah had just stood on Mount Carmel with 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah, watching God rain down fire in what had to be an incredibly dramatic fashion. He then prayed seven times and saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand break a three year drought. Afterwards, he tucked his cloak into his belt and ran with superhuman strength fast enough to overtake Ahab’s horses.

What a day! And yet with Elijah’s impossible victories in 1 Kings 18, the next chapter reveals that he sat down under a broom tree and asked God to kill him. Depressed, exhausted, and intimidated by how his exploits might backfire in the face of his enemies, he prayed twice: “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life” (vs. 10, 14).

The Lord is so good, dispatching an angel that “comes at once” to touch Elijah and feed him during his time of great need. Elijah eats the food and lies down again, still overcome by despair. With the Lord’s gracious understanding of human frailty, He dispatches the angel a second time. Again, the angel comforts and feeds Elijah, this time announcing why: “For your journey is too much for you,” he says.

After this encounter, Elijah travels non-stop for 40 days and nights. His journey into the wilderness culminates when the word of the Lord comes to Elijah who obeys with fully strengthened zeal. The Lord patiently rejuvenates Elijah’s resilience and calling.

As intercessors, we can learn from Elijah’s life that there is often an attack at the point of great victory. It could be a personal attack. It may even drive us to the point where we don’t want to live. It’s at those times that we can ask the Lord to meet us, touch us, and nourish our bodies. Then we will be able to continue to ask the Lord to restore His morals in our country, energize His Church, and raise up those who will speak for Him.
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Facebook Praying: Goals and Resolutions

Long ago I stopped making New Year’s resolutions, serious ones at least. Then two years ago, my teenage granddaughter challenged me to “get with it and get on Facebook.” I saw little value in some toy created by a Harvard Sophomore, but I agreed to do so as a New Year’s resolution. I had also set an earlier goal to spend more time praying for friends. The Bible says, “The Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends” (Job 42:10 NAS). I certainly had no fortunes needing restoration, nor, fortunately, did I have any “friends” like Job had. I had, however, lost some things I wished to have restored and I wanted to do more praying for friends. Little did I know that Facebook would provide that opportunity. Once on Facebook, I added “friends” to my list, almost daily - some were long-lost friends. Two years later, I’m happy to report more than 1500 Facebook friends for whom I pray on their birthdays, complete with a notice to them of my intercession. I’ve also grouped my friends into sub-groupings that enable me to pray for them in a systematic manner. So thanks to my Facebook New Year’s resolution, I have fulfilled my goal of spending more time praying for my friends. Why should Satan be the only one using technology? However, don’t expect me to Tweet. A guy has to draw a line somewhere.Subscribe to "Dr. Dan's Monday Morning Memo" at and receive it free every Monday morning via E-mail.
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Who Needs a Hero?

Who needs fake superheros? I have a real hero who gave up power andprivilege just to be with me. He came toe to toe with his enemy when hewas physically weakened from hunger and thirst and still came awayvictorious. He embraced pain and rejection, while weighed down by mysin, to face death - for me. He then conquered death when he rose fromthe grave. He loves me passionately. He delights in me and rejoices overme with singing. He quiets me with his love. He has no equal. There isno limit to his power! He has no rival. His name is Jesus, and He is myHero. I need no other. In this coming year, may every would-be competitor of my time and attention fall away as I gaze on my Beloved. My Hero. My Jesus.
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We all need reminders, encouragement and resources to keep us moving forward in prayer. For me, reading a fresh perspective on prayer from a book or magazine can provide help. Participating in a new prayer gathering is another great stimulus for growth. The internet is a vast gold mine of information as well. One excellent website is There you can find dozens of articles on aspect of prayer, resources, and opportunities to sign up for daily devotions on prayer or an excellent monthly email newsletter called the Messenger. Each issue of the Messenger includes a lead article, an idea to enhance personal prayer, a link to the website of a praying church, information about upcoming events and resource information. You can sign up on the home page of


If you know of great websites with prayer helps, I encourage you to share those with others in a comment to this blog.

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Bad News Poll • Good News Poll



Poll: Religion's Influence Waning in America

Seven in 10 Americans say religion as a whole is losing its influence on American life.

This is a near-record high percentage since Gallup began asking the question more than 50 years ago.

Study: Few Americans Say Faith is Top Priority>>>


Poll: Most Americans Ring in News Years with Prayer

Before the clock strikes midnight on Friday, Americans will look to the heavens before they look forward to a brand new year.>>>



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It's a Matter of Perspective

December has been a very challenging- but rewarding month. God is taking me on apersonal journey and while it's exciting, it's also very draining andemotionally difficult sometimes. During my quiet time, I felt led to studyActs. It seemed I needed to remind myself of my roots (Acts is the 1st book ofthe Bible I studied verse by verse), as well as the roots of what"church" is really supposed to be. I started with Saul's conversionin Acts 9, and never made it past verse 22. Specifically, I parked on verses10-17:


 10In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in avision, "Ananias!"
      "Yes, Lord," he answered.

 11The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for aman from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. 12In a vision he hasseen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore hissight."

 13"Lord," Ananias answered, "I have heard many reports about this man and all theharm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. 14And he has come herewith authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on yourname."

 15But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carrymy name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. 16Iwill show him how much he must suffer for my name."

 17Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said,"Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you werecoming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the HolySpirit."

God used this familiar passage to reassure me that we don't always know what wethink we know. (Yeah, I realize I should've figured that out a long time ago!)Ananias was prepared to hear God- when he heard his name in a vision, Ananiaswasn't like Samuel; Ananias knew immediately that it was the Lord calling him.He answered right away, "Yes, Lord?" (I think it's worth noting thathe said that instead of "What now, God?")

God gave clear instruction, and while Ananias didn't refuse or directly offerexcuses like Moses did, he still wanted to be sure God knew what He was askingAnanias to do. "But God, you do realize this guy wants to kill people whofollow you, right? And God, this isn't just me being paranoid- everything I'veheard and seen tells me this is a bad idea. It's NOT a good situation. Do yourealize how badly this idea of yours might turn out, God?"

That's kind-of my M.O.- not to defy God and tell Him what I won't do, I justwant to be sure He understands MY perspective. MY fears. My reasons forthinking He's asking me to do something that doesn't make much sense.

So how did God respond when Ananias voices his concerns? "Go!"("Ananias, what you don't know is that this man is already changed. Thesituation is completely different than what you're expecting. I've chosen touse this very man you think will destroy my church- and you. I know what isgoing to happen. I know what he's done to my people, and only I know what he'sgoing to face as a result. Thanks for the concern, Ananias, but I've got thisone under control.")

The thing that struck me most is this: when I have similar conversations withGod, I am acting just like Ananias did. I assume that I see the entiresituation, I presume to understand who, what, where and how. Like Ananias, Ioverlook the fact that God is always working behind the scenes: softening hearts,changing the variables, working in all things for the good of those who loveHim. However, like Ananias, I can trust that when God gives me specificinstruction it's because He's been working specifically to make a place for meto be effective.

Why is it so easy to forget that God never sleeps, that God is always at work,that nothing is impossible with God? Why is it so easy to presume that what wethink we know is all there is to know? Why do we act like "walking infaith" means knowing exactly what is in our future? Faith is not only"being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see,"faith is trusting that God is in control and we can walk in places where weknow we do not see the entire situation or understand the details of what God isorchestrating.

We will never be able to comprehend, or even imagine how God works in everysituation, understands every variable and knows ahead of time every possibleoutcome, and ultimately chooses the best possible one from an eternalperspective. We just need to walk in faith, knowing that God loves us and Hewon't set us up to fail Him. He's working in ways we can't imagine, usingunlikely people to do extraordinary things. The really cool thing is that wemight just be that unlikely person He's chosen!

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A Book Report...

... And a plug.


It has been a year since Living Prayer: The Lord's Prayer Alive in You has been published, and I am still receiving some very encouraging comments about it.  Here is the most recent.

We just finished doing a study on your book about the Lord's Prayer.  It was AWESOME!!!  It opened our eyes to what God is doing and wants to do in our lives through a simple prayer all of us learned as new believers.  Thanks!!  Tim

A common theme is how this very familiar prayer has become fresh to them.  I am thrilled at this.  This book was written after years of using the Lord's Prayer as a pattern of my own personal prayer life.

I have had the privilege of 7 years of good theological education, 25 years of pastoring, been exposed to great books and godly people, but nothing has shaped my life nearly as much as treating Jesus' simple instructions on this vital topic of prayer very seriously.  Those early morning times when I have asked Jesus to, "teach me to pray" and then listened as He tutored me using the words of the Lord's Prayer as the curriculum have shaped not only my prayer life, but my entire life.  I have logged hundreds of hours doing this and it is still fresh.

So, whether someone gets there via my book, another book, or just on their own, I long for every believer to have those special times with Jesus.

More is available at



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Where is the line to see Jesus!

As we celebrate the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus

EVERY day, I share this song with you that reminds us that we are the

only Jesus some people will ever see.  Let us continue to pray that

the church will truly reflect the testimony of Jesus on the earth!  


God richly bless you and those you love and reward your faithfulness!

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