March 2011 Newsletter
Dear HPN Pray-ers,
• Pray for the dangerous influence of Scientology on our industry
Burbank, CA 91521-4551 And read about Dani at:
When I was a young woman, I had many opportunities to visit my widowed grandmother while I attended college in her town. As she grieved my grandfather’s death, she reflected her trust in God to care for her and showed how God sustained her each day, by claiming the promise Jesus gave His disciples after His resurrection.
“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”
Matthew 28:20 (KJV).
My grandmother’s faith that God would always be there for her made a great impact on my life. Her testimony influenced me to incorporate that verse into my daily experiences. Since those early adult years, whenever life has been difficult, disappointing, or downright discouraging, I have claimed that same scripture verse. My prayer is that I will have opportunities to reflect my life experiences of trusting God during my difficult times to my children and grandchildren.
In Proverbs 27:19 we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.” However, we may ask what does that look like. When we meditate on God’s Word and grow in our relationship with God, we will reflect God’s glory because we are being transformed into His image. We glorify God when we reveal or manifest his character by the way we live by demonstrating God’s love to those around us.
We, as grandparents who love the Lord have a responsibility to reflect a godly life to our grandchildren. We must ask ourselves, is my walk with the Lord as I want reflected in the lives of my grandchildren.
My grandmother made a lasting impression on my life because she reflected her faith in God’s provision to sustain her during her time of grieving. When we reflect God’s love to our grandchildren and they are walking with the Lord, our love for God will keep on living through our grandchildren.
Questions to ask ourselves:
What does the reflection of my life look like to my grandchildren?
Do I want my grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?
Will they want my Jesus?
Pray your love for God will keep on living through your grandchildren, even after you are deceased.
Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to be in Your Word
and model the life of a godly grandparent.
Help to take the time to read and meditate on Your Word every day
So I will reflect your face in the heart of my grandchildren.
Even after I have passed on to be with you.
In Jesus name.
© 2010 Lillian Penner
It Seems To Me . . .
. . . pastors need to rediscover Acts 6:4.
Not too long ago, a national prayer leader sent out an email asking other prayer leaders for feedback. He was preparing to speak at a church staff retreat, a strategic opportunity to advance the cause of prayer in a congregation already having an impact. When my colleague and I connected by phone, he explained how he saw this as a challenge to cast a vision that went beyond the traditional understanding of prayer and the typical style of praying.
While I enjoy speaking with this friend for any reason, I was especially enthused on this occasion knowing the leadership team recognized they could incorporate more prayer into the life of the congregation. Certainly, my colleague's teaching would challenge them to integrate prayer into every ministry and activity. When the pastor and core leaders become champions of prayer, it is not long until the culture of small groups and committee meetings and corporate gatherings is transformed.
As we talked, I remembered a statement I first head many years ago at a prayer conference in San Antonio (I remember the event but cannot remember the preacher's name!). Obviously, the preacher's message was on prayer but he spoke one line that immediately became etched in my memory: "Every church prays, but not every church is a praying church."
Now a common statement among prayer leaders, back then the Holy Spirit used it as a paradigm shift that gave me a passion to help leaders understand the difference and to pursue it undeterred..
Throughout our conversation, my prayer leader friend and I discussed several implications and applications that could create a new set of expectations for this pastor and his staff. When the leadership of a congregation or ministry become seriously devoted to prayer (Colossians 4:2):
Unless you are brand new to the ministry of prayer, this is familiar territory. The question we must ask though is how to make this familiar territory for pastors . . . most of whom are already juggling too many priorities (should priority even have a plural form?).
About the same time as that phone conversation, I began working on a new website for pastors,The 6:4 Fellowship, led by Jim Cymbala and Daniel Henderson. It is designed to serve pastors around the world to catch the vision for prayer. Based on Acts 6:4, the objective is to make clear the close relation between preaching and prayer. When the apostles declared to the early Church their need to "continue to devote ourselves steadfastly" to prayer and the ministry of the word, they were also making it clear to future leaders that we too must be equally committed to both. Not one or the other. Is it possible the Spirit placed prayer first is because so many of us who teach and preach tend to forget or minimize prayer?
Not every pastor is skilled or comfortable leading corporate prayer. Few seminaries offer a class or training for pastors. While church planters are encouraged to enlist prayer supporters, do they receive instruction in how to build a culture of prayer as they birth a church? With so much emphasis on leadership, how many pastors have a book about prayer high on their reading list?
Where am I going with this?
A simple idea--let's do all we can to, lovingly, bring Acts 6:4 to our leaders' attention . . . may we pray for them by name that they will devote themselves steadfastly to both prayer and the ministry of the word . . . affirm our leaders whenever they bring prayer into the life of the church. Because, it seems to me, pastors need to rediscover Acts 6:4.
Phil Miglioratti
[This originally appeared on the Church Leaders Prayer Network]
Tsunami waves swamped Hawaii beaches before dawn Friday but didn't cause any major damage after devastating an earthquake-ravaged Japan and sparking evacuations as far away as the U.S. western coast.
Kauai was the first of the Hawaiian islands hit by the tsunami, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. Water rushed ashore in Honolulu, swamping the beach in Waikiki and surging over a break wall in the world-famous resort but stopping short of the area's high-rise hotels.
The tsunami, spawned by an 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan, slammed the eastern coast of Japan, sweeping away boats, cars, homes and people as widespread fires burned out of control. It raced across the Pacific at 500 mph - as fast as a jetliner - though the waves roll into shore at normal speeds.
In Guam, the waves broke two U.S. Navy submarines from their moorings, but tug boats corralled the subs and brought them back to their pier. No damage was reported to Navy ships in Hawaii
Waves are predicted to hit the western coast of the United States between 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. EST Friday. Evacuations were ordered in parts of Washington and Oregon, and fishermen in Crescent City, Calif., fired up their crab boats and left the harbor to ride out an expected swell.
President Barack Obama said the Federal Emergency Management Agency is ready to come to the aid of Hawaii and West Coast states as needed. Coast Guard cutter and aircraft crews were positioning themselves to be ready to conduct response and survey missions as soon as conditions allow.
Significant aftershocks continue in Japan. Up to 300 people have been found dead in the coastal city of Sendai. Evacuations occurred near a nuclear plant after a reactor cooling malfunction. Other power plants and oil refineries have been shut down and commuter trains are stopped. One passenger train is unaccounted for, and a ferry boat carrying 100 people may have been swept away by the tsunami.(Sources: Roll Call, Wall Street Journal))
As the Lord leads, please pray now:
I am writing you today to invite and urge your partnership for Orlando 2011: A Leadership Consultation to Revitalize & Reshape Evangelism and Missions in the U.S.. Pastor Phil Miglioratti, Coordinator of the National Pastors Prayer Network (NPPN) is providing significant leadership for Orlando 2011.
Orlando 2011 will take place April 4-6, 2011, in Orlando, FL. See more at
Internationally respected prayer leader Steve Hawthorne from Waymakers ( and myself are serving Orlando 2011 by planning and leading the prayer "consultation" team as we review and identify strategies for mobilizing prayer that will influence prayer evangelism for the next decade.
Here's how you can help:
1. Serve on the Prayer planning team to help finalize plans for the Prayer consultation sessions.
2. Attend Orlando 2011 and lend your expertise to the Prayer consultation sessions. See more information at
3. Pray for Orlando 2011.
4. Share this invitation with others with a passion and interest in prayer.
Andrew Murray said, "The man who mobilizes the church to pray will have the greatest impact on world evangelization than anyone in history." Together, we can make a tremendous impact for good in our nation.
Please reply today to let me know how you will partner with us in seeing our nation turn back to God.
See more current information on Orlando 2011 and what God is doing across the nation below. Contact me with questions at Blessings, Thomas
Thomas Bush| Prayer Coordinator San Diego SBA and San Diego Regional Prayer Network
4608 Gardena Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110
Cell: (619) 742-8694
Office 619.275.2550
Join me if you would like in praying this prayer during Lent:
Covenant Prayer
From John Wesley's Covenant Service , 1780
I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.
10 Reasons Why Small Churches Stay SmallWant your church to reach people, expand and grow? Avoid these pitfalls. |
Dear Beloved Leaders and Prayer Influencers, This small Blog comes are result of the burden I have had concerning how the city of Nairobi Is drifting a way from God through the Church Leaders,
The Church leaders make up right into Government system In Kenya therefore they making it hard for the for the genuine transformation, Ie the Vice president of Kenya is strong Church Leader, half of the Kenya parliament have been real Strong Christian, What is happening now they have marged themselves no longer as Christians and Brothers but allies in the cacoons of Tribalism, Nepotism and Impunity making the even the pastors and the Church leaders at large the agents of this hate.
I know many of you have friend in Kenya whop are Church leaders and what you have not known possibly what do they stand for, Do they stand for the genuine course of the Gospel and the Kingdom and ultimate transformation Of The city or they are puffed up with tribalism and other appetital ills.
Its my concern now that Prayer has been kicked out of Nairobi, What will I do to Effect what God has called me to Do?
This Friday I will be meeting Four of this City Leaders in Meetings which I have requested there Four Church Members too to attend.
Pray for me this Venture succeeds, Possibly God can use this to Ignite a movement
Thank you all
Prayer Partners
In order to teach about spiritual disciplines and come across as knowledgeable and believable, the teacher must first journey through the lessons she will teach. In Ready to Pray, Gail Dudley shares the life lessons that the Lord has poured into her life through her spiritual journey with Him. Whether these were seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow, seasons of want or seasons of plenty, the Lord has been working in Gail’s life for many years, teaching her the disciplines of prayer and the power that comes through the life of someone who is obedient to calling on Him during all of life’s challenges. Gail has first-hand experience in how to develop and build a powerful prayer life; her life is a living testimony of a life transformed by the power of prayer and having a heart of worship.
In Ready to Pray, Gail pours her heart into the pages of this book, sharing the intimate and hard lessons that God has taught her – the very circumstances that brought her to her knees before the Lord – the very lessons that taught her about prayer, the power of prayer, the need for prayer and the joy and freedom that is found in worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ.
Order a copy today at ISBN: 978-0-557-90787-8 you may also download a copy as well at
It's a little before dawn and I walk the 200yds from my comfortable cozy cabin, in the brisk clear air to The Prayer Chapel at Harvest Prayer Retreat Center in Indiana.
The moonlight casts a silver glow over the ice-covered lake. Entering the Chapel I experience the presence of God in the beauty of His creation as I quietly speak out the names of Jesus inscribed in a variety of scripts upon one of the walls.
I sit down at the writing desk and read a description of worship by Richard Foster which started like this: "Worship is living in the reality of God's creation with a heart open to receive all it's glory. Wow for the next nine hours that is what I did and incredibly it seems as if it were but one. As you watch today's PM3 may God give you a desire to come out of hiding in the busyness of life and TAKE A DAY, & BE IN HIS CREATION.
Chkk-Chirrrrrrrrrrrr in the joy we share in Jesus and give away a PRAY NOW blessing today!
Thanking the Lord this morning for His protection and a peaceful sleep in the midst of the howling winds outside!
Just thinking, technology is such a wonderful invention, if we use it correctly!
Through the internet, I am interacting with this wonderful Prayer! Network and I am participating in a free online bible college . Through the telephone, I interact in a 5:00 A.M. Bible Study. All of this is done mostly with people I have not met, or will probably never meet until we get to glory!
God has equipped mankind with so much knowledge, but as a whole, mankind is not wise enough to acknowledge the true and living God’s presence and intervention!