

March 2

Dear Intercessors,
There has been concern about possible terror incidents occurring in America this weekend as we gather across the country to remember the veterans of war and their sacrifices.  That public events would be soft targets for anyone wanting to harm vets as retribution for participating abroad in the military.
The Lord reminded me of a prayer strategy He gave my team here a few years ago that may be used especially for this…
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Who prays for YOUR backyard?

"Who prays for YOUR backyard?"

As our prayer team disembarked the plane that brought us home to DFW from a Washington, DC prayer assignment a few years ago, I heard this question from the Holy Spirit. I asked "what?" "You heard me, WHO prays for YOUR backyard?" My first thought was "this is a trick question Lord." Then He showed me that often, as intercessors, the headlines catch our attention and that is where much of our prayers are targeted, and it is often national and…

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Prayers of the Presidents

Prayers of Our Fathers

It has become fashionable in some circles to deny the Christian foundations of the United States. This week, when we celebrate President’s Day on February 17, would be a good time to listen to the words of our national Fathers and join them in their prayers for America:


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Prayers of the Presidents

Prayers of Our Fathers

It has become fashionable in some circles to deny the Christian foundations of the United States. This week, when we celebrate President’s Day on February 17, would be a good time to listen to the words of our national Fathers and join them in their prayers for America:


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The Aroma of Salvation

prayer.jpg The love of God is incredible. It is so difficult for us to fathom and describe.
He loves and cares for us beyond our comprehension. And that is His assignment for us to…
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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) - Save the date November 11, 2012 - Plan to link into the 12 hour Conference Prayer Call 8a-8p GMT-4

International Orality Network

- ION Prayer is pleased to link with The Persecution Watch, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners and Mission America Coalition (Lausanne USA) to release this announcement. Plan to share…

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Come Together to Pray for Our Nation in Denver !!!

Dear Praying Friends,

It has occurred to me to ask of the Lord, what dynamic will shift America? We have prayed, we have fasted, we have done all we know to do. I believe the Lord is providing a portion of the answer in coming together, not only in our churches and prayer groups, but out in the community…

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"Intercessor's Nursery" In Heaven

This morning I received a dream that I wanted to share with you so that you might pray with me for implementation.
My prayer team and I found ourselves in a place I have never seen or thought of. I will call it the "Intercessor's Nursery" in Heaven. A serene place, a place of light, joy, peace all rolled into one. This is where intercessors are birthed in the Spirit and placed in bassinets. We carefully walked in and picked up a little one.
Like all babies, they each…
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Missionaries arrested in African Muslim Country

Please pray for international missionaries taken last week by government officials to undisclosed locations for interrogations in a muslim country of Africa that has to remain unnamed for their safety.  After the 9/11 riots and Libya killings, friends and family fear for their lives.  No contact with the imprisoned has been allowed by embassy staff or other outside contacts.  We are believing and asking for God to open the prison doors as he did for Paul and Silas, and for their safety while…

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Intercessors to Gather on White House Ellipse for 40 Days

  Intercessors...let's join our hearts and prayers with those at the Elipse in worship and prayer. Pray for good weather for them, God's protection and presence, divine provision for more to attend. For a heavenly download each day for what needs to be released there for our nation. Intercessors will begin gathering on Sept. 25, and meet 24/7 until Nov. 6, the day after the presidential elections.....Pat Intercessors to Gather on White House Ellipse for 40 Days 2:30PM EDT 9/18/2012 Gina Meeks…

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  • Thank you, Pat! I appreciate you reaching out..I was starting to wonder "how to connect" with others on the network. Looking forward to sharing times of powerful release through prayer. Blessings, Walter (WS-3)
  • Sorry I've been AWOL from this and other websites...too much going on in my life.

  • Hi Pat. I invite you to join a group. We are worshiping Christ and praying for His lordship in every part of our lives and across the nation, using 153 names and attributes of Christ (one for each day, Aug. 1 - Dec. 31). You can go to: http://www.prayersummits.net/articles.html, then click on daily names of Christ. CHRIST IS ALL, Steve Hall
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