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Hollywood Prayer Network Logo
  March 2011 Newsletter

Dear HPN Pray-ers,
Happy almost St. Patrick's Day!  As we begin to share what is happening here in Hollywood let's take a moment and pray for Japan, that the Lord would pour out His grace over that nation and send His comfort and aid.
In this beautiful month, our community has made it through a huge Awards month and now we’re in the middle of TV Pilot Season.  Thank you for your faithful prayers through these challenging and rewarding times. As you continue to pray with us for the entertainment industry we hope to give you more insight into how Hollywood works. We believe that you can pray with more wisdom if you have a greater understanding of the culture, people, traditions, things worshiped and language that combine to form the unique culture of the place we call home, Hollywood. One great resource for understanding this, the world’s most influential mission field is the TMZ or the Pink_Flowers_copy.jpgThirty Mile Zone

• Continue to ask God to guide Justin Bieber as he makes life decisions                         
• Would you pray with us for God’s continued financial provision for HPN?!              
•  Praise God that a lovely Christian woman is highlighted on 'Secret Millionaire'        
 Praise God for U2’s lead singer BONO and his deep faith in the Lord                           
• We must pray for Charlie Sheen, who is on the road to self-destruction                    
• Pray for Anthony Hopkins and his faith journey                                                                   
• Pray for the dangerous influence of Scientology on our industry                                  
• Our industry is full of broken, hurting people who need prayer                                    
• Please pray for an HPN friend Barry, who asked for prayer as he produces              
• Pray for God’s presence at NAB, the world’s largest technology convention              
• Pray for comedian Ricky Gervais, who hosted the Golden Globes in January              
• Our prayer for you, the viewers, is that you will have compassion for artists            
• Check out our industry’s upcoming events and pray

• Continue to pray for Justin Bieber. As a 17 year old he is faced with unnatural life situations, public judgment and private difficult decisions that are challenging even for mature adults. Please remember the challenges that come with being a celebrity and for a teen-ager making wise decisions, acting always as a mature adult and being careful of every word he says, it is humanly impossible. He and his mom, Pattie, need our prayers for continued strength, protection, wisdom and peace. Click here for an updated clip of Pattie’s about how we can be praying for Justin and read about the prayer campaign that HPN is also supporting for Pattie and Justin:
• Would you pray with us for God’s continued financial provision for HPN?!  We are at our highest growth in members, prayer opportunities and open doors to share our vision, but we are at our lowest point financially. We know that God is faithful and we don’t question His plans or provision, but in our hour of need, we ask you to hold up our arms in prayer so that we will be strengthened by you and He will hear the prayers of the saints all over the world for our mission and our ministry!  If you would like to financial partner with HPN click HERE.  We look forward to reporting great miracles! 


Dani_copy.jpg•  Praise God that a lovely Christian woman is highlighted on 'Secret Millionaire'.  Let’s be encouraged by a show that is lifting up a woman who is boldly living out her commitment to the Lord. Though ABC has cut the references to her personal faith in Christ, Dani Johnson’s story is told about her generosity to the needy and her servant’s heart. Check out her story and if you want to tell ABC how much you appreciate her segment write to them at: ABC, Inc. 500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4551 And read about Dani at:
 Praise God for U2’s lead singer BONO and his deep faith in the Lord. He is a role model for young music lovers and we need to recognize God working through him. Read this interview with BONO, who expresses his faith so beautifully. It should be an inspiration to us all: to inspire the curious, empower the believers and challenge the skeptics.  When you’re done reading, pass it on to your friends and family.


• We must pray for Charlie Sheen, who was the world’s #1 TV star last month and this month he is unemployed, desperate and out of control. He has serious emotional and addictive issues and he needs healing.  Our friend Terri wrote a comment on facebook that we found, reminding us that as Christians that must respond differently than the rest of the world, when it comes to judging, gossiping about or ignoring people who are hurting, broken and so lost. Instead, let's pray for Charlie, who needs medical help, spiritual help and God's unconditional love, now more than ever. Let's have our prayers be for Charlie's heart to be healed, so that he has hope for a better future. That only comes through the love and transforming power of Jesus. To read Terri's note and even respond, Click HERE.
• Pray for Anthony Hopkins and his faith journey as he talks openly about his latest film THE RITE, a film about a man who lost his faith. In a wonderful interview on Charlie Rose, Anthony talked about his own belief in God. Let’s pray for his hunger for truth, peace and contentment. To hear the interview click HERE
• Pray for the dangerous influence of Scientology on our industry, on the city of Hollywood and on the whole world. A successful and respected screenwriter, Paul Haggis, who was a devoted member of Scientology, has come out publically with the falsehoods, lies and schemes of the cult. Let’s pray that the revelation of the lies will spread. Let’s also pray for protection for vulnerable people and an end to the growth of this deception in spite of its effective media and celebrity spokespeople. To learn about Paul’s experience click HERE.

• Our industry is full of broken, hurting people. Most industry professionals are spiritually starving and those who are seeking truth often land on a false belief or reject the faith that they learned as a child. We can bring up many stories of unknown, struggling artists who get in horrible situations because of the loss of or absence of faith. But often the people in the limelight merely represent thousands of others who are following the same path. So, since we can’t name them all, let’s pray for Miley Cyrus and all the others like her, who have wandered from the faith of their childhood. As you pray, click on this insightful interview with her dad, Billy Ray.

• Please pray for an HPN friend Barry, who has realized that as he produces his independent film, he can’t get anywhere without prayer. He represents so many Christian filmmakers who are producing commercial films and seeking God in the process. We should pray for protection for Barry and for Barry to fall more in love with Jesus along the way. You can even email him a prayer at: or on his website at:

• Pray for the powerful presence of God to be found at the world’s largest technology convention this April.  At the 86th Annual NAB Show, April 9 – 14 in Las Vegas, 90,000+ media and entertainment professionals from over 150 countries and 1,200+ members of the press gather to purchase content, technology and share the latest information on what’s new in our industry. It’s also a spiritually dark place for many who are surrounded by temptations throughout the week. We want the attendees to have a miraculous encounter with God at this gathering where one would least expect to find Him. As you pray, click HERE to understand more about the event.Ricky_Gervais_copy.jpg
• Pray for comedian Ricky Gervais, who hosted the Golden Globes in January and was so mean spirited that he caused quite a stir.   Many expected that he would be ostracized for his comments and yet, within a month of the controversy, he was invited back to host the 2012 Golden Globes. It appears that people love jokes told at the expense of others. In fact, some people felt the people Ricky targeted deserved it. He ended the evening with “And I thank God... That I'm an atheist." Let’s ask the Lord to surprise Ricky with an experience of Jesus’ unconditional love, and that this formula will no longer be true in Hollywood: funny + good ratings/ tons of press = forgiveness. For more info:


• Our prayer for you, the viewers, is that you will understand that art always reflects or projects culture in society. God’s first act was creation and when He was finished He said, “It is good.” We pray that you will understand the crucial role of the creative artist in society and know that God highly values the work of the artist. They are needed to keep His heart and soul in our culture. If you, the audience, can value the work of the artist then you will be more supportive of the need to pray for and encourage the people in Hollywood and the global creative community. We don’t have to love their choices or their lifestyles – those we should be praying about. But we must acknowledge their importance in our world and lift them up to the Lord.


• HPN is sponsoring a Spring Bible study for women on Beth Moore's "Living Beyond Yourself" - an 11 week adventure into exploring the Fruit of the Spirit – starting Thurs., March 31 at 7pm at the HPN offices. For more info email Kathy Young at: or check out the website at:
• Prayer for Hollywood every Wednesday from 12 Noon – 1pm in Wylie Chapel at FPCH. For more info email:
• The Annual Biola Media Conference is coming up on Saturday, April 30th. It’s the largest gathering of Christian entertainment professionals in the world and you are invited. You can see details about the conference at or to register just click this link:
• Join our industry professionals and local pastors at Bel Air Presbyterian Church on May 5th at 7:30pm for the National Day of Prayer gathering. We’re spending 90 minutes in prayer and worship for our country, state, city and our industry, followed by 30 minutes of personal prayer. We want all of LA to gather on the hill with us to spend the evening with God in corporate prayer! For more info, click HERE.
• For other Christian events in Hollywood, click here:
Thanks so much for praying with us. We believe that praying for Hollywood will bring cultural revival.
Karen and Caren

QUOTE OF THE MONTH:  "Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me."     Saint Patrick

VERSE OF THE MONTH:  "I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God." Isaiah 61:10
If you feel led to support HPN, just click here for on-line giving or contact information for sending a check. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you so much.
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Make Your Life Significant

When I was a young woman, I had many opportunities to visit my widowed grandmother while I attended college in her town. As she grieved my grandfather’s death, she reflected her trust in God to care for her and showed how God sustained her each day, by claiming the promise Jesus gave His disciples after His resurrection. 

“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”

Matthew 28:20 (KJV).

My grandmother’s faith that God would always be there for her made a great impact on my life. Her testimony influenced me to incorporate that verse into my daily experiences. Since those early adult years, whenever life has been difficult, disappointing, or downright discouraging, I have claimed that same scripture verse. My prayer is that I will have opportunities to reflect my life experiences of trusting God during my difficult times to my children and grandchildren.


In Proverbs 27:19 we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.” However, we may ask what does that look like. When we meditate on God’s Word and grow in our relationship with God, we will reflect God’s glory because we are being transformed into His image. We glorify God when we reveal or manifest his character by the way we live by demonstrating God’s love to those around us.   


 We, as grandparents who love the Lord have a responsibility to reflect a godly life to our grandchildren. We must ask ourselves, is my walk with the Lord as I want reflected in the lives of my grandchildren. 


My grandmother made a lasting impression on my life because she reflected her faith in God’s provision to sustain her during her time of grieving. When we reflect God’s love to our grandchildren and they are walking with the Lord, our love for God will keep on living through our grandchildren.

Questions to ask ourselves:

What does the reflection of my life look like to my grandchildren?

Do I want my grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?

Will they want my Jesus?

Pray your love for God will keep on living through your grandchildren, even after you are deceased. 



Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to be in Your Word

 and model the life of a godly grandparent.

 Help to take the time to read and meditate on Your Word every day

So I will reflect your face in the heart of my grandchildren.  

Even after I have passed on to be with you.

In Jesus name.

© 2010 Lillian Penner






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The Lord’s Promises

“So the LORD gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it.... Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” —Joshua 21:43-45

As Joshua was finalizing all of the details of Israel’s conquest of Canaan, we find a remarkable verse: “Not one of all the LORD’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled” (Joshua 21:45). Every promise the Lord had made to the Israelites concerning captivity in Egypt, plagues, wandering in the wilderness, conquest, and the peaceful new land, etc. was fulfilled.  Hundreds of years of history came to pass in perfect alignment with the Lord’s will!

Almost as an exclamation point to His sovereign will, this chapter gives a special glimpse into God’s heart for a nation. The Lord disperses his priests to serve the people in every part of the country. The Lord is very specific about which of the priestly clans were to go to each of the 48 “cities of refuge” listed in scripture. These priests would later set up synagogues and act as mediators and intercessors for God’s people.

As the final ingredients of the Jewish nation, these safe havens were places of mercy and justice; mercy for the one who unintentionally killed a fellow Jew, and justice for the family of the deceased. It is here that we find that not one of the Lord’s “promises to Israel failed.”

As we intercede for our country, we as the dispersed priests in the land must remember God’s promises for our nation, praying that every one of them would be fulfilled. Our lives as intercessors are evidence of His “special possession” (1 Peter 2:9-10) as we declare His praises and watch for unfolding answers. What a privilege to glimpse firsthand the Lord’s heart to administer justice and mercy for His people here in America!

Do you think our Founding Fathers knew that they would set in motion a country that would send more missionaries and more relief dollars to foreign countries than any other nation in the history of the world?  No. These men of prayer could not have known, but their conviction and obedience worked hand-in-hand with God’s faithfulness to pave the way for far-reaching promise.

Ask our Lord, what is it that You still desire to accomplish? By faith, let’s continue to intercede that our nation’s leaders would not derail the Lord’s promises for this country.
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It Seems To Me . . .

. . . pastors need to rediscover Acts 6:4.

Not too long ago, a national prayer leader sent out an email asking other prayer leaders for feedback. He was preparing to speak at a church staff retreat, a strategic opportunity to advance the cause of prayer in a congregation already having an impact. When my colleague and I connected by phone, he explained how he saw this as a challenge to cast a vision that went beyond the traditional understanding of prayer and the typical style of praying.

While I enjoy speaking with this friend for any reason, I was especially enthused on this occasion knowing the leadership team recognized they could incorporate more prayer into the life of the congregation. Certainly, my colleague's teaching would challenge them to integrate prayer into every ministry and activity. When the pastor and core leaders become champions of prayer, it is not long until the culture of small groups and committee meetings and corporate gatherings is transformed.

As we talked, I remembered a statement I first head many years ago at a prayer conference in San Antonio (I remember the event but cannot remember the preacher's name!). Obviously, the preacher's message was on prayer but he spoke one line that immediately became etched in my memory: "Every church prays, but not every church is a praying church."

Now a common statement among prayer leaders, back then the Holy Spirit used it as a paradigm shift that gave me a passion to help leaders understand the difference and to pursue it undeterred..

Throughout our conversation, my prayer leader friend and I discussed several implications and applications that could create a new set of expectations for this pastor and his staff. When the leadership of a congregation or ministry become seriously devoted to prayer (Colossians 4:2):

  • Staff meetings change . . . Planning meetings change . . . Church calendars change because the Holy Spirit has greater access to leading the leaders
  • Prayer permeates Sunday services (not just in the 90 second Pastoral Prayer, if there is one)
  • Prayer is integrated into every ministry (not merely the prayer ministry), thereby touching the 80% of the members who never set foot in a prayer meeting
  • Sunday school classes refocus to pray for the lost, fellowship groups for members' spiritual formation, and activity groups onto community impacting  ministry
  • Outward focused prayer gets people out of their seats and into the streets (prayerwalking) to pray for, care about, and share Christ with their neighbors
  • Outward focused prayer begins to follow an Acts 1:8 model: neighbors, community/city, Samaria (unloved people groups), the world
  • Serious prayer develops the character of God in members and the church culture: humility, grace, mercy, passion for the Son of God, burden for the nations of the world.

Unless you are brand new to the ministry of prayer, this is familiar territory.  The question we must ask though is how to make this familiar territory for pastors . . . most of whom are already juggling too many priorities (should priority even have a plural form?).

About the same time as that phone conversation, I began working on a new website for pastors,The 6:4 Fellowship, led  by Jim Cymbala and Daniel Henderson. It is designed to serve pastors around the world to catch the vision for prayer. Based on Acts 6:4, the objective is to make clear the close relation between preaching and prayer. When the apostles declared to the early Church their need to "continue to devote ourselves steadfastly" to prayer and the ministry of the word, they were also making it clear to future leaders that we too must be equally committed to both. Not one or the other. Is it possible the Spirit placed prayer first is because so many of us who teach and preach tend to forget or minimize prayer?

Not every pastor is skilled or comfortable leading corporate prayer. Few seminaries offer a class or training for pastors. While church planters are encouraged to enlist prayer supporters, do they receive instruction in how to build a culture of prayer as they birth a church? With so much emphasis on leadership, how many pastors have a book about prayer high on their reading list?

Where am I going with this?

A simple idea--let's do all we can to, lovingly, bring Acts 6:4 to our leaders' attention . . . may we pray for them by name that they will devote themselves steadfastly to both prayer and the ministry of the word . . . affirm our leaders whenever they bring prayer into the life of the church.  Because, it seems to me, pastors need to rediscover Acts 6:4.

Phil Miglioratti

[This originally appeared on the Church Leaders Prayer Network]


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Prayer Alert - Earthquake in Japan

Presidential Prayer Team - Member Alert • Established in September 2001 
• 1.48 Million Households Served
• Largest Prayer Movement For Our Nation

Tsunami Rolls Across Pacific as Fifth Largest Quake on Record Strikes Japan

Tsunami waves swamped Hawaii beaches before dawn Friday but didn't cause any major damage after devastating an earthquake-ravaged Japan and sparking evacuations as far away as the U.S. western coast.

Kauai was the first of the Hawaiian islands hit by the tsunami, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. Water rushed ashore in Honolulu, swamping the beach in Waikiki and surging over a break wall in the world-famous resort but stopping short of the area's high-rise hotels.

The tsunami, spawned by an 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan, slammed the eastern coast of Japan, sweeping away boats, cars, homes and people as widespread fires burned out of control. It raced across the Pacific at 500 mph - as fast as a jetliner - though the waves roll into shore at normal speeds.

In Guam, the waves broke two U.S. Navy submarines from their moorings, but tug boats corralled the subs and brought them back to their pier. No damage was reported to Navy ships in Hawaii

Waves are predicted to hit the western coast of the United States between 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. EST Friday. Evacuations were ordered in parts of Washington and Oregon, and fishermen in Crescent City, Calif., fired up their crab boats and left the harbor to ride out an expected swell.

President Barack Obama said the Federal Emergency Management Agency is ready to come to the aid of Hawaii and West Coast states as needed. Coast Guard cutter and aircraft crews were positioning themselves to be ready to conduct response and survey missions as soon as conditions allow.

Significant aftershocks continue in Japan.  Up to 300 people have been found dead in the coastal city of Sendai. Evacuations occurred near a nuclear plant after a reactor cooling malfunction. Other power plants and oil refineries have been shut down and commuter trains are stopped. One passenger train is unaccounted for, and a ferry boat carrying 100 people may have been swept away by the tsunami.(Sources: Roll Call, Wall Street Journal))

As the Lord leads, please pray now:

  • For the recovery efforts in Japan mounted by local citizens and personnel from the U.S. military.
  • For those still in the path of the tsunami as it crosses into the U.S. coastal waters.
  • For the many who have suffered losses. For families who have lost loved ones; for others whose property losses are unsurmountable.


Keep updated by visiting PRAYER WATCH - a 24/7 prayer tool.
Your Prayer Team


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I am writing you today to invite and urge your partnership for Orlando 2011: A Leadership Consultation to Revitalize & Reshape Evangelism and Missions in the U.S..  Pastor Phil Miglioratti, Coordinator of the National Pastors Prayer Network (NPPN) is providing significant leadership for Orlando 2011.


Orlando 2011 will take place April 4-6, 2011, in Orlando, FL.  See more at


Internationally respected prayer leader Steve Hawthorne from Waymakers ( and myself are serving Orlando 2011 by planning and leading the prayer "consultation" team as we review and identify strategies for mobilizing prayer that will influence prayer evangelism for the next decade.


Here's how you can help:


1.  Serve on the Prayer planning team to help finalize plans for the Prayer consultation sessions.


2.  Attend Orlando 2011 and lend your expertise to the Prayer consultation sessions.  See more information at


3.  Pray for Orlando 2011.


4.  Share this invitation with others with a passion and interest in prayer.


Andrew Murray said, "The man who mobilizes the church to pray will have the greatest impact on world evangelization than anyone in history."  Together, we can make a tremendous impact for good in our nation.


Please reply today to let me know how you will partner with us in seeing our nation turn back to God.


See more current information on Orlando 2011 and what God is doing across the nation below.  Contact me with questions at  Blessings, Thomas



Thomas Bush| Prayer Coordinator San Diego SBA and San Diego Regional Prayer Network
   4608 Gardena Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110

    Cell: (619) 742-8694
    Office  619.275.2550


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National Day of Prayer Task Force

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2011 Resource Catalog

There are only 55 days until the 60th Annual Observance of the National Day of Prayer! Now is the time to order resources for your event. Check out the electronic version of our 2011

catalog below.



ENGAGE in TRUTH is more than a weekly podcast... it's a movement for genuine connection with God and each other. Join hosts Michael Calhoun and John Bornschein as they seek to bridge the gap that too often exists between faith and real life... 

Read the 2010 Impact Report

On May 6, 2010, the Cannon House Office Building in Washington D.C. filled with hundreds of people, from dignitaries to school children. In a memorable message, Reverend Franklin Graham (2010 Honorary Chairman), made a parallel between...

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2011 Theme & Verse

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There are only 55 days until the 60th Annual Observance of the National Day of Prayer! Now is the time to order resources for your event. Click on the image below to view the 2011 Resource Catalog online. 
2011 CATALOG 3
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LISTEN TO THE WEEKLY PODCAST... ENGAGEinTRUTH - BANNER3ENGAGE in TRUTH is more than a weekly podcast... it's a movement for genuine connection with God and each other.  Join hosts Michael Calhoun and John Bornschein as they seek to bridge the gap that too often exists between faith and real life - it's time to set aside the superficial, it's time to go deeper, it's time to ENGAGE in TRUTH.
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IMPACTREPORT Read The 2010 Impact ReportImpact Report_View  
On May 6th, 2010, the Cannon House Office Building in Washington D.C. filled with hundreds of people, from dignitaries to school children. In a memorable message, Reverend Franklin Graham (2010 Honorary Chairman) made a parallel between...
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John Wesley's Covenant Prayer

Join me if you would like in praying this prayer during Lent: 


Covenant    Prayer

From   John   Wesley's   Covenant   Service ,  1780 

I  am  no  longer  my  own,  but  thine. 

Put  me  to  what  thou  wilt,  rank  me  with  whom  thou  wilt. 

Put  me  to  doing,  put  me  to  suffering. 

Let  me  be  employed  by  thee  or  laid  aside  for  thee, 

exalted  for  thee  or  brought  low  for  thee. 

Let  me  be  full,  let  me  be  empty. 

Let  me  have  all  things,  let  me  have  nothing. 

I  freely  and  heartily  yield  all  things to  thy  pleasure  and  disposal. 

And  now,  O  glorious  and  blessed  God, 

Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Spirit, 

thou  art  mine,  and  I  am  thine.  So  be  it. 

And  the  covenant  which  I  have  made  on  earth, 

let  it  be  ratified  in  heaven.  Amen.

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"And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Ro.8:27).It is clear from the above verse that Christ is always interceding for us individually, and simultaneously for the entire Church as well (Heb.7:25). Without that dependant intimacy, we will not be restored into the image of the Son (Ro.8:26-29). So apart from relating to the Father as Christ does, we cannot possibly participate in His heart. Since Christ's Headship now functions through His own intercession, those called to serve by leading must participate in this strategic release of His expressed desire (Col.1:18). All of Christ's Church must flow with Him in intercession to the Father.Intercession is for Everyone in the Body of Christ: No Exceptions!This is why all who lead with any responsibility must first establish a relationship with God in Spirit which features not only active prayer but also includes intercession. If not, they will neither be in the continuity of Christ's life, nor the flow of His direction. The church is only going to be truly led (1) by Christ, and (2) through the Spirit (Mt.16:18; Ro.8:14). But this applies to more than just those gifted governmentally (Eph.4:11). Intercession is the right, privilege and responsibility of all God's children (Heb.4:14-16). All must purpose themselves to enter into the intercessory flow by the Spirit of God (Ro.8:26).Apostles and Prophets, however, have the greatest responsibility to avail themselves to intercede with the Lord Jesus. It is in that realm these will enter into "the mystery of Christ" (Eph.3:4-5). Accessed by foundational ministers through the Spirit, the Lord then builds by revelation according to His priority (Mt.16:18-19). Without these disclosures, there will neither be adequate foundation for the church, nor proper priority for functioning as the Body (Eph.2:20; 1Cor.12:28).Intercession with Christ by leaders will be what actually releases God's will into the Earth (Ac.1:12-14; 13:1-4). But instead, many leaders have personal intercessors who carry the bulk of this activity for them. Having persons pray for church leaders is definitely a good idea, but those who lead which desire prayer covering should first realize they are already receiving prayer covering from Christ (Ro.8:27,34; Heb.7:25). They should then realize that without an active, current and personal prayer life which participates in Christ's true intercession, they will not be empowered to flow into the fullest dimension of witness and authority in their ministries. Even with substantial reinforcement from the ranks, there must be authentic intercession made by those who carry the authority which (released) is required to inaugurate the advances and establish the changes for which Christ is calling to the Father.In the same way that Christ intercedes for the saints, every individual has the capacity to be chosen by the Lord's Spirit to intercede on behalf of others. True intercession for others provides a powerful release when those with the Gift of Christ participate, especially Apostles and Prophets. These will issue forth the prayer of Christ with an unusual dimension of authority, releasing the governmental anointing of their respective ministry gifting and call. God will then connect, empower and deploy the Body together through this expression of Christ’s Voice marshalled into demonstration of action. Then, "the mystery of Christ" will not be only revealed, but have a legitimate opportunity to be established (Eph.3:4-5; 4:11-16).Such intercession, however, does not originate from formal, mutual covenants or personal commitments to organizations (although it may very well lead to such). Instead, this intercession is both inspired and spontaneous through the Spirit of God. It is the prayer of Christ entered into by the Church which authenticates intercession. It is the prayer of Christ entered into by the Church which moves the Body from desiring His presence for themselves into fully releasing it to others and establishing it reproductively (Ac.1:12-14; 2:1-4; 13:1-4).Intercessory PartnershipsIt is by these prayers of Christ though the church that intercessory relationships should always be first identified and then recognized. In fact, intercessory partnerships must not only always be formed by these types of leadings, promptings and spontaneity. Intercessory relationships must also be rooted, centered and verified as authentic by them as well. In this way, one can remain assured that the source and ongoing energy of the co-laboring relationship is the Spirit of God.By remaining within this boundary of Spiritual affinity we insure that the relationship remains authentic, event as it results in growth, development, and even organizational establishment and expansion. The component which legitimizes our ongoing relationships in the body of Christ is the Holy Spirit. Without this ongoing "kindredness," "likemindedness," "connection," "Spiritual fingerprint," or "DNA" we are relegated to becoming "parts" of the "machinery."Like a forged metal part which needs much lubrication for the engine it is part of to run smoothly after being started, we tend to get cold, impersonal, and feel lost functioning as an organizationally-driven enterprise. That is, until we are fully warmed-up and sometimes even revved (as necessary). This is because that 'lubricant' which brought us together has been forfeited for the sake of our own self-image, preservation, expansion, and security. At that point, the Spirit exists for the sake of the organization, rather than the organization existing to carry out the direction of the Holy Spirit. When attempting to drive the horse with the cart relationships can no longer be functionally authentic. When attempting to pull the engine by the caboose the train can no longer be what Christ designed and God called for (Mt.16:18; 1Cor.12:13-14).But as we are faithful to follow the Holy Spirit in offering prayer support for others, we will continually be establishing, insuring and even furthering the "divine connections" initiated by God to bring about His results. And if intended by God to be shared with others, these revelations will bring us into relationships that must continue as they have begun: by the Spirit of God.After the Spirit births relationship, commitment which leads to a co-laboring function is essential. But we need to remember: "commitment to a purpose" is not the glue of God's function, the Holy Spirit is. This is why so many attempts made for co-functioning, unifying for events, or cooperating for mutual support fall flat and bring disappointment to all. Such efforts often consist of much determination and hard work, but are noticeably devoid of God's presence.The key is the Holy Spirit. The relationships He forms and energizes will accomplish His purposes. This does not devalue commitment, it places it in proper order– as the result of His leading (Ro.8:14). But once led into commitment, our integrity must be impeccable (Psa.15:1,4b).Intercession – Transforming PowerAs we allow Christ to transform us while experiencing His Presence in prayer, we will be elevated to the Father's Right Hand. We will never be more like Jesus than when we stand with Him before the Father to issue forth complete agreement with His intercession. In that same vein, no activity undertaken to bring about personal change in our hearts will bear as much fruit as true intercession (Ro.8:29).Intercession is the primary way we access the resurrection power of Christ and mature in our relationship with God. As we truly intercede, what flows over our lips will be the very words and prayer of Jesus to the Father. The fruit of such prayer will establish God's will in circumstance. The fruit of such prayer will also result in the impartation of Christ's heart through conforming to His image (Ro.8:29).God has chosen authentic, Spirit-birthed, powered and directed intercession with Him to unify the Bride with the Bridegroom (Ro.8:29-34). By continually flowing with Him in this way, the conduit between Heaven and Earth is connected. Through our agreement with Christ's desire, a flow is released as a living reality within and the pipeline between Heaven and Earth begins to be operational. Continuing in this flow, we increasingly yearn for that which Christ yearns, because His heart and life begin to overtake our own.The immeasurable impact of our experience with Christ increasingly turns us toward Him and His desires until we operate as One (Ro.8:29). This type of relationship with Christ will enable us to not only experience, but actually carry the anointing. Those who carry the anointing will produce the miracles and signs so desperately needed to convince the unbelieving in this hour (1Cor.14:24-25). Then, Jesus Christ will be fully represented in the Earth as one's go forth from Heaven's Throne with God's presence, power and purposes “in spirit and in truth” (Jn.4:24;14:6).Intercession -- Sensitivity to the Holy SpiritWhen the Spirit desires to make intercession through us with Christ for others, we may be prompted in various ways.§ Suddenly, we may feel a spiritual leading to pray. (This is much different than being struck by fear, worry, or anxiety).§ We could have a dream from the Lord that contains revelation on how to pray for others.§ Similarly, we may have a vision.§ While praying, specific individuals are "brought before us."The Lord has a multitude of ways of getting our attention, and He knows how. We need to allow that to take place. We need to be directed by God. Although it is essential in every season to yield to the Spirit in prayer, in this hour we must protect this priority with all our resolve. Even if it seems less urgent than the work before us. And it may (now) seem less 'urgent,' but we will (later) find that if we fail to enter in, we will have completely missed what was clearly most important.In the same way we are to be attentively perceptive in conversation with others, our role is to be sensitive to the Spirit of God as we proceed with Him. The more personal and relational our prayer life becomes, the more we will be used of God in agreement with Christ: both for self-intercession, and for interceding with Him for His Body.Once a prompting or direction for intercession has been received, it is crucial not to use this revelation to fashion others 'in our image' while praying. It is very possible to be right about what we see and wrong about how we respond to it in prayer. Even though we receive correct understanding of a need, if uttered apart from the Spirit or beyond the grace of God we will miss the purpose for being apprehended on their behalf.Many times we lack the Father's heart for understanding the specifics of the journey He has called others to. At times we also fail to embrace the uniqueness of Christ within each, failing to encourage others to explore their destiny apart from our understanding of their journey and desire for them. When understanding what God reveals through the lens of our investment in the lives of others, we can very easily become part of the problem instead of joining with the Spirit's release of the solution.As we grow with the Spirit through continual intercession, what is revealed causes our wineskin to expand and be transformed into the “mind of Christ” (1Cor.2:16). As God moves in ways we would never have imagined or even desired, we then must begin to spiritually discern right and wrong ways to react and relate to what is revealed. This requires that sometimes we should just wait, rightly sensing that we have been shown something by God, but that His heart is calling us deeper into His before we will be given what is needed to make a true faith response in prayer (Ro.10:17; Heb.11:6). With that in mind, in those times we must content ourselves to pray, to trust, and to wait.____________________________________________
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pray for Nairobi Kenya

Dear Beloved Leaders and Prayer Influencers, This small Blog comes are result of the burden I have had concerning how the city of Nairobi Is drifting a way from God through the Church Leaders,

The Church leaders make up right into Government system In Kenya therefore they making it hard for the for the genuine transformation, Ie the Vice president of Kenya is strong Church Leader, half of the Kenya parliament have been real Strong Christian, What is happening now they have marged themselves no longer as Christians and Brothers but allies in the cacoons of Tribalism, Nepotism and Impunity making the even the pastors and the Church leaders at large the agents of this hate.


I know many of you have friend in Kenya whop are Church leaders and what you have not known possibly what do they stand for, Do they stand for the genuine course of the Gospel and the Kingdom and ultimate transformation Of The city or they are puffed up with tribalism and other appetital ills.


Its my concern now that Prayer has been kicked out of Nairobi, What will I do to Effect what God has called me to Do?


This Friday I will be meeting Four of this City Leaders in Meetings which I have requested there Four Church Members too to attend.


Pray for me this Venture succeeds, Possibly God can use this to Ignite a movement


Thank you all


Prayer Partners

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Keep on Praying

For twenty-two years, my annual assignment at Southwestern Seminary was to coordinate the training and placement of approximately 100 Seminary student, hope-to-be preachers into small churches located outside of the Bible-belt for the purpose of conducting spring-break revival meetings. The most difficult part was not the training of the students; it was knowing where to place them. So I fasted, prayed and read the Bible, sometimes for several days, waiting on God to give me a “Go” word, before making any assignments. I was not going to match student preacher and small church without the assurance that God was with me in the process. I’m not sure where in the Bible I started reading one year but I had made it all the way to III John and was beginning to wonder if God was going to give me my needed “Go” word. After all, only Jude and Revelation remained in the Bible. Then I read III John 5-6, “You do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren . . . if you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God.” With that “Go” word given, I proceeded to “send them forward on their journey.” Lesson learned and now passed on to you: Keep reading your Bible and praying. God is sometimes slow but never late.You can subscribe and receive Dr. Dan’s Monday Morning Memo via E-mail every Monday morning and it’s free.
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In order to teach about spiritual disciplines and come across as knowledgeable and believable, the teacher must first journey through the lessons she will teach.  In Ready to Pray, Gail Dudley shares the life lessons that the Lord has poured into her life through her spiritual journey with Him.  Whether these were seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow, seasons of want or seasons of plenty, the Lord has been working in Gail’s life for many years, teaching her the disciplines of prayer and the power that comes through the life of someone who is obedient to calling on Him during all of life’s challenges.  Gail has first-hand experience in how to develop and build a powerful prayer life; her life is a living testimony of a life transformed by the power of prayer and having a heart of worship.


In Ready to Pray, Gail pours her heart into the pages of this book, sharing the intimate and hard lessons that God has taught her – the very circumstances that brought her to her knees before the Lord – the very lessons that taught her about prayer, the power of prayer, the need for prayer and the joy and freedom that is found in worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ.


Order a copy today at ISBN: 978-0-557-90787-8 you may also download a copy as well at


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Our ministry began back in 2004 here in Indiana. It began with a campaign of tracing back and forth across all of Indiana's 92 counties where two things were accomplished. A relationship was formed with a man who would later become our Governor and a team of prayer leaders were established in every county of our state.

Months later a new Governor was elected to our state and I received a call from one of his staff simply asking if I was the guy or if I knew someone who could offer an ongoing prayer covering for the Governor. I explained that this was something that we had already begun for him just as we had done for the previous office holder.

Weeks later we had a revelation. While all the Governors and staff of our nation were attending the National Governor's Conference a staffer from Indiana shared with several other Governors’ staffers that a prayer team had been established for them here. They told of the blessings that the prayer team’s intercession had brought to them and to their state. The surprise came later that same day when our office phone began to ring with requests for similar teams in other states. Admittedly I found myself feeling reluctant about being in the midst of what would later be realized as a nationwide ministry being born that day. I was simply trying to do the right thing for my state and its leaders and I did have a national ministry mind at all.

Over the years we have hovered around 22-25 states never feeling rushed to grow or to possibly outgrow our infrastructure. That all changed for us earlier this year when we received the leading from several intercessory groups to pursue leadership in all 50 states. In just the past few weeks we have moved up to 31 states. We need your help to fill the rest. Below is a list of the needed states and what follows is the position description and closing thoughts.

States Needed - Please pray & help us as God leads.

Arkansas (replacement) Little Rock
Connecticut - Hartford
Delaware - Dover
Florida (replacement) Tallahassee
Idaho - Boise
Iowa - Des Moines
Louisiana - Baton Rouge
Maine - Augusta
Mississippi - Jackson
Nebraska - Lincoln
New Hampshire - Concord
New Jersey - Trenton
New York - Albany
North Dakota - Bismarck
Oklahoma – Oklahoma City
Rhode Island - (replacement) Providence
South Dakota - Pierre
Utah – Salt Lake City
Vermont - Montpelier
Wyoming - Cheyenne

State Prayer Leader - Governors’ Prayer Team:

State Prayer Leaders hold weekly one hour statewide prayer conference calls and also participate in a one hour national prayer call weekly. Our National calls are typically attended by veteran intercessors and prayer leaders from the prayer ministries that we come in contact with throughout the nation. Calls range from 8 to 40 participants. The State Prayer Leader is encouraged to invite guest Prayer Leaders from the various prayer ministries across their state to participate in their statewide prayer calls (Every joint has something to supply). Each guest Prayer Leader is encouraged to invite those from their networks to participate in the call as well. This offers the cross pollination of prayer focuses and resources.

State Prayer Leaders are also encouraged to raise up county Prayer leaders ultimately for each county seat (or
Borough & Parish) in their state (yes we understand this could take sometime and might not be completed during your term and that's OK. We have been slowly building up to 29 states since 2004). County Prayer Leaders are encouraged to raise up City and Town Prayer leaders and so on. Each holds conference calls or small groups of prayer lifting up all those in authority.

We are also very supportive of special projects and programs developed by our state leaders. That would include things like prayer gatherings or prayer walks in or around state capitals or county courthouses. Another example is sponsored bible studies led by State Prayer Leaders, recruited pastors or laypeople taking place in business or government offices. We have also been involved in the reestablishment of chapels and places of worship in our state capitals and county court house buildings.

This is about an 8 - 10 hour a week commitment for those not already involved in prayer mobilization or leading others to pray. Two of those hours are spent on prayer calls and the rest is time used networking with the body, preparing for a special outreach or prayer focus like the ones I mentioned above.

Closing Thoughts:

This is more than just a simple appeal for volunteer leadership. When those who God has placed the mantle on their heart to begin to lead in intercession in their state and they lift their hand and say "yes Father pick me. I am the one". No matter if it's two or three gathered under this mantle or thousands these prayers are set to "availeth much". That's when we begin to realize the collective strength in the blessings of the intercessors who being guided by the Holy Spirit deliver their supplications to our heavenly Father via Christ the one mediator between God and man.

This is when the blessing of 1 Tim 2 becomes reality in the neighborhoods and towns across America and is
collaterally realized across the globe.

Our Charter Verse:

1 Timothy 2:1-7, NIV

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men— the testimony given in its proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.

I am grateful you took the time to visit my blog today and look forward to praying with you soon.

May God bless you and all those you love,
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1. THE ENEMY HAS A STRATEGY TO DESTROY GOD'S GIFT IN YOU (Mt.2:16; Jn.10:10).But God has already provided for your protection and process into fulfillment (Ro.8:29-37; Jer.1:12; Php.1:6).2. THE FIRST BATTLE IS FOR BELIEF IN WHAT GOD HAS SAID (Lk.1:34-35).But what you find hard to believe God will confirm (Lk.1:36; Jdg.6:37-40; 2Cor.13:1).3. ONCE YOU BELIEVE, THE BATTLE IS TO ACCEPT THE UNCONVENTIONAL WAY GOD WILL LEAD YOU (Mt.1:20)But if you will struggle and win the battle to accept it, God will fully reassure you (Lk.1:20)4. ONCE YOU ACCEPT THE TRULY REVEALED WAY OF THE LORD'S WILL, THE BATTLE IS TO WALK IN 'DIVINE DIGNITY' (Mt.1:19-20). Whenever we lose "face," God can then become our true self-esteem (Ro.5:1; Eph.2:14).5. WHEN IT IS TIME FOR THE WILL OF THE LORD TO BE BIRTHED, YOU WILL FACE THE BATTLE FOR A PLACE OF DELIVERY (Lk.2:7). But when the gift from God begins to come forth, room will be made for you to begin walking out His purpose (Pro.18:16).6. ONCE THE PURPOSE OF THE LORD IS BIRTHED, THEN YOU ENTER THE BATTLE AGAINST ITS FULL ESTABLISHMENT (Mt.2:13,16). But the plan of the enemy to prevent you will be defeated through continually acknowledging the One who has brought you thus far and by continuing to receive & walk in His direction (Rev.12:11; Mt.2
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Hide and Seek!


It's a little before dawn and I walk the 200yds from my comfortable cozy cabin, in the brisk clear air to The Prayer Chapel at Harvest Prayer Retreat Center in Indiana.

The moonlight casts a silver glow over the ice-covered lake. Entering the Chapel I experience the presence of God in the beauty of His creation as I quietly speak out the names of Jesus inscribed in a variety of scripts upon one of the walls.

I sit down at the writing desk and read a description of worship by Richard Foster which started like this: "Worship is living in the reality of God's creation with a heart open to receive all it's glory. Wow for the next nine hours that is what I did and incredibly it seems as if it were but one. As you watch today's PM3 may God give you a desire to come out of hiding in the busyness of life and TAKE A DAY, & BE IN HIS CREATION.

Chkk-Chirrrrrrrrrrrr in the joy we share in Jesus and give away a PRAY NOW blessing today!



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Thanking the Lord this morning for His protection and a peaceful sleep in the midst of the howling winds outside!


Just thinking, technology is such a wonderful invention, if we use it correctly!


Through the internet, I am interacting with this wonderful Prayer! Network and I am participating in a free online bible college .  Through the telephone, I interact in a 5:00 A.M. Bible Study.  All of this is done mostly with people I have not met, or will probably never meet until we get to glory!


God has equipped mankind with so much knowledge, but as a whole, mankind is not wise enough to acknowledge the true and living God’s presence and intervention! 


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Hollywood Prayer Network Logo
  February 2011 Newsletter

Dear HPN pray-ers,
Happy Valentines Day!   Happy Grammy’s and Happy Oscars! February is a big month in Hollywood because it’s Awards season for the film industry and it’s Pilot season for the TV industry. We would especially love your prayers for the people who are creating projects, who are in front of the camera, behind the camera, in distribution, production, development and marketing. Everyone is impacted by the decisions made this month and so asking God to be a part of them is crucial to our culture and our community.


• Praise God for our National Prayer Committee gathering last month
• Encouraging Windrider Forum updates from the Sundance Film Festival
• Pray for TV Pilot Season, Jan. through April, 2011
• Pray for winners and losers of the 53rd Grammy’s Awards Ceremony
• Let’s pray for Justin Bieber, whose team has asked us to pray for him
• Pray for the Sunday, February 27th, 83rd Academy Awards celebration
• HPN is having a Kodak Theatre Prayer Walk on Thurs., Feb. 24th
• Mastermedia Intl. is launching the National Day of Prayer for the Media
• Pray through the Christianity Today list of the 10 most redeeming films of 2010
•  HPN wants to encourage you to pray for creative people who you may know
• Pray for the people in Hollywood who are struggling with cancer
• Let’s pray for Zach and Naomi Baliva
• Meldean and Loida Llanes, our HPN Local Chapter Directors in the Philippines
• HPN’s friend and member Sandra Lord hosts a Hollywood Networking Breakfast
• Every Wed. from 12:00 - 1:00pm you can join an industry prayer group


Prayer_Week.jpg• HPN had one of its most exciting weeks last month and we thank you for praying for us as we hosted the National Prayer Committee in Hollywood. Seventy-five of the most wonderful and passionate prayer leaders spent a week in our mission field, going on prayer walks, meeting professionals, ministry leaders and local pastors. They experienced the incredible things God is doing in Hollywood and left with a new understanding of how they can be praying for the entertainment professionals and our industry. We thank every one of them for coming and giving us the chance to show them Jesus’ love here in Hollywood. We praise God that they have a new heart for Christian artists, non-believing cultural influencers and decision-makers. Their prayer partnership with us is eternally significant!

Many Christians attended last month's Sundance Film Festival, one of the most important annual American Independent Film Festivals. Our friend Craig Detweiler, a professor at Pepperdine, brought his annual large group of Christian film students and Fuller Seminary students to Sundance, Utah, where they attended film screenings and then invited some of the filmmakers to come and talk at their Windrider Forum. Here is Craig's response to the experience: "In the seven years we’ve been bringing students to the Sundance Film Festival, 2011 stands out as the most spiritual and spirited slate of films so far. Filmmakers’ interests in ultimate questions continues to grow. They are eager to talk to the Windrider Forum about the spiritual search that drives their artistic process.” To find out more about the Sundance films and the filmmakers’ journey with faith, click HERE
• It’s Pilot Season in the television industry. From January through April, the TV producers who have been given the green light from a network to produce one episode of their new TV series, start casting and shooting the show. They hope the network that gave them money for this one episode will like it enough to give them an order of 13 or even 22 more episodes to be produced for the upcoming new Fall TV Season. This is the season where producers, directors, composers, editors, actors and crew, all try to get connected with a pilot so that if it gets picked up for series then they will have a show to work on for the rest of the year. Pilots are often a fleeting hope because many more are produced than ever get on the air, and thousands of people are trying to secure very few jobs. Let’s pray for these TV pros as they try to get hired on to a pilot that will be a winner. It’s a frenzied time with pressure and dashed hopes and dreams for so many. May the Lord touch the hearts of those struggling for a “break” or even just a job, so that they experience His hope, peace and joy, regardless of their circumstances. Click HERE to find out more about Pilot Season: 
• This past Sunday was The 53rd Annual Grammy’s Awards Ceremony ( Please pray for both the winners and the losers, for both of them need the Lord to help them with their emotions, their career, their relationships and their self-worth after the awards were announced. Many of the losers went home feeling that they have no value. The winners suddenly realized they are superstars and it starts to influence their vision of themselves. Only God can give us our true identity and our true value and we can only be completely fulfilled in Him. Pray for these artists to trust in God for their lives and for the talents that He’s given them.
images.jpg• Let’s pray especially for Justin Bieber, who is the hottest young artist in the world right now. HPN has been asked by Justin’s team to start a global prayer effort for Justin and his single mom Pattie Mallette. Justin is 16 years old and has become a global phenomena, not yet understanding that celebrity can be more of a curse than a blessing. His mom asked that we pray for both of them, to keep their eyes on Jesus, to make wise decisions and not be swept into the dangerous mindset that fame and celebrity suck people into. We have set up a facebook page where you can post your prayers for them.  Let's be a part of praying Justin into a continued safe place with the Lord, no matter how much the industry pulls on him! Would you join us in covering this young man, who is currently the most popular star in the world and his mom, who
is trying to handle his life, career, schooling and spiritual training? Click HERE and post your prayer - then ask your friends to do the same.
To hear some of Pattie’s thoughts on why it’s important to be praying for Justin, go to our website at:

Oscar.jpeg• Sunday, February 27th marks the 83rd Academy Awards, which is held at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, just next store to Mann’s Chinese Theatre and across the Street from Disney’s El Capitan Theatre, in the Hollywood and Highland complex. It’s the biggest night of the year for the Film industry and millions of dollars are spent on promotion of the films, the stars, and the clothes they wear. And though it’s the most glamorous night of the year, it’s also the most empty night for most of the people who attend. They all believe that their career depends on who wins. Those who lose leave crushed, while many who finally win the award of a lifetime, go home and wonder, “Is this all there is?” The actors, directors, writers, and producers often define their identity on whether they get this award. Our job is to pray that they can find their identity in Jesus, who is the author and finisher of their lives and their faith. Please join us in praying for all of the people involved in this year’s films and ask the Lord to reveal Himself to them, to allow them to personally experience His love, joy, peace and hope! Only then will they ever find total fulfillment. We can be a part of that transformation. For all of the nominees and Oscar details, click HERE
How you can make a difference!
  • HPN is joining with Christina Lee Storm and having a Kodak Theatre Prayer Walk on Thurs., Feb. 24th at 7:30 pm around the whole Oscar’s venue, inviting the Lord to reveal Himself to all who show up that Sunday, the 27th. We pray for all the people involved and their hearts, asking the Lord to reach out to them. We also pray for the Christians who are there to be salt and light, even the security, limo drivers and the other support staff. We would love to have you join us, either remotely, or at the venue. If you live in town and want to pray walk with us, just email for specifics.
  • Mastermedia Intl. is launching a challenge to Christians all over the world to pray for the entertainment industry on Oscar Sunday – as the National Day of Prayer for the Media. HPN is supporting them in encouraging Christians to take that day and pray for the media/entertainment industry, the professionals involved in the world’s most influential mission field and for those who are seeking Truth in their lives.  Already pastors and priests are having commissioning services and masses for artists who are in their church on that Sunday morning, as they take time to pray for the power and influence of the media. They challenge their members to be wise and discerning audience members, etc. MMI would like to know how you, your Sunday school class, or church participated in prayer on “Oscar Sunday.” Send an email to and let them know how you joined in the chorus of prayer on February 27th!
  • Christianity Today has a list of the 10 most redeeming films of 2010. Click HERE to read what they are.   They can be a good start in how you can pray with us in the coming weeks.
•  HPN wants to encourage you to pray for creative people who you may know personally, or have a heart for. Let's ask the Lord to protect them, guide them, give them wisdom and to have them fall in love with Him. If you want to know how to pray more specifically for people whom other HPN members have told us they’re praying for, click HERE or let us know who you’re praying for and we’ll add them to our Incognito Team prayer list. Email
• Please pray for so many of our industry members who are struggling with cancer. From Steve Jobs to Aretha Franklin to so many unknown wonderful creative artists who are making the world a better place through their talents. May the Lord turn their struggle with cancer into good by leading them into a beautiful relationship with Him in their healing process.
• Let’s pray for Zach and Naomi Baliva: “Things here are going well and God has really been teaching us a lot and also moving in our finances. I'm happy to share that our budget went from 50% full to 82% between November and now. We're trusting him to get us fully funded and hope to leave for Rome in April or May. Looking forward to official getting the Rome chapter of HPN off the ground.”
• Meldean and Loida Llanes, our HPN Local Chapter Directors in the Philippines ask us to pray for them as they meet with a well-known Christian artist there to start an HPN monthly fellowship with their local media and film industry professionals. Please also pray for the success of their upcoming October Community and Marketplace Transformation Conference. Meldean and Loida are faithful servants of God in their country. You can contact them at
• HPN’s friend and member Sandra Lord hosts a Hollywood Networking Breakfast on the last Thurs. of every month. Sandra has been faithfully connecting industry professionals through her breakfasts for over 16 years.   Join them on Feb. 24th at:
• Every Wednesday from 12:00noon to 1:00pm you can join in an industry prayer group in the Wylie Chapel at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. For more info on that prayer time and for other events happening in the Christian community in Hollywood, click HERE.
Thanks for praying with us. May you find great delight in the Lord this month as you pray for us in the entertainment industry!
Karen and Caren
The Actors Uncertainty: How To Handle Questionable Content. Read a Christian actor, Chuck Hayes’ account of the struggle to work on projects that may be morally compromising:
Believe me; the living artist needs an advocate. ~Howardena Pindell
Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.” Proverbs 4:5
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Bible studies,training & outreach activities begin with new semester. Please pray for new people to join;for God to use Bible studies to touch hearts and bring people into His Kingdom;for training times to enable people to share Christ and follow-up more effectively.
Sun PM music & bilingual Bible study.
Mon noon Bible study @ PE College (NTCPE);Mon afternoon Character First outreach (teachers @ ChauSyau elem).
Tue Character First outreach (students @ NTCPE).
Wed noon English corner @ NTCPE;visiting time @ new campus (NTIT) English center Wed afternoon;training for Hakka outreach Wed pm.
Fri AM Bible study @ teacher's coll (NTEU);Fri noon Character First outreach (teachers @ NTCPE);Fri afternoon visiting @ NTIT English center.
Pray that a new Bible study will be started @ NTIT this semester.
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