For the NDP our city had it's annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast, which started at 6:30 AM. Since all could not be there, another prayer group gathered at the Wee Care Day Care where several of us prayed for 15 minutes. Then I went home to get a bite of breakfast. The next prayer session I could attend was at Cherry Ave Middle School around the flagpole, where several of us interacted.  The principal was there along with myself, a youth pastor, and one student.  The principal had to leave first to assume his duties in the school, but we prayed for him, Then another student arrived, and another while we were in process.  We passed around a list of needs to intercede for various parts of our community, and then before we finished your fifteen minute session, a faculty member joined our group.  Now the time was 7:45 AM and I was able to go to an 8:00 AM meeting at Tulare Christian School just around the corner, where the principal was a member of the group.  At this meeting were nineteen faculty, students, and myself, all in a circle around the flagpole. During the intervening time between 6:30 and 8:00 AM others were gathered at more than twenty school locations around our city. Then at 12:45 I was able to join a group of faculty members praying at Wilson School.  The final prayer meeting was at the Zumwalt Park in downtown Tulare where members of various churches gathered, but it was much too lightly attended. Part of the reason for this was confusion.  Some had stated the meeting started at 6:00 PM, while others had it at starting at 7:00 PM.  This was a disappointment, but at least prayer was offered in this corner of America by a good number of God's people.
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