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Pastors need the intercessory prayer of their people, perhaps never more strongly than on Saturday night.  I don’t know how it is at your church, but the folks who hear me preach on Sunday mornings, seldom hear a sermon preached on a full night’s sleep. Saturday nights are filled with off-and-on sleep mixed with human anxieties, emotional roller coaster feelings, Satan motivated questions and doubts, worries about physical inadequacies.  For me, sleep only returns as I pray my way through the problems. Then, I am often awakened by another set of concerns.  I’m fortunate if I preach on four or five hours of sleep.  When I was young, I wondered why my pastor-father always took a nap on Sunday afternoons.  Now I know.  A verse that I can quote better than I can live is Philippians 4:6: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”  I am not usually anxious, but I confess that Saturday nights are different, at least for me.  I’m sure there are others, more spiritual ones to be sure, who sleep like a baby on Saturday night, but not me.  Anxiety often rules the night. It is an awesome thing to stand before God’s people (and some who are not yet God’s people) and deliver God’s message.   I have served as Pastor of two churches and Interim Pastor of over twenty churches.  Every church is different and preaching in every church has similarities and differences.  The churches where God seems to bless my preaching the most are the churches where I know some church members are interceding on my behalf – starting on Saturday night. So, check with your Pastor.  You may need to be praying on Saturday night.

(You preacher-types please feel free to add your comments to this “Memo.” Surely, I’m not the only one standing in need of Saturday night prayer.  Also you can subscribe and receive Dr. Dan's Monday Morning Memo free via E-mail at

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Thorns of Life

Our message this week, is what I call “The thorns of life.” Genesis 3:17-19 says, “And unto Adam He said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee saying, thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of the field: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

It is possible that many city dwellers have never seen thorns in their lives. But try and picture a plant with sharp needles on its body. A thorn is a prickle or a sharp pointed growth on the branch or stem of a plant.
The passage above is what the Bible calls the curse of thorns. Thorns were not meant to be a problem until this curse was issued. Carefully interpreted, thorns and thistles mean hard labour or hard life. A life of thorns and thistles, if not rescheduled, can cause other problems.
Matthews 27:29-30 says, “And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews! And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head.” This occurred before Jesus was crucified. What is known as a crown of thorns with sharp needle-like objects was placed on His head, causing blood to come out. They put the crown of thorns on His head to mock Him. It was also to give Him headache. But unknown to them, they were fulfilling a divine purpose. The kind of plants used for the crown of thorns was known to be poisonous. So, apart from the headache, the poison from the plant used for the crown also entered the blood of the Saviour.

His crown was made of thorns because He came to cancel and break the curse of the thorns of life. He wore the crown for you and for me and carried away the curse and spiritual poisons that made life a hell. When there are thorns in a life, the purpose is to cause worry, trouble, temptation, annoyance, pain, humiliation and persistent attacks. But since Jesus has suffered and shed His blood to remove these thorns, life will offer only two things: Thorns or flowers; depending on what you personally choose. The Bible says, “Behold, I place before you this day blessings and curses, life and death, I advise you to choose life so you may live.”

What will determine what you pick up is the kind of vessel you are made of. A vessel is any material that may be used for any purpose. A vessel may be a tool, an implement, a weapon or something you use to perform a particular function. Romans 9:21-23 talks about one particular kind of vessel. It says, “Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory.”
2 Timothy 2:20-21 says, “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.”
There are different kinds of vessels in the house of God. So you will do well to examine what kind of vessel you are. Let me clear one thing before we go deeper into this message: God will not accept any excuse from anyone for not being a useful vessel.
Recently, a man of God preached to an unbeliever to accept the Lord. He listened attentively and after the message, he said to the man of God, “You are talking about heaven and that at the end of the day we shall all go there.” The preacher said yes. The man queried further, “You say that there is enjoyment in that place and that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, and it has not come into the mind of men what the Lord has prepared for His people.” The preacher said, “That is correct.” Then the man asked, “One final thing before I decide whether I will give my life to Christ or not. Will my wife be there?” The preacher replied that if she was born again, she would be there. Then the man said, “In that case, I do not want to go to heaven because I do not want to have anything to do with her whether in heaven or anywhere else.” This man did not know that even if his wife was the worst woman that ever lived, God would not accept such excuse from him.
The excuse of Adam for disobeying God was rejected. The excuse of Eve for disobeying God was also rejected. The excuse of Lot for wanting to stay in Sodom and Gomorrah was rejected. The excuse of Moses for not wanting to talk to Pharoah was rejected. The excuse of Aaron for making the golden calf was not accepted by God. The excuse of the ten spies for not wanting to go into the promised land was rejected. The excuse given by the Israelites for wanting a king for themselves was rejected. The excuse of Saul for assuming the post of a priest was rejected; also his excuse for saving the enemies of God, the Amalekites that were to be destroyed, was rejected. The excuses of Elijah, a fire man of God for running away after Jezebel had threatened him with death was rejected.
The excuse of the unfaithful servant who hid the one talent he was given was not accepted by his Master. Jeremiah told God that he was a small boy when God called him, but God said: “Shut up. Do not repeat what you have just said. I chose you from your mother’s womb.” All his excuses were rejected. So, no one should have any excuse for being a useless vessel before God. I have gone this far to let you know that God hates excuses. Those who have excuses for not being what God wants them to be are causing trouble for themselves for all their excuses will be rejected.
I ask you a question now: “What kind of vessel are you? Your answer will determine whether you will be picking up thorns or flowers from life. It is said that the same sun that hardens the clay melts the candle. Both clay and candle are materials but they happen to be of different textures. One can withstand the sun while the other cannot. What kind of vessel are you? You will not say I want to cook soup and then say the best material to use is a wine glass. It will crack because it is not the correct vessel to use. Examine yourself. What type of vessel are you?
When enemies fire arrows at you and such arrows prosper, it shows the type of material you are made of. There is no excuse for a Christian to be weak these days. There is no excuse for not moving the way God wants you to move. The Bible says that there are some vessels of honour and others of dishonour. There are some people who are spiritual conductors. They are signboards leading people to heaven, but they themselves are not prepared to enter. Some even block the way for others to enter. They are just like the bus conductor who never allocates a seat to himself. Do not be an unprofitable usher, an unprofitable vessel or a vessel unto dishonour. Unprofitability and dishonour attract evil.
You will now take these two prayer points:
1. Oh Lord, I do not want to be a vessel unto dishonour, make me a vessel of honour, in the name of Jesus.
2. Oh Lord, let all dirtiness be drained out of the vessel of my life, in Jesus’ name.
Every situation in life, no matter how horrible it may be, can be rectified by the touch of Jesus. A man’s life will remain empty until he has had an unforgettable encounter with Jesus. Nothing works except Jesus Christ is in it. If people say someone is prospering because he has money, that does not necessarily mean he is getting on. Except he is prospering in God, he is not really getting on. He may be making progress by human assessment, but so long as Jesus is absent in his so-called progress, everything really is zero.
Many people are like that clever soldier who did not want to stay in the army anymore and therefore employed a trick. He pretended to be mad and began to salivate and to drag his feet on the floor. When an order was given to the soldiers to stand at attention, he would bend down. His main desire was to be discharged. Everyday, when they showed him a paper, he would say, “No. This is not it.” Eventually a decision was taken to discharge him from the army. He was then given his discharge certificate. He read only the first page and yelled, “Yes. This is it.” His madness cleared away at once. But as he was matching away, congratulating himself for being smart, someone drew his attention to what was written on the other page of the letter. Turning to that page, he found that directives were given that he should be taken to the prison yard. Most people who are like that soldier never want to settle down and sort themselves out. They want something to fall down from the sky and sort them out. It is not so. God needs your cooperation. You cannot fight it out with the devil by your own strength or by your own brain. Look at the methods people have been using to sort out their problems. Undiscerning men and women patronise herbalists thereby complicating their problems and postponing their evil days.
A sister went somewhere to seek for help. The consultation fee was N30,000 and she managed to cough it out. As directed, she wrote her name on a piece of paper and handed it to the herbalist who set the paper on fire. She was told that after the paper got burnt, she would see her spirit from whom she could enquire why she was having those problems. She was then taken to another room decorated with glass and she could see herself in the glasses in several places at the same time. Soon she saw an image which looked like a lady but the voice sounded like that of a man. When she pointed out that that was not her voice she was told that it was the voice of her spirit. She agreed with their explanations but in the end, nothing happened. In effect, the N30,000 collected from her achieved nothing. “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it,” the Bible says.
Perhaps you have been trying on your own strength, you have been struggling, you have been wasting time. It is time for you to submit your vessel, then you can be a vessel unto honour.
There are seven things that can come under the category of thorns of life and depending on the vessel you are, you can pick them up.
1. Sin. The Bible says in Matthew 1:21 that the Son of God was born to save men from their sins.
2. Sicknesses: The Bible says that Christ was wounded for our transgression and bore our infirmities on the cross.
3. Demonic oppression.
4. Unfriendly friends: They are all over the place and one can pick them up.
5. Bad habits: They can stick to one and land one in hell fire.
6. Lack of spiritual power: This can easily be picked up in the environment.
7. Spirit of failure.
A certain man fell into a pit and could not get out. But right at the mouth of the pit he received about 12 visitors. The first person to come and see him was Brother Sympathizer. He said, “You are inside the pit. I feel sorry for you,” and walked away. After a few minutes, Brother Logic came around and said: “Oh, you are inside there. It is logical that someone should fall inside there, because of the location. They should have put it elsewhere or a piece of wire should have been put round the top.” He then went away. Shortly after, Sister Holiness came. She said: “What are you doing in this hole? Only bad people and sinners fall into such a hole.” She then went away.
After a while Brother Mathematician came. He began to calculate how the man fell into the pit. He calculated the circumference and the depth, yet the man remained in the pit. Eventually Sister Historian turned up. She explained that it was in 1965 that the hole was dug. She then told the history of how many people had fallen into it. She left and the man was still there. Then a newspaper reporter came and wanted to interview the man on how he got into the pit. He wanted an exclusive story on the incident. Then he left. Brother Self-Pity came and urged the man to take courage. He said his own pit was a lot deeper than where the man was. “You have not seen anything yet,” he said and left.
After a while a Pentecostal preacher came. He said, “Brother, why are you inside that pit. Now, begin to confess that you are out of that pit.” He too departed. Then something happened. The Lord Jesus Christ came to the spot and did not waste time blowing grammar. He just took the man’s hand and dragged him out of the pit. Beloved, Christianity is not theoretical. It is practical. We have a policy in the Mountain of Fire and Miracles. It is as simple as a Yoruba adage that says: “If a man sees a snake and a woman succeeds in killing it, the important thing is that the snake has not escaped.” Beloved, only Jesus can withdraw the thorns of life and replace them with flowers. One big problem, however, is that many of us do not listen to God before we get into problems. Suppose you asked God’s opinion before you invested in certain projects or contracts you would have avoided a lot of troubles. God could have told you, “No, do not dare because the result will be unpleasant.” May be you want to go on a journey and the Spirit of God says, “Do not go this way but go that way,” whatever would go wrong on the road would not affect you.
There are two groups of Christians who listen to God: The weak listeners and the aggressive listeners. Who are the weak listeners? The ones who do not clear their decisions with God before they act. Weak listeners will come to church, but will not give a second thought to what God is saying. They just hear but the message does not register neither do they understand it.
God wants all of us to be aggressive listeners, who come to church with their Bibles opened and their pens ready. During Bible studies, such people have their hearts and ears fully open. They are very inquisitive and are always probing, searching, comparing what they hear to what they already knew. Such people are constantly thinking of how they can apply the Scriptures to their lives. They ask themselves: “What I read this morning, what does it mean?” They are like the Berean Christians. When we fail to find a way of hearing from God and we are aggressive about it, God will use different methods to get our attention. Some of the things we call problems are not problems as such. They are God’s ways of gaining our attention.
If you have been rushing too much and God wants to slow you down, He may use some of the following methods:
1. He can make you restless. You just notice that you cannot rest. You do not know why. You do not feel easy inside. If this happens the best thing to do is to stop and listen to God. But if again you do not listen, He will apply another method.
2. He can use unusual vessels, for example, unbelievers. I remember a brother who, before he got born again used to drink a lot of palm wine. After he got born again, he reduced the quantity but did not stop altogether. He looked for Bible passages to support his action. You can always support anything with the Bible, if you choose to. But then, the Bible says that some do this to their own destruction. One day, this brother was drinking and a believer who passed by said, “Brother, you are the one preaching to us about this type of thing. What are you doing with palm wine?” He said it was because it contained yeast and he understood that for clear eyes one might drink palm wine, particularly that with sediments.
Unbelievers sometimes point out to us the wrong we are doing. Some may say that they pick on us because we are believers. But it is good to listen to criticisms, particularly from those you regard as your enemies. Sometimes they are right. God can use them to gain your attention. Any other vessel can be used just as God used Balaam’s horse to get his attention when he refused to listen.
3. God can use a word from others, even other Christians, to get our attention. Like Nathan the prophet went to David and said: “You are the man who did this,” and David had to adjust himself. Sometimes God does so through unusual blessings. So, when you receive a breakthrough, when you are thanking Him, sit down and find out what next He wants you to do.
Another way He gains our attention is through unanswered prayers. Sometimes all our prayers are answered. But when a particular need arises and heavens are like brass, then God gets our attention. Silence from heaven often signifies that we should conduct self-examination.
Sometimes God uses disappointment to cause us to listen to Him. At times, when have what we call great disappointment, God wants to use it to have our attention if we cannot be reached in any other way. He can also use unusual circumstances like in the case of Moses in the burning bush. He had never seen this type of thing before, so he drew near to have a close look at it and God spoke to him. Another method God can use is through failure. Sometimes God can be responsible for our failures. The Israelites had just defeated Jericho, but they could not overrun one small town called Ai. When they failed woefully, Joshua sought the face of the Lord. Then he knew that there was sin in the camp. When we ruin God’s purpose for blessing us, failure will come so that He can gain our attention again.
He can also use financial crisis to get somebody’s attention. God sometimes dries the finances of somebody so that he can listen. I know a man who when he was riding in a bus, he was cleaning benches in the church. After God blessed him and he had five cars, he started coming late to church. When asked why he was coming late, he said his driver was reporting late so he could not leave home early. When he was travelling by bus, he was always one of those arriving early. God started withdrawing the cars one by one until He gained the man’s attention again.
God can use tragedy to get a person’s attention. Just as He did to the Israelites in the jungle when He sent serpents to bite them. Then they sat down and listened to Him. God can use sicknesses and affliction to get attention. He does not use the same method for everyone. Do not wait for Him to use any of His methods to reach you. Instead, pray and purify the vessel of your life.
Now lay your right hand on your head and take the following prayer points:

1. O Lord, any area in which the vessel of my life is weak or it is not strong enough to receive the kind of blessing You want to pour on it, help me, in the name of Jesus.
2. O Lord, in which ever way the vessel of my life is not strong enough to accept the blessing You want to pour on it, help me, in the name of Jesus.
3. Satanic poison go, in Jesus’ name.”
4. I break every curse that may be affecting my head, in the name of Jesus.
5. Open my ears so that I may be hearing from You clearly, in Jesus’ name.
6. Place your hands on your eyes and say: Spiritual blindness go, in the name of Jesus.
7. All you enemies of my breakthrough, be disgraced this week, in the name of Jesus.
8. I refuse to pick up thorns from life, in Jesus’ name.
9. I shall laugh last over my enemies, in the name of Jesus. (Repeat this seven times)
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Why ten days of prayer?

A letter about the Global Day of Prayer from Stephanie Tucker:



We understand the value of gathering before God in repentance and prayer on the Global Day of Prayer. But why pray for ten days before the GDOP?

Since we gather on Pentecost, it is easy to recall the upper room prayer meeting. They prayed continualy for ten days. They weren’t praying about any particular problems or needs. They were praying toward some of the great things that God had promised. And that’s what we’ll be praying during the ten days of prayer this year, from Thursday, June 2 to Saturday, June 11.

Organizing and encouraging ten days of united prayer is easier with the a prayer guide with simple, relevant prayer points. A prayer guide can help people to pray on their own or gather in churches, at work or at home.

9651003082?profile=originalA surge of momentum has exhausted our supplies of the 16-page, color format of the prayer guide. On our website we have made available a simple black and white version that can be photocopied on two sides of one sheet of paper. We just put it up today, so take a look.

Another way to equip others is to send them an email containing a link that will take them to the prayer points of the day. Find the daily topic in an easy-to-access format on our website.

Please encourage the leadership of your church to use 7 to 8 minutes of your Sunday morning services on June 12 reading through “A Prayer for the World.” This powerful prayer is available in an easily photocopied format, or in powerpoint slides.

For His glory,

Stephanie Tucker
Global Day of Prayer USA



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Why ten days of prayer?


We understand the value of gathering before God in repentance and prayer on the Global Day of Prayer. But why pray for ten days before the GDOP?

Since we gather on Pentecost, it is easy to recall the upper room prayer meeting. They prayed continualy for ten days. They weren’t praying about any particular problems or needs. They were praying toward some of the great things that God had promised. And that’s what we’ll be praying during the ten days of prayer this year, from Thursday, June 2 to Saturday, June 11.

Organizing and encouraging ten days of united prayer is easier with the a prayer guide with simple, relevant prayer points. A prayer guide can help people to pray on their own or gather in churches, at work or at home.

9651003082?profile=originalA surge of momentum has exhausted our supplies of the 16-page, color format of the prayer guide. On our website we have made available a simple black and white version that can be photocopied on two sides of one sheet of paper. We just put it up today, so take a look.

Another way to equip others is to send them an email containing a link that will take them to the prayer points of the day. Find the daily topic in an easy-to-access format on our website.

Please encourage the leadership of your church to use 7 to 8 minutes of your Sunday morning services on June 12 reading through “A Prayer for the World.” This powerful prayer is available in an easily photocopied format, or in powerpoint slides.

For His glory,

Stephanie Tucker
Global Day of Prayer USA



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I'm still here - now what?

6:00 has come and gone, and I'm still here.  Since everyone else seems to be still here as well, I'm not as worried as I might otherwise be.....

In case anyone hasn't heard, today (Saturday, May 21) was supposed to be the Rapture.  Again.  Sadly, many people who bought into this made really bad life decisions.  Many had some hopes dashed, and I wonder what the impact will be on their faith.

All of that said, the coverage given to the whole "end times" mania might actually have some positive effects.  Hopefully some people who weren't thinking about eternity now are thinking about it.

Scripture says that we don't know the day or the hour of Christ's return.  Unfortunately, that seems to translate more often into a sense of distance from that event rather than a sense of urgency.  I wonder how my prayers would be different if I really believed that Christ might return in my lifetime? maybe in the next month?  Would I be praying as much for physical, material needs?  Or would my prayers focus more on preparing spiritually to meet my Lord?  Would my prayers for unsaved friends and family find a sense of urgency that they don't have now?

Dave Butts, in his book Prayer and the End of Days, makes a really good argument here.  The fact that the church today doesn't focus much on the return of Christ may be dulling our sense of urgency.  The early church was mistaken when they believed that Christ would return in their lifetimes - but that thought gave an urgency to their prayers, an urgency to their witnessing and missionary work, that may be missing today. 

I'm not about to go sell my house and quit my job.  God calls us to be wise and Jesus warns us against those who say, "here he is" or "there he is".  But I'm not sad that this non-event occurred.  It has reminded me to pray more fervently, more urgently, and with more of a spiritual focus.

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"I cry out to you, O God, but you do not answer" (Job 30:20 NIV).A Sunday school class wrote letters to missionaries informing them that they were praying for them. One missionary got a letter that read, "Dear Mr. Missionary, we are praying for you, and we don't expect an answer."How many people pray yet don't expect an answer. They feel like Job. "I cry out to you, O God, but you do not answer" (Job 30:20 NIV). They go through life wondering if God will ever answer their prayers. They are not alone.Ask the twelve-year-old who says, "I don't believe in God anymore. Once I prayed for a trip to Disney World, but it never happened." Or, ask the single adult who has prayed for a spouse yet marriage seems as distant as the moon. Or, ask the young couple that has prayed earnestly for children yet remain barren. Or, the businessperson who has prayed for a job yet remains unemployed. Or, the wife who has prayed for her husband's salvation yet he seems farther away from God than ever.Nothing is more baffling than unanswered prayer.Jesus' outrageous promises appear to be part of the problem. He promised, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened" (Luke 11:9-10 NIV). He taught that if "You ask me for anything in my name . . . I will do it" (John 14:14 NIV). Jesus' promises awaken an expectation that our prayers will be answered. This leads to profound disappointment when our prayers go unanswered. In addition, we are told that God is a father who does not deny any good thing from his children. We think we are good and deserving that God will and should answer our prayers.The fact is God does not answer some of our prayers. Some of the reasons we'll never know on this side of eternity. Yet some of the reasons are quite obvious, if only we'll look. Here are a few:1. God did not answer all the prayer of prophets, kings, Christ's disciples; therefore, we should not expect answers to all of our prayers.2. When God does not answer a prayer there is a legitimate reason, but we may never know it in this life.3. Answered prayer is foremost about God's will and not our personal convenience and comforts.4. Answered prayer must fit with God's sovereign purpose and desire.5. When God does not answer our prayer that is no reason to quit praying.6. Answered prayer is always about God's glory, not our personal needs.7. Through unanswered prayer God allows us to feel a significant amount of discontent and dissatisfaction in life-longings that will never be fulfilled on this side of eternity. (We're not completely happy here because we're not supposed to be. Earth is not our final home; we were created for something much better.)8. Some prayers will not be answered on this side of eternity.9. If all our prayers were answered we would not have to depend on God for strength and help.10. Prayer is foremost about relationship not requesting.
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Sacred Reading

We'll continue our study of spiritual disciplines with a study of the disciple of Sacred Reading or as it is also called, Lectio Divina. 


People read for all sorts of different reasons. We read to get information. Students read to learn new material. We read to be entertained. The type of reading that sacred reading emphasizes is really none of these things. It's for an entirely different purpose, one that is explained in this quote by Thomas `a Kempis. "Do not read to satisfy curiosity or to pass the time, but study such things as move your heart to devotion."

Now I don't think there's anything wrong with the other types of reading; they all have their place, but the purpose of sacred reading is to draw our hearts to our Lord. The idea is to come to this reading of a passage of scripture with no other agenda but than to hear what God wants to say to you. This is known as a meditative or devotional reading of the Bible that St. Benedict popularized as part of the Benedictine monks daily routine. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word of God is living and powerful, so we can assume that through His word God can shape us, mold us and change our lives. That's what we hope to see through Lectio Divina.

Choosing a Scripture

When undertaking this type of devotional reading, you want to choose a fairly short ( 4 to 8 verses) portion of scripture. The Psalms are a wonderful place to start, as are any of the Gospels and Ecclesiastes. To begin, you'll want your BIble and a notebook to record your thoughts in. You'll need to find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed so that you can concentrate. Begin by quieting yourself and praying that God will bless this time with Him and that you will hear what He wants to say to you.

Four Steps of Lectio Divina

  1. Read (lectio). Read your portion of scripture listening for the word or phrase that seems to jump out to us. You can write this in your journal if you'd like.
  2. Reflect (meditate). Read the same portion of scripture again and reflect on why we are touched by this word or phrase. Ask yourself, "What is going on in my life that caused those words to jump out to  me?" or "Where do I see myself in this passage?" You may also record this in your journal if you'd like to.
  3. Respond (oratio). Read the passage a third time. Ask yourself "How does God want me to respond to this?" You may pray something back to God. You may be convicted of a sin. You may be called to do something. Again you can journal your response if you'd like to.
  4. Rest (contemplate). Read the passage the final time and then just rest in what you have learned and in God's presence. Resolve to carry this word with you throughout your day.

This is a simple but powerful way for God to change us and mold us into the people He wants us to be. 

Feel free to share if you've ever tried this spiritual discipline or if you plan on it.

Pray on!

(This post is taken from my site at



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On Not Being Mastered by Technology

I’m usually among the last people to embrace any sort of new technology. In the 80s, my husband had to practically pry my old Smith Corona typewriter out of my grasping hands in order to introduce me to—I admit now—the far better world of computer-based word processing. I had no need for email, I protested a few years later—what was wrong with good old fashioned letters? Cell phone? Who needs that? Do I really want to take calls in the restroom, like I’d heard other people doing? I didn’t sign up for a Facebook or Linked-In account until our publisher made it a requirement. And it’s only been in the last 60 days—honestly!—that I’ve tiptoed into the worlds of texting and Skype.

So, how is it that someone as reluctant about technology as I could become semi-addicted to it? I suppose it’s a professional necessity in this information-driven world of ours—but it still scares me a little.

Earlier this year I read Nicholas Carr’s sobering book, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. In it, while acknowledging the many positive benefits of technology, he also points out some extremely negative ones. Chiefly, that technology is changing the way our minds work. Citing numerous studies for his assertions, Carr says that technology causes our attention spans to become shorter. We are becoming less capable of deep reading and deep thinking. We don’t retain information as well as we used to. Creativity suffers, as does our problem-solving ability. Our emotional powers are also diminishing. Technology robs us of the ability to have a calm and attentive mind. And without that, our capacity for empathy and compassion are reduced. But even worse than all of this, Carr suggests that our technology habits are resulting in an actual physiological rewiring of our brains. If we continue in our technology habits, it may be very difficult for us to go back to our old ways of reading, thinking, processing, and remembering. We become more machine-like and less human.

What does this have to do with prayer? Carr’s book is not a “Christian” book. He does not discuss his faith. But he does lament our decreasing capacity for “meditative thought.”
"That doesn’t mean that promoting the rapid discovery and retrieval of information is bad. It’s not. The development of a well-rounded mind requires both an ability to find and quickly parse a wide range of information and a capacity for open-ended reflection. There needs to be time for efficient data collection and time for inefficient contemplation, time to operate the machine and time to sit idly in the garden. We need to work in Google’s “world of numbers,” but we also need to be able to retreat to Sleepy Hollow. The problem today is that we’re losing our ability to strike a balance between those two very different states of mind. Mentally, we’re in perpetual locomotion." (p. 168)
Obviously, technology is not going to go away. Nor do I want it to. After all, I think that Pray Network ( is the best thing since sliced bread. It is also a wonderful thing to be able to pray with and for people around the world in “real time” via Skype, teleconferencing, emails, IM-ing and more. Never has the body of Christ had more potential for connection and mutual support—and we have technology to thank for this.

However, technology, like everything else, is a resource to be stewarded. We use it; it should not use us. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:12, “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”

I want to use technology for God’s Kingdom—but I sure don’t want to be a slave to it! I don’t want it to rewire my brain so I can no longer think deeply, ponder, contemplate, focus, and dream God-given dreams.

So what to do? I’m still reflecting on this, but for starters, I’ve scheduled a personal prayer retreat next week during which I’ll unplug for 24 hours. (Or at least I’ll try!) For the last month of so I have been setting aside regular time on Sundays for extended conversation with God (And I’ll do this with my computer shut down. Believe it or not, I used to allow the familiar “You’ve got mail” bing on my computer interrupt prayer times. I’m embarrassed to admit that, but I did!) I’m disciplining myself not to give in to every urge to click on all those enticing links that flit across my computer screen. And I’m making myself take breaks from the computer to take a walk or spend time with a friend or read an old-fashioned paper-and-ink book. We’ll see how it goes—hopefully these small steps will help me to stay engaged with the world while maintaining spiritual and emotional depth—and healthy brain cells.

I’d love to hear from you: How does technology affect your prayer life? Share your experiences with me—both positive and negative—by writing to commenting on this blog..

(This blog originally appeared as an article in Pray! Online News. For your free subscription to Pray! Online News, go to:
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The Birthing of a Teen Intercessor

Recently, I was at a meeting with a team of us who will be headed to Costa Rica for a mission trip this summer and we were all sharing our testimonies.  Kyndell is a beautiful, sweet spirited, young woman who told us about how she grew up in a Christian home and how she thinks she's probably weird because she prays about everything and for everyone.  She teared up as she spoke and you could sense the passion within her.  She went on to say that she was hoping that the mission trip would help her to identify God's purpose for her life.  I couldn't help but smile at the gift of intercession that I see in her.  That little experience made me think about the importance of calling forth and nurturing the gifts that we see in those around us--especially in our young people.  I for one will be lifting up this young women in prayer and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better on our mission trip.


I remember an older woman in my church when I was a teenager who took a special interest in me after I made my profession of faith.  She gave me a cross necklace and promised to pray for me.  I can't tell you how much that meant to me--especially since I did not have parents or any family members who were Christians.


How about you, is there a teen that you can encourage, bless, and help bring forth the giftings that God has placed in them?

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Using Prayer as a Witnessing Tool


So often, when friends in our faith community tell us of a personal need, we respond by saying, "I'll pray for you." Are we as quick to use that response in the marketplace? What would happen if we did just that in our daily lives at work and in our neighborhoods? What if we said, "I'll pray for you," and really prayed and then followed up with a concerned question about how it's going? Based on what I've seen, it would give us more and better opportunities to share the gospel with others. >>>

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Dear HPN pray-ers,
Welcome to summer! It’s time for blockbuster films to be released, reruns to start on TV, and for the networks gear up for the new fall season. Let’s pray for the producers, creators, programmers, and distributors of these new films as the nation goes to the movie theatres this summer.

• Join us on Facebook!
• Keep praying for Justin Bieber and Pattie Mallette as they tour the world
• Praise God for all of the National Day of Prayer gatherings on May 5th
• Billy Ray Cyrus withdrew his divorce papers from wife Tish
• Thousands are becoming Christians because of the Bethany Hamilton story
• HPN is joining a national movement of prayer every night for one minute
• Pray for upcoming summer movies, the people involved, and the audiences
•  As kids are spending their summer at the movies, let’s encourage them to pray
• Let’s pray for Johnny Depp and his heart as Pirates of the Caribbean opens
• Pray for the new leadership at MTV Networks and Viacom
• Ryan Seacrest has been listed as the fifth most influential man on Twitter
• Pray for God to use the people working in the world of media and technology
• Let’s pray for the inter-net to be available to anyone seeking truth
• Pray for The Waltons actress Mary McDonough
• How to vote for the films we like at the Box Office
• We are changing our facebook presence to the Hollywood Prayer Network Fan Page!  Please click on the link and "like" us.  Our other facebook presence will be deleted (HPN Net and our group pages) so don't forget to join our fan page!
• Keep praying for Justin Bieber and Pattie Mallette as they tour the world with Justin’s show. He has been getting some rough press and we want to ask the Lord to give them wisdom, strength, favor and a deeper love for Him, regardless of their circumstances. As for prayer, our motto is: Never Give Up, Never SurrenderCheck out more details and see a new video from Pattie!


• There were National Day of Prayer gatherings all over the country on May 5th and a few of them were led by HPN members and industry professionals.  HPN’s Minneapolis member, Marcy Grams prayed for the Media in Minnesota, Our Atlanta HPN Local Chapter Director, Cassandra Hollis not only prayed for the media this year at their State Capitol, but she and the whole HPN Chapter have already been invited to pray next year at the City of Roswell, GA gathering. And our local Hollywood/LA event at Bel Air Presbyterian Church was awesome. One of our prayer leaders was Pat Boone, who served on the committee to get the National Day of Prayer recognized as a national holiday, in the 1980s. There were reports from all over the country that our nation was praying and celebrating!
• In March, Billy Ray Cyrus withdrew his divorce papers in an attempt to reconcile with is wife, Tish. Let’s praise God that they are now committed to making it work and ask Him to give them strength, wisdom and a renewed love for one another. We praise God for protecting marriages and we ask that Billy Ray, Tish and Miley Cyrus will grow in their love and support for one another and in their love for the Lord.

• The people involved in the Bethany Hamilton story are praising God for the great response to the message of their film Soul Surfer. They’ve offered people a chance to learn more about God on the website: and there have been almost 100,000 visitors since April 1st. Over 10,000 people have indicated decisions for Christ. Praise God that Bethany’s story can lead others to know God.
• HPN is seeing an answer to our prayers as more and more people are feeling a desire to pray, to connect with prayer groups and to spend more time with God and talking to Him. We are excited to learn about a new movement of prayer in our country where we have been asked to stop whatever we’re doing and spend one minute every evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, (8:00 PM Central) (7:00 PM Mountain) (6:00 PM Pacific) and pray for our country. As HPN members, let’s especially pray for the arts/entertainment/media professionals. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have. If you want to join the growing number of “one minute pray-ers” every evening, just set your clocks and pray for a minute!
• Pray for the upcoming summer movies, the people involved in them and for the audiences going to see them. May we all seek God’s wisdom in the creation of, participation in and viewing of entertainment. For the list of summer films (which start coming out this Memorial Day Week-end) click HERE.
• As kids are spending their summer at the movies, let’s encourage them to pray for the stars they’re paying to see. Let’s also challenge children and youth pastors and parents to uphold these prayers as a priority. Print out HPN’s monthly KIDS and TEENS prayer calendars and even pray for these people as a family. Click HERE.
• As Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides opens on May 20th, let’s pray for Johnny Depp and his heart. He is one of the most popular actors across the globe and yet we want to see him focus on his spiritual journey and his relationship with God. May he fall madly in love with his Creator and author of his faith. For more info on Johnny click HERE to our HPN Target Redemption page giving you more insight into the man.
• Pray for the new leadership at MTV Networks, since Judy McGrath is stepping down as the chairman and CEO and no successor has been named yet. MTV is run by it’s parent company, Viacom Inc. Let’s ask the Lord to guide the decision-makers so that they will select a person chosen by the Lord; a person of integrity, creativity and honesty and maybe even faith! Viacom, which owns MTV Networks, is a powerful global media company, which touches the whole world.
• Ryan Seacrest has been listed as the fifth most influential man on Twitter by the New York Times. He is both an on-screen phenomena and a successful behind the scenes producer of Reality shows, such as The Kardashians. Please pray that God will send Ryan some solid Christian friends, and that He will lead Ryan into a place of trusting Him for all of his decisions.
• Pray for God to use the people working in the world of media and technology to use it for the good of man and for God’s glory. It’s a medium to ask questions, to teach and to inform, not to give answers. There are an unlimited number of ways that films, TV shows, music, the inter-net and even video games can help people, inspire them and give them hope. The product doesn’t have to be labeled “Christian,” just like a sunset doesn’t have a Bible verse at the bottom of it. As C.S. Lewis said, ”We don’t need more Christian writers, we need more writers who are Christian.”
• Let’s pray for the inter-net to be available to anyone seeking truth. One creative use of technology that HPN was introduced to is Bible Glo. This is a site that allows visitors who want to become more familiar with the Bible in a practical way to explore. They are creatively able to go through the Bible electronically by topic, geography, or any way they may desire. Check out our friend's new website to look at the Bible in a new way:


• “I have been praying for The Waltons actress Mary McDonough since I started reading her book. She's been beaten up, kind of the same way I was, where GOD is concerned, as well as struggling with her self-image. I see someone like I was, who is searching for answers but only being misled. As she searches for love and guidance in the metaphysical instead of Jesus, I feel her pain and know GOD wants to use her in such an amazing way! He wants to hold her in His arms and love on her to make up for the mistreatment of the past.” Jody      Let’s pray for Mary McDonough.
• As we get into the Summer blockbuster season, let’s pray for the film viewers,  specifically that they will not support mass boycotts, which just make more people want to go to the controversial movies. Instead pray that they would use wisdom to personally choose what they will and will not watch.  This will impact the box office in a real way and not cause unnecessary hype over controversial films that could otherwise just disappear unnoticed. For more insight into the issue read Chuck Hayes article.
• Are you connected with one of our Local Chapters? If not, check out our list of 57 national and international HPN Local Chapters HERE.
• Great events and gatherings are always happening in Hollywood for the Christian community. Check them out HERE.
• Women:  Take a short term missions trip in September and it will change your life!  Click HERE to see how you can serve some of the AIDS orphans in Kenya through Discover The World ministries.May_Flower_copy_0.jpg
Thanks so much for praying with us. Have a wonderful Memorial Day, be sure to get your friends and family to pray for the entertainment industry, and we’ll be back in June.
In Him,
Karen and Caren
Could it be that people actually want to see movies of tragedy, doom and gloom more than movies with happy endings? Check out this article and comment with your thoughts about this issue.

“There are many things that are essential to arriving at true peace of mind, and one of the most important is faith, which cannot be acquired without prayer.”    John Wooden
     For more quotes from Coach John Wooden, click HERE.
VERSE OF THE MONTH (For industry Christian professionals):
 "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring." 2 Thessalonians 1:3 - 4

A REMINDER:  Sign up with your Ralphs Card to donate money to HPN and you'll get up to 4% of your grocery bills back!  Click HERE to find out how to support HPN and get ahead!

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Home base, Linkoping, Sweden

Home base, Linkoping, Sweden:I have read through prayer diaries for the first 10 of our 30 years in prayer ministry, to help focusing for the future. The prophetic dimension is clearly discerned to be a distinct feature from the very beginning. We were also engaged for the intercession for nations during the initial stages – and have continued to be involved in efforts of this category during all these years.As we look forward, we are invited to take part in prayer warfare with churches at their particular Ground Zero – at the point of defeat and bitterness, at the point where the enemy celebrates his victories.We are also enrolled to engage in the building of house churches as points of beginning where the testimony has been reduced to rubble. Our own Ground Zero, in our own city, is a major target in this effort.The concept of the Solemn Assembly will become a major tool in these efforts. The revival at hand will find an open door where the Church gathers for extra-ordinary prayer according to 1 Tim 2:8.Please, cover our efforts in prayer – may efforts of this kind become our common efforts. Watch in prayer for your own Ground Zero and wait for the Lord to guide you to engage in prayer and prayer warfare for his cities, his people and his nations.Lars W.
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Great prayers in small gatherings

9651004497?profile=originalFor years, the Global Day of Prayer has been becoming greater and smaller all at the same time. Around the world the gatherings have been smaller, but, in fact, there are many more of them.

There are still numerous major-size meetings underway. But many gatherings are planning to have two or three churches come together on June 12, 2011, Pentecost Sunday evening in one of the church buildings.

What I’m thrilled to see is how many churches will be using “A Prayer for the World” during the Sunday services on Pentecost.

Please check the updated Global Day of Prayer USA website at

Are you new to the Global Day of Prayer? Learn more here:

Yours in hope,

Steve Hawthorne, Director

PS We still have a good supply of printed Ten-Day Prayer Guides. But we are pretty sure that we will run out before the ten days begin on June 2. Order soon at or call (512) 419-7729.




Global Day of Prayer USA
PO Box 203131, Austin, TX 78720


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There I will meet. . . # 03

There I will meet with youEx 29:42-43A gathering of the interceding Church for the purpose of unreserved commitment and explicit agreement. . .03.The Holy One of Israel – a name of honour, a name borne by God, borne by him who reveals himself. The revealing begins by the name itself, a singular statement about his identity, his nature and his choice. It is a distinct marker of his intent – he chooses a people and a place for communion. He chooses the least, chooses that which is the weakest, even that which is despised for the purpose of revelation – indeed an extra-ordinary setting, indeed holy ground. In a tent, among a people brought forth from among nations, he chooses to call himself by name – the Holy One.The continuation of this revelation of holiness and communion is set before us, even today, in the call to efforts at an extra-ordinary level of attention and alertness in an atmosphere of fellowship and concord under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Israel of today, Jew and gentile, will be arranged by the same foundational principles and arrayed by the same beauty of holiness as the people of old.The continuation of the revelation of God will take place among a people who has a desire for communion – like the church of the first days, gathering in homes, arranged by the Spirit of holiness in house fellowships. The continuation of the revelation of the beauty of holiness will take place in settings in which togetherness in righteousness is a main feature. The tent is the place of communion. That which is small and despised is still, even today, the choice of the Lord. In it he fosters a people for his praise – and for his returning to Zion.The tent, the tabernacle of Israel declared the presence of that which is holy. The priests were constantly occupied with a holy sacrificial service before the Lord. The three parts of the tabernacle were marked as levels of increasing holiness. Parallels may immediately be found in the fellowship of the first church, as it was led to an ever increasing measure of godliness under the instructions and guidance of the Holy Spirit. There is yet a tempering of the tent to be expected among the people of God, to be received and apprehended in the Consensus Church – expressed in house church settings, among those who are waiting for the Redeemer to come to Zion.The tabernacle is a call to holiness. The tabernacle is an invitation to communion. The church is once again called to extra-ordinary efforts in the realm of godliness. The tabernacle stands in our midst as a setting apart for a unified and unreserved commitment unto holiness. God pitches his tent in our midst as a foretaste of his coming and his rule. The tabernacle is defined among us by explicit agreements for the sake of extra-ordinary prayer for the displaying of the glory of God in these last days. . .Lars WiderbergObjective:A calling forth, a bringing together of godly men and women everywhere, for the sake of unreserved commitment and explicit agreement in prayer and intercession, in preparation for a solid testimony of the Lord. 1 Tim 2:8, Matt 18:19-20.What is your role in relation to such a call? What is your response to such a call? Would you give yourself to prayer for the mobilization of such a fellowship, given to the working out of explicit agreements concerning time spent, goals defined and devotion refined?An explicit agreement aiming at:A recovering of the apostolic patterns for church fellowship and spiritual growth.A recovering of the glory of God among his people.A recovering of veracity, authenticity, holiness and godliness.A renewal of the understanding of the sovereign Lordship of Jesus Christ among his people.A renewed waiting before the Lord for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.A new period of intensified efforts in the realm of missions - a sending of workers to the harvest.
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For the NDP our city had it's annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast, which started at 6:30 AM. Since all could not be there, another prayer group gathered at the Wee Care Day Care where several of us prayed for 15 minutes. Then I went home to get a bite of breakfast. The next prayer session I could attend was at Cherry Ave Middle School around the flagpole, where several of us interacted.  The principal was there along with myself, a youth pastor, and one student.  The principal had to leave first to assume his duties in the school, but we prayed for him, Then another student arrived, and another while we were in process.  We passed around a list of needs to intercede for various parts of our community, and then before we finished your fifteen minute session, a faculty member joined our group.  Now the time was 7:45 AM and I was able to go to an 8:00 AM meeting at Tulare Christian School just around the corner, where the principal was a member of the group.  At this meeting were nineteen faculty, students, and myself, all in a circle around the flagpole. During the intervening time between 6:30 and 8:00 AM others were gathered at more than twenty school locations around our city. Then at 12:45 I was able to join a group of faculty members praying at Wilson School.  The final prayer meeting was at the Zumwalt Park in downtown Tulare where members of various churches gathered, but it was much too lightly attended. Part of the reason for this was confusion.  Some had stated the meeting started at 6:00 PM, while others had it at starting at 7:00 PM.  This was a disappointment, but at least prayer was offered in this corner of America by a good number of God's people.
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Care Prayers

Six Prayers To Increase Your Outreach IQ by Steve Sjogren

159064 5896 300x224 Six Prayers To Increase Your Outreach IQ by Steve SjogrenNormally it is thought that one’s IQ is a fairly static number, that it can’t be increased, but not in the case of Outreach IQ. When it comes to outreach you can increase your level of intelligence. It’s a matter of doing some practical things—prayerful things.


Prayer is the lifeblood of all vital outreach. You can pray without doing outreach, but you can’t do outreach without prayer.

You can pray without doing outreach, but you can’t do outreach without prayer.  >>>

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 Do you realy know Jesus, or are you satisfied to know about Him? There is a great difference. If you want to know Him, spend time with Him in prayer and study of His word, the bible.

You will never know Jesus unless you spend some time with Him. Two people could occupy the same cell or live in the same house for years but there would never really know each other if they never communicated. how can we expect to know Jesus if we never talk with Him through prayer and never give Him opportunity to talk with us through the the study of His word, or listen for that "still small voice"

of the Holy Spirit?   

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Intercessors Note

April 2011

Upcoming Events

NW School of Prayer


April 28th - 30th


Pastors Prayer Summit

Menasha, WI

May 9th - 12th


Pastors Prayer Summit

Tokyo, Japan

May 17th - 20th



For more upcoming events please visit our calendar.


Rocky mountain top

Effectiveness of Your Prayers


Thanks for your prayers in the recent past. You deserve at least a couple comments to show the effectiveness of your prayers.


From the Living Prayer Seminar I presented the end of last month. “My eyes have truly been opened to what the Lord expects from me. Thank you so very much for what you do! You are changing lives toward Christ.”


From the most recent Pastors Prayer Summit I facilitated. “The summit served as a compass pointed directly to the love of Christ. The Christ-centeredness of each day from His love on day one through His greatness on the last day instilled in me the necessity to strive for a simple life of looking unto Jesus. It also revealed just how little I know of the unsearchable riches of His gospel. Bottom line – this Prayer Summit took us face to face with Jesus.”


Praise be to His Name! I wish you could read each testimony, but I hope you are encouraged by these quick, short words.

Please  click here to see the summits that have just concluded or are now in process.  


As we look forward there are two “today” needs I would ask you to pray for.


  1. Abide Ministries is offering their School of Prayer here in Vancouver today through Saturday. Please pray for great sensitivity for those who present the Word and for great receptivity for those who hear.
  2. You have heard the news about the 130 or more tornados that ripped through 5 states in the Southeast yesterday devastating cities and killing more than 200 people. Several cities that were hit very hard are “Prayer Summits” cities. I spoke with Kevin Moore from Birmingham this morning. Let’s let his requests be representative of the many cities that were affected:
  • Pray for the victims - Father, please give those in need hope and healing. May they know Your presence and care in every way. Grant healing and protection for those who are wounded and in need.
  • Pray for first responders - Lord, provide protection and wisdom to those police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel who are rescuing those in trauma.
  • Pray for those who are caring for victims - God, grant wisdom, strength and compassion to medical professionals and counselors who are caring for the injured and the ones who have suffered loss.
  • Pray for the Church - God, empower Your Church with the capacity to love like Jesus and effectively care for the hurting. Open doors to share the Gospel with those affected by this tragic moment.


Next Thursday, May 5th, is the 69th National Day of Prayer. We would ask that much effective prayer would take place on that day and that God’s mercy would be more manifest because of it. We would encourage you to participate in the events in your city. If you don’t know of one, it is not too late to gather some pray-ers together and have your own day of prayer event.


I would also ask that you would pray as I facilitate the upcoming Whatcom Co (NW Washington State) Summit May 23-25 and a congregational summit for Northview Church, Abbotsford, BC. Pray specifically that God would draw those who should be at these summits. 


Thanks again for your prayer support!


Please don't forget to click here to let me know you are praying for us.  (This will take you to a page thanking you for your prayers and we will be able to see who clicked on this link).


 dennis signature 2

Dennis Fuqua

International Renewal Ministries


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April 2011

Impact News Header

Abide Ministries School of Prayer Portland/Vancouver April 28 - 30

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Visit Abide Ministries website to register or for more infomration.

Upcoming Prayer Summits/Events

praying-hands1 2


 Pastors Prayer Summit

April 25 - 27

Cedar Rapids, IA


Teaching on

Coporate Prayer at

Western Seminary

April 26

Portland, OR


NW School of Prayer

April 28 - 30



For a more complete list of both upcoming and past Prayer Summits/Events please see the Calendar on our website.

Prayer Summit "Virtual Tour" 

I have often thought that I would love to take each of you to a Prayer Summit with me. Well, this month, you can do a “virtual tour” of a summit. One of the men at the Tucson Pastors Prayer Summit, which took place last month, is very gifted in print media. He compiled his pictures of the summit and put them on line. It is more than just pictures, it tells a bit of the story of what God did there. You may view it by clicking here.  And, I have sometimes shared a few testimonies with you from the summits, but this time I want you to be able to see many testimonies from the recently completed Rhode Island Pastors Prayer Summit. Rejoice with me and praise Jesus for what He did in these two settings.

Facilitating Corporate Prayer

(Part 4)


Proclaiming His Names


As we encourage people to exalt God, pray His will, and express praise to Him through corporate prayer, having a time when we pray based upon the names and titles of Jesus from Scripture has taken us down some wonderful paths. After singing a song that exalts the name of Jesus – something older like “Praise the Name of Jesus” or “There’s Just Something About that Name” – or something newer like Matt Redman’s “Blessed be the Name of the Lord” – it is very natural to introduce a time of praying back to God some of the ways He is revealed in Scripture.


I have introduced times like this be saying something like, “We know that the name Yahweh means ‘I AM!’ He loves it when we as His followers proclaim His name to one another and to Him. We can do that by simply agreeing with Him, and say, ‘Yes, You are…!’. So, it seems it may be good to worship Him by responding to Him being the ‘I AM’ by saying, ‘Jesus, You are…’ and then you fill it in from there.”


People will begin saying, “Jesus You are the Light of the World.” “Jesus You are the Bread of Life.” I have found people often catch on to this quickly and easily. Encourage them to pray brief prayers but they can pray as often as they would like. In fact, you may want to or need to ask people to “Selah” between the names so people have some time to let each name sink into their hearts and souls.


Another step beyond just proclaiming His names can be to encourage people to think about the significance of each of the names they are proclaiming and to add that to their prayers by making the first words of their prayer, “Jesus, because…” and then pray what it is about Him they appreciate. So, perhaps someone would pray, “Jesus, because You are the Light of the World, I can now see things that I never saw before.” Or, “Jesus, because You are the Bread of Life, I look forward to both the aroma and the sustenance You give each day.”


I have had the privilege of praying like this in many groups. When it is done in response to His prompting, it has always been a good and rich time of fellowship. But as I have just re-read what I have written, I want to acknowledge that this sounds way to “wooden” or “stiff” compared to how it flows in real life. So, please be sensitive to His Spirit if you proceed with this. Let Him be The One to lead you and your thinking as you move in this direction. Perhaps we could say that what I have given you here may, at best, be the score of music the Lord may want played, but the facilitator is the one who interprets that score and brings it to life.


Intercessors' Note

First of all, I would encourage you to check the IRM events calendar and pray (what I call) Phil 1:6 prayers for those who have recently been to an IRM event. “Father, since You began a good work at this summit, please complete the things you began!"


We are in the annual “Easter Slow Down” for IRM events. There are some, but not many Prayer Summits scheduled close to Easter. But there are many things we can pray about. Please pray for the following...

  • the many people who will hear the Good News of Jesus during Easter Week – through messages heard at Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise, and Easter morning Services. Please pray for each person who presents the Gospel and each person who hears, that they would respond to the best news ever.
  • the upcoming School of Prayer facilitated by Abide Ministries, in Vancouver, WA. April 28-30.
  • the National Day of Prayer events that will be taking place throughout the Nation on Thursday, May 5th.

Thanks, and may you be caught up again in the wonder of the Cross and Resurrection!  And thank you for your prayers.  If you click here I will know that you have taken these requests before the Throne. (This will take you to a page thanking you for your prayers and we will be able to see who clicked on this link)

Many blessings,

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International Renewal Ministries
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Suite 201
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