- for the Spirit of God to move on the hearts of men and women so that they will be able to see how God is grieved and how their lives are being destroyed by sin.
- for the Spirit of God to empower people to abandon patterns of sin and find grace to renounce allegiance to powers of darkness.
- for recognition of and repentance from sins that bring about war, poverty and injustice.
Scripture: Read Joel 2:18-22: A Call to HOPE
"Then the LORD will be jealous...and take pity on His people...Be not afraid...be glad and rejoice. Surely the LORD has done great things." (vs. 18, 21)
We can be zealous to repent because God is so jealous for His name and for His people. Because of God's great love, our repenting should be bold and fearless. Our God will contend with the forces that devastate our communities. As great as the evil may be, God will do even greater things. Such hope brings joy as we sincerely turn to God, knowing that He desires to bring great goodness throughout the earth, transforming our cities, restoring our economies and healing our lands.*
*Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet
For His Glory,
Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer
Use the Prayer for the World in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.