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Good Ministry



Dear beloved in Christ.

Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ.

Hope all is well. I pray the goodness of the Lord shall manifest through your life and ministries to all Nations. Please bear with me for lack of frequent communication to you due to many reasons, but hope to improve on it henceforth.



Paul  and silas were in prison the have all reasons to complain, but they saw beyond their situation. They saw it as a great opportunity to prove God. Their singing moved God to send his Angle to rescue them. Acts 16:22-34.


Now there are opportunities for us to sing songs that will move god to send violent wind of revival on earth, May we see beyond our problems and sing that song that will bring revival. Your opportunity may be  prayers, giving of going on full time mission work, do not miss the great opportunity to advance the Kingdom of god among the Nations.



Thanks be to God for his blessing and provisions, I have enjoyed thus far, the Lord has greatly increased us from three staff to seven full time staff and four short term staff in Liberia .


As a Liberian national working as a missionary with CAPRO Liberia. I finished my missionary training since 2004 in Abidjan , Cote D’Iviore. Early 2005 I was posted to the Republic of Benin for one year probation. My vision was to work with young people and also the Muslim in my country Liberia, therefore I came to join the work force in Liberia since 2007 April. Thank God for his grace enables me to serve him at this time.


At first it was not easy when I left my last field of work to come over. God has helped me to grow than ever. My mother was very ill, personal financial crises and so many things. At the end  I lost my ill mother 2009. The Lord has taken my life and ministry in new dimension; I am strong by God’s grace.


Work involvement

At the moment I am working in the account department and assisting in the youth work, evangelism and research work. Praise God for good health, since I enter Liberia I have never been admitted to any hospital. Even though malaria and fatigue are some health challenges. Let’ keep praying for my eyes, I am using glasses.



Every first Wednesday in March is a holiday in Liberia called Decoration day, to clean the entire cemetery, on that very day we went out for evangelism, many were led to Christ. This day is one of the opportunities we as CAPRO Liberia has seen to reach out. We also reach out periodically to prison cells and hospitals blessing the hearts of many. What a great opportunity.


Youth work CAPRO Liberia Trust.

We held a national youth conference last year with three hundred young people from forty two churches in Monrovia . This conference gave hope to many youths. Many of the youth are very active in their churches due to the effect of the conference.

We believed the Lord wants to touch lives of many youths by holding another in August 2011. Your prayers are needed than ever, for provision and a good turn out by the youth from various churches.




Research work and new opportunity for us.

Grand Cape Mount County , one of the counties in Liberia that is ninty percent Muslim is now open to us. The survey of the county is now completed  and we are trusting God to enter this year.  We got a house in Tiene not far from Sierra Leone to labor among the Vai tribe.  Please join us in prayer as we work to win souls in this county.  Pray for open door of ministry and financial provision to build the mission base.



The Nation ended her voters registration process in February and trusting God to hold the national election this year Oct/Nov. 2011.

Pray for more stability and the building of destroyed infrastructures especially electricity.  The youth are mostly affected; some cannot afford their education, while others are learning.  Even some of the one we call Christians are selling their bodies to survive.



  1. Thank God for help despite all the difficult times, it was very tough but in it all, God helped me.
  2. Praise God for grace and strength for my mission work thus far.
  3. Thank Him for delivering me from two motorcycle accidents last year.
  4. Thank God for provisions and wisdom that has been my portion in the past four years and the various aspect of CAPRO Liberia work.
  5. Thank the Lord for the success of the national youth conference last year, the impact on the youth was very encouraging.
  6. Praise God for my friends, relations and supporters in and outside Liberia , especially those in Cote d’Ivoire for God’s protection through out the political crisis period.


  1.  .

Prayer points:

  1. Pray that God will use me for his glory, to give me more strength, protection and wisdom.
  2. Pray that the power of immorality be broken over the nation of Liberia .
  3.  Pray for peaceful presidential election this year October.
  4. Pray for finances for the research work and dedicated researchers.
  5. Pray for the success of our national youth conference in August 2011 
  6. Pray for CAPRO Liberia National Coordinator and the entire team for God’s daily enablement and protection.


Beloved, wish to encourage you to remain faithful, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Master, for your labor shall be rewarded.  Thanks for your prayer and support.


Yours in Christ,

Goah Samuel Gbadyu

Tel.  +231-6442990


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Prayer is my Passion Prayerline

Kingdom Greetings Intercessors and Watchmen,


I am very excited to Announce the Launching of the Prayer is my Passion Intercessors Prayer line on Monday, August 1, 2011. We will be covering the 7 Mountains of Prayer Daily @11pm Eastern 7 days a week. Prayer is our Passion!


The 7 Mountains of Prayer is a Prayer Focus Guide:

1. Church/Religion

2. Business

3. Government

4. Family

5. Education

6. Media

7. Arts/Entertainment


The Prayerline will be open to receive Prayer request also. We are still in need of Seasoned Intercessors to Moderate the Prayerline. If you are available for 1 hr a week or more and interested in Early Morning Prayer, 3rd or 4th Watch Hours of Prayer please inbox me.


We would like to have a Moderator for Early Morning Prayer between 5 to 6 am EST. 3rd Watch Hour of Prayer is between 12am - 3am and 4th Watch Hour of Prayer is between 3am - 6am. Please only serious inquiries inbox me. Moderator Training will be provided weekly in July  and a Certificate of Completion will be received. There is Power in Prayer and Prayer is our Passion!



Yours in Kingdom Building,

Pastor Lisa Martin aka Virtuous Lady

Visionary of Prayer is my Passion

Intercessory Prayer Ministry


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A Prayer for the World

A Prayer for the World


Almighty God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Together with believers all over the world, we gather today to glorify Your Name.

You are the Creator of heaven and earth.

There is no one like You, holy and righteous in all Your ways.

We submit to Your authority as the King of the universe.

We pray with one voice to enthrone You in our hearts and to honor You before the world.


   Lord God, You alone are worthy of our praise and adoration.


Our Father in heaven,

Thank You for loving the world so greatly.

You gave Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins so that we could be reconciled to You.

We are grateful to call You Father and to be called Your children.

Nothing can separate us from Your love.


Thank You Father, for adopting us into Your family because of Jesus Christ our Saviour.


Lord Jesus Christ,

You alone are worthy to open the scrolls of history, for You were slain and have redeemed us to the Father by Your blood.

We confess that You are Head of the Church and Lord of all heaven and earth.

May people from every tribe and language become Your followers so that Your blessing brings transformation among all peoples.

Let Your kingdom be established in every nation of the world so that governments will rule with righteousness and justice.

And may Your Name be great, from the rising of the sun to its setting.


   Jesus Christ, You are the Savior of the world and the Lord of all.


Father of mercy and grace,

We acknowledge that we have sinned and that our world is gripped by the power of sin.

Our hearts are grieved by injustice, hatred and violence.

We are shamed by oppression, racism and bloodshed in our land.

We mourn all loss of life in murder, war and terrorism.

Our homes are broken and our churches are divided by rebellion and pride.

Our lives are polluted by selfishness, greed, idolatry and sexual sin.

We have grieved Your heart and brought shame to Your


Have mercy on us as we repent with all our hearts.


God of mercy, forgive our sins. Pour out Your grace and heal our land.


Spirit of the living God,

Apart from You, we can do nothing.

Transform Your Church into the image of Jesus Christ.

Release Your power to bring healing to the sick, freedom to the oppressed and comfort to those who mourn.

Pour Your love into our hearts and fill us with compassion to answer the call of the homeless and the hungry and to enfold orphans, widows and the elderly in Your care.

Give us wisdom and insight for the complex problems we face today.

Help us to use the resources of the earth for the well-being of all.


Holy Spirit, we need Your comfort and guidance. Transform our hearts.


Lord Jesus Christ,

Because You were dead, but are now risen, and the Father has given You a Name above all names,

You will defeat all powers of evil.

Tear down strongholds and ideologies that resist the knowledge of God.

Remove the veil of darkness that covers the peoples.

Restrain the evil that promotes violence and death.

Bring deliverance from demonic oppression.

Break the hold of slavery, tyranny and disease.

Fill us with courage to preach Your word fearlessly,and to intercede for the lost faithfully.


   Almighty God, deliver us from evil.


 King of Glory,

Come and finish Your work in our cities, our peoples and our nations.

We lift our voices in unison with believers from Africa and Asia, from the Middle East and Europe, from North and South America, and from Australia and the Pacific Islands - together we cry: 


   Lift up your heads, O you gates! Be lifted up ancient doors so that the King of glory may come in!


As Your deeds increase throughout the earth, and as Your blessings abound to all the nations, they will seek You, asking, "Who is this King of glory?"


Together we will answer:


He is the Lord Almighty! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!


Come fill the earth with Your glory as the waters cover the sea.

The Spirit and the Bride say:


   Amen! Come Lord Jesus!


                                                   *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet

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GDOP - Day Ten

This is Day Ten of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!


Day Ten Theme: Glorify 


For Yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


Pray with us for the following:  
  • that signs of Christ's Kingdom will so fill the earth that many will be moved to celebrate the hope of His coming.
  • that Christ's power will be seen in the humility and compassionate service of His people.
  • that Jesus will be honored openly, worshiped extravagantly, and glorified globally.

Scripture: Read Joel 2:28-32: A Call to REVEAL


"I will pour out my Spirit on all people...And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved."  (vs. 28, 32)


Consider how these promises could be fulfilled in greater ways than ever before. Turn to God with expectancy. He is about to advance His purpose to reveal His salvation globally. Even during days of dreadful shaking and difficulty, He will pour out His Spirit so that people all over the earth - elders and children, poor and rich, men and women - will resound with the call of God.


From every race and in every place, people will hear and speak of God's call. Many will be saved to the glory of His name.*


                                                    *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet

For His Glory,


Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer



Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.

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GDOP - Day Nine

This is Day Nine of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!


Day Nine Theme: Overcome
But deliver us from evil...


Pray with us for the following: 
  • that God would restrain Satanic powers, revealing the truth of the Gospel, liberating many people to follow Christ.
  • that people would be delivered from idolatry, witchcraft, demonic oppression and depression.
  • for Christ to break powers of darkness which corrupt and dominate businesses, governments and cities.

Scripture: Read Joel 2:28-32: A Call to REVEAL 


"I will pour out my Spirit on all people...And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved."  (vs. 28, 32)


Consider how these promises could be fulfilled in greater ways than ever before. Turn to God with expectancy. He is about to advance His purpose to reveal His salvation globally. Even during days of dreadful shaking and difficulty, He will pour out His Spirit so that people all over the earth - elders and children, poor and rich, men and women - will resound with the call of God. From every race and in every place, people will hear and speak of God's call. Many will be saved to the glory of His name.*


                                                   *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet 


For His Glory, 

Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer


Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.

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Intercessors Note

May 2011

*Register for 

Abide Ministries


School of Ministry



June 16th - 18th

at Firm Foundation in

Battle Ground, WA

*Registration is free (includes lunch, dinner, & snacks)

Upcoming Events

Pastors Prayer Summit

Western Japan

May 23 - 26


Northview Church

Prayer Retreat

Abbotsford, BC

May 27 - 29


Pastors Prayer Summit

Shiga, Japan

May 30 - June 2


National Conversation

on Revival

Chicago, IL

June 7 - 8



For more upcoming events please visit our calendar.



Sunday, June 12th, is Pentecost Sunday and also the Global Day of Prayer.  This is worthy of your participation.

Prayer Summit Cities

As I write this note, I am very aware of the devastation that has hit some “Prayer Summit cities.” Tuscaloosa and Birmingham a couple weeks ago and Joplin Mo, on Sunday. Please do pray that the “Church of the City” would rise up in these areas and be a dynamic force for God.


It is wonderful to see how Paul prayed for the churches he loved. Notice this one in 2 Thess 2:11-12.

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. - 2 Thess 2:11-12

As you receive this note, I am between two summits this week. Would you please pray for both of them? I have just finished the Whatcom Co, WA (Southern BC) summit. What a wonderful time of saints caring deeply for Jesus, one another, their congregations/communities! It was a privilege to facilitate this time of deep worship and prayer. Please pray that what God began there, He will complete.


Then this weekend (Friday evening – Sunday afternoon) I get to facilitate a congregational summit in Abbotsford, BC. Please pray for a great sensitivity on my part and a great receptivity on the part of everyone who attends this time. Jesus wants to meet each one personally. And please note the last sentence in the 2 Thessalonians prayer above. That is what I deeply desire!


The only other requests I will give you is for a conference I will attend at Moody Bible Institute June 7-8. This is called the National Conversation on Revival. I am looking forward to being with many other leaders who are committed to praying for and living for a fresh awareness of Jesus Christ in every sector of society.


Thanks again for your prayer support!


Please don't forget to click here to let me know you are praying for us.  (This will take you to a page thanking you for your prayers and we will be able to see who clicked on this link).


 dennis signature 2

Dennis Fuqua

International Renewal Ministries


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International Renewal Ministries
1400 NE 136th Avenue
Suite 201
Vancouver, Washington 98684

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May 2011

Impact News Header

Upcoming Prayer Summits/Events

Pastors Prayer Summit

May 9 - 12

Menasha, WI


Pastors Prayer Summit

May 17 - 20

Tokyo, Japan


Prayer Breakaway

May 21

Milwaukie, OR


Preaching & an

Evening of Fresh Prayer

May 22

Custer, WA


Pastors Prayer Summit

May 23 - 25

NW Washington/ Southern Mainland


Pastors Prayer Summit

May 23 - 26

Western Japan Northview


Church Prayer Retreat

May 27 - 29

Abbotsford, BC


Pastors Prayer Summit

May 30 - June 2

Shiga, Japan


For a more complete list of both upcoming and past Prayer Summits/Events please see the Calendar on our website.



School of Ministry

June 16-18, 2011

at Firm Foundation

Christian School on

19919 NE107th Avenue in Battle Ground, WA

Abide School of Ministry builds on the foundation laid in the School of Prayer. Ministry to others is released through our times of ministry to the Lord. As each of us begins to understand our unique identity we are prepared to become part of the collective ministry of the body of Christ. All tracks in the School of Ministry flow out of Isaiah 61: Restoring the Foundations, Marriage Rx,  "Sonship" Study and Worship.


Click here for more info

Helping Tornado Stricken Cities

Special Note:  You have heard about the tornados that hit several Southern States, especially Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, Alabama. These two cities both have strong Prayer Summit movements there. It is right that other cities rise up and help them. I urge you to consider sending immediate help in the form of supplies or cash to purchase supplies and also to consider sending a team from your congregation or city to one of these cities when they will really need it later this summer. Please use the following contacts to pursue how you can help. Birmingham – Kevin Moore  or Tracy Hipps . Tuscaloosa – William Scroggins or Greg Rogers. I know and trust these men and commend them to you.

Influencing Hollywood

Ted Baehr, as much as anyone in Hollywood has influenced the movie industry for righteousness. For over thirty years he has worked mostly behind the scenes encouraging prayer for the movie industry and influencing influencers. The Annual MOVIEGUIDE(r) Faith & Values Awards Gala & Report to the Entertainment Industry now has an airdate on the really big Hallmark Movie Channel during sweeps week on May 16th at 7 pm eastern and pacific - dual feed. This is a miracle! To get free resources to tell your friends, church or school, please click here. To find the Hallmark Movie Channel on your cable or satellite dish click here.

Facilitating Corporate Prayer

(Part 5)


Read It Again


Part of corporate prayer can be spent in time alone. This will enhance the times when we are together again. Jody Mayhew is very experienced in hearing the direction of the Lord in corporate prayer settings. One of her deep desires is to help others do the same. Here is an exercise she suggests to help people further develop their listening skills.

  • Choose a portion of Scripture (a psalm, a chapter, the Lord’s Prayer or the High Priestly Prayer…etc).
  • Spend five sessions with the same portion of Scripture. This could be five 10-15 minute segments or it could be five different days. Ask the Lord to lead you as you engage in this.
  • Session 1—Read until the Lord stops you – that is, when you see a new aspect of who He is or a fresh truth from that Scripture. Then pause and ask Him to speak to you from this place. Listen for His voice.
  • Session 2—Read the same passage again—asking Him to apply this portion to a specific situation in your life. Respond to what He shows you.
  • Session 3—Read it again – asking Him to convict your own heart from this portion or truth. Confess your willingness to cooperate with Him.
  • Session 4—Read—asking Him to display Himself—a facet of His nature, character, attributes. Take time to praise and adore Him for this.
  • Session 5—Read—asking the Lord to use this portion of Scripture to fuel your prayers throughout the day.

Jesus said that His sheep would hear His voice and recognize it as their Shepherd. This process can help people increase their confidence that they are hearing His voice so they can follow Him. 

Dick Palmer
Richard Palmer web 3

In March of this year, Dick and Sally Palmer moved from their home in Vancouver, WA to their new home just outside of Dallas, TX. They felt it was time to be closer to their son and his family.  This move also meant Dick’s retirement from the IRM board.  I felt it was fitting that you know a bit more about this faithful servant.  So, the following is written with deep appreciation for Dick and Sally Palmer.


Dick Palmer played as much of a role as anyone in the decision for me to come to IRM.  In 1993 I facilitated my first Prayer Summit with him.  In 1999 He made the initial call to me asking if there was any reason I should not be the next Executive Director of IRM.  He was a vital link in helping me understand both the logistics and more of the history of the Prayer Summit movement.  He served on the IRM committee at Multnomah and on the IRM board from the time we became a separate ministry.  He and Sally opened their home to me before we moved to Portland, and to the IRM board on many occasions.  His heart for the Lord, for pastors, and for IRM was very evident.  His wisdom and his willingness to speak directly to a situation has saved me from several bad decisions.  I appreciate the number of times he asked me about how Marilyn was doing.  I appreciate the number of times he would encourage me with a well spoken word or verse.  He also has great “toys” and has been very willing to share them at just the right times!  With the Palmer’s move to Texas, the IRM board will be able to look back with deep appreciation, and also look forward knowing that the God who helped us through Dick Palmer’s life will continue to provide for us all that we need.


I have asked a few others to share a bit about their interaction with Dick.



I first remember meeting Dick in the late ‘90’s when we all gathered in Cannon Beach for the IRM meetings.  I did not get to know him well at the time but remember seeing him function in the meetings with grace and wisdom.


Of course since that time we have had many meetings together with the Board as well as meeting with Dennis at Starbucks and other locations.  He has never wavered from that grace and wisdom – because it is Jesus in him!  There has also been a “firmness” that I have respected a lot.  Dick has been willing to speak up and disagree with the group when necessary.  Several times this kept us out of troubles!


“You will be deeply missed from the IRM Board.  May you and Sally have a long and ‘healed’ life in your retirement years in Texas!”

-Glen Weber



I appreciate the investment Dick made in the "birth" season of IRM.  He volunteered to give himself during the early days of establishing Dr. Joe's vision.  Without Dick, and his personal contacts, so many would have missed those treasured moments of the summit.  During IRM's growth spurt, Dick took on the mentorship of cities, and has sown wisdom into the forward movement of the ministry.  Yet, it has been in these later years that I have come to love and value the relationship that Dick has offered to me personally.  I will miss his face when the Board gathers.

- Jody Mayhew



I first met Dick Palmer when came to Branson, MO to co-facilitate a Pastors Prayer Summit, nearly 14 years ago.  His wisdom and spiritual sensitivity were amazing.  Since those days, I have been privileged to sit on the IRM Board with him for many years.  In the middle of "the best of times and the worst of times" God has used Dick as an amazing demonstration of the delicate balance between stability and creativity.  I know there will be future board meetings where I will be asking myself, "What would Dick be saying or asking if he were at the table today?" 

- Howard Boyd 



Dick Palmer has been one of the most significant brothers in Christ and mentors in my life. He has taught me much about integrity, speaking the truth, being a consistent servant, seeking the Holy Spirit's direction, and loving God and pastors (and me too). God has greatly used Dick to build a firm foundation of Christ into Multnomah, IRM, most of the Prayer Summit facilitators and thousands of pastors around the country. "Well done, good and faithful servant."

- Steve Hall



 As I reflect back on the time we worked together on the IRM board, this one verse of Scripture best describes him; Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord (I Corinthians 15:58). To be steadfast is to know you are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). To be immovable is to be firmly anchored in Christ Jesus. Always abounding reflects one who consistently gave more than was required. And finally, when you stand before Jesus Christ, it will be with confidence the quality your good works will stand the test of fire (I Corinthians 3:13).   We love you in Christ Jesus.

- Dick Williams



Although I have only known him a short time, he has left a lasting impression in my heart. I felt a special bond with him because of his own military service and understanding and encouragement to me concerning my husband Jason and his service in the Air Force. When the trials continued to roll my way with our youngest daughter, Sasha, his kindness and heartfelt understanding about the challenges we face in parenting helped re-focus my attitude and confirm the direction that God had been leading us in our relationship with her. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve on the IRM board with my brother and friend. “May God continue to watch over you and Sally as you walk forward in this journey called life.”

- Daryl Knudeson



I had the privilege of logging a ton of miles with Dick on the Prayer Summit journey. His honesty was refreshing (most times!), and his humor infectious, as in the classic Palmerism, "Yeah, Right!" There is an unforgettable high point of our unparalleled co-facilitation career: Billings, Montana, a creaky, leaky, cold cabin in the snow-blown Bighorn Mountains, with rusted bedsprings, and extra-chewy local beef served up by "Buck," our redneck, raspy host. Thanks for the memories, Palmer! And bless you for your undying passion to see pastors make things right and walk together in John 17 oneness. You have a legacy, my friend.

- Tom White


Intercessors' Note

There are three Prayer Summits taking place in Japan this month. (Please note: we erroneously listed the Tokyo Prayer Summit in March. We apologize. It will take place in May.) Please note their dates on the Events Calendar and pray for God to bless them mightily.

There are four ministry opportunities I have between now and the end of the month. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for me and those I minister to. 

  • May 21 – Gracepointe Church, Milwakie, OR – Facilitate at their Prayer Breakaway. 
  • May 22 – Sonrise Church, Custer, WA. Preach their Sunday AM service and facilitate an evening of prayer. 
  • May 23 – 25 Cedar Springs, Whatcom Co, WA – Facilitate Pastors Prayer Summit. 
  • May 27-29 – Northview Church, Abbotsford, BC – Facilitate Congregational Prayer Summit.

If you click here I will know that you have taken these requests before the Throne. (This will take you to a page thanking you for your prayers and we will be able to see who clicked on this link)

Many blessings,

 dennis signature




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International Renewal Ministries
1400 NE 136th Avenue
Suite 201
Vancouver, Washington 98684

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GDOP - Day Eight

This is Day Eight of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!   Day Eight Theme: Lead    And lead us not into temptation...   Pray with us for the following:  for Christians to be filled with such love and zeal to please God that they are unmoved by enticements of materialism and sexual perversity. for God's people to continue walking in the light of His ways and wisdom in order to fulfill His purposes throughout the earth. that Christ would guide leaders of business, education and government so that the curse of corruption would be overcome throughout cities and entire economies. Scripture: Read Joel 2:23-27: A Call to CELEBRATE   "You will have plenty to eat and...praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you."  (vs. 26)   When God's people return to Him with all their heart, there is promise of tangible changes and great joy in their communities. Where there has been the curse of oppressive poverty, God desires to bring forth abundance so that many will gratefully praise His name. An even greater spectacle will be God making His home in the midst of His people. He will act wondrously in both goodness and power, surprising the world by revealing His presence among His people.*                                                     *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet For His Glory, Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer   Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.
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GDOP - Day Seven

his is Day Seven of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!   Day Seven Theme: Reconcile    As we forgive those who sin against us...   Pray with us for the following:  to break the cycles of resentment, revenge and racism so that relationships are restored. for signs of Christ's reconciling power in the midst of militarized conflict, revealing God's desire to end all wars. to restore relationships between women and men, to bring reconciliation in marriages and to renew relationships of children with their parents. for those who suffer for the name of Christ to endure persecution in the Spirit and grace of Christ. Scripture: Read Joel 2:23-27: A Call to CELEBRATE    "You will have plenty to eat and...praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you."  (vs. 26)   When God's people return to Him with all their heart, there is promise of tangible changes and great joy in their communities. Where there has been the curse of oppressive poverty, God desires to bring forth abundance so that many will gratefully praise His name. An even greater spectacle will be God making His home in the midst of His people. He will act wondrously in both goodness and power, surprising the world by revealing His presence among His people.*                                                    *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet For His Glory, Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer     Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.
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GDOP - Day Six

This is Day Six of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!


Day Six Theme: Forgive 
Forgive us our sins...


Pray with us for the following: 
  • for the Spirit of God to move on the hearts of men and women so that they will be able to see how God is grieved and how their lives are being destroyed by sin.
  • for the Spirit of God to empower people to abandon patterns of sin and find grace to renounce allegiance to powers of darkness.
  • for recognition of and repentance from sins that bring about war, poverty and injustice. 

 Scripture: Read Joel 2:18-22: A Call to HOPE


"Then the LORD will be jealous...and take pity on His people...Be not glad and rejoice. Surely the LORD has done great things."   (vs. 18, 21)


We can be zealous to repent because God is so jealous for His name and for His people. Because of God's great love, our repenting should be bold and fearless. Our God will contend with the forces that devastate our communities. As great as the evil may be, God will do even greater things. Such hope brings joy as we sincerely turn to God, knowing that He desires to bring great goodness throughout the earth, transforming our cities, restoring our economies and healing our lands.*


                                                  *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet

For His Glory, 

Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer


Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.

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It Seems to Me . . . PDF Print E-mail

. . . we need to do more than pray in order to have prayed.

A pastor-friend writes a weekly one-minute inspiration that I receive by email. The one that arrived this morning included this insight:
"Prayer shouldn't just be uttering words about the messy needs of the world in comfortable places that insulate us from suffering. Being the answer to Jesus' prayer is about getting on our knees and getting our hands dirty in that mess."  Pastor Rick Ezell (

We know prayer must be our priority and prayed with urgency (1 Timothy 2:1), so, we preach sermons, schedule meetings, establish groups, build teams, hoping to incorporate more believers into the ministry of praise and intercession. In that process, prayer can become an end unto itself. We fall into a habit of praying in order to have prayed. Before meals. Wednesday nights at 7pm. Half-way through the Sunday service.

But prayer is less about what we say and more about the one to whom it is said. And the hope of our prayers being answered increases as we are willing to be transformed by our own prayers ... with the potential that we become our Lord's answer to our most intense and even desperate prayers.
Pray for lost neighbors and friends . . . but also look for ways to demonstrate Christ's love to them.
Pray for persons who are sick or suffering . . . but devote time praying with them or meeting practical needs of their family.
Pray for our communities . . . but dedicate our spiritual gifts plus our talents and skills to serving others.
So that people see the love of Christ working in and through us. So that God's name is revered and His people are respected.
Prayer that leads us to care results in openness to share the faith, hope and love we have received from and in and through Christ. As Eric Swanson has said it, "Good works produce good will resulting in opportunities to share the good news."
May today be a prayer-care-share day . . . because, it seems to me, saying a prayer is just the beginning.

Pastor Phil

Church Prayer Leaders Network
National Pastors' Prayer Network

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GDOP - Day Five

This is Day Five of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!


Day Five Theme: Provide
Give us this day our daily bread...


Pray with us for the following: 
  • for the basic needs of food, water and health care for the poor, for the sick, for refugees and for children.
  • that God's people would become, by His Spirit's help, agents of healing and change, bringing forth the abundance, justice and peace that God desires.
  • for God's people to break patterns of poverty in their communities, fulfilling God's promise of blessing amidst all peoples.
  • for Christians to act with compassion and persistence to eradicate diseases and to serve well in the aftermath of epidemics such as HIV/AIDS.

 Scripture: Read Joel 2:18-22: A Call to HOPE


"Then the LORD will be jealous...and take pity on His people...Be not glad and rejoice. Surely the LORD has done great things."   (vs. 18, 21)


We can be zealous to repent because God is so jealous for His name and for His people. Because of God's great love, our repenting should be bold and fearless. Our God will contend with the forces that devastate our communities. As great as the evil may be, God will do even greater things. Such hope brings joy as we sincerely turn to God, knowing that He desires to bring great goodness throughout the earth, transforming our cities, restoring our economies and healing our lands.*


                                                  *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet

 For His Glory, 


Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer


Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.

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GDOP - Day Four

This is Day Four of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!


Day Four Theme: Transform
May Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...


Pray with us for the following: 
  • for God's people to bring the influence and blessing of Christ into every aspect of commerce, arts, education and governance in ways that bring lasting transformation.
  • for God's wisdom to be upon our government leaders, bringing changes that increase righteousness and justice.
  • for the righteousness, peace and joy of Christ's kingdom to be a reality by the power of the Holy Spirit.

 Scripture: Read Joel 2:15-17: A Call to GATHER


"Gather the people...and let them say, 'Spare Your people, O LORD...'Why should the peoples say, 'Where is their God?'"         (vs. 16-17)


 To repent as a people we must come before God together. He wants to encounter us as a people. That's why He's summoning us to break normal routines in order to assemble before Him in gatherings large and small. It's a time to interrupt daily habits of life, fasting from our normal diet, even moving from familiar rituals of worship to assemble in special ways.

Why this urgency? Because something great is at stake for God's glory. Let's allow our hearts to be grieved by what we, as God's people, have done to bring shame upon His name. To the watching world, it can appear as if we have no God. Consider what brings sorrow to the heart of God, and pray that He will transform us to bring Him the glory He deserves.*


                                                    *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet

For His Glory,

Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer


Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.

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Glory isn't always pretty...

 I have been asked two or three times over the past year or so to speak to groups about praying for God’s glory and what that looks like.  I have been blown away by the message God has given me about this subject and how He has used the message to touch the lives of those in the audience.  Last Sunday as I was in church and God asked me if I was praying for His glory in my current situation or was I just praying for His assistance, comfort and peace.  OUCH!   In my seminar I speak about the fact that giving God glory is not always pretty … think of the cross.  It is not always comfortable. ..think of Paul.  And it is certainly not always easy….think of Daniel, Joseph, Mary, Moses…… As I sat there on Sunday I realized that I wanted my comfort more than I wanted to give God glory by living in the circumstances He had allowed in a way that honored Him.  At that moment I decided that He had allowed these two grandchildren to come under our care and protection and whether that is for two weeks or 20 years, I would accept this role and do all I could to live it out in a way that glorifies the mighty name of Jesus. 


Life is a challenge right now.  I admit it.  Life is uncomfortable right now.  I can’t even remember what the comfort zone feels like!  All these things work together to give me an opportunity to cling to God moment by moment.  I recognize that I am pretty good at asking God for direction on the big things and then hearing His answer.  What I have not cultivated well is a minute by minute dependence upon Him.  I have been forced to do that these past weeks.  No more leisurely two hour quiet times.   I must learn to go to Him throughout the day whenever I can grab a minute.  I must learn to climb onto the rock as the boat is sinking…not ahead of time before I have even set sail! 


So, God I ask you to be glorified in this assignment you have given me.  Be glorified in how I handle each moment.  Be glorified in how I trust You. Be glorified in how I walk before these kids.  Be glorified in how I share what You are doing.  Be glorified in how I get through the moments where all I know to do is put my eyes upon You.  Be glorified in my willingness to wait upon You.  Be glorified in my marriage.  Be glorified in my willingness to do whatever You ask.  May your glory become more important than anything in my life!


Please keep this a focus as you pray for me.  It is so easy to move into victim mode and throw huge pity parties!  It is easy to believe the enemy’s lies about fairness and my abilities (or lack of).  It is easy to become resentful and bitter.  Pray that my eyes would focus on His glory.  I know that with that focus hope and joy and strength will fill my heart! 

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GDOP - Day Three

This is Day Three of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!


Day Three Theme: Rule
May Your Kingdom come...


Pray with us for the following: 
  • for many to be drawn by the power of the gospel to submit their lives to Jesus Christ, in order to love and follow Him as King.
  • for Christ's followers to walk in the fullness of God's Spirit so that they can live in the likeness of Christ.
  • for the Lordship of Christ to influence every part of our cities and societies.


 Scripture: Read Joel 2:15-17: A Call to GATHER


"Gather the people...and let them say, 'Spare Your people, O LORD...'Why should the peoples say, 'Where is their God?'"         (vs. 16-17)


To repent as a people we must come before God together. He wants to encounter us as a people. That's why He's summoning us to break normal routines in order to assemble before Him in gatherings large and small. It's a time to interrupt daily habits of life, fasting from our normal diet, even moving from familiar rituals of worship to assemble in special ways.

Why this urgency? Because something great is at stake for God's glory. Let's allow our hearts to be grieved by what we, as God's people, have done to bring shame upon His name. To the watching world, it can appear as if we have no God. Consider what brings sorrow to the heart of God, and pray that He will transform us to bring Him the glory He deserves.*


                                                    *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet


For His Glory,

Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer


Use the Prayer for the World in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.

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Day 2 GDOP and "Yet even now" moments


It's Day 2 of the GDOP season of continual prayer. You can find the topic here:

The prayer points are all about the uppermost passion and purpose of God: That He would be known so that He can be loved. Ask God to do something great for His name in your city, in the lives of your friends/family, in the relationships and work of missionaries, and really, just about everywhere.

You'll notice after the points that there is a selection from chapter 2 of Joel. A couple years ago, the circle of people giving leadership to the Global Day of Prayer in different parts of the world kept hearing about movements that the Holy Spirit had focused on Joel 2. So we put some things together from Joel 2 with the idea of praying our way toward a greater Pentecost. Remember that Joel 2 is the prophecy that Peter said was being fulfilled, in part, on the first Pentecost morning.

To make the best sense of the words we wrote about Joel, read all of the verses for the day (Joel 2:12-14), not just the verse that we had room to print in the prayer guide. Well, I guess I can make that easy for you today. Here it is:

From Joel 2:

[2:12] Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning; [2:13] And rend your heart and not your garments.”
Now return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil.
[2:14] Who knows whether He will not turn and relent and leave a blessing behind Him, even a grain offering and a drink offering for the LORD your God?

May God bring about a "Yet even now" moment of turning for many. Repentance is a wondrous gift. It is not a ritual or procedure that produces automatic results. Verses 13-14 reveal the relational marvel of our God: He never fails to be gracious and abounding in love, but we cannot make Him out to be an automatic forgiveness machine. He chooses the times and ways of restoring His presence and the and magnitude of His fullness that He will bring. At least that's how I read verse 14. You may wonder about the grain and drink offerings. What's that all about? These kind of worship gifts were often offered to celebrate the abundance and blessing of God. So Joel is saying that God may go way beyond merely forgiving us. He may overwhelm us with fresh abundance that enables us to worship Him with abundant, unfettered joy of being near the One to whom we belong. When Joel says, "the LORD your God" it's a reference to belonging to God in close bonds of covenant love. He's not just the Lord. He's the Lord your God. And we shall be near Him as His people. This reference goes back to Exodus 6:7, echoed in Leviticus 26:12 and many other places.

Yours in hope,

Steve Hawthorne

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Don't wait to feel the zeal



I’m going to be stirring myself with expectancy starting this Thursday, June 2, as I pray through the ten days before the Global Day of Prayer. I made a decision yesterday. I decided that I am going to really go after these prayers in the ten-day prayer guide as if I really expected them and as if I really, really yearned for God to fulfill them.

Of course, I’ve seen these same requests before. In fact, I wrote them myself in their present form. My resolution goes beyond knowing what is in the prayers. I’m going to stir myself to pray by locking my mind’s eye on what God desires to do in the days to come.

Earlier this week, I ran across Acts 1:14 in my regular reading. That’s where it says that the people in the upper room prayed with “one mind.” The Greek word behind the phrase, “one mind” is made up of two words: the word “homo-” which means “same,” and another word derived from “-thuo” from which we get the word “enthusiasm.” So the “one mind” idea is really all about sharing the same vision, zeal or passion with others.

So how do you get that? Well, Jesus had just talked to them about the kingdom of God. That’s got to be a factor. But they also just went for it by praying out loud together with an expectant focus on some awesome things that God had promised to do.

How do people come to share a common vision about what Christ will fulfill in their day? I don’t think there is any other way than to pray toward that vision. So I’m not going to wait until I feel the zeal to start praying. I’m going to pray no matter what I feel like. I may not pray all day but others will be praying when I’m not. It’s pretty huge to be praying along with hundreds of thousands, probably many millions of others.

So I’m going for it. Join me and many others. Use the prayer guide as a way to get started.

Yours in hope,

Steve Hawthorne

PS The ten days starts today, June 2 and goes through Saturday, June 11. The Global Day of Prayer is Pentecost Sunday, June 12.






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We began a prayer movement on may 5, 2011 to reduce child deaths from WAter, Sanitation, and Health by 50% in 5 years.  accordinhg to UNICEF statistics from 2009.


24 of the 25 worst countries percantage wise are in Africa.  we are asking the lord to reduce the DAILY deaths from 25,000 to 12,000 per day by the end of the 5th year.


if you, or anyone you know, would like to devote 2 minutes per day over the next five years to see this happen, we would love to connect with you.


you can contact us through this network or through our new prayer group-WASH-SAVETHECHILDREN

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How to Pray When Under Attack

Christians are the prime targets of the devil, the common enemy of mankind.
Now more than ever, he unleashes his rage and destruction against people because he knows that his time is short.
Christians especially experience strange attacks, both physical and spiritual, day and night.
In such conditions, we are not expected to be helpless or defenceless, rather, we are supposed to pray and subdue the enemies who have come to attack us, and quench them as the fire of thorns.
Isaiah 59:19:
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West and His glory from the rising of the sun. when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Exodus 14:7-14:
And he took six hundred chosen chariots and all the chariots of Egypt and captains over everyone of them and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, King of Egypt and he pursued after the children of Israel:; and the children of Israel went out with an high hand. But the Egyptians pursued after them all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh and his horsemen and his army and overtook them encamping by the sea beside Pihahiroth before Baalzephon. And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes and behold the Egyptians marched after them and they were sore afraid and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord. And they said unto Moses: Because there were no graves in Egypt hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us to carry us forth out of Egypt. Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying: “Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians|?” “For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness.” And Moses said unto the people: “Fear ye not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The Lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace.
As long as a person is alive, he will always face attacks, especially if the person is a Christian. You may wonder why you should be under attack.
You must understand the mysteries of life; once you are a child of destiny, you come under attacks. You don’t have to offend anybody nor go against any law.
Joseph came under attacks first, because of his dreams and later in Egypt, because he refused to commit an offence against his master and sin against God.
When a person comes under attacks, he would have decisions to take and most times, people take wrong decisions which compound their problems.
In the text above, Israel was under attack. Although born in the cradle of miracles, they found themselves in the midst of problems. They marched forward but got to a standstill and did not know their door of escape.
They could not go further; the pillar that was leading them had led them to a seeming destruction: in front was the Red Sea and behind was the host of Egypt as well as Pharaoh himself.
On the right and the left were insurmountable rocks. Behind them, was the raging foe pursuing, ready to attack and devour them; surely this was a time when hope would naturally die.
If you are a man or woman of destiny you would have identified with the above description. There would have been a time when you were attacked from all sides or you may be going through that attack.
Perhaps, for many years, the devil has been using you to fabricate bricks for his building and you have found a way of escape by giving your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. All of a sudden fresh problems came up against you at once.
In Isaiah 59:19, the Scripture says, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. “
Why is it that you find yourself under attack because you are praying?
What do you do when these attacks come against you? Pray kinds of prayers to be prayed when under attacks.
1. Praise
Exalt the Lord. When Paul and Silas were in the prison, they praised the Lord with all their hearts and the earthquake of deliverance descended upon the whole prison and the chains that bound them broke.
2.Bind every spirit of fear.
That is bind the powers that will make you panic Psalm 46:10 reads,”Be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the heathen I will be exalted in the earth.”
If you don’t bind the spirit of fear and panic, you will make more destructive mistakes. You will do terrible things that will worsen the situation. Then, the weapon of surprise by the enemy will catch up with you.
3.Ask God for wisdom concerning the steps to take and the decisions to make.
Ask Him what he want you to learn in the situation. When there is a crisis- there is concentrated information, which you have to analyze with wisdom. Pray for divine wisdom in any situation for find yourself.
4. Pray that the power of god should move in the situation.
5. Pray warfare prayers
The Bible says, ”Submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” When you are a real fighter, you intimidate the enemy. Use your weapons o warfare; the word of God, the fire of God, Angels of God, the Blood of Jesus; to fight back and launch a counter attack against the enemy that wants to deal with you.
6. Pray that it is the enemy that must surrender and not you.
Be determined to fight through and the Lord will raise a standard against him.
The text in Isaiah 59:19 is actually saying that when the enemy comes against you, the spirit of God will come like a flood and raise up a standard against the enemy. Many people interpret it to mean the enemy rising up like a flood.
The prayers you are going to pray would wage war against the enemy but I want you to surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ if you have not done so.
See yourself as a sinner, repent of your sins and ask Him to forgive you. Name those sins one after the other and forsake them. Ask the Lord to cleanse you with His blood which was shed on the cross at Calvary for your sins. Enthrone Him over your life and turn away from the world. Decide to follow Him for ever with all your heart. Say good-bye to the devil and the world.
Now that you have taken this important decision, the Lord will uphold you with his hand of righteousness and you will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, in the name of Jesus.
You have an opportunity today to make your Pharaoh sink in the Red Sea and to disgrace all your oppressors.
The prayers you are going to pray will cause deliverance in the head and the internal organs. They will repair every rotten part of your life and make infirmities to jump out. Pray fervently and with all your heart. Don’t be alarmed by what you fee afterwards. Concentrate and allow God to work .
In Obadiah 1:17, the Bible says: “Upon mount Zion, there shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.”
1 Every foundational altar, speaking against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Thou star of my destiny, come out of that witchcraft cage by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every manipulation of my blessings by unfriendly friends, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. Promotion power, envelope my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
5 2002, hear me and hear me well, you must deliver my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
6. Power of the valley in my dream life, die, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every rag of poverty in my family line, die, by fire in the name of Jesus.
8. Thou cycle of hardship break, in the name of Jesus.
9. Anointing to prosper under any condition, locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
10.The Lord shall perfect everything concerning my life, in the name of Jesus.
11.Every power of enchantment in my life, die, in the name of Jesus .
12 .Affliction shall not rise again in my life, in the name of Jesus.
13 .I rebel against the power of demonition in my life, in the name of Jesus..
14.You the vehicle of my life, catch Holy Ghost fire and become uncomfortable for any evil driver.
15 Father Lord, re-charge the battery of my life, with your fire of solution, in Jesus’ name.
16 Any gate of hell contending against the progress of God in my life be dismantles by the Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus’ name.
17 Every unrepentant wicked enemy assigned to cut off the blade of my life, be terminate by fire, in Jesus’ name.
18 Any account of rejection and impossibility opened against my divine destiny, I liquidate you by fire, in Jesus’ name.
19 Every scale of the enemy blocking the vision of my life, I shake you off into the fire of burning, in Jesus’ name.
20.My star, don’t sit down, arise and shine, in the name of Jesus.
21.Star of my destiny, reject every bewitchment, in the name of Jesus.
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