Welcome to summer! It’s time for blockbuster films to be released, reruns to start on TV, and for the networks gear up for the new fall season. Let’s pray for the producers, creators, programmers, and distributors of these new films as the nation goes to the movie theatres this summer.

• Join us on Facebook!
• Keep praying for Justin Bieber and Pattie Mallette as they tour the world
• Praise God for all of the National Day of Prayer gatherings on May 5th
• Billy Ray Cyrus withdrew his divorce papers from wife Tish
• Thousands are becoming Christians because of the Bethany Hamilton story
• HPN is joining a national movement of prayer every night for one minute
• Pray for upcoming summer movies, the people involved, and the audiences
• As kids are spending their summer at the movies, let’s encourage them to pray
• Let’s pray for Johnny Depp and his heart as Pirates of the Caribbean opens
• Pray for the new leadership at MTV Networks and Viacom
• Ryan Seacrest has been listed as the fifth most influential man on Twitter
• Pray for God to use the people working in the world of media and technology
• Let’s pray for the inter-net to be available to anyone seeking truth
• Pray for The Waltons actress Mary McDonough
• How to vote for the films we like at the Box Office
• We are changing our facebook presence to the Hollywood Prayer Network Fan Page! Please click on the link and "like" us. Our other facebook presence will be deleted (HPN Net and our group pages) so don't forget to join our fan page!
• Keep praying for Justin Bieber and Pattie Mallette as they tour the world with Justin’s show. He has been getting some rough press and we want to ask the Lord to give them wisdom, strength, favor and a deeper love for Him, regardless of their circumstances. As for prayer, our motto is: Never Give Up, Never Surrender! Check out more details and see a new video from Pattie!
• There were National Day of Prayer gatherings all over the country on May 5th and a few of them were led by HPN members and industry professionals. HPN’s Minneapolis member, Marcy Grams prayed for the Media in Minnesota, Our Atlanta HPN Local Chapter Director, Cassandra Hollis not only prayed for the media this year at their State Capitol, but she and the whole HPN Chapter have already been invited to pray next year at the City of Roswell, GA gathering. And our local Hollywood/LA event at Bel Air Presbyterian Church was awesome. One of our prayer leaders was Pat Boone, who served on the committee to get the National Day of Prayer recognized as a national holiday, in the 1980s. There were reports from all over the country that our nation was praying and celebrating!

• In March, Billy Ray Cyrus withdrew his divorce papers in an attempt to reconcile with is wife, Tish. Let’s praise God that they are now committed to making it work and ask Him to give them strength, wisdom and a renewed love for one another. We praise God for protecting marriages and we ask that Billy Ray, Tish and Miley Cyrus will grow in their love and support for one another and in their love for the Lord.
• The people involved in the Bethany Hamilton story are praising God for the great response to the message of their film Soul Surfer. They’ve offered people a chance to learn more about God on the website: soulsurfer.com and there have been almost 100,000 visitors since April 1st. Over 10,000 people have indicated decisions for Christ. Praise God that Bethany’s story can lead others to know God.
• The people involved in the Bethany Hamilton story are praising God for the great response to the message of their film Soul Surfer. They’ve offered people a chance to learn more about God on the website: soulsurfer.com and there have been almost 100,000 visitors since April 1st. Over 10,000 people have indicated decisions for Christ. Praise God that Bethany’s story can lead others to know God.
• HPN is seeing an answer to our prayers as more and more people are feeling a desire to pray, to connect with prayer groups and to spend more time with God and talking to Him. We are excited to learn about a new movement of prayer in our country where we have been asked to stop whatever we’re doing and spend one minute every evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, (8:00 PM Central) (7:00 PM Mountain) (6:00 PM Pacific) and pray for our country. As HPN members, let’s especially pray for the arts/entertainment/media professionals. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have. If you want to join the growing number of “one minute pray-ers” every evening, just set your clocks and pray for a minute!
• Pray for the upcoming summer movies, the people involved in them and for the audiences going to see them. May we all seek God’s wisdom in the creation of, participation in and viewing of entertainment. For the list of summer films (which start coming out this Memorial Day Week-end) click HERE.
• As kids are spending their summer at the movies, let’s encourage them to pray for the stars they’re paying to see. Let’s also challenge children and youth pastors and parents to uphold these prayers as a priority. Print out HPN’s monthly KIDS and TEENS prayer calendars and even pray for these people as a family. Click HERE.

• As Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides opens on May 20th, let’s pray for Johnny Depp and his heart. He is one of the most popular actors across the globe and yet we want to see him focus on his spiritual journey and his relationship with God. May he fall madly in love with his Creator and author of his faith. For more info on Johnny click HERE to our HPN Target Redemption page giving you more insight into the man.
• Pray for the new leadership at MTV Networks, since Judy McGrath is stepping down as the chairman and CEO and no successor has been named yet. MTV is run by it’s parent company, Viacom Inc. Let’s ask the Lord to guide the decision-makers so that they will select a person chosen by the Lord; a person of integrity, creativity and honesty and maybe even faith! Viacom, which owns MTV Networks, is a powerful global media company, which touches the whole world.
• Ryan Seacrest has been listed as the fifth most influential man on Twitter by the New York Times. He is both an on-screen phenomena and a successful behind the scenes producer of Reality shows, such as The Kardashians. Please pray that God will send Ryan some solid Christian friends, and that He will lead Ryan into a place of trusting Him for all of his decisions. http://ryanseacrest.com/2011/03/28/ryan-seacrest-named-5th-most-influential-person-on-twitter-by-n-y-times/
• Pray for God to use the people working in the world of media and technology to use it for the good of man and for God’s glory. It’s a medium to ask questions, to teach and to inform, not to give answers. There are an unlimited number of ways that films, TV shows, music, the inter-net and even video games can help people, inspire them and give them hope. The product doesn’t have to be labeled “Christian,” just like a sunset doesn’t have a Bible verse at the bottom of it. As C.S. Lewis said, ”We don’t need more Christian writers, we need more writers who are Christian.”
• Let’s pray for the inter-net to be available to anyone seeking truth. One creative use of technology that HPN was introduced to is Bible Glo. This is a site that allows visitors who want to become more familiar with the Bible in a practical way to explore. They are creatively able to go through the Bible electronically by topic, geography, or any way they may desire. Check out our friend's new website to look at the Bible in a new way: http://globible.com/aninteractivebible/
• “I have been praying for The Waltons actress Mary McDonough since I started reading her book. She's been beaten up, kind of the same way I was, where GOD is concerned, as well as struggling with her self-image. I see someone like I was, who is searching for answers but only being misled. As she searches for love and guidance in the metaphysical instead of Jesus, I feel her pain and know GOD wants to use her in such an amazing way! He wants to hold her in His arms and love on her to make up for the mistreatment of the past.” Jody Let’s pray for Mary McDonough.

• As we get into the Summer blockbuster season, let’s pray for the film viewers, specifically that they will not support mass boycotts, which just make more people want to go to the controversial movies. Instead pray that they would use wisdom to personally choose what they will and will not watch. This will impact the box office in a real way and not cause unnecessary hype over controversial films that could otherwise just disappear unnoticed. For more insight into the issue read Chuck Hayes article.
• Are you connected with one of our Local Chapters? If not, check out our list of 57 national and international HPN Local Chapters HERE.
• Great events and gatherings are always happening in Hollywood for the Christian community. Check them out HERE.
• Women: Take a short term missions trip in September and it will change your life! Click HERE to see how you can serve some of the AIDS orphans in Kenya through Discover The World ministries.

Thanks so much for praying with us. Have a wonderful Memorial Day, be sure to get your friends and family to pray for the entertainment industry, and we’ll be back in June.
In Him,
Karen and Caren
Could it be that people actually want to see movies of tragedy, doom and gloom more than movies with happy endings? Check out this article and comment with your thoughts about this issue.
“There are many things that are essential to arriving at true peace of mind, and one of the most important is faith, which cannot be acquired without prayer.” John Wooden
For more quotes from Coach John Wooden, click HERE.
“There are many things that are essential to arriving at true peace of mind, and one of the most important is faith, which cannot be acquired without prayer.” John Wooden
For more quotes from Coach John Wooden, click HERE.
VERSE OF THE MONTH (For industry Christian professionals):
"We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring." 2 Thessalonians 1:3 - 4
A REMINDER: Sign up with your Ralphs Card to donate money to HPN and you'll get up to 4% of your grocery bills back! Click HERE to find out how to support HPN and get ahead!
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